😆29) game on murtu!😆

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Running through the halls to reach the living room, Meerubs legs shook under her as her face flushed bright red, her heart thudding hard as a wave of embarrassment washed over her in shivers realizing what she had just manged to do...

Ya Allah... mainey yeh kar kaisey dia???

She thought, her eyes darting across the floor in realization... The meerub who nearly fainted the first time he even came near her... kissed him first! She made the first move Completely confusing him and herself... tho aside from the realization hitting her, a wide grin played over her lips followed by a giggle as her mind played out the scene once again, his frazzled dumbfounded look as he was barely able to breathe made her giggle hard at her own act and his reaction...

Theek hai phir... game on murtu! Allah mera yeh plan kamyab karey!

The halls echoing with her soft giggles as she bit her lip hard before rushing over towerds the living room...
The large area filled with a sense of comfort along with the tense situation of everyone's minds fixed on the match that still played on the tv, as meerub walked in slowly luckily no one seemed to notice her flushed red face along with that cheeky smile playing on her face...

With slow steps she took her seat, with slightly shaky hands reaching forward to grab her teacup she had left behind as she took a small sip... the aroma bright and colorful with the laughter and occasional conversation of the match as meerub felt her heart start to relax as a wide smile creeped up her lips...
When suddanly, amongst the slight chatter slow footsteps brought meerubs gaze shooting over to the door as her eyes slightly widened...

Her gaze seeming stuck as with slow steps murtasim entered the room, his face slightly flushed as he still seemed to be processing the event that just took place, his gaze finding hers as meerub quickly averted her gaze with a cheeky smile, casually taking a sip of her tea as if she was completely unaffected...

While murtasims gaze still burned her to the core as his eyes hooded, his heart still slightly thumping from that kiss as his the corner of his lips tugged to a soft smirk, tho maa begams blazing tone broke his daze as his wide eyes darted to her...

Maa begam: Beta hogai baat?
She spoke with a smile, looking towerds him as murtasims eyes grew slightly wide...
His mind processing her words as he frantically started with a sheepish smile...
Murtasim: Hain? Uh j-ji ji!
He stuttered with an awkward smile as meerub completely turned her body away from him, putting her full attention towerds the tv.

Anwar: Tou beta kya kharey rehney ka hi iraada hai? Beth jao!
He teased with a laugh, seeing the way murtasim stayed awkwardly standing as his brows shot up at the words...
Murtasim: J-ji...
He fumbled sitting down at the couch, his gaze still flickering up to meerub as she payed no attention other then casually sipping on her tea...
Mariam: Bhai kya chai bahir hi chor aye?
She spoke with a raise of the brows as her attention went to murtasim who walked in without the tea meerub went to give him, a bit confusing since he obviously couldn't of finished the tea so fast...

Murtasim: Chai...?
He asked in confusion, his mind too crowded with frantic thoughts to remember about the tea he had placed down somewhere in the patio...
Arsal: Jo chai aap bahir le ke gaye they...
He spoke furrowing his brows at murtasims frantic state as his eyes grew wide, his mind catching up with the thought of the tea as he started...
Murtasim: Oh h-han! Wo main bahir bhool gaya...
He said softly with knotted brows as meerubs eyes gleamed with mischief from a thought...

Meerub: Main le aati hu!
She spoke up without missing a beat, her eyes glimmering as her lips curled to a soft, cheeky smile...
Quickly throwing a glance at murtasim as he gazed at her with wide eyes, tho getting up from the couch she swiftly made her way out the living room to retrieve the tea with a smirk...

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