🤗36) mehndi...🤗

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Walking down the halls meerubs bright red mehndi adorned hands clutched tight at her heavy dress to hold it up and off the tiled floor...
Her brows knotted together as her heart pounded a bit faster and louder then usual in both anticipation and the fear of getting caught...

Tho with a small huff escaping her lips meerub made her way out to the patio, pushing open the door as her expression softened when her gaze fell upon murtasim who stood leaning back onto one of the pillars, his face adorned with a soft smile as his gaze fixted down to his hand where he twirled between his fingers a small fallen flower, one of the many that were wrapped loosely around the big pillars surrounding the area...

Her heart sped up as meerubs gaze felt stuck on him just then, tho taking a gulp and regaining her senses she shook her head while walking down to where he stood with a small, annoyed pout playing over her lips to conceal her smile...

Meerub: Murtasim!
She called out softly, her tone laced with both annoyance, urgency and a tinge of that playfulness and anticipation shining through that murtasim seemed to notice as his gaze fluttered over to her with his smile growing wide and eyes turning dark...

Meerub: Kiu bulaya hai? Murtasim Itney mehmaan ay hui hain!
She went on in one breath, coming to stand infront of him her hands still clutched at her dress, her brows furrowed together while murtasim seemed to freeze not at all catching what she was saying at the moment as he took a deep breath while his gaze slowly explored her from top to bottem in awe...

Meerub: murtasim agar koi agaya ya kissi ne dekh lia tou hu-
Meerub went on to blabber her thoughts in the same breath when she suddanly got cut off, caught in surprise when murtasim took a deep breath before he suddenly took a step closer, dropping the small flower he once held down somewhere, his arms encircled her waist in a swift motion as meerub felt her legs go week...

Not wasting a moment he took a step closer as she instinctively took one back, pinning her form against the pillar as meerubs breath hitched, her pulse coming to a stop before it took of in a thudding beat... her hands frozen, pressed up against his chest as her eyes grew wide processing what just took place, breaths coming in harsh a suddan, soft gasp spilled from meerubs lips as he swiftly inched dangerously closer, pressing his lips up to hers gently almost...

Her eyes grew wide and heart thudded loud before her frantic mind finally took in what was happening... breathing ragged meerubs eyes hooded feeling the softness of his lips pressed up firmly to hers contrasting with the roughness of his trimmed beard scratching her skin oh so slightly... meerubs stomach churned hard as she took a soft breath against his lips whist he moved them over hers tranquilizingly slow, breaths mingled as their lips moved in a slow, synchronized dance atop eachothers...

Gently, shyly yet passionately he took the soft kiss further parting his lips and taking her bottem one between his, caressing it softly a hum left meerubs lips feeling the warm, wet sensation as he slid his tongue over her plump, pink painted lips, tracing the curve slowly meerub gasped against his lips feeling her mind come to a stop and heart fully pound hard against his hard chest...

Her hands instinctively trailed a path up from his chest to his bright yellow scarf, clutching the soft fabric beneath her fingers tight in attempts to pull him closer as he hummed softly against her... meerubs hands continued tracing the soft path until finally they reached his jaw, her fingertips brushed the roughness softly before venturing further to cup his cheeks, tilting his face to the side to deepen the kiss as murtasim obliged...

The world around felt fadded out with just the soft hums of music and songs almost nonexistent in the background as the only thing important was the kiss that made both their hearts swell...
Their hearts seemed to echo together as meerubs thumb brushed across his cheek softly, a sigh left her lips as his teeth nipped her bottem lip softly eliciting a shiver to run through her...
The soft caress filled with hums and sighs from both of them came to a soft break as meerub pulled away slowly for breath, her lip leaving his in a soft pop as she breathed harsh to catch her breath...

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