A Davy Back fight & an icy marine admiral

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After their adventure in Skypiea, the Straw Hats were making a landing to the sea safely, thanks to the octopus balloon. Not only that, but the Straw Hats have two new crew members out of Conis and her pet cloud fox, Su. Luffy: "Alright you guys, our adventure in Skypiea is over, which means another adventure is about to begin." Nami: "Yes, and we got lots of gold, but we need to use it wisely... and I know what we should do with it." Vivi: "Nami, if you plan on using it for yourself..." Nami: "I'm not... I think the one who really needs it is a special lady that's been with us since Usopp joined." Luffy: "Huh?, what do you mean?" Nami: "I'm talking about the Going Merry." Usopp: "Yeah, she's been carrying us ever since I joined the crew." Vivi: "And she's been taking damage since coming into the Grand line, right?" Sanji: "Yeah... and while we can heal after a fight... ships can't... meaning the damage will remain until someone repairs it." Chopper: "Well we got Usopp right?, he can fix it." Usopp: "I wish that were true, but I'm more of a sniper, not a shipwright, which are experts on building and fixing ships..." Luffy: "Then let's find a shipwright, to fix the Merry... and have him join our crew." Zoro: "Well that would be great and all... but where are we gonna find a shipwright that would be willing fix a pirate ship?, let alone joining us?" Luffy: "We'll figure that out later." Vivi: "Well... if we're lucky... we might be able to sail to Water 7." Conis: "Water 7?" Su: "Suu?" Vivi: "Yes, it's also known as the City of water, where the best shipwrights in the world hang out in, back when I was little, my father and I went there while heading for the Reverie." Conis: "Reverie?" Vivi: "Yes... it's kind of like a meeting of all the royalties of the world... but that's something to talk about for another time." Conis: "Hmm... I have so much to learn about the blue sea world..." Robin: "Say navigator, are we still on course for the next island?" Nami: "Yes, and we should be there soon." said Nami, before she and the others ended their meeting and went back to their places of the Merry. While sailing, Chopper was helping both Conis and Su adjust to the oxygen as they were used to the thin level of it back on Skypiea, but once they got used to it, they soon learned that they got a lot stronger too, like able to pick up heavy things a lot better than they did before in the past for example. Soon, the ship anchored to the island, which was full of creatures and plants that stretches out in either length or height. Luffy, Usopp, Conis and Su were exploring the island, and then they noticed what looked like a giraffe at first, but was really a horse with a long neck and long legs. Her name was Shelly, and she was following what looked like a pair of very tall stalks of bamboo. Luffy broke one of them and an old man named Tonjit (voiced by Bill Flynn), fell out of the sky and landed on Usopp. Conis: "Oh my goodness!, are you alright?" Tonjit: "Yeah... I think so... thanks for softening my fall... I thought I was a goner for sure..." Conis: "Did you came from a sky island?" Tonjit: "No, I came from here, I only been living on top of my bamboo stilts for 10 years now... and had apples growing on very tall trees as an only source of food..." Usopp: "Living on those tall bamboo stilts for 10 years?!" Tonjit: "They weren't this tall when I first got them, they just grew overtime... and I was too scared to come down..." Conis: "What about your family?" Tonjit: "Well my people island are nomads, and this island is one of the small chain of 10 islands called the Long Ring Long Land, which my tribe can walk between to the others during a big ebb every year... but due to being stuck on those stilts for the passed 10 years... my tribe left to the other islands... and I doubt I'll live long enough to see them circle back..." Conis: "You poor man..." Luffy: "So what's with this giraffe?" asked Luffy, pointing at Shelly, which made Tonjit gasped in joy. Tonjit: "Shelly!, it's you!, did you stay here for my sake...?" asked Tonjit, before Shelly nodded to answer the old man's question, and Tonjit became to cry a little, happy to see he wasn't all alone after all. Suddenly, a large net catches both Shelly and Su, and pulls them away from the group, who were shocked by this. That was when an evil laugh was heard, and the owner of the laugh revealed to be noun other than Buggy the clown himself, who was letting out an evil smile at the group. Buggy: "Well Straw Hat... we meet again..." Luffy: "Huh?... do I know you?" Buggy: "What?!, you seriously don't remember me?!, after what happened in Orange town and Logue town?!" Luffy: "... Oh yeah, Booger the Clod, right?" there was a moment of silence, before Buggy breaks it with his growl in anger. Buggy: "You rubber brained idiot!, it's not Booger the clod!, it's Buggy the Clown!" Conis: "Please Mr Buggy, let Su go!" Tonjit: "And Shelly too!" that was another man came to the scene, with hair that made his head looked like it got split in half, named Silver Fox Foxy (voiced by Jonathan Brooks), came to the scene. Foxy: "Fee, Fee, Fee, Fee!, if you want them back, then you have beat us in a Davy Back fight." Luffy: "Fine by me... first I'll tell my crew... and then you and Buggy are gonna regret on stealing my friends you stupid split head!" shouted Luffy, before Foxy was putting his hands and knees to the ground, looking gloomy from hearing what Luffy called him. Foxy: "Split head...?" Buggy: "Will you quit it?!, now is not the time... by the way Straw Hat... allow me to introduce to you my newest crew member, a man with a 24,000,000 berry bounty, Silver Fox Foxy, a man who won a lot of Davy Back fights, at least until I beat him in his own game." Foxy: "As if you clown!, I only joined because I got shipwrecked after I lost my crew in a storm with me as the only survivor!" Buggy: "Whatever!, the point is you're part of my crew now so you have to do what I say!" Luffy: "Hey Buggy!... you better get ready for a beat down... cause I'm gonna give you a bigger one than last time!" meanwhile, Nami was trying out the waver, which she and the others found from the sunken ship, and got repaired by the help of Usopp and Conis, when she and the others sees Luffy's group returned to the Going Merry, explaining to them what happened. Nami: "Buggy's back?!, and he challenged you to a Davy Back fight?!" Sanji: "And our sweet angel's adorable cloud fox was taken hostage by that clown?!" Usopp: "Hate to say it, but yeah... though I never thought we would encounter that clown here of all places..." Conis: "So this Buggy person... is an old enemy?" Nami: "Yeah, Buggy the clown was a pirate that gave us a lot of trouble back in the East blue, at the time when I first met Luffy and Zoro, or that time he tried to execute Luffy back at Logue town... never thought he would follow us all the way here..." Luffy: "Yeah, but don't worry, I'm gonna make him pay." Vivi: "I hope so... cause I can't bare the thought of serving under that clown..." Chopper: "What do you mean?" Robin: "Well you see, the Davy Back fight is a game between two pirate crews, and the winner gets to take the loser's crew members of their jolly roger..." Vivi: "And the crew members will have to swore their loyalty to the winner no matter what..." Chopper: "What?!, you mean will have serve for that clown?!, but I don't wanna sail with him!" Zoro: "I don't like the idea either, but if we want to get Su back, we have to accept the challenge." Luffy: "Yeah, I'm coming for ya Buggy!" sometime later, Buggy came up to the Going Merry, with Foxy behind him, and it wasn't long before the Straw Hats came up to the clown. Buggy: "So you accepted my challenge?" Luffy: "Yeah... what do you have in mind?" Buggy: "A double duel between you and me, while my newest crew member, Foxy, battles your newest crew member, if you and your newest member wins, we'll give you the fox back... but if we win... you get to serve under me... got it?" Luffy: "Got it..." Buggy: "Then let's begin the battle in 15 minutes... and don't keep us waiting..." said Buggy, before he and Foxy left the scene. Conis: "So... I'm guessing since I'm the newest Straw Hat... I'll be the one facing Foxy..." Sanji: "Hold on Conis, are you sure about that?" Conis: "No... but Su needs me... and besides, this could be my chance to prove my worth as a Straw Hat." 15 minutes later, the duel between Buggy and Luffy, along with the battle between Foxy and Conis, is about to begin. Much to everyone's surprise, both Buggy and Luffy were wearing some sort of Afro wig on their heads, believing that they'll make them more powerful. Buggy: "Oh yeah!, you'll soon feel the wrath of my funky Chop Chop Afro power!" Luffy: "Oh yeah?!, well you're gonna feel the wrath of my funky Gum Gum Afro power!" Sanji: "So funky!, those powers are putting fire into my soul!" Vivi: "You're kidding... right?" Zoro: "Is this supposed to be a fight or some disco dance off?" Nami: "Can't Luffy try to show some dignity for once...?" Tonjit: "Well as long as he can get Shelly, it's fine by me." Zoro: "Uh... what's with the old man?" Usopp: "Well let's just say that Su's not the only one that Buggy has captured." said Usopp, before the duel of Luffy and Conis vs Buggy and Foxy begins, and it was tough as Buggy keep turning himself into smaller pieces, while Foxy has the powers of the Slow Slow fruit, which allows him to shoot a beam from his fingers that slows everything and everyone down for 30 seconds. However, Conis was able to use her new strength to do some damage on Foxy and used a small mirror to reflect the beam back at him, causing him to be slow for a bit, allowing Conis to use her impact on the pirate just before the 5 seconds were up. All: "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." just like that, the effects of the beam wore off, and Foxy was sent flying right into Buggy, causing both of them to hit a tree, knocking them out cold, meaning that Luffy and Conis were the winners. As a result of their win, Su came back to Conis while Shelly went back to Tonjit, and both of the animals were happy to be reunited with their owners. Alvida: "I can't believe he lost again..." Cabaji: "It wasn't his fault." Mohji: "Yeah Foxy was the one who let that girl beat him." Foxy: "How was I supposed to know she had a mirror?!" shouted Foxy, before he and the others noticed that Buggy was looking like he was about to explode. Buggy: "You might have won this round Straw Hat... but mark my words... I will take you down if it's the last thing I'll ever do!" shouted Buggy, before he sails away on his ship with his crew. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats were watching Tonjit riding Shelly, who were both happy to be reunited. Tonjit: "I can never thank you enough, Straw Hat, thanks to you, my Shelly is safe again." Luffy: "You don't have to thank me, I mean I helped out cause one of my crew mates were in trouble too." Tonjit: "Yes, you certainly care about your crew... hey look, there's my house." said Tonjit, before he sees a little house not too far away. Usopp: "That's where you live?" Tonjit: "Yeah... well before I got stuck on top of those stilts anyway... how about I cook up something for ya, as a way to show my gratitude." Luffy: "Thanks old man." said Luffy, before Tonjit went to his old house, only to be stopped as he sees what looked like a man sleeping in front of the door while standing up, and with a sleeping mask covering his eyes. Chopper followed the old man and sees the mystery man too. Chopper: "Who's that?" Tonjit: "Don't know... I was gonna ask you the same thing..." it wasn't long before the mystery man, named Aokiji (voiced by Jason Douglas), woke up lifts up his sleeping mask to see the pair. Aokiji: "Huh... an old man and a Raccoon dog?" Chopper: "Can't you see the antlers?!, I'm a reindeer!" that was when the others went over to see Aokiji, and once both Vivi and Robin saw him, they freaked out and fell to the ground. Vivi: "Why... is he here...?" Luffy: "What's wrong?, do you know him?" Usopp: "Whoa... if Robin and Vivi are freaked out by this guy, then so am I..." Conis: "Who is he?" Robin: "He's a marine... navy HQ Admiral Aokiji..." All: "Admiral?!" Conis: "A marine?, as in the enemy of pirates?" Sanji: "And this guy's an admiral?, that's one of the highest ranks there is..." Robin: "That's right, and there are only 3 men who have that rank... Akainu... Aokiji... and Kizaru... the only one who outranks them is Fleet Admiral Sengoku, and the man before you is one of the 3 men known as the World Government's ultimate powerhouses..." Usopp: "Then why is someone like him even here?!, shouldn't he be after pirates with a billion berry bounty or something?!" asked Usopp in fear, before Aokiji takes a look at the female members besides Robin. Aokiji: "Oh my... it seems Nico Robin's not the only very lovely lady around here... are any of you free tonight?" Sanji: "You watch your mouth you jerk!" Usopp: "You're no better than he is!" Aokiji: "Calm down, I didn't came here to cause trouble, I'm just here on a stroll... well that and to confirm the whereabouts of Nico Robin, who has not been seen since the Alabasta incident, and the same would go for the now wanted former princess, and it turns out they're both with you... so with them on your crew, your total bounty has gone up... 100 million, plus 60 million, plus 79 million, plus 55 million equals... ah nuts, some big number..." Zoro: "Just do the darn math." Luffy: "That's it!, Gum Gum..." said Luffy, trying to attack Aokiji, only to be stopped by Usopp and Sanji, trying to prevent a fight between them and a marine admiral. Tonjit: "So you're really a marine?" Aokiji: "That's right, and you're a member of the tribe of Long Ring Long Land, right?" Tonjit: "Yes... but my tribe left some time ago... and the next ebb won't occur for some time now..." Aokiji: "Well maybe I can help you with that." Tonjit: "You can, thanks." Luffy: "Oh come on, how can you help the old man?" Usopp: "Yeah, do you even have a ship?" Aokiji: "No, I have a bike though." Usopp: "Come on, what good having a bike be at sea?" Chopper: "Well we have a ship, but it's a pirate ship." Aokiji: "Don't worry, the old man and his horse will be fine." Usopp: "Nothing you say makes any sense." Robin: "... It's true... he does have the power to help them..." Vivi: "As much as I hate to agree with her... yes... as the navy and the World Government would let anyone get the rank of marine admiral for nothing..." said Robin, before the Straw Hats helped Tonjit get some food and supplies for his trip to travel, even they weren't sure how he'll get to the other islands without a ship. Just then, Aokiji went to the edge of the sea, and placed his hand in the water. Suddenly, a Sea king showed up, getting ready to attack. Aokiji: "... Ice Age..." said Aokiji simply, before the whole sea and the sea monster, got turned into frozen ice, much to everyone's shock and horror. Zoro: "A Devil fruit..." Conis: "Is he... like a god...?" Luffy: "The sea... it's frozen..." Robin: "This is the power of a navy HQ admiral..." said Robin, before Aokiji takes his hand out of the ice, and walks away. Aokiji: "It'll stay like that for a least a week, give you enough time to travel to the other islands and reunite with your tribe, should at least take a few days, but you should wear something to keep you and your horse warm." Tonjit: "Is this... a dream?... you see this Shelly?, we can get across now!, thank you sir!, and you too Straw Hats!" said Tonjit, before he and Shelly begin their journey across the frozen sea, and the Straw Hat wave goodbye to them until they were out of sight. Once Luffy turned around, he noticed that Aokiji was looking at him. Luffy: "What is it?" Aokiji: "How should I put this?, you're the spitting image of your grandfather, Monkey D Luffy, or should I say just as reckless and hard to figure out." Luffy: "Y-you know... my grandpa?!" Aokiji: "Of course I do, he is a fellow marine after all." Usopp: "Seriously?, Luffy's grandpa is a marine?" Aokiji: "Yeah, and although the World Government still doesn't see you as a major threat, with the speed of how much you're getting your fame... and the fact you have Nico Robin in your crew, you're sure to be a big problem later on, meaning it would be best to take out the flame before before it becomes a wildfire." Usopp: "Hold on a second!, you said you only came here on a stroll, not to kill anyone!" Aokiji: "Maybe, but as a marine, it's my duty to take down pirates, and a world level threat like Nico Robin." Luffy: "So you are here for Robin, now I'm really gonna kick your butt!" Aokiji: "Why do you insist on protecting her?, don't you think that after switching sides so many times in the past just to survive, she might just turn her back on you like others before her?" Vivi: "I'll admit I had that feeling myself... but she only did it so she can learn the history of this void century, and to share it with the whole world." Aokiji: "You should know that attempting to learn the history of that century alone is a crime against the World Government." Conis: "Why?, what's so bad about learning from the past?" Aokiji: "Well the ancient weapons are a starter, for they not only have the power to destroy the world, but they were made during that era, so learning that history will allow someone to get a hold of them... isn't that your goal Nico Robin?" Sanji: "Hold on!, what's makes you think she's interested in these so called world destroying weapons, and what kind of grudge do you have against her?" Aokiji: "I don't have any grudge against her, you see the only connection between us is that I let her escape from me one time, a long ago when she was only 8 years old... and she has become a dangerous woman... one that must be stopped." said Aokiji, before he turned into ice and grabbed Robin, covering her in ice, much to the crew's shock and horror. Chopper: "Robin!" Nami: "No!" Luffy: "Why you... you cold heartless monster!" Aokiji: "Stop yelling, if you can keep her one piece and thew her out, she'll live... but if any part of her breaks, she'll die... for example... if I would smash her like this..." said Aokiji, as he was getting ready to punch Robin's frozen body, only for Usopp to catch her just in the nick of time and took her away from Aokiji. Luffy: "Usopp, you and everyone else get Robin back to the Going Merry... I'll deal with this jerk..." Usopp: "Are you sure Luffy?, this guy's a navy admiral, and you saw what he did to the sea, right?" Luffy: "I know... but if I don't fight him... he'll go after Robin..." Zoro: "He's right, we need to get Robin out of that ice and fast." Chopper: "Right, hurry!" said Chopper, before he and the others went off back to the Merry, while Luffy faces Aokiji by himself. Luffy: "Alright... let's have a duel, just you and me and no one else... got it?" Aokiji: "Fine, but since I don't have a ship to take you to Navy HQ, I'll just have to kill you." said Aokiji, before he and Luffy went to battle each other, and the fight didn't last long and it ended with Luffy ended up being frozen like Robin. It was then that moment when Aokiji realized something. Aokiji: "Oh man... you tricked me... you moment I agreed to fighting you, I settled with facing and no one else... but that was your plan, wasn't it... if I attack your crew now, I'd be the bad guy... isn't that right?... or maybe you actually thought you can beat me... well either way... I won't go after your crew for now... and I'll let you live too... consider it as my way to thank for taking care of Crocodile and protecting the former princess... see ya." said Aokiji, before he leaves the island and riding on his bike, which was on ice that was formed on the surface by Aokiji's powers. It wasn't long Sanji and Zoro found Luffy and brought him back to the ship, and Chopper went to work on thawing them out. It took some time, but Chopper came out of the room and told the others that both Luffy and Robin's hearts are beating, meaning they'll live. Nami: "Thank goodness..." Chopper: "I know... I was so worried too..." Usopp: "Hey guys... are there gonna be more guys like him... Admiral Aokiji I mean... coming after us everywhere we go?" Vivi: "Believe it or not... Aokiji is the most tamed of the three admirals... and if our bounties do go up more... than yeah..." Conis: "So Aokiji was a Logia Devil fruit user... like Eneru?" Nami: "Seems to be the case... only his was something Luffy couldn't fight back..." Usopp: "What are we gonna do if we run into him again?, or someone like him?" Nami: "I don't know..." Zoro: "Let's not worry about now, we should get some rest until Luffy and Robin wake up." Sanji: "Yeah... we been through a lot today, maybe some rest should help us feel better." Vivi: "I hope you're right..." a few days later, Luffy and Robin finally made a recovery, and the Going Merry was read to set sail again as the Log pose was ready to lead them to the next island. Little did they all knew at the time was that the next island has some people waiting them, and they want a certain woman in their crew too.

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