😚73) walima...😚

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As an energized and speeding day had rushed, and a joyful, stary night once more approached to grace the havaili, the skies above painted and draped in shades of deep blues, lit from the crescent of the glimmering moon and scatter of glittering stars, a deep blue hue rained gracefully from the deep skies and coated the grand havaili resting below as it beamed from delight...

Despite the calm of the night, the cool breeze and the relaxing silence lacing through it, shahnawaz havaili lit and chirped from the ringing of sheer glee and anticipation as just after a few days of the wedding, the grand walima was taking place the very night...

The havaili lit and coated from glittering lights raining down the exterior in a gorgeous display, while the insides seemed no different due to the chirping and racing of family and help who seemed all set to head to the venue for the event which left anticipation and excitement crackling through the joyous air...

As sleek cars parked outside and infront of the havaili when awaiting and ready for departure, the halls just inside rang with the ringing of chatter and giggles floating around as adults and kids, dressed vibrantly for the event and beaming with joy, went rushing around with final preparations...

When admist the joyful chaos, the delighted rush, chirping chatter, laughter and full fledged preparations to head to the awaiting and grand hall, murtasim, the groom, seemed to be lost in the depths of his own world as the overjoyed boy made his way maneuvering through the delighted racing of family through the halls...

As murtasims heart jumped a beat in his chest, his pulse went to echo through his form to no control as it rung in his ears and easily overtook the chirping of chatter, while the twists his stomach went on to give seemed to be neverending for the slightly nervous yet delighted boy as thoughts charging with sheer glee for the well awaited event raced nonstop through his mind...

When spending the most of the afternoon with the delighted arsal and rohail who dragged the groom away and spent half their time with neverending teasing while racing and rushing to dress him handsomely, it was after the neverending yet delightful hours which brought him to laugh from glee yet fume from annoyance aswell when murtasims form now adorned in the deep blacks which complemented the dress code for the event and rumored to be a perfect match of attire with his dissapeared wife...

Dressed and adorned in the deep, glimmering blacks of a full suit, hints of beige laced through his sleek attire and peeked out in the form of a tie, while shimmering silvers wrapped to his wrist in a watch, his hair slicked back and styled, beard trimmed and overall look set gracefully, when despite his regal attire, murtasims mind etched with a sense of urgency mixing with the overwhelming trill and bubbling excitement...

As his sleek black shoes bounced over the shiny tiles below, murtasims hands fumbled to button his jacket while his steps rushed and raced when making his way though the halls and towards his awaiting room. With his expressions painted with hurry, murtasims brows gently furrowed, lips pulled to a pout and gaze rapidly fluttered around as they had gotten the slightest of late once more...

When with gentle huffs of breath escaping him and as murtasim, with a speeding mind, had bounced through delighted family roaming the halls, it wasn't much time after the dashing around when turning a corner and the grand brown door to his room came to view...

The door left ajar while the room within lit from lights, when as the boy's lips parted and gaze fluttered to the room in which he was informed awaited his wife who had been absent since afternoon, the thought rushing by his head didnt take much time to double the thumping of his heart accompanied by a shiver of crackling anticipation which shot through him...

Yet with the fast steps of the boy now halted down the hall to his door, murtasims gaze seemed fixted and mind sped up as the dazed boy gulped, when once a trance threatened to overtake him from the mere sight, and as thoughts came racing back in, it was after a deep breath and once straightening up when murtasim mentally stabled his thoughts and gulped yet again before continuing his frozen steps...

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