😘69) apni dulhan ke liey...!😘

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The wedding hall lit brightly as it echoed with cheerful laughter and chatter from the guests that rung around, the scent of sweet flowers that adorned the hall wafting around as music and drums carried on, yet despite the cheerful situation of the large hall, the grand stage where the nervous groom sat seemed to be the main attraction for the kids...

Murtasim, with his brows furrowed and lips tugged to a gentle pout sat taking deep breaths in attempts to calm his nerves as it seemed the anticipation that coursed through his form was getting the best of him, his heart drumming a gentle yet rapid beat within his chest which heaved thanks to his breaths seeming like a task...

His mind rushed and gaze darting around while rohail and arsal seemed to be just booming with both glee and tease that danced in their eyes, arsal standing behind the grand, plush couch where murtasim sat as he busying himself when cheeky massaging murtasims shoulders while chatting away nonsense from behind, a grin etched to his face as his eyes gleamed with tease when shooting a glance to rohail who sat alongside murtasim...

His own mind rushed with mischief and acts laced with tease as he was busy either straitning up murtasims attire or taking selfies with him whenever he found the chance, also laughing away and blabbering about teasingly to which murtasim barely paid attention thanks to the twisting of his stomach that was taking over his mind...

Yet despite the chatter that rung around the adults, it wasn't long before anwar, once spotting the surprising scene from the hall, found his brows furrowing in confusion as he soon made his way towards the steps of the grand stage with a cheeky smile of amusement tugging at his lips...

Anwar: Yeh kya ho raha hai bhai???
The words left his lips laced in tease as anwar arched a brow with a growing smile once climbing to the stage, his gaze rapidly flickering over the boys as Anwar's eyes narrowed down before arsal, who stood behind murtasim with a wide grin and eyes flooded with delight clicked his tongue playfully...

Arsal: Yaar baba, hum murtasim bhai ko entertain kar rahey hain!
The words laced with a tinge of tease as he playfully furrowed his brows to anwar, going on to massage murtasims shoulders with a wide grin etched to his lips as Anwar's own smile of amusement grew wide. While murtasim, who sat with a gentle frown gracing his lips shook his head slowly followed by a sigh that escaped him...

Murtasim: Allah aisi entertainment se bachaye...!
The murmur left his lips as his brows furrowed when simply letting the acts the boys were pulling happen. While anwar, who watched with a grin and eyes gleaming with glee let slip a laugh of delight before wagging his brows at the boys...

Anwar: aur yeh entertainment kiu bhai???
He laughed out the words, shaking his head with his gaze flickering between the three as rohail, seated next to murtasim with a wide grin of glee plastered to his lips found his eyes growing from tease as a gentle hum flooded with mischief soon erupted from his throat...

Rohail: Wo ab mazeed intazaar mushkil ho raha hai na...
The gentle muttering of tease escaped rohails lips as they tugged to a wide grin, his face painted from tease as mischief danced in his eyes when laughter bubbled within him. While murtasim, who had swiftly caught the teasing words soon found his lazy pout fading in surprise while his eyes shot wide and soon darted to throw a warning glare to rohail...

Yet only for awkward coughs to flood the area erupting from the boys in attempts to conceal their bubbling laughter as their faces shaded a tinge of pink. Yet anwar, who watched the scene with narrowing eyes found a smirk soon dancing over his lips when catching the gentle murmur along with murtasims frazzled and obviously annoyed reaction to it...

Anwar: Intazaar...? Kaisa intazaar?
The question left the cheekily smirking anwar followed by the swift wag of his brows, his tone soft yet heavy from tease as his sharp, narrowed gaze flickered between the grinning boys along with murtasim who's gaze soon shot to him upon the words, murtasim, eyes flinging wide as his lips soon parted when gazing to anwar with a flustered expression unknowingly painting over his face that only grew the teasing curve that played over Anwar's lips...

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