😆72) caught again...😆

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As the warmth of the afternoon sun, glittering in a golden glow, coated the lively atmosphere of the havaili and flickered in through the windows, despite the cheerful rush in the halls and chirping chatter of delight, the grand kitchen flooded with a comfortable silence accompanied by the air lacing with warm scents of fresh coffee...

The sweet scent wafted through the air of the kitchen which rung with gentle clinking, as meerub, the new bride, dressed gorgeously in bright yellows, busyed herself in rummaging through the kitchen to make two mugs of steaming, sweet coffee. A gentle curve of sheer delight playing over her lips as the girls moves were gentle and slow when with mehndi clad and vibrantly painted hands, meerub poured the warm, brown coffee into mugs resting over the counter...

As a mere day had fled after the grand event of the ruksati which had the havaili beaming, it wasn't long later as the preparations for the walima taking place in a few days had begun in a cheerful rush. When with a mind racing from glee, meerubs heart gently drummed a soft tune as the girls teeth dug to her plump, pink painted lip when with gentle moves, she soon picked up the mugs steaming from coffee...

Her doe eyes darting between them both when meerub, with a smile of delight once more plastered to her lips, began to go stepping slow and cautiously when making her way out the silence of the kitchen with the mugs in hand and a fluttering heart...

As the halls lit with warm yet bright light of the golden sun, meerubs feet gently bounced from one tile to another, with soft yet swift steps, the girl trailed her path down the hall with intentions to head outside as murtasim was last spotted in his usual spot after lunch, the patio.

When as the gold light lit the gardens of the havaili gorgeously, the cool of the patio brought a calm from the warmth as the heavy pillars held up a shade, as meerub made her way out the ajar door, her doe eyes didnt take long before rapidly fluttering in the search of her groom...

Her lips parted and brows gently furrowing in the quick exploration, when with a soft pout dancing to her lips, finally, meerubs gaze flickered and locked to a figure, the girl finding herself taking a gentle breath from the sight while a soft curve now tugged to dance over her pouty lips as her mind registered the sight bringing her doe eyes to glitter from delight, meerubs heart giving a soft jump with her mind racing at the scene as murtasim, clad in a kurta, stood next to one of the grand pillars with his hands held behind his back...

His look casual yet regal bringing her breath to hitch while his expressions etched from peace, his dark eyes gleaming from delight when slightly squinted as he gazed out to the gold glow gracing the gardens, while a gentle pout played over his lips as murtasim seemed lost in his gentle exploration over the warm gardens and unaware of his wife standing at the steps down to the patio, admiring his form...

On the other hand, meerub, watching the scene in sheer delight and with her heart giving soft jumps from boosts of glee, soon found a smile tugging and dancing over her lips as her head tipped gently to the side when gazing to his form, her breath hitching and lips parting at the fact of being the wife of whom she admired when the thought came rushing through the girl in the form of a delightful warmth as it seemed the mere idea brought her heart to thump whenever recalling it...

When after a fleeting moment which seemed neverending of admiring her husband, as meerubs gaze gently trailed up and down his form in a slow glance, the girl soon found a warm hue coating her cheeks as her eyes shot wide when realization of her staring struck, meerubs lips twitching wider from her own gazing and the trance she nearly fell to from his mere presence, while the girl found her stomach fluttering with gentle butterflies of delight as she gulped hard when straightening up and clutching tighter to the mugs she held...

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