🤭74) honeymoon...🤭

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With the glimmering of stars which lit the night skies mere hours ago now going to blend and vanish from the bright of the early morning sun raining down to the grace shahnawaz havaili just below, it was as a golden, warm and welcoming hue rained atop the lively havaili in a gorgeous glow when the day starting at a quick pace and early hour came to unfold the slightest of different...

As lit and bright halls rang with soft, hurried chatter at the early hour, family and house help raced around when dressed and done with a grand breakfast, while just outside the havailis door and where the gold of sunlight shone its brightest, sleek cars with trunks open to accommodate suitcases and luggage stood awaiting the newlyweds just infront of the grand fountain...

As since the event of the walima had finally passed, and as the havaili seemed to calm from the rush of the grand wedding which had left it in a buzz, it finally came the awaited morning to head to the airport for a departing flight as tickets had been booked and preparations done for a much needed honeymoon...

And so admist the ringing of chatter floating around the havaili when chiming in the halls or gardens just outside, the situation of the couple's bedroom seemed to be no different as the air laced with a sense of hurry while tinging with lingering delight and unbearable anticipation for the trip they both seemed to impatiently await...

Yet despite the glee which had hearts jumping in pure excitement and butterflies bubbling within stomachs, the sense of a frantic rush and ringing hurry seemed to cloud minds in a race, especially for the delighted yet nervous bride as with the silence of their bedroom air flooded with the zipping up of suitcases and rustling of clothes to fit within them...

Meerub, dressed and adorned in soothing softness of gentle pastels with the sheer of her dupatta painted in the same shades draped to her shoulder for a comfortable attire fit for travel, seemed indulged and fully concentrated in the task of folding clothes which splay around the room to fit within the large of the open suitcases laying over the plush bed to finish the final packing for the trip and flight she had come to learn about just the day before...

Her brows furrowed to play that sense of rush which clouded her mind over her gleaming face, while meerubs glittering eyes went to narrow when rapidly and endlessly flickering over her quick moves and frantic task which seemed almost and luckily complete...

While as that usual pout of pure concentration and slight nervousness pulled at her plump, glossy lips to plaster over them, it was as huffs of slight annoyance and breaths of sheer hurry went on to escape the girl and ring around the empty room, when suddenly, admist the race of her head with thoughts popping up by the second, and while meerubs heart drummed a soft tune in the overwhelming excitement which lingered, it was admist her fast yet calculated moves to finish up with her task when meerubs narrow eyes went fluttering and flickering up to the other end of their bed...

Murtasims end of the bed where the boy had sped away from a bit ago, and the side of the plush bed where his suitcase lay open while a few remaining clothes scattered around. When as the narrow of her eyes went flickering over and registering the sight which had meerubs movements to zip up her packed suitcase freezing in surprise, it was as the realization came washing over the girl and bringing her lips to part when meerubs mind further sped while her chest heaved with a harsh, annoyed breath...

Meerub: Uff, murtasimmmm!!!
With that sweet pout dancing over her lips now growing defined, the gentle, ringing whine went spilling from the girl in sheer annoyance as it chimed across the silence of the room, meerubs brows further knotting and mind falling to a race, while pure hurry painted her gleaming cheeks from the sight her gaze fixted on...

And so with a huff and puff leaving the rushed girl, it didn't take much time for the loud of zipping to vibrate across the room as once finishing up with her packing, meerubs moves were swift and gaze remaind glued when swerving around the large of bed to reach his side in a few quick, hurried steps...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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