Luffy and Zoro

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It was a sunny day on the waters of the East Blue sea, when a cruise ship was sailing on the peaceful waters. Suddenly, a pirate ship, under the control of the lady pirate known as Captain Alvida, sent her crew to attack the ship and raid it. One of the pirates, was a young cabin boy named Coby, and unlike the others, he was forced to be part of the crew and wanted to escape, but was too scared to do so. When Coby was pushing a barrel, a group of Alvida's crew mates came and decided to open it, only for Luffy (voiced by Colleen Clinkenbeard) to burst out of that barrel, shocking Coby (voiced by Micah Solusod), and the other pirates. Luffy: "Ah!, I slept so well!... hmm?, who are you guys?" asked the straw hat pirate, before the pirates went to charge at Luffy, only he managed to beat them easily, much to Coby's shock. Luffy: "Hey you." Coby: "Ah... uh... yes?" Luffy: "Do you know where I can get some food?, I'm really hungry." Coby: "Um... yeah... there should be a food storage nearby..." said Coby, before he and Luffy went to the food storage, and the man with the straw hat started to eat some of the meat. Luffy: "So is this a pirate ship?" Coby: "No, this is cruise ship being raided by pirates... and I'm a cabin boy... unfortunately..." Luffy: "What do you mean?" Coby: "Well... a few years ago, I was going on a fishing boat... but the little rowboat I picked turned out to be one belonging to pirates, lead by Alvida of all people..." Luffy: "Wow that's dumb." Coby: "Gee... thanks for being honest... I guess..." Luffy: "Can't ya just leave?" Coby: "Easy for you to say, Alvida and her crew are dangerous, and if I disobey them... they'll kill me!" Luffy: "But if you let fear get the better of you... you'll never fulfill your dream... I mean you have a dream, right?" Coby: "Well... yeah... my dream is to join the marines... and catching bad guys like Alvida... what about you?" Luffy: "Me... my dream is to become the king of the pirates." Coby: "What?!, king of the pirates?!, then you're a pirate too?!" Luffy: "Yeah, been one since yesterday." Coby: "Wait... you mean... this is your second day as a pirate?, and you don't even have a crew or ship?" Luffy: "Yup, I did had a raft, but it sank in a whirlpool and I only escaped it when I went into a barrel." Coby: "The one you just came out of?" Luffy: "Yeah... you see... I made a promise to someone very important to me... that we'll meet again only once I become a great pirate... and that's the king of the pirates... so I'll either die as the king of the pirates, or die trying..." those words amazed Coby a lot, giving him some courage into his heart. Coby: "Then in that case... I'll either die as a great marine or die trying... and one day I'll catch Alvida!" said Coby with determination, before a fat and ugly woman, who was Alvida (voiced by Laurie Steele), used her iron club with spikes, to torn down the wall behind Luffy and Coby, and had an evil smile on her face. Alvida: "Who do you say you're gonna catch?, and who's this, can't be Zoro, right?" Luffy: "Zoro?, hey Coby, who's the ugly cow here?" asked Luffy, which made Coby, Alvida and the other pirates to gasp in shock, couldn't believe what the pirate with the straw hat just said. Coby: "Uh... that's Alvida... the ugly fat cow who I have to catch!" shouted Coby, finally having the courage to stand up to the female pirate. Alvida: "You runt!" shouted Alvida, before she hits him on the head with her club, but it didn't seemed to do a thing on him somehow. Luffy: "Is that all you got?, cause it didn't hurt." Alvida: "What?!, how?!" Luffy: "Simple... I'm a rubber man... now Gum Gum... Pistol!" shouted Luffy, before he stretched his arm out, which went a bit far, before it came back and punched Alvida on the stomach, and the woman was sent flying away from the scene. Coby: "What the?!, Luffy, how did you do that?!" Luffy: "Well I sort of turned into a rubber man after eating the Gum Gum fruit." Coby: "You mean... you ate a... Devil fruit?!, I thought those things were only a myth?!" Luffy: "Well mine's real, and now that you're free, it's time to get you joining the marines." Coby: "Really?, even though you're a pirate?" Luffy: "Of course, you're my friend, and friends help each other out." said Luffy, which really touched Coby. Soon, with the pirates defeated, Luffy and Coby were now on a small rowboat with a mast, and with Coby's navigation, they're off to the nearest marine island base, which was Shells town. Coby: "So you have no navigation skills at all?" Luffy: "Nope, never been able to figure that stuff out... by the way... that fat cow mentioned someone name Zoro... I wonder who that is..." Coby: "She was talking about Roronoa Zoro no doubt, also known as the pirate hunter." Luffy: "Really?... hmm... I wonder if I can ask him to join my crew?" Coby: "Are you crazy?!, he's a bounty hunter!, the chances of him wanting to join your crew are zero, and he would most likely kill you!... besides I heard he was under arrest a few weeks ago, at Shells town..." Luffy: "Hey... that where we're going now, right?, then let's go!" Coby: "Oh boy... why do I get the feeling that there's gonna be trouble soon...?" asked Coby to himself, before he and Luffy continued their voyage to Shells town. Soon, the pair made it to the island where Shells town was. Luffy: "So this is the place where this Zoro guy is, right?" asked Luffy, before the people in the area freaked out and tried to hide. Coby: "I think it's best you don't mention Zoro's name here, can't blame them as he is a scary man..." Luffy: "So uh... do you think the marines here will let you join them?" Coby: "I hope so, and from what I heard, the marine in charge here is called Axe hand Morgan." said Coby, before noticing that the people there freaked out and tried to hide again. Luffy: "Wow this is a weird place." Coby: "What's going on?, I can understand why they would freak out by hearing Zoro's name... but Morgan's too?" soon, Coby was forced to follow Luffy to the marine base, to make sure the straw hat pirate does not make a scene, and the young pirate went up to a wall and sees a man tied up to a post at the execution grounds. The man in question was in face Roronoa Zoro himself (voiced by Christopher Sabat), and Coby was scared by the sight of him. Suddenly, a little girl named Rika (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), went over the wall and tried to feed Zoro some rice balls, but a man named Helmeppo (voiced by Mike McFarland), who was the son of Axe hand Morgan, came and took the food and tried it himself, but hated it and stomped it into the ground. Then the man ordered some marine soldiers to throw Rika out, literally, but Luffy was able to catch her in time, while Coby was shocked to see such behavior from people that are marines. The two boys took the girl back to a bar, where her mother works at, making sure Rika was okay. Coby: "I don't understand why you would try feeding that bad man." Rika: "Zoro's not the bad man, it's Morgan and his son, Helmeppo that are the real bad guys here... you see... the only thing they care about is having power... and they treat everyone cruelly, even to their own men... and one day, Helmeppo came with a pet wolf, which nearly ate me if Zoro didn't attacked it... and Helmeppo forced Zoro to make a deal on putting him under arrest without food or water for a month in exchange or me and my mother will take his place... Zoro's been arrested for 3 weeks now... I don't know if he can last a month..." said Rika, as she began to cry a little, feeling guilty for what's happening to Zoro. That was when Helmeppo himself came to the scene, waiting for some food. Helmeppo: "Oh man... I'm bored, I could use some action right now... ah... perhaps I can execute Zoro today, he'll sure have the shock of his life." said Helmeppo with a laugh, unaware that Luffy heard him and anger was filled into the pirate. So without any hesitation, Luffy punched Helmeppo in the face, sending flying out of the bar and into a wall. Luffy: "You jerk!, you promised Zoro that you'll let him go!, you lied!" Helmeppo: "How dare you punched me!, I'll let my daddy know about this!" Luffy: "Go ahead and tell him, I'm gonna kick his butt too, and then I'm gonna get Zoro to join my crew!" said Luffy, before he ran off back to the execution grounds, seeing Zoro for the first time. Zoro: "Hey... you're that guy who saved the little girl, right?" Luffy: "Yeah, my name's Luffy, and you're the one called Zoro right?" Zoro: "Yeah, so you've heard of me." Luffy: "Yeah, and I want you to join my pirate crew." Zoro: "Are you out of your mind?, maybe you don't know this, but I'm a bounty hunter, I hunt pirates, so there's no way I'm joining your crew... and besides I don't have my swords, that Helmeppo jerk took them from me." Luffy: "Okay... I can get your swords back, but in return, you'll have to join my crew." Zoro: "That's blackmail!" shouted Zoro, before Luffy runs off to find Zoro's swords. Elsewhere, on top of a building, Helmeppo, was talking to his father, Axe hand Morgan himself (voiced by Andy Mullins), about Luffy, but he didn't care and punched his own son in the face. Helmeppo: "Daddy!, how could you?!" Morgan: "Simple, the reason I never hit you before was because you were not worth punching, but I will not tolerate someone telling me what to do, I'm the one in charge, understood?" Helmeppo: "Uh... yes sir..." Morgan: "Anyway... I heard that a little girl was at the execution grounds trying to feed a prisoner... find her and execute her." Helmeppo: "What?!, but she's just a little girl!" Morgan: "Like I care, no one helps a prisoner in my rule, I the marine who captured the infamous Captain Kuro 3 years ago!, the one who damaged my lower jaw but stood tall!... now if you don't mind, I have a statue to set up." said Morgan, before he watches his statue setting up. Meanwhile, down below, Luffy was still searching for Zoro's swords, before using his arms to go up the building, unaware he took a hold of Morgan's statue. Once Luffy got up, the statue fell over and got shattered into a million pieces. Luffy: "Oops... sorry..." Morgan: "Men!, capture that brat so I can kill him myself!" All marine soldiers: "Sir!" Helmeppo: "Daddy!, that's him!, that's the man who punched me!" Luffy: "There you are!" said Luffy, before he grabs Helmeppo and drags him away to the closest door, with the marine soldiers chasing the pair. Meanwhile, at the execution grounds, Coby was trying to free Zoro from the post. Zoro: "Kid, what are you doing?" Coby: "I'm trying to free you Zoro, I can't stand the fact that these horrible people are marines..." Zoro: "Look kid, I appreciate your help, but I have to stay here for a month and..." Coby: "But the marines are gonna execute you any moment now!" Zoro: "What?..." Coby: "I heard Helmeppo said he was planning on killing you today... he never intended to keep his word... and Luffy is trying to save you... I'm not asking you to be a pirate, but it's obvious that you're Luffy's only chance to get out of here alive, like he is to you." suddenly, a marine soldier fired a gun at Coby on the shoulder, which didn't kill him but he did get hurt. Soon, a group of marine soldiers, lead by Axe hand Morgan himself, came to the scene, ready to kill both Zoro and Coby. Zoro: "No... it can't end like this..." said Zoro, before he begins to have a flashback of his childhood, when he used to have a rival named Kuina, who was a girl that he always lost to in a sword fight. Both of them wanted to be the greatest swordsman or swordswoman in the world, but one day, Kuina died from falling down the stairs, which left Zoro heartbroken, making a vow to be the world's greatest swordsman for his sake and his rival's as well. He also wields Kuina's sword, the Wado Ichimonji, so in a way, Kuina's dream can come true through Zoro. Back in the present day, the marines fired their guns, but Luffy came in between Zoro and the soldiers, and the bullets only bounced off of him due to him being made of rubber. Zoro: "What the heck?!, how did you just do that?!, what are you?!" Luffy: "Me?, I'm the man who's gonna be the king of the pirates." Zoro: "Are you for real?" Luffy: "Yup, by the way, I forced that guy to help me get your swords... there were three of them but I don't know which was which." Zoro: "They're all mine actually, I used 3 swords style, the first two are unnamed Kantanas while the white one is called Wado Ichimonji." Luffy: "Really?, that's pretty cool... so now will you join my crew?" Zoro: "Hmm... you must be the son of the devil... either I join your crew or die here... and since I'm not planning on dying anytime soon... sign me up captain." Luffy: "Alright!, I got my first crew mate!" Morgan: "Hmm... so the stories about the Devil fruits turned out to be true... but no matter!, men, kill them with your swords!" Marine soldiers: "Sir!" shouted the men, before the begin to charge towards the pirates. Luffy was finally able to free Zoro, who then used his swords, holding the third in his mouth, to clash with them. Zoro: "Hey captain... just to let you know, I have a goal, to be the world's best swordsman... if you do anything to prevent that that from happening... I will cut you down." Luffy: "Fine by me, the king of the pirates wants nothing more than the best of his crew." said Luffy with a smile. Morgan: "You fools!, kill those brats or I'll have to kill you myself!" that was when Luffy and Zoro used their attacks on Morgan at the same time, taking him down to the ground out cold. The duo were expecting the other marine to attack, but to their surprise, the marines cheered, saying they were finally free. Luffy: "They're happy that their leader was down?" Zoro: "Guess they didn't like him any more than we did." it wasn't long before Coby got back on his feet, though still feeling hurt from the bullet earlier. Coby: "Well... I guess they won... thank goodness..." soon after that, the marines decided to let Coby join them as a way to thank Luffy for freeing them from Morgan, but must ask him and Zoro to leave once they got some food and supplies for their voyage. Speaking of food, Luffy and Zoro were having a big meal that was cooked by Rika's mother, as a way to thank them for saving them. Zoro: "So tell me... who else is in the crew?" Luffy: "Well besides you?, no one." Zoro: "Wait... so you and me... make up a whole crew?" Luffy: "Yeah, but we'll get it bigger, and get a big ship too someday." Zoro: "You mean you don't even have a ship either?" Luffy: "Well... I have a rowboat with a mast if that counts." Zoro: "You got to be kidding..." Luffy: "Hey, it's a start right?" Zoro: "Well... yeah... I guess..." Luffy: "And soon we'll be off to the Grand line." Rika: "The Grand line?, that's supposed to be the most dangerous sea in the world." said Rika with concern in her voice. Luffy: "Yeah, but it's also where the One Piece rests, and if I get it, I'll be king of the pirates." Rika: "Well... please be careful out there..." Luffy: "Don't worry, we'll be okay." Zoro: "You take care now." Rika: "Sure thing." as soon as they had their fill, Luffy and Zoro went to their boat, but before they sailed away, they saw Coby with the marine soldiers, saluting the pirates for their heroic deed. Coby: "So long Luffy!, and you too Zoro, good luck!" Luffy: "You take care now Coby!, see ya!" called out Luffy, before he and Zoro sailed away on their little boat, out to sea.

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