Jimbei and Hordy Jones on Fish-man island part 3

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At the moment when Hordy was defeated, Luffy's crew defeated the top officers of Hordy's crew, and the rest of the pirates were captured by the royal army. Even Wadatsumi was defeated by the work of both Sanji and Jimbei, and everyone try to keep their distance as the giant fish-man crashed into the ground. Chopper: "Wow... that was downright amazing, Sanji." Franky: "Hey Chopper, you mind shrinking some?, you're upstaging my super awesome and useful robot." Robin: "Are you kidding, that robot was totally useless." Franky: "Oh come now!, I did a lot of work on it!" that was when Chopper shrank back to his normal hybrid form, but then started to get dizzy and Robin had to catch him. Usopp: "Chopper, are you okay?" Chopper: "Yeah... I just get a little dizzy after changing back from my Monster point form... but I'll be fine... is anyone injured?" Zoro: "You should check yourself first." Conis: "I can help out, I am a nurse after all... that reminds me, I'm looking forward to what Chopper learned during the passed 2 years." Chopper: "Sure... I'm wondering what you learned during your training too." that was when everyone heard Shirahoshi crying, and seemed to be holding someone in her hands. Shirahoshi: "Someone help!, Luffy's badly hurt!, I'm scared that he's gonna die!" cried Shirahoshi, before she puts Luffy down to the ground, and the Straw Hats were looking at their captain with concern. Usopp: "Oh man... that looks bad..." Vivi: "Hordy must have really bitten him a lot... allowing him to lose a lot of blood..." Chopper: "You're right... while I can stop the bleeding, he lost a lot of blood, he needs a donor." Sanji: "Luffy's type F, right?" Nami: "That's right... and he's the only one with Type F..." Chopper: "Oh man... this is bad!, what are we gonna do?!" Franky: "Maybe the people here might be a Type F." that was when Fukaboshi came, and he was looking down in shame. Fukaboshi: "Well... even if there is one with Type F... there's a law against blood donations to humans..." Nami: "What?!, that's awful!, how could you have such a law?!" Usopp: "You got to help him!, Luffy saved you and your kingdom for crying out loud!" Fukaboshi: "I know... but it's the law..." Shirahoshi: "But it's not fair!, Luffy risked his life to save us all!, I don't care if he's a human!, he's my friend!... I would give him my blood to save him..." Fukaboshi: "Little sister... you need to have Type F blood to help him... otherwise it won't work..." that was when Jimbei walked up to the group. Jimbei: "Perhaps I can help, for my blood is Type F, so take as much as you need to save him." Nami: "Really?" Chopper: "But the law..." Jimbei: "What about it?, I'm a pirate, so it doesn't really matter to me." Shirahoshi: "Oh thank you Mr Jimbei... you're the best!" cried Shirahoshi in joy, while the people of Fish-man island cheered too. Minister of the Left: "Wait Jimbei... if you..." Neptune: "It's alright, that law was a curse itself anyway... and it's that kind of thinking that caused this whole incident to begin with." it wasn't long before Jimbei lays down, and Chopper sets up the blood transfusion, and once it was ready, it transfers Jimbei's blood from his arm into Luffy's own arm. It took a few moments before Luffy finally began to wake up. Luffy: "Jimbei... you saved me again..." Jimbei: "Well... it was the least I could do to thank you for saving my home... and we're friends after all..." All: "Luffy!, he's okay!" cried out the Straw Hats in joy, while everyone of the whole island cried in joy too, happy to know that their hero was okay. Fukaboshi: "You see mother... we made it... back to zero..." "Shirahoshi: "Yeah... maybe this can be a big step to bring peace between our people and the humans..." Fukaboshi: "I think you're right... more ways than one..." said Fukaboshi, while he smiled and had tears of joy in his eyes. Luffy: "Hey Jimbei... I want you... to join my crew." this caught Jimbei off guard, along with everyone, but they couldn't help but smile. Nami: "Probably should have seen this coming..." Usopp: "I don't mind having him in the crew at all, he's awesome." Chopper: "Yeah, it would be great to have a former warlord on our side." Vivi: "And it could give us a good relationship with the people here..." Jimbei: "Hmm... are you sure you don't want anyone else?" Luffy: "No way, you're the kind of person I want in my crew, you're strong, kind, a friend of Ace, and you saved my life not once, but twice, I can't think of a better guy to have in my crew." Jimbei: "Hmm... thank you Luffy... I'll think about it... but now you should get some rest, you've earned it, and the same goes for everyone here." that was when Neptune came over to Fukaboshi. Neptune: "My son, have you captured Hordy?" Fukaboshi: "He's in chains right now." Neptune: "Good, now we better do the same for his top officers too." Fukaboshi: "Right." soon, the top officers of Hordy's crew were locked up in chains, and Hordy joined them, before being taken to prison. As for the human slaves, they were freed and allowed to sail into the New World. For the rest of the New Fish-man pirates however, they were scared as they believed Neptune would have them executed. However, he instead ordered them to live on the main island, to live in law binding lives as part of the royal army, and declared the Fish-man district to be sealed off and forbidden to go, as he sees it as nothing more but a place where hate could grow and thrive. When night came, everyone begins to party, and the Straw Hats were enjoying a big feast and had great drinks and candy too. Sometime later, the Straw Hats went to the balcony, along with Jimbei and Neptune. Robin: "Your highness... there's something I need to ask you." Neptune: "What is it?" Robin: "Well... who exactly is Joy Boy?" this caught Neptune's attention, he didn't expect someone to know that name. Neptune: "How do you... know that name?" Robin: "There was a Poneglyph in the sea forest, it mentions Joy Boy, who was apologizing to someone, though I'm not sure who..." Neptune: "Are you telling me... you can read it?" Robin: "Yes... I'm a survivor of Ohara, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Neptune: "No... I'll tell you everything I know, after all, you earned the right to know... well you see... that Poneglyph was an apology letter that a man from the Void Century, named Joy Boy, made to the mermaid princess at that time for failing a promise he made." Robin: "What promise was that?" Neptune: "I don't know the full details, but it had something to do with the Noah, and the royal family have been protecting the Noah, making sure it does not go anywhere until the time it's needed finally comes." Franky: "It didn't looked like it had an engine, so how could it move around?" Robin: "My best guess would be that it would be carried by the Sea Kings, just like what happened today." Neptune: "That's right, only the Sea Kings could move such a boat like the Noah... and only one had the power to control them... the mermaid princess of the Void century." Robin: "I figured... but it seems that Shirahoshi has that power too..." Neptune: "Yes... though I can't say I'm pleased about it." Luffy: "Why not?, it's pretty cool that she can talk to the Sea Kings too like I did." Nami: "Wait... you talked to the Sea Kings too?, how?" Luffy: "I don't know... it never happened before..." Neptune: "Interesting... Joy Boy was able to understand the Sea Kings too... but he didn't been able to control them like the Mermaid princess..." Conis: "What was her name?" Neptune: "Well... have you ever heard of the three ancient weapons?" Vivi: "Yeah... there was Pluton for one... it was mentioned in a Poneglyph back in Alabasta..." Conis: "And there was a Poneglyph in Skypiea that mentions another weapon... named Poseidon..." Neptune: "Yes... and Poseidon was the name of the mermaid princess of that time." Vivi: "Wait... are you saying..." Robin: "Yes... Poseidon was a mermaid princess... and because Shirahoshi shares the same power of the Sea Kings... she has the same title... she is the ancient weapon... Poseidon..." this made the crew to gasp, along with Jimbei as well. Jimbei: "No... that can't be..." Franky: "No way... I thought the ancient weapons were just that... weapons... how could one of them be someone as sweet as the Mermaid princess?" Brook: "Yes... it is rather odd... maybe there's more to these weapons than meets the eye..." Neptune: "Believe it or not, there were 3 ancient weapons, there Pluton, Uranus... and Poseidon..." Robin: "And Shirahoshi is one of them... we can't let anyone else know about this... cause if we do, the World Government would surely go after her... not to mention other pirates." Usopp: "No joke... we saw what trouble people can cause just to get one of those weapons, like Crocodile or CP9 wanting Pluton... there's no telling what harm could come upon Shirahoshi..." unaware to the group, Caribou, who managed to escape from his barrel, heard everything, and now plans to capture Shirahoshi. Chopper: "Hey Luffy... I hope you don't mind me asking... but where did you get that scar on your torso?" asked Chopper, looking at the large X shaped scar on his captain's torso. Luffy: "Well... I can't remember really..." Jimbei: "You got from Akainu while you were out cold during the war... which reminds me... a lot has changed in the passed 2 years... like the navy has a new Fleet admiral." Luffy: "Really?" Jimbei: "Yeas, right after the war, Sengoku retired as Fleet Admiral, and he picked Aokiji to be the next Fleet Admiral, but many higher ups want Akainu, and although Aokiji is normal cold headed, he didn't like the idea of Akainu being the Fleet admiral, believing he was unfit for the role... it wasn't long before the two admirals decided to have a dual on an island in the New World, known as Punk Hazard, and in the end... Akainu won, and became the new Fleet Admiral." Luffy: "... That jerk won?, and did he killed Aokiji?" Jimbei: "Strangely enough, he didn't, but Aokiji was not happy with the results, so he resigned from the navy." Conis: "Really?, he just went up and quit?" Usopp: "Wow... the navy must have gotten weaker with one of the admirals gone." Jimbei: "Maybe... but they found ways to fill that problem, one might argue that the navy has gotten stronger than before... not only that... but the Blackbeard pirates are making a move as well." Nami: "Those guys we met right before we went to Skypiea?" Chopper: "They're also the jerks who attacked my home, I could never forget them..." Luffy: "They're also the ones who handed Ace to the navy... and caused that war that nearly killed him and me..." said Luffy, as he gets a flashback on the times he first met Blackbeard at the Jaya and in Impel Down. Jimbei: "Yes, and after the war, Blackbeard has built quite a reputation after consuming not one but two Devil fruit powers, and now he's one of the 4 Emperors of the sea... along with Shanks, Big Mom and Kaido." Conis: "The 4 emperors... are they like powerful rulers?" Jimbei: "In a way... yes, the most powerful pirates in the whole world, and before his death, Whitebeard was the top." Neptune: "Yes, he was a good friend of mine, even if he was human, and Jimbei, it was a good thing you and Straw Hat Luffy share the same blood type." Jimbei: "Of course." Neptune: "You know... perhaps the rest of the Straw Hats could give us some blood donations, that way we can show our people that we might look different on the outside, we share the same blood." Luffy: "Well... is that okay with you guys?" Robin: "Of course." Zoro: "Well it's not like it'll harm us." Sanji: "If it's to help any beautiful mermaids, count me in." Nami: "Well I would normally put a price in it..." Vivi: "Nami... don't get stingy." Nami: 'Okay... I'll do it." Chopper: "Happy to help out." Usopp: "Well if my blood can help those in need, sure." Franky: "Wow!, I'm super up for it!" Brook: "Well... I wish I could... but being a skeleton... I don't have any blood... but I do remember my blood type was Type X." Nami: "Really?, so is mine." Chopper: "Wow!, so is mine!" Franky: "My blood type is XF." Zoro: "Really?, so is mine." Sanji: "Mine is a little rare... Type S (RH-)." Usopp: "Mine is type S." Robin: "Really?, so is mine." Luffy: "What was mine again?" Jimbei: "It's Type F, like me." Luffy: "Oh yeah." Vivi: "My blood type is..." before she could finish, Vivi turned blue and face palmed herself, and Conis did the same thing too, before Chopper gasped and face palmed himself as well. Chopper: "Oh nuts!, I can't believe how stupid I was!" Vivi: "Me too..." Conis: "Me three..." Luffy: "What's wrong?" Vivi: "The thing is... I just remembered that mine is Type F as well..." Conis: "Same with me..." there was a moment of silence before Nami bopped Chopper, Vivi and Conis on the heads in frustration. Nami: "How could you idiots forget about that?!, Luffy was almost a goner!" Vivi: "We forgot about it." Chopper: "And I was still feeling a little dizzy after changing back from my Monster point." Luffy: "No need to be upset about it, I mean Jimbei was able to help, so let's forget about it." Nami: "Ugh... carefree as always..." suddenly, the group heard the sound of Shirahoshi screaming for help, alerting them that she needs help. Inside the princess's room, Shirahoshi was trapped in some kind of mud, which was really Caribou using his powers of the Swamp Swamp fruit. Caribou: "Don't struggle princess... or should I say... Poseidon, you belong to me now, and your powers will be the key for me to rule the world, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee!" Luffy: "Hey!" Caribou: "Buzz off Straw Hat, get your own mermaid princess, I'm busy here, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee... he... Straw Hat?!" Shirahoshi: "Luffy help!" Caribou: "Ah!" that was when Luffy threw out a single punch to send Caribou out of the tower and landed in who knows where. Luffy: "That guy was still here?" Shirahoshi: "Luffy!, thank you so much for saving me again!" said Shirahoshi, before she wraps the young straw hat pirates in her hands while crying a little. Sanji: "Luffy you lucky sea dog... I should have kicked that creep when I had the chance..." said Sanji while on the ground and pounding his fist on it. Zoro: "Hey wasn't that the pirate we captured earlier?" Nami: "You're right, that was him." Usopp: "But didn't we sealed him inside a barrel?" Robin: "He must have escaped somehow." Franky: "Well he's gone now." that was when the Minister of the Right came to the scene. Minister of the Right: "Your highness!, the treasure room has been robbed!" Neptune: "Really?, it must have happened during the incident at the plaza." Minister of the Right: "Aren't you upset?" Neptune: "Not really, treasure isn't that important to me... not too long ago, we nearly lost our entire kingdom and the people..." Nami: "So... does that mean you don't want it?" Neptune: "If you recover them, you can have it, you deserve it." Nami: "Thank you so much!, now let's go get that treasure!" Brook: "But where do we start looking?" Robin: "If I have to guess, that creep that tried to kidnap Shirahoshi not long ago must have been the one who did it." Nami: "Then let's go find him." Sanji: "Might as well, I like to give him a good kick in the face for laying a muddy finger on the princess myself." Minister of the Right: "Oh um... there more news... it's about Hordy and his crew..." Neptune: "What about them?" asked Neptune, before he and the Straw Hats went into the prison, seeing Hordy and his crew, who were now really old and weak, much to their surprise. Jimbei: "No way... what in the world has happened here?" Ryuboshi: "Don't tell me... is that really Hordy and his crew?" Mamboshi: "I think so..." Fukaboshi: "Why are they... so old?" Minister of the Right: "Just as I thought, the pill from the Tamate box and the pill they used to become stronger... they're the same..." Nami: "The Tamate box?" Neptune: "A priceless heirloom that been guarded in the treasure room for many generations." Minister of the Right: "Yes, and the pill can make the user strong... but later it turns you old, which was why they were sealed away, and 10 years ago, the Tamate box was stolen... which happened the same time Hordy left the army... should have realized it..." Neptune: "This is truly a terrible fate... and they didn't care as long as their meaningless grudge lives on... if only their minds weren't poisoned by what they heard from the fish-man of the fish-man district, they wouldn't be in this state... I can't help but pity them..." Luffy: "Whoa... they got old..." Usopp: "Yeah we kinda see that already." Nami: "Anyway, Luffy, you along with Zoro and Sanji go after that creep who stole the treasure." Zoro: "Why us?" Nami: "Cause you're the ones with the highest bounties, and I looked that guy up and it seems he's worth 210,000,000 berries." "Chopper: "Really?!... oh man... mine's only 50 berries..." Luffy: "Don't worry Chopper, you'll get your bounty higher." Vivi: "Um... having a high bounty isn't really a good thing..." Conis: "That reminds me... Luffy's bounty 400,000,000 berries right?" Luffy: "Huh?, what do you mean?" Vivi: "Oh right, after the war 2 years ago, your bounty went up again to 400,000,000 berries." Luffy: "Really?!, awesome!, I must be the most wanted pirate in the world!" Jimbei: "Actually Luffy, there are a lot of pirates in the New World with much higher bounties." Luffy: "Really?, how high?" Jimbei: "Well... few can be worth over a billion." Usopp: "Hold on!, a billion or more?!, how tough are these pirates?!" Jimbei: "Well most of those pirates are under the flag of one of the 4 emperors." Nami: "Never mind that, just get the treasure!" Luffy: "Sure thing." so with that, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji went off to find Caribou, while the others stayed behind and wait for their return. As for Jimbei, he was Neptune in the throne room. Neptune: "So tell me Jimbei, are you gonna accept Straw Hat's invitation to join his crew?" Jimbei: "Yes... I made my decision... however... in order to do that, I would need to cut my partnership with Big Mom." Neptune: "Ah that's right... Big Mom became the new protector of the island after Whitebeard's death, due to you joining her, though I never imagined you to serve under someone other than Fisher Tiger." Jimbei: "It's fine, if a captain wants to protect his crew, joining one of the 4 emperors is the best option... but I believe it's time I cut ties with her... but I have to do carefully, for there's a chance that she'll direct her anger towards Fish-man island." Neptune: "Honestly Jimbei, you shouldn't worry about me so easily, after all, we just recruited thousands of soldiers from the Fish-man district, and if we lose the protection of Big Mom's flag, there is another flag I like to use." Jimbei: "Hmm...?" Neptune: "One with a straw hat looks nice, don't you think?" Jimbei: "Yeah, couldn't agree more, I'm pretty fond of that flag myself." that was when the Minister of the Right came to the scene, and he was in a panic. Minister of the Right: "Your majesty!, we got a big problem!, it's about the treasure that was stolen... the Tamate box was one of them." Neptune: "I had a feeling that was the case, so?" Minister of the Right: "Well... it doesn't have the pill... but uh..." Neptune: "But what?" Minister of the Right: "Well... I planted a bomb inside that would explode if someone opens the box." Neptune: "What?!, why would you do such a thing?!" Minister of the Right: "Well after the Tamate box was robbed 10 years ago by Hordy, I thought about planting a bomb inside to another thief a lesson, it seemed like a good idea at the time... but I was wrong, we need to warn the Straw Hats right away." that was when they got to where the rest of the Straw Hats were, and entered the room was Luffy, Zoro and Sanji empty handed. It seems that when Luffy's group got the treasure, which fell out of Caribou when he landed, they ran into two pirates that work under Big Mom, and they demanded candy. The problem was that all the candy was eaten by the Straw Hats during the feast last night, and if Big Mom doesn't get her candy, she'll destroy the island. Hearing that made Luffy mad and when Big Mom called through a Transponder snail, Luffy answered it and gave her a piece of his mind, which made her mad at him and would like to meet him in the New World. Of course Luffy accepted and says that once he kicks her butt, he'll make Fish-man island a part of his territory. While mad about not getting candy, she'll spare the island in exchange for the treasure Luffy took from Caribou. Nami: "Are you nuts?!, giving away the treasure!" Luffy: "If I didn't do it, Big Mom would have destroyed the island." Zoro: "He's right, it was either the treasure or the island, we didn't had much of a choice." Nami: "Ugh... I just wanted a good pay day... is that so much to ask?" Vivi: "For pirates like us?, pretty much, but don't worry, I'm sure we'll get better luck next time." Conis: "I'm just happy that Jimbei didn't lose his home... like I did..." Nami: "Huh?... oh right... Angel island... well... I guess protecting someone's home is important..." Jimbei: "Luffy, I understand you're mad at Big Mom for attempting to destroy the island, but it's a very bad idea to tick her off, she's one of the 4 emperor's after all." Usopp: "I agree!, last thing I want is a super powerful pirate emperor coming after us!" while the Straw Hats were talking, Neptune and the Minister of the Right were looking really worried. Minister of the Right: "This is bad... the Tamate box was with that stolen treasure... if Big Mom opens it and explodes in her face, she'll blame us and destroy not only the Straw Hats, but us as well..." Neptune: "Yes... but we can't tell them that... they'll lose their will to live... not only that, aren't those explosives 10 years old?, there's a chance they're no longer functional." Minister of the Right: "You make a good point, and who said that Big Mom would be the one who'll open it anyway?, let's just hope for the best." that was when Robin came up to them. Robin: "Do I even want to know what you're whispering about?" some time later, as the Straw Hats load up supplies to the Thousand Sunny, the Minister of the Left gives Nami a new Log pose, which was like the old one, only it had three needles instead of just one. Nami: "So... this is a Log Pose for the New World?" Minister of the Left: "That's right, while a standard Log Pose is all you need in the first half of the Grand Line, the New World is harder to navigate, as the magnetic fields on some of those islands can either change or disappeared completely, but with three needles, you can navigate better." Nami: "I noticed that one of the needles is moving a little." Minister of the Left: "Yes, the more the needle shakes, the more dangerous the island must be." Nami: "What?!, we can't know that!" Minister of the Left: "Why is that?, knowing where the danger is would help you navigate safely." Luffy: "Oh so if that needle is shaking, then that must be where the party is, let's go there." Nami: "No!" Usopp: "We're gonna die!" Nami: "Excuse me!, who is the navigator here?!" Luffy: "Well I'm the captain, remember?" Nami: "Captain or not, don't make go places that will kill us!" Zoro: "Quite being a baby, if you don't wanna face danger then you should have stayed in the East Blue." Nami: "I am not a baby!, I'm just a lady who has a brain!" Sanji: "Don't worry Nami, I'll protect you from whatever in the New World." Conis: "And you got us, we'll be there together." Vivi: "She's right, as long as we're together, not even the 4 emperors can stop us." Nami: "Ugh... well... I guess you guys would be dead if I'm not there to navigate..." that was when Hachi and Camie and Papagu came to the scene. Papagu: "We're gonna miss ya guys." Camie: "Yeah, I wish you guys good luck in the New World." Hachi: "Come back for more Takoyaki." Luffy: "Sure thing." that was when Jimbei came to the scene. Jimbei: "Well... good luck on your trip." Luffy: "What do you mean?, aren't you coming with us?" Jimbei: "Not yet... there is something I need to do first, but once I'm done, I'll join your crew." Luffy: "You promise?" Jimbei: "I'm a man who keeps his word." Luffy: "Good to hear... see ya Jimbei, and see ya too Shirahoshi, it was nice meeting ya." Shirahoshi: "Yeah... I hope we meet again... do you think that... one day... you could take me on a stroll to a real forest at the surface one day?" Luffy: "Sure thing, good luck." soon, the Straw Hats were ready and sailed away from Fish-man island, and Franky took out some big wooden blocks that were used to help the Thousand Sunny float up to the surface, which would be the New World.

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