Carrot and Jack on Zou part 2

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A day later, after the shocking truth of their parents' fates, Tommy and his friends were in their huts, feeling heartbroken, while the Straw Hats were trying to think of some ways to cheer them up. Nami: "Those poor things... I know what how they feel... losing a parent can be really painful... especially in such a young age..." Franky: "Yeah... Tom might not have been my birth parent... but he was still like a dad to me... even after his passing..." Luffy: "Stupid Jack jerk... if I ever meet this guy, I'm gonna kick his butt for making Tommy and the others cry..." Robin: "That won't be possible, according in today's newspaper, Jack was defeated by the navy who were transporting Dolflamingo." Usopp: "Really?" Robin: "Well they had admiral Fujitora and the former Fleet Admiral Sengoku, who now works as the marine inspector." Sanji: "I guess that figures, they would need to have some admiral level guys to guard that string jerk..." Zoro: "And this Jack guy is dead?" Robin: "Well they never found the body, but if he has devil fruit powers and his ship sank... there's a good chance he is." Conis: "That jerk... attacking an innocent country just for a samurai from... Wano... named Raizo... wait... didn't Kin'emon mentioned him being here?" Vivi: "Oh my gosh!, you're right... and if they come here... the Minks will believe we're here to cause trouble too..." Luffy: "But if the samurai is not here... where could he be?" Nami: "Who knows, but if Kin'emon and Kanjuro and Momo come here, the minks could attack them." Zoro: "And us too for that matter..." meanwhile at sea, next to one of the legs of the giant elephant, the Demon trio appeared, and they had what looked like a lion mink, who was badly injured. The mink's name was Pekoms (voiced by Christopher Guerrero), and he was a member of the Big Mom pirates. Pekoms: "You... rotten reptiles... this is not how you treat people who are injured..." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up, you're still alive so stop complaining, anyway, this is Zou, right?" Pekoms: "... Yes... but why do we need to come here?, we need to find the Straw Hats..." ThunderSmacker: "Because there were four mink children with them, and they would most likely getting a way home through the Straw Hats." SpaceWarp: "L-l-look!, there's the Straw Hat ship!" said SpaceWarp, looking down at the Thousand Sunny, where it's Klabautermann spots the trio and Pekoms, and she was concerned. Sunny: "Oh deer... it's those demon creeps... I better warn Luffy and the others quick." said the Klabautermann, before she goes over to the Transponder snail. On the upper half of the elephant's leg, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, and Momonosuke were still riding on the living dragon drawing, which was still climbing the leg. Kin'emon: "Are we almost there?" Kanjuro: "Not sure, I just hope another waterfall comes down on us... the water has weakened my drawing." Momonosuke: "We can't give up, Luffy and the others are waiting." said Momonosuke, as the samurai of Wano continued their climbing, unaware of the Demon trio flying up to the top. Back with the Straw Hats, they just a call from Sunny that the Demon trio were at Zou. Chopper: "Those monsters are back?!" Sunny: "I'm afraid so, we better warn the kids quick." Luffy: "Don't worry, we won't let them take the kids or their souls... though it's weird as those guys don't have shoes..." Usopp: "That's not the kind of souls they want..." meanwhile, at the ruined city, Pekoms was shocked to see the sight of the city's current state. Pekoms: "No... my home... what has happened here?!" ScreamClaw: "It looks like there was a battle here..." Pekoms: "I bet it was those cursed Straw Hats!, they're gonna pay for this!" SpaceWarp: "Um... d-d-do you really think it was them?" ThunderSmacker: "Who cares?, we're here to pick up a certain someone for Big Mom, and that's what we're gonna do..." ScreamClaw: "Let's go." said ScreamClaw, before they took off, while Pekoms continued to find his fellow Minks, despite his injuries. Back with the Straw Hats, when they got to the hut where the kids were, they find that they were nowhere to be found. Brook: "Where did they go?" Nami: "I don't like this... something's wrong..." Conis: "Hey guys... I think the trio got here first..." Vivi: "What makes you say that?" Conis: "Look..." said Conis, pointing at the footprints of the demon trio, which leads to a big hole on the back wall of the hut. Sanji: "Oh nuts... we're too late!" that was when Zoro noticed a piece of paper on the bed, and picked it up. Zoro: "Looks like they left a note..." Nami: "Really?" said Nami, before she looks at the note, which said 'Meet us in the forest, there you will hand over some certain men in exchange of the kids'. Usopp: "Who do you think they want?" Nami: "My best guess would be Caesar... if they'd give us back the kids in exchange for him, then we might as well... how about you captain?" Luffy: "Fine with me, if it saves the kids, then let's do it." Chopper: "Yeah, I had enough of Caesar's company anyway." Franky: "What about Law?, should we tell him?" Nami: "There's no time, let's do this quick." soon, they went into the forest, there they meet the Demon trio, who has the kids wrapped up in chains. ScreamClaw: "Ah, how nice of you to come, you must really care about the well being of these little runts." ThunderSmacker: "Now give us the men so we can take them to Big Mom." Caesar: "Big Mom?!, no please don't let them take me?!, Big Mom will kill me!" Sanji: "Like we care!, after everything you did to those kids in Punk Hazard, you deserved a worse fate than death!" Brook: "Hold on... did one of them say... 'them'?, as in... more than just Caesar?" ThunderSmacker: "Of course, the note said men, as in M-E-N, meaning more than one man." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." ScreamClaw: "In case you're wondering who the other man is... it would be Black Leg Sanji himself." said ScreamClaw, which surprised the Straw Hats, Sanji especially. Sanji: "Me?, what would you want with me?" ScreamClaw: "Oh I don't want you... it's Big Mom, for you see, she's having a special tea party soon, and this one will have a lovely wedding between one of her daughters, Charlotte Pudding, and the third son of the Vinsmoke family... which is you." said ScreamClaw, which made everyone to gasp in shock, and Sanji was the most shocked one. Zoro: "Hold on... the cook is gonna get married?!" Franky: "Whoa, when did you get a fiancee?" Sanji: "Yeah... I was gonna ask the same question... and how did you know that name...?" ScreamClaw: "We know more about you than just your name, we also know that you grew up in the East Blue with some cooks of the Baratie, and if you don't accept Big Mom's invitation to the wedding... she'll make sure that you'll get a present... the kind you never want to have." Conis: "What kind of present...?" ThunderSmacker: "The severed heads of the ones he was close to... either one of you, or the cooks of the Baratie..." this made everyone have their faces filled with shock and horror. Sanji: "That can't be..." Luffy: "If you think we're gonna let you do that... then get ready for a good butt kicking!" shouted Luffy, ready to attack the trio. However, SpaceWarp shoots some kind of purple gas from his mouth that hits Luffy, and the Straw Hat pirate started to scream in horror, like he was seeing things from his worst nightmares. Zoro: "Luffy!, what's wrong?!" Luffy: "No!, Ace!, Sabo!, you can't die!, please!" Vivi: "What's happening?!" ScreamClaw: "Your captain is experiencing the effects of SpaceWarp's fear gas, which forces the victim to see nothing but illusions of their worst fears, and he'll be like this for at least an hour before it finally wears off." ThunderSmacker: "Would you like to see how well it works?" asked ThunderSmacker, before SpaceWarp fires another Fear Gas attack, and this time on the rest of the Straw Hats, and they were seeing their worst nightmares, which seemed too real to them. While they were down, ScreamClaw grabs Sanji and wraps him up in chains. ScreamClaw: "Alright boys, let's pick up Caesar and get out of here." ThunderSmacker: "You got it." said ThunderSmacker, as he grabs Caesar, who was scared out of his wits. SpaceWarp: "And the k-k-kids?" ScreamClaw: "What about them?, they're coming too." Gidget: "But you promised the Straw Hats that you would free us if you take Caesar!" ScreamClaw: "True, but I crossed my claws when I made that note." Tommy: "You back stabbing lizard!" ScreamClaw: "We are not lizards!, we're demons!, there's a difference!" SpaceWarp: "Uh... g-g-guys... I think we have a p-p-problem..." said SpaceWarp, before he points at an angry Cat Viper, who glares down at the trio. Cat Viper: "You Gara mind telling me what you're doing with those kids and one of our saviors?" ScreamClaw: "Uh... there's a good explanation for that... and it's called... RUN!!!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons make a run for it with Caesar and Sanji, while the kids were left behind. Gidget: "We gotta stop them!, they're kidnapping Mr Sanji!" Cat Viper: "Don't worry, they won't get far." said Cat Viper, before some other minks, including Carrot, Pedro, and Wanda, came to the scene and chases down the Demon trio. Wanda: "Stop you three!" Carrot: "Let go of Sanji!" ThunderSmacker: "No way, Big Mom wants him and Caesar for her tea party, and if we don't get them in time, she'll have our heads!" Pedro: "Big Mom?!" shouted Pedro in shock, knowing too well who Big Mom is. ScreamClaw: "Enough running!, let's get out of here!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons used their wings to fly away from Zou, while carrying both Caesar and Sanji. Carrot: "Oh no!, we're too late!" Wanda: "We weren't fast enough..." Pedro: "We did our best... I just hope the other Straw Hats are alright..." said Pedro, before he and the others went to the Straw Hats, who were still under the effects of SpaceWarp's Fear Gas attack. Gidget: "They'll be like this for at least an hour before it wears off..." Tommy: "This is all our fault... the trio got the drop on them because they used us as a bargaining chip..." Carrot: "It's okay Tommy, it wasn't your fault." Tommy: "But it is... they came here because we owe them our souls..." Jokeo: "First our parents... and now Mr Sanji... can't we ever get a break...?" Jokey: "I don't know... it doesn't look like it..." that was when a monkey mink came and gave them a report that Samurai from Wano have arrived, much to their shock, while the kids gulped in nervousness due to knowing who the monkey was talking about. An hour later, the Straw Hats were finally coming back to their senses, and they see not only Cat Viper and Dog Storm together in the same room, but Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Momonosuke as well. Luffy: "Oh... what a nightmare... what happened?" Tommy: "You were dosed with SpaceWarp's Fear Gas attack that made you see nothing but your worst fears." Vivi: "Oh my gosh!, Sanji!" Gidget: "It's too late... they're already gone... with both Caesar and Mr Sanji..." Cat Viper: "We're truly sorry about your crew mate... I should have done something..." Dog Storm: "No joke... I would have done better." Cat Viper: "Oh really?, like what happened to Oden?!" Dog Storm: "That was your fault!, not mine!" shouted Dog Storm, as he and Cat Viper were getting ready to kill each other, before Momonosuke shouted at them to stop fighting. Momonosuke: "Please you two!, I know you feel guilty about what happened to my father, but don't blame or hate each other for it!" Dog Storm: "You're right... our most humblest apologies my lord..." Conis: "Wait... lord?, and what do you mean what happened to his father, Kin'emon's right here..." Vivi: "Wait... the samurai are here!, Dog Storm!, Cat Viper... we can..." Kin'emon: "It's alright, we already explained to them that you're our allies." Kanjuro: "Yes, and it turns out that Raizo is here." Cat Viper: "That's right, he's here, alive and well." this was shocking news to the Straw Hats. Usopp: "Hold on!, you mean the Samurai that Jack and his men were looking for was really here and you all knew it the whole time?!, but your homes... and you were so close to death..." Cat Viper: "I'm sorry, but we had to keep it a secret, and even if the city's destroyed, we can always rebuild it, and no matter how close we were at death, we would never sale out a friend." hearing this made Luffy smile, making him like the Minks even more than before. Luffy: "Wow... you guys are really awesome!" Dog Storm: "Well... I guess... though I don't really feel awesome at the moment... not after allowing those dragons take away one of your crew members..." Cat Viper: "Yes... I hope you can forgive us." Luffy: "Hey don't beat yourself up, you did your best... and to be honest, I believe it was my fault for letting Sanji get taken..." Tommy: "No Luffy, we're the ones who are to blame as we were the reason they came here in the first place, and they used us to force you to make the trade." Wanda: "Now little one, this blaming ourselves thing is not gonna help us in anyway." Vivi: "She's right, we need to focus on getting Sanji back." Pedro: "It won't be easy... if Big Mom's involved, then it will be difficult." Usopp: "No kidding, she's one of the 4 emperors, just like Kaido." that was when Law came to the scene. Law: "What would Big Mom want with Black Leg?" Brook: "Well... she wants him to marry one of her daughters, and it seems Sanji has a family name... I think it was Vinsmoke." this made Law gasp in shock, as he recognized that name. Law: "Vinsmoke?!, are you sure?" Brook: "You know who the Vinsmoke family is?" Law: "Yes... they're known to be a family of assassins that originate from the North Blue, there was a comic series that has villeins based on them, known as Germa 66." Vivi: "Wait... it's coming back to me... the Vinsmoke family were one of the royal families that attend to the Reverie like my family!" Chopper: "You mean... you met his family?!" Vivi: "Yeah, they had different colored hair... and they had the same kind of eyebrows like Sanji had..." that was when Nami bops Vivi on the head. Nami: "How could you never told us about that fact?!" Vivi: "I wasn't sure they were Sanji's family they never mentioned him or anything... and they came from the North Blue, and Sanji was in the East Blue, right?" Nami: "Wait... back in Jaya, 2 years ago, Sanji mentioned that he was born from the North Blue while growing up in the East Blue..." Brook: "Really?, that's a big deal as in order to cross, he would need permission from the people of Mariejois... so if Sanji was from a royal family... then him being able to get to the East Blue from the North Blue can't be too far fetch... especially if he was a child at the time..." Zoro: "So he was keeping secrets from us... some friend he turned out to be..." Robin: "I had secrets when I was in the crew." Zoro: "But you didn't kept them for 2 years." Robin: "We were training during the passed 2 years." Chopper: "She has a point." Vivi: "Well we all have our secrets, and I'm sure Sanji had his reasons." Conis: "I hope he'll be okay..." Zoro: "I'm sure he's fine, I mean he's probably happy that he's getting married." Luffy: "Come on!, he wouldn't leave us for a girl!" Zoro: "You realized that we're talking about the cook, right?, the man who would do anything to win a woman's heart." Usopp: "Oh come on Zoro, don't say that!... though you might be right..." Nami: "Hey Kin'emon, what did Momo mean by if his father was still here?, you're right here." Kin'emon: "Well... to tell you the truth... Momonosuke's real father was Kozuki Oden, I only pose as the boy's father to keep his identity a secret." Gidget: "Really?!, I knew you guys were part of the Kozuki clan... but Momonosuke being the son of the legendary Oden himself?!" Kin'emon: "That's right, he is the boy who will one day become the next shogun of Wano." Luffy: "So... is he important?" Kanjuro: "Of course he is, being the shogun of Wano means he's the country's ruler." Zoro: "So why would a future ruler of Wano be doing outside of Wano in the first place?" Kin'emon: "Well I would explain it, but right now we need to see Raizo." Cat Viper: "Right, we'll take you to him right away." Dog Storm: "Yes, I'm sure he'll be happy to know you're alright as well." said the two Mink rulers, before they, along with the Straw Hats, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Momonosuke, Law and Carrot went off to to a large tree that was shaped like a white whale, which was at the center of Zou, and once they got into a tunnel, they were walking down some stairs. Carrot: "Raizo is a really awesome guy, he's a ninja after all." Luffy: "A ninja?!, awesome!" Usopp: "Alright... we finally get to see a real ninja." Franky: "I'll bet he's super cool!" Chopper: "Me too!" soon, they came to the room where Raizo (voiced by Andrew Kishino) was, who looked like a man with a very large head and was wrapped up in chains. Raizo: "It's about time you showed up!, what is the meaning of locking me up like this?!, what has happened out there?!" Kin'emon: "Raizo!, there you are!" Raizo: "Huh?, Kin'emon!, Kanjuro!, Lord Momonosuke!, it's really you!, thank goodness you're here!" Momonosuke: "Yes, same to you." that was when Raizo noticed that Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Zoro and Law were glaring at him, like they were disappointed by the sight of the ninja. Raizo: "Hey, what's with the sour looks?" Chopper: "Are you really a ninja?" Raizo: "Why of course I am, why do you ask?" Usopp: "Well it's just... your head's a little too big to be a ninja... and you look slow and all that." Raizo: "What?!, I can assure you that I'm fast." said Raizo, before he vanished without a trace, much to the group's surprise. Usopp: "What the?!, he vanished!" Raizo: "Nope, I'm right here!... and here!, and here!" said Raizo, as he appears to have copies of himself all over the room. Chopper: "He's everywhere!" Carrot: "Wow!, so cool!" Law: "Well I'll be... he really is a ninja..." Zoro: "Yeah... guess his appearance is to make the enemy drop their guard, so he can strike when they least expect it." that was when Robin noticed a certain block of stone. Robin: "It can't be... is that... a Poneglyph?" Cat Viper: "That's right, you wanna read it?" Robin: "Of course... but how do you know I can read it?" Dog Storm: "We know all about you Nico Robin, the last survivor of Ohara... we're truly sorry what happened there." Robin: "So you do know me..." Cat Viper: "Yes, now if you wanna read it, go right ahead." Robin: "Thank you." said Robin, before she went to the Poneglyph and began reading it. Conis: "So... it's a Poneglyph... like the one in Skypiea?" Vivi: "And in Alabasta and Fish-man island?" Cat Viper: "Yes, it's been our duty to protect this from falling into the wrong hands." Robin: "This one seems to tell us coordinates to somewhere... and I can't help but noticed that this one is red, the ones I ran into before were blue." Cat Viper: "Yes, this one has a different purpose, it is one of the 4 special coordinates that lead to Laugh Tale." Usopp: "Hold on... this stone leads to Laugh Tale?!" Carrot: "Is that a special place?" Chopper: "Yeah!, it's the island where the legendary treasure, ONE PIECE, is resting!" Carrot: "You mean the treasure that was left behind by Gold Roger before his passing?" Usopp: "That's right." Luffy: "So all we needed was this stone all along to find Laugh Tale?!" Dog Storm: "Not exactly, this Poneglyph is only one part of the key to find Laugh Tale, there are three other red Poneglyphs out there that tell coordinates of their own, but when you put them together, you'll find the route that leads to Laugh Tale." Luffy: "Okay..." Cat Viper: "Of course finding them is not the only problem, it's reading the text on the stone's a trick too... and there are a lot of people who want to find the ONE PIECE and the secrets of the void century, so they would go after the only one who can read the text... in other words they'll try to kidnap Nico Robin." Luffy: "What?!" Chopper: "Kidnap Robin?!" Conis: "You like what happened in Enies Lobby 2 years ago?" asked Conis, before she and the other Straw Hats have a flashback of the time Robin was held prisoner by Spandam and CP9 at Enies Lobby before rescuing her. Robin: "Cat Viper, you don't have to worry about me, for I have really strong friends to protect me." this of course made the Straw Hats blushed and felt flattered. Luffy: "Oh gee Robin, you're making me blush." Chopper: "Oh come now Robin, saying I'm strong doesn't make me happy or anything!" said Chopper while dancing around happily. Momonosuke: "Oh... if only I could read the text too..." Cat Viper: "Yes... if only Oden got the chance." Vivi: "Wait, how would this Momonosuke's father know how to read the Poneglyphs?" Cat Viper: "Well it's not common knowledge, but you see, the Kozuki clan were the ones who made the Poneglyphs so many centuries ago." Luffy: "What?!, Momo made those stones?!" Momonosuke: "Of course not, it was my ancestors who made them." Kin'emon: "Yes, and the knowledge on how to read them were only giving to the family members of the Kozuki clan... however, Lord Oden never got the chance to pass the knowledge to his son... as he met his untimely passing..." Zoro: "You mean... he's dead?" Kin'emon: "Yes... for you see... Lord Oden was executed... by the current shogun of Wano... and the evil pirate emperor Kaido, who teamed up to take control over Wano... and they're both still in Wano..." said Kin'emon, as he, Kanjuro, Raizo and Momonosuke began to cry. Usopp: "Oh man... so you can't go home even if you wanted to..." Raizo: "Yes... and we live on in shame as while we were supposed to protect Oden, it was he who gave up his life for us..." Kin'emon: "He was killed just because he refused to give up the secrets he learned on Laugh Tale..." Usopp: "Wait... what did you say...?" Kin'emon: "I said... Oden knew the secrets of Laugh Tale, as he sailed with Gold Roger and made it to the island..." this made the Straw Hats and Law gasped in shock. Luffy: "No way... Momonosuke's father not only sailed with the King of the Pirates... he made it to Laugh Tale...?" Law: "So does this mean... you know the secrets of Laugh Tale too?" Kanjuro: "Not really, Oden didn't want us to burden this information of it... even if we did knew, we would not tell a soul about it..." Raizo: "And yet Kaido refused to believe it... so he executed Oden and targets us... which we are ashamed of due to failing on protecting our lord..." Kanjuro: "The least we could do was to fulfill his final wish... open the borders of Wano..." Chopper: "Why would he want that?" Brook: "Because Wano is a closed country, so trying to enter or leave the country is a crime there." Kin'emon: "Yes... he always wanted to see what was beyond Wano, and he got his wish when he sailed with some pirates." Luffy: "That makes sense, I don't like to stay in one place for too long either." Kin'emon: "Anyway, after what happened to Oden, we needed help to free Wano, but to do that, we needed help from outside of Wano, allies who are not only powerful but trustworthy, which was why we came to Zou, but we managed to get more when we met you... Sir Luffy, and Sir law, we beg of you... could you please help us defeat Kaido?" said Kin'emon, as he bows down on his knees, before Luffy says no, much to everyone's charging, before Luffy speaks again. Luffy: "What about Momo?, shouldn't he be the one to ask that?, he is the lord here after all." asked Luffy, before Momonosuke came up to the pirate. Momonosuke: "You're right... while I might be Lord Oden's son... I'm too weak to do anything now... and Kaido and the current shogun... they killed both my parents... I might be weak... but I have to do something to avenge the deaths of my parents!, I begging you Luffy!, please help me!" Luffy: "Sure thing, we're friends after all." said Luffy, before Momonosuke started to cry a little before holding Luffy's hand. Kin'emon: "I see... Sir Luffy is trying to give Lord Momonosuke the courage to be a man..." Raizo: "Yes... I'm beginning to see why you admire this pirate..." Kin'emon: "Not only that... there's something about him that reminds me of Oden... they both got such adventurous souls..." Kanjuro: "Yes... very true." Luffy: "Alright everyone, let's form an alliance to kick Kaido's butt!, from now on, we'll be known as the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance!" Chopper: "Alright!" Nami: "Do we needed to add the Ninja part?" Luffy: "Of course we do, we have a ninja here." Raizo: "Well that is true, I just hope my strength will be able to aid us on our upcoming battle." Luffy: "But before we do anything, we need to rescue Sanji." Cat Viper: "Yes, that's right, he was taken by those reptiles not too long ago..." Dog Storm: "And they're taking him to Big Mom..." Cat Viper: "If you're planning to go to Whole Cake island, that might help us, for as we said before, you need all four of the Red Poneglyphs to find Laugh Tale... like this one for example... we're not sure where the last one could be, but we do know that the other two are in the hands of pirates, powerful ones for example." Law: "Go figure..." Luffy: "Who are they?" Cat Viper: "Well Big Mom is one of them... and the other one would be Kaido himself." said Cat Viper, which made Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Vivi and Conis screamed in shock and fear. Luffy: "Really, well that does save us trouble, we're gonna kick their butts anyway." Usopp: "Hold on!, this is a bad idea, I highly doubt they'll let us take those stones!" Cat Viper: "You don't need to take the stones themselves, you just need to make a rubbing on the stones to copy the text and read them later when you're safe." Usopp: "Really?, oh that's good to hear... but still, I doubt they'll let us make copies of them." Cat Viper: "No, but if you want to go to Laugh Tale, you'll need the text of all four of them." Chopper: "But we have no idea where the last one is?" Nami: "No, we'll have to figure that out after we get those other two Poneglyphs first... if we can get them..." Carrot: "Are they really that strong?" Dog Storm: "Yes, they haven't ruled the seas of the New World this long for nothing..." Luffy: "Bring it on, cause I'm gonna kick their butts, and then free Wano, and become the king of the pirates!" shouted Luffy, determined to take down both Big Mom and Kaido.

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