😊58) jaan tou ho...! 😊

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The air suddanly grew tense at the patio as meerub, with her lips parted, eyes wide and cheeks glowing bright red seemed to gaze in embarrassment at the girls who's lips curled to wide grins, their eyes flooded with mischief as they shot eachother cheeky glances before bringing their gazes to fix to meerub when they burst out to laughter...

Giggles soon filled the air bringing meerub to scrunch up her burning face from the embarrassment that coursed through her as her stomach flipped and lips twitched to a grin while the girls laughed out hysterically...
Mariam: YA ALLAH!!!
giggled out mariam, the girl shading pink from her laugh as she gazed to meerub in glee bringing her to avert her gaze immediately...

Haya: aye hayee!!! "Jaan"???
The widely grinning haya chimed in as she felt herself falling off her seat from laughing to hard, the words along with cheers that burst through the patio just ignited the embarrassment to bubble up within meerub as a shiver ran through her while she unknowingly grinned wide...
Saba: yaar yeh baat tou agey hi nikal gai!!!
Saba chimed in with a giggle, speaking between her growing laughter as the girls hummed out teasingly...

When just as meerubs mouth aimlessly opened and closed in attempts to blurt something out and divert the topic, with eyes glittering from tease, mariam jumped from her seat just to bounce over and take her spot next to meerub while giving her a playfull nudge...
Mariam: hmmm! Kiu "meri jaan"???
Cooed out mariam, wagging her brows bringing meerubs eyes to grow wider as she felt herself chock on air from the words eliciting laughter from the kids to flood the patio at her reaction...
Meerub: Mariam...!!!
Meerub blurted out the first words that came to mind with her lips unknowingly curled to a grin, her cheeks heating up to which maya clicked her tongue...

Maya: Uff sharmaney wali konsi baat hai??? Shohar hai tumhara!!!
Giggled out maya when jumping to take her spot on the other side of where meerub sat, grinning wide as meerub facepalmed herself when feeling a deep hue coat her red from the words...
When just as the giggles went on to flood the room, arsal and rohail, who had been absent, walked into the patio with their gazes fixted to the laughing girls, the eyes of the two narrowed down as they threw eachother a glance of confusion when coming to stroll over towards them...

Arsal: Ya Allah khair... yeh kya scene horaha hai???
Questioned arsal softly, wagging his brows and suspiciously eyeing the girls who huddled near the reddening meerub sending the boys into confusion...
Rohail: Lagta hai humsey kuch miss hogaya hai...
Rohail spoke with the soft shake of his head, pouting and arching a brow while awaiting an explanation as the two eyed the grinning girls in confusion...
Mariam: Nahi nahi! Kuch bhi miss nahi hua...!
Giggled out mariam, tease gleaming in her eyes to which the two pouted in confusion before haya hummed along...

Haya: Hmm! Haina "meri jaan"???
Said haya with a laugh, wagging her brows at meerub and giving the girl a nudge to which meerubs stomach churned hard, a wide grin plastering over her lips as meerub scrunched up her burning face from the words...
Meerub: Uff!!!
She huffed out as the girls erupted to giggles at her reaction while the brows of the boys knotted down. When with a wide grin and red, flushed face, meerub didnt waste a moment before grabbing at a nearby pillow as she slammed the plush pillow onto the girls eliciting laughter to burst out once...

In a swift move while holding back her own laughter, meerub jumped from her seat and rushed into the havaili despite her legs slightly wobbly and giggles bubbling up within her as a wide grin plastered to her face...
Saba: Oy! Ruko na yaar meerub!!!
Saba yelled out with a laugh from behind to which meerub shot her head around to throw them a glare eliciting laughter to burst out once more as with the shake of her head, meerub rushed inside the havaili while giggling out herself...


Bouncing from tile to tile with a smile meerub was unable to hide etched to her face, the girl rushed by the lit up hall while clutching tight to her flowy suit, meerubs gaze darting around and eyes narrowed yet flooding with tease as her brows knotted together...

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