The battle against Kaido in Wano part 1

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It was a sunny day when the Thousand Sunny was on it's way to the land of Wano, where the upcoming battle against Kaido and the evil current Shogun will take place. Right now Luffy and his team were looking forward to see the rest of the crew and everyone else. Luffy: "I'm telling ya Sanji, everyone will be very happy to have ya back." Sanji: "Well I doubt Moss head would be." Nami: "Well you and Zoro never got along to begin with." Carrot: "Why don't they?" Chopper: "Maybe it's because they want to show who's the most macho in the crew besides Luffy." Nami: "Or the fact they're just plain idiots." that was when the weather in the area started to go bad, and the waves started to get more wild, and there were tall pillar shaped rocks around the area too. Brook: "Oh my... this can't be good..." Nami: "This must the area around Wano... Kin'emon mentioned that the borders around Wano were always like this... another reason why leaving or entering Wano is not easy..." Jokey: "Hey guys... can gold fish grow as big as a ship?" Nami: "Of course not." Jokey: "Then I guess they're not gold fish?" asked Jokey, pointing at the school of giant fish, swimming from behind the Sunny and passing the ship. Nami: "What the?!" Chopper: "Wha!, giant monster fish!" Sanji: "Hold on... these a Koi fish!, but since when do they get this big, or swim on sea water?" Nami: "Who cares!, do something!" Luffy: "I know, let's make some lunch out of them!" Sanji: "Well that's a thought, Koi are eatable." Nami: "Never mind that, they'll try to eat us!" Gidget: "I don't think they're interested in us... it looks like they... heading for that waterfall!" said Gidget, pointing at the giant waterfall ahead of the ship, and the Koi fish were swimming up the waterfall with all heir might. Luffy: "Whoa!, they're swimming up the waterfall!" Sanji: "Hmm... that must be fresh water coming down from it... and Wano must be up there." Chopper: "But how are we gonna get up there?" Luffy: "Those Koi can swim up the waterfall, so let's hitch a ride!" said Luffy, before he ties his legs to the figurehead of the ship, then used his arms to grab two Koi Fish. It wasn't long before the Koi fish start swimming up the waterfall, and pulling the ship up with them. Carrot: "Wow!, go Koi fish!, you can do it!" called out Carrot, cheering for the Koi fish as they continued to swim up the waterfall. At last, the ship made it to the top of the waterfall and got to what looked like an ocean around a large island, which was in fact Wano itself. It wasn't long before the ship went to shore, and Luffy quickly jumped off to explore the beach. Of course trouble began to brew as a group of Kaido's men came to the scene, who were chasing a little girl named Tama (voiced by Sarah Wiedenheft), who was doing her best to get away from the pirates. Just before the Beast pirates could catch the little girl, Luffy and his team came and beat the living pulp out of them in less than a minute. That was when a large baboon with a sword showed up and Tama, who uses her Devil fruit power that makes her pull out a Dango from her cheek, makes a Dango and feeds the baboon that Dango, which somehow tamed it with ease. Carrot: "Whoa... how did you do that?" Tama: "Huh?... you saw that?, oh... no one was supposed to see that power... at least that's what my parents told me." Nami: "Speaking of which, you should go back to them." Tama: "I would... but not too long... as it's not like their graves are going anywhere." Chopper: "Graves?... you mean..." Gidget: "She's an orphan... just like us..." Jokeo: "Oh no..." Jokey: "That's sad..." Tommy: "We're very sorry to hear that..." Tama: "Yeah... but I managed... even though it's hard to get food around here... at least food that's not poisoned or gone bad... it's that stupid Shogun's fault... keeping all the yummy food all to himself and those Beast pirates... I wished the Kozuki clan were still around... my parents told me that Wano was a much happier place to be when the Kozuki clan were around... ah!, oh no!" gasped Tama in shock, covering her mouth in fear. Brook: "What's the matter?" Tama: "I wasn't supposed to mention the Kozuki clan... that's why those thugs were after me earlier..." Sanji: "I'm guessing Kaido and the Shogun made a law here that it's forbidden to mention the Kozuki clan, right?" Tama: "You could say that... say... you don't look like you're from here..." Nami: "We're not, we just got here by climbing up the waterfall." Luffy: "Yeah, it was really awesome!" Tama: "Oh... that would explain your foreign outfits... I'm Tama by the way." Luffy: "I'm Luffy." Nami: "I'm Nami." Chopper: "My name's Chopper." Sanji: "I'm Sanji." Carrot: "And my name's Carrot, Garchu!" Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Jokey and Jokeo: "And we're Jokey and Jokeo, we're twins." Brook: "And I'm Brook, pleased to meet you." Tama: "Ah!, a ghost!" Brook "Ah!, where is this ghost?!, I don't see it!" Nami: "She's talking about you." Brook: "Huh?... oh right... I guess I do look a little like a ghost... and I'm sort of dead enough to be one in a way... Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" Sanji: "Don't worry little lady, Brook might look scary, but he's actually a nice guy once you get to know him." Luffy: "Yeah, anyone in my pirate crew are actually nice people." Tama: "What?!, pirates!, like Kaido?!" Nami: "Calm down, we're not here to cause trouble." Jokey: "Yeah, we're helping the Kozuki clan reclaim Wano." Jokeo: "Don't tell her that!" Jokey: "Oops..." Tama: "Really...?, the Kozuki clan are alive?!, that's wonderful!" Gidget: "You really think so?" Tama: "Yeah, and of course I know that not all pirates are bad, like there Ace for example." Luffy: "Ace?" Tama: "Yeah, he ate a devil fruit that makes him have a body of fire." Sanji: "Hold on... you know Fire Fist Ace?, a member of Whitebeard's crew?" Tama: "Yeah, he came to Wano a few years ago, and he was really nice to me, I wanted to join his crew, but I was too young at the time, but he promised me that once I'm old enough and become a ninja, I could join him." Luffy: "Well that's nice of him, I'm sure my brother would be a great captain for you." Tama: "Uh... WHAT?!, Ace is your brother?!" Luffy: "Yup, he and Sabo are my older brothers." Tama: "Wait a minute... Ace mentioned he had a brother... so it's really you?" Luffy: "Yeah, along with Sabo of the revolutionary army." Tama: "The what army?" Nami: "Oh that's right, knowledge of the outside world doesn't come here everywhere else..." Tama: "Wait... you're not by chance the Straw Hats, are you?" Sanji: "Yes, but how did you knew about that?" Tama: "I overheard a group mentioning that name before, something about meeting you at the abandoned Kozuki clan house." Nami: "Can you take us there?" Tama: "Sure, it's the least I can do for you saving me." said Tama, before she leads the group to the inland of Wano, while the Klabautermann of the Sunny stayed behind to repair some of the damage she received during the escape from Big Mom. As the group travel through the forest, Tama begins telling them how the current Shogun was making weapons for Kaido, not to mention polluted the waters of Wano, which made the animals be filled with poison, making them uneatable if they try hunting them. Luffy: "So people couldn't get much to eat here?" Tama: "I'm afraid not... but that's fine, we managed to last this long..." soon, the group made it to the abandoned mansion of the Kozuki clan, and there were some graves that made Luffy and the others gasped in shock, due to the names on the graves. Nami: "What is this...?" Luffy: "They say... Kin'emon... Momonosuke... Kanjuro... Raizo... Oden... so they're dead?" Chopper: "But how could that be?, these graves looked like they're 20 years old..." that was when Law, Kin'emon and the others came to the scene. Kin'emon: "Sir Luffy!, I see you brought Sir Sanji back just as planned." Luffy: "Kin'emon!, you're alive!" Law: "Oh, I guess you saw the graves too?" Nami: "Yeah, what's going on here?" Kin'emon: "Well... it's a long story, better if I tell you indoors, follow me." said Kin'emon, before he leads Luffy and his group into the mansion, where he begins to tell his tale about Oden. Turns out that Oden was always a free spirit who dreams to travel the places outside of Wano, but he always fails to do so due to the borders being tough to get in or out, and the fact it's against the laws of Wano of leaving or entering. He eventually befriended Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, Dog Storm, Cat Viper, and some others named Kiku, Denjiro, Ashura Doji, and a fish-man named Kawamatsu who prefers to be known as a Kappa. The 9 of them were later trained to become samurai who serve under Oden, and they wanted to make sure their lord was safe. One day, Whitebeard and his crew came to shore, and Oden begged Whitebeard to take him to sea, but he refused. Oden was not ready to give up, and he was determined to travel out to sea, even if it meant holding on to a chain that was tied to the ship's mast, and being dragged through the ocean. Oden managed to get out of Wano, but gets washed up to an island, and meets a young woman named Toki, who has the powers of a devil fruit that allows her to travel into the future. Her dream was to be in Wano, but after meeting Oden and the Whitebeard pirates, who found her and Oden, she didn't mind waiting. Turns out that Dog Storm and Cat Viper stowed away and were now traveling with Oden. During their travel, Oden and Toki became married and had children, Momonosuke, and a girl named Hiyori. One day, on an island, the Whitebeard pirates have a battle with the Roger pirates, lead by Gold Roger himself. The captain of the Roger pirates asked Whitebeard if he could barrow Oden to help him find the final island in the Grand line, as he needs someone who could read the text of the Poneglyphs, which are the keys to find the island. Whitebeard didn't want to at first, but finally accepted when Oden wanted to check out the island as well. Sanji: "Hold on... Momonosuke's dad was a member of the King of the pirates crew?!, and he wasn't you?!" Kin'emon: "Hmm?, oh right, you weren't with us when we explained this... yes, he was a member of Roger's crew, and so were Dog Storm and Cat Viper as they stowed away into Roger's ship, just like how they did with Whitebeard before." said Kin'emon, before he continues the tale. Eventually, after collecting the text of all four of the Red Poneglyphs, the Roger pirates made it to the final island, which Roger named Laugh Tale. Nami: "And after that... it was when it began... people calling Roger the king of the pirates..." Kin'emon: "That's what Oden told us... however... before they got to the island... Toki got ill and had to stay in Wano so she can recover, along with Momonosuke and Hiyori as well." Carrot: "Wait a minute... Momonosuke was born when Roger was alive?, but didn't he get executed over 20 years ago?" Kin'emon: "I'm getting there... but anyway... after the Roger pirates were disbanded and Oden came back to Wano, he learned that things have changed... and not in a good way..." said Kin'emon as he continues the story. Turns out that a man named Kurozumi Orochi had tricked the people into believing that Oden's father passed the torch as Shogun to him, and forced Oden to obey him if the people of Wano won't be killed by Kaido and his men. Oden tried to fight him, but Kaido was proved to be too strong for him, and that was when Oden and his samurai were sentenced to be executed by boiling oil. Oden held out a plank to keep the others from going into the oil, while he was boiled alive, and the samurai were forced to flee. That was when Dog Storm and Cat Viper hate each other, blaming one another for Oden's demise, while the others went off in hopes to rescue lady Toki and the children. Once the samurai got to the mansion, it was on fire, and Toki used her powers to send Momonosuke, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kiku into 20 years of the future, while Hiyori was rescued by Kawamatsu. Before Toki passed away, she called out to everyone in the area, that the Kozuki clan will return in the next 20 years. Tommy: "Whoa... so that's what the graves are about..." Gidget: "Oh poor Momonosuke... to go through all that..." Kin'emon: "Yes... and lady Hiyori... we don't even know if she's still alive or not..." Kanjuro: "We all fear the worst... the poor thing..." that was when a fat female ninja came down from the ceiling, who was named Shinobu (voiced by Morgan Garrett), and she's an ally of the samurai. The sight of her made Sanji and Brook gasped in shock and horror, never wanting to see a woman in the way Shinobu was. Shinobu: "So these are the allies?, well I suppose they do look strong." Nami: "Who are you?" Kin'emon: "This is Shinobu, an ally of ours, she has the powers of the Ripe Ripe fruit, which allows her to make things mature, plants, animals, even people." Shinobu: "I'm am known as the killer of men." Chopper: "Really...?" Luffy: "Why's that?" Kin'emon: "She kicks people in the jewels." Nami: "Yeah... that would do it... though I'm not sure that's really a technique..." suddenly, a mighty roar was heard, which alarmed everyone, causing them to run outside to a giant dragon flying around a village. Nami: "Is that... a dragon?" Law: "Worse... it's Kaido..." Kin'emon: "Yes... the very same..." Chopper: "That's Kaido?!, you never mentioned he was a dragon!" Luffy: "Finally... now to kick his butt!" shouted Luffy, as he ran off towards the village. Law: "Straw Hat no!, now is the time!" but it was too late, Luffy already ran off, leaving the others behind. That was when Gidget used Clairvoyance to check on Luffy, before seeing a certain man that she never wanted to see. Gidget: "Oh no... Jack's there!" Carrot: "What?!, how is that possible?!" meanwhile, at the nearby village, Jack was watching Kaido (voiced by David Sobolov), hovering above. Kaido: "Oh... la da la~..." Jack: "Oh no... sir... don't tell me you're drunk again!" Kaido: "Who... me?, drunk.... Never, hic..." Jack: "You're totally drunk!" shouted Jack, before Luffy came to the scene, punching Kaido in the face, much to everyone's surprise. The hit didn't hurt Kaido though, and the battle didn't last long, and Kaido took down Luffy very quickly, showing what a different level he was compared to Luffy. Kaido: "Huh... Straw Hat... what a shame, I was hoping for a better fight... oh well... Jack, make sure this fool goes to Udon." Jack: "Uh, yes sir." said Jack, while Luffy was on the ground, completely out cold.

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