Conis and Eneru in Skypiea

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When we last left the Straw hats, they were riding on the Knock up stream that leads them up to a very large and dark cloud that is the location of a place called Skypiea. Soon, they reached the top of the clouds, and the Going Merry was sailing right on top of them somehow. Nami: "Wait... we're not falling through the clouds?" Luffy: "I didn't know clouds can do that." Nami: "They don't." Chopper: "Oh man... why do I feel so weak..." Usopp: "And... not to mention it's hard for me to breathe..." Robin: "It must be because the oxygen is much thinner up here than at the sea." Karoo: "Quack!, Quack!" Vivi: "What is it Karoo?, you see something?" asked Vivi, before her duck pointed his wing at what looked like an island up ahead which was mostly clouds with bits of earth, where some trees were growing. Chopper: "Is that... Skypiea?" Nami: "The Log pose is pointing right at it... so that must mean..." Luffy: "Yeah!, we made it!" shouted Luffy with joy, before the Going Merry docks at the shore and the Straw Hats play around at the island's beach, until they saw an old man named Gan Fall (voiced by John Swasey), and some big bird name Pierre, sitting on a bench drinking something. Gan Fall: "Are you all blue sea people?" Luffy: "Who are you?" Nami: "And what do you mean blue sea people?" Gan Fall: "My name is Gan Fall the sky knight, and blue sea people is the term we people of the sky use for those who came from the world below us." Robin: "That makes sense, so there are other people here too?" Gan Fall: "Yes, and it's my duty to help those in need." said Gan Fall, before Zoro noticed something on the ground seemed like a towel at first, so he used it to dry off his feet, only it turned to be a white fox like creature named Su, who was not happy with Zoro using her tail. Su: "Suu!, Suu!" Zoro: "Oh, sorry about that... um what is it, some kind of fox?" Nami: "Sure looks like one." Chopper: "Hmm... so there are animals living in the sky too?" asked Chopper, before the sound of someone playing a harp was heard, and the others turned around to see that not too far away was a young lady with angel wings playing the harp. Her name was Conis (voiced by Laura Bailey), and she was a Skypiean that also happens to be the white fox's owner. Conis: "Heso everyone, are you from the blue sea world?" Nami: "Yeah, we just got here, do you live here?" Conis: "Yes that's right, my name's Conis, and the little Cloud fox is Su, my best friend, and I welcome you to Angel island." Luffy: "Huh?, I thought this place was called Skypiea?" Gan Fall: "Well Skypiea is actually the name of the white sea cloud we're on, and there are two islands here, Angel island where we are, and then there's Upper Yard, which is an island that's all earth, making it a sacred land." Zoro: "Why's that?" Gan Fall: "Well... earth is rare up here and the Skypieans need it to grow plants and stuff... then 400 years ago, Upper Yard came to the sky and it was like a miracle... however... around 6 years ago..." before Gan Fall could finish, the sound of a man calling help was heard, and it was a man on what looked like a combination of a boat and bike called a Weaver. The man's name was Pagaya (voiced by Grant James), and he was Conis' father, who was being chased by what looked like a group sharks. Pagaya: "Gangway!, coming through!" Conis: "Father!" Su: "Suu!" Luffy: "I got him!" called out Luffy, before he stretches his arm out, much to Conis' and Gan Fall's surprise, before the arm caught Pagaya and his weaver, pulling them right to shore and into a tree. Pagaya: "Oh my goodness... is everyone alright?" Zoro: "You're the one who crashed!" Conis: "Father, are you okay?" Pagaya: "I think so, though I'm not sure how, but I this young man had his arm stretched out." Luffy: "Well yeah, I ate the Gum Gum fruit, so now I'm a rubber man." Robin: "Hey... this boat... it's looks like the one we found from that sunken ship, but this one looks like a newer model." Nami: "Hey... you're right, but there's no sail or mast... how does it go forward?" asked Nami, looking at the weaver. Conis: "Oh I take it that you're not familiar with dials?" Vivi: "No, what are they?" Pagaya: "Well they're special sea shells that we use to make our lives better, like there's the breath dial, which absorbs wind and blows it out, and the power of it depends on it's size, then there's one you use for cooking like the fire dial." Sanji: "Sounds like a pretty handy tool." Pagaya: "Yes, then there is the tone dial, like this one." said Pagaya, before handing Luffy a sea shell that was the tone dial. Luffy: "Okay now what?" Pagaya: "Say something into it." Luffy: "Okay... Usopp stinks." Usopp: "Why are you picking on me?!" Pagaya: "Okay, now pressed the button." said Pagaya, before Luffy pressed the button and the straw hat's voice came out of the dial that said 'Usopp stinks', much to the pirates surprise. Luffy: "Whoa!, that's cool!" Usopp: "But why did it recorded that...?" Chopper: "Wow, these dials sound really cool." Pagaya: "Yes, and helpful too, my name's Pagaya by the way, and I happened to be Conis' father, it's nice to meet you all." suddenly, a large fat man that looked like a large snowball, sitting on a large white cloud shaped like a ball, came to the scene. His name was Satori (voiced by Chris Cason), and he was surrounded by smaller white cloud balls. Satori: "God Eneru was right, there are some blue sea people invading his land." Luffy: "Who's that?" Conis: "Oh no... it's Satori!, one of the God Eneru's priests!" Usopp: "God...?" Gan Fall: "Well God is just the title of the ruler of Skypiea actually, and Eneru is the current ruler for 6 years now, and that man is one of his followers." Satori: "That is correct Gan Fall, and these blue sea people have entered God Eneru's land without permission, so now they will be sacrifice as punishment." Chopper: "Sacrifice?!" Usopp: "Hold on!, we didn't know we needed permission to get here!" Satori: "It doesn't matter, for now you're all doomed." said Satori, before he blows a whistle that summons a big shrimp that carries not only the Going Merry, but both Chopper and Su as well. Nami: "Chopper!" Conis: "Su!, no!" Chopper: "Help us!, we don't want to be sacrifices!" Vivi: "Hang on!, we're coming!" Nami: "Conis, you know where they're going?" Conis: "Yes, the sacrificial alter, I have a boat that can get us there." Pagaya: "Don't worry, we'll help you get there." Luffy: "In the meantime, Sanji, Usopp and I deal with this guy." Usopp: "Wait why do I have to be in this?!" Sanji: "Just man up, that's what our captain wants." Gan Fall: "Be careful though, Satori and the other Priests, along with God Eneru have the power of Mantra, which allows them to predict your next move, not to mention he has an Impact dial in his gloves." Satori: "You just like to spoil the surprises don't ya?, well he's right, my impact dial will just absorb your attacks and send an impact right back at ya." said Satori, as he blocks Luffy's punch and placed his hand on the pirate's torso, sending an impact attack that sends Luffy flying into a tree. Usopp: "This is bad... how can we fight someone that can predict our next move and had a weapon that can do that?!" Satori: "You can't, and now prepare to face my dragon!" said Satori, before he sends what looked like a dragon made of the cloud balls. Luffy jumped over it and landed on what seemed to be some string attached to the dragon. Luffy: "Hey... so this must be how you're controlling the dragon." said Luffy, before he breaks the string in half. Satori: "How dare you!, you can't just break my dragon!" Luffy: "Oh no?, then I can't do this either?" asked Luffy, before he throws the dragon back at Satori, which blows up in front of him. Satori was alive but a bit burnt, and that was when Luffy wrapped his arms and legs around the fat man, preventing him from getting away. Satori: "You fool!, let me go!" Sanji: "I don't think so... there are some ladies that need me, and I can't get to them as long as you're in the way..." said Sanji, before he jumps up into the air and kicks Satori on the head, knocking him out cold. Usopp: "Hey, he wasn't able to predict our moves when Luffy threw that dragon..." Sanji: "Maybe he can only do that trick when he keeps his cool or something." Luffy: "Yeah, and even if he could predict our moves, he can't do a thing if he's not fast enough." Sanji: "Now let's go, there are some ladies that need me." said Sanji, before he and the others went off to follow the others. Meanwhile, back at the Going Merry, Chopper and Su were facing another one of Eneru's priests, which was Shura (voiced by Kent Williams), and he has a lance and a large bird. Shura: "So you two are the newest sacrifices." Chopper: "No!, we're not people you can sacrifice!" Su: "Suu!, Suu!" Shura: "Well that's what God Eneru sees you both as, so you better accept your fate." Chopper: "Never!" shouted Chopper, before Shura used his lance to try hitting the reindeer with, only to hit the ship instead, and that's when a fire got started. Su: "Suu!, Su,!, Suu!" Chopper: "He has a fire dial in his lance?!" Shura: "So you can talk to animals eh?, well it doesn't matter, you're both gonna die here." said Shura, while Chopper stands up and tries to protect both Suu and the Going Merry. That was when Gan Fall came to the scene and went to fight Shura. During the fight, Gan Fall placed his hand on Shura's torso. Shura: "An Impact dial, sorry old man, but it will take more than that to beat me." Gan Fall: "Maybe... but I never said this was an Impact dial... this one is 10 times more powerful." Shura: "Wait... don't tell me..." Gan Fall: "Go Reject dial attack!" shouted Gan Fall, before he uses the Reject dial to make a shockwave through Shura that knocked him out cold with one shot. Chopper: "Wow... he's so cool..." Su: "Suu..." Gan Fall: "Are you two alright?" Chopper: "Yeah... but the Merry got damaged... if only I..." Gan Fall: "It wasn't your fault, you should consider yourself lucky to be alive still." Chopper: "I guess..." it wasn't long before a boat came with Zoro, Vivi, Karoo, Robin, Conis and her father onboard, checking to see if Chopper and Su were okay. Conis: "Oh Su... are you okay?" Su: "Suu!" said the cloud fox, as she jumps into Conis' arms, happy to be with her owner again. Pagaya: "My goodness... one of the priests... is defeated..." said Pagaya, looking at the now defeated Shura. Gan Fall: "Yes, and I see you came for the blue sea dweller and the cloud fox." Conis: "Of course, Su is more than just a pet... she's like family to me and my father." Gan Fall: "I see... well they're both alright as you can see... but I'm not sure for how long..." that was when Luffy and the others came to the scene, and not far behind was Nami riding the Weaver, and she had news for the others. She brought the crew to an edge of the island, and there was what looked like the missing half of Cricket's house, meaning that Upper Yard is the missing half of Jaya, and where the city of gold was located. Luffy: "So... the city of gold has been in the sky this whole time?" Nami: "That's right, I think what happened was that a Knock up stream sent this half of the island to Skypiea and by the time Norland got back there, the city was gone, made him look like a liar, but it turned out he was telling the truth all along." said Nami, before he puts the maps of Jaya and Skypiea together, making it look like a skull. Robin: "So the skull Norland was talking about... was the shape of the island." Vivi: "And what was said about the city in the skull's right eye..." Nami: "Yeah, it's on the right side of the island here, which means there's a whole lot of gold waiting for us." Gan Fall: "Pardon me for asking... but what is gold?" this made Nami's lower jaw to drop to the ground, before placing it back. Nami: "You seriously don't know what gold is?" Gan Fall: "Not really, is it worth a lot?" Nami: "Well maybe not up here, but in the blue sea world where we came from, yeah it's worth a lot." Conis: "And there's a city of it in Upper Yard?, I never knew..." Su: "Suu..." Luffy: "You never been there?" Conis: "Not really, I don't go to Upper Yard as it's God's land... I only come here when..." Pagaya: "Oh my poor girl..." Gan Fall: "You had no choice... you can't be blamed." Luffy: "Blamed for what?" Conis: "Well... the thing is... the people of Skypiea were forced to do the duty of luring blue sea people like you to to the sacrificial alter... that included me and my father..." Vivi: "You mean..." Robin: "You only helped us just to lure us to our doom?" Conis: "As much as I hate to admit it... yes... but then Su was taken... and Shura got defeated... to think what would have happened if... Gan Fall didn't came in time... I'm so sorry everyone..." Pagaya: "Don't apologize my dear, if there's anyone to blame... it's God Eneru, he has been enslaving us ever since the day he came 6 years ago... I heard a rumor that he's forcing Gan Fall's men to build something, though I'm not sure what it is... he has ruling us with cruelty... unlike our last God..." Vivi: "This Eneru is no God or a ruler... he's more of a tyrant if you ask me!, people who have no heart doesn't deserve to rule!, just thinking of those kind of people make me sick..." Usopp: "Oh Vivi..." Nami: "Can't blame her... this is reminding her too much of what happened in Alabasta... the country that her family rule over." Gan Fall: "Are you telling me she's a ruler?" Nami: "She used to be... but not anymore... stuff happened... and it's not something she likes to talk about." Conis: "Was your home under the rule of an evil god too?" Vivi: "Well... sort of... more of a warlord... it's a long story..." said Vivi, before she begins to tell her tale about her adventures with the Straw hats and how they saved Alabasta from Baroque Works, and Conis and Su were both were amazed by it. When night fell, everyone went to sleep, while elsewhere in Skypiea, there was a ship called the Ark, which belonged to a man who was Eneru (voiced by J Michael Tatum) himself, along with his other priests, Gedatsu (voiced by Bob Carter) and Ohm (voiced by Troy Baker). Eneru: "Well... tomorrow is the day the Ark Maxim is completed... and we can finally leave this land... and get to the endless land in the sky." said Eneru, before he noticed that Gedatsu was trying to say something but he was biting his lower lip. Ohm: "Gedatsu, Eneru can't hear you if you bite your lip like that." Gedatsu: "Ah!, so careless!" Eneru: "Yes Gedatsu?, you wanted to say something?" Gedatsu: "Yes, what do we do about the Skypieans and the blue sea people?" Eneru: "Don't worry about them, we'll deal with them tomorrow, even a god like myself needs some sleep." Ohm: "Yes lord Eneru." when morning came, the Straw Hats woke up and ready to search for the city of gold. Luffy of course got lost and ran into a giant snake, which ate him but he was still alive, just inside the snake at the moment. As for the rest, they made it to the city of gold, only to run into both Gedatsu and Ohm. Chopper: "Who is that...?" Gan Fall: "Two more of Eneru's priests... this is bad..." said Gan Fall, before he noticed that Gedatsu had his eyes rolled back. Gedatsu: "Where are they?, I don't see them." Ohm: "Gedatsu, you can't see the enemy if you have your eyes rolled back like that!" Gedatsu: "Ah!, so careless!" Chopper: "Is he serious?!" Conis: "Be careful... he might be a bit goofy, but he's still dangerous..." Pagaya: "Yes, but Ohm is the most dangerous one." Eneru: "Even more than me?" asked Eneru, who appeared out of nowhere, much to everyone's surprise. Gan Fall: "Eneru?!, why are you here?!" Eneru: "Just came out of boredom, I hope you people can entertain me a little." Sanji: "You son of a..." before Sanji could finish, he and Usopp got zapped by bolts of lightning from Eneru, knocking them both out cold. Nami: "Sanji!, Usopp!" Zoro: "What the..." Robin: "So... he has the power of the Rumble Rumble fruit... which is a Logia power... making him a lightning man..." Eneru: "So you heard of my power, have you?" Robin: "Yes... and by the looks of this city, you took the gold, along with the Golden bell." Eneru: "Yes I took the gold... but what bell?" Gan Fall: "A golden bell?" Robin: "Yes, this island once had a golden bell that had a loud chime." Eneru: "Now that you mentioned it... there was a legend that when Upper Yard came, a loud bell chime was heard... funny how I never thought of it till now... hmm... but now that I am, my guess it's on top of the bean stalk." said Eneru, looking at the giant bean stalk that's in the center of the island. Eneru: "Yes, I shall have that bell... and then I shall head up to the endless earth in the sky... after I destroy Skypiea." said Eneru, which made everyone to gasp in shock and horror. Conis: "What...?" Pagaya: "Destroy Skypiea?, but why?, if you do that, then you'll have no place to rule." Eneru: "Not quite, you see made Gan Fall's men work on building the ship, Ark Maxim to take me to the endless earth in the sky that appears at night, and once I get there, it'll be all mine!" Chopper: "Wait... does he mean the moon?" Nami: "I think you're right..." Eneru: "Now... let's play a game on survival of the fittest, so let's get rid of the weak ones first." said Eneru, before he summons a huge bolt of lightning to come towards the Skypiea duo. Pagaya pushes Conis and Su out of the way, while the lightning bolt hits him only instead. Once the bolt was gone, there was nothing left on the spot but ash, meaning that Pagaya was no more, much to the angel girl's shock and horror. Conis: "FATHER!!!" Gan Fall: "No... this can't be... Eneru... you monster!" shouted Gan Fall, as he and the others went to fight him and his priests. Chopper went to fight Gedatsu, and it was tough for him, but he finally managed to beat him. As for Zoro, he was fighting Ohm, who uses a weapon that uses a dial that can make a solid cloud that change shape, and Zoro used some new technique to make air slash attacks from his swords to take down Ohm. When Eneru went to battle, he defeated the Straw Hats and took away Nami for he believes she'll be useful to him. As for Conis and Gan Fall, they noticed that giant snake on the ground that was cooked up by Eneru's attack earlier, and it wasn't long before Luffy came out of the snake's mouth. Luffy: "Ha!, finally I'm out!" Conis: "Luffy?!, what were you doing in the snake?!" Luffy: "I was just looking for the city of gold when this snake ate me... wait... my crew!" said Luffy in shock as he noticed his crew on the ground all burnt up from Eneru's attack. Gan Fall: "They tried to beat him... but he was too powerful..." Luffy: "Who did this...?" Conis: "It was Eneru..." Zoro: "... Luffy... you're here..." Luffy: "Zoro!, you're alive!" Robin: "Straw Hat... listen... he took her... Eneru took the Navigator... we couldn't stop him..." said Robin, before Vivi and Karoo got up and tried to hold up both Sanji and Usopp. Vivi: "I'm so sorry Luffy... we couldn't do a thing to so much scratch him..." Luffy: "Where is he?" Gan Fall: "He went that way." Conis: "That's not all... he plans to destroy all of Skypiea once he gets this golden bell too... and my father... Luffy... help us..." said Conis, as she began to cry, before Luffy hands his hat over to Conis, much to her surprise, especially when he took a deep breath and yelled. Luffy: "OF COURSE I'LL HELP!!!" Conis: "Luffy..." Gan Fall: "My word..." Luffy: "Conis, you and the old man go to your island and warn everyone about what's going on... I'll make Eneru pay no matter what... and ring that bell..." said Luffy, before he runs off to find both Eneru and Nami. As for Conis and Gan Fall, they went to Angel island to warn everyone about the upcoming danger, while Su was put in charge to help the rest of the Straw Hats to heal from their battle with Eneru. The angel and sky knight had a hard time convincing the people at first, but thanks to the help of the captain of the White Berets, who found out about Eneru's plan from one of the escaped Skypieans that were forced to work on the Ark Maxim, they finally were able to get the people start evacuating from Angel island. Meanwhile, Eneru was getting the Ark Maxim ready for flight, with Nami all tied up, when Luffy came to the scene. Luffy: "Hey!, are you the one called Eneru?!, you mess with my friends... now you're gonna pay!" Eneru: "Mind your tongue mortal, you're speaking to a God here." Luffy: "What makes you a god?!" Eneru: "You'll find out..." said Eneru, before Luffy stretches his arm out and used his hand to get up to the Ark Maxim, and ran towards the self claimed god. Once Eneru used his lightning on Luffy, he believed that the pirate was finished, only to see that his lightning didn't do a thing on him. Nami: "Whoa... of course!, I should have realized sooner!, lightning can't hurt Luffy!... he's made of rubber!" said Nami, before Luffy throws a punch on Eneru, which really puts a lot of damage on Eneru, much to the self claimed god's shock and horror. Eneru: "What... how could this be... you're no mere mortal... what are you?!" Luffy: "Me?, I'm Luffy, the man who will be king of the pirates and I'm made of rubber." Eneru: "... Rubber?" asked Eneru, as rubber does not exist in Skypiea, so he has no idea what it is. Luffy: "So that lightning trick of yours... won't work on me!" shouted Luffy as he begins his fight against Eneru. During the fight, Eneru used the heat of his lightning to melt some gold and formed a big golden ball around Luffy's wrist, causing him to lose balance and fell having a hard time beating Eneru. It wasn't long before the self claimed god began to create a large storm in the form of a sphere, and it landed on Angel island, destroying it in the process. Eneru tried to create another one, only for Luffy to disperse it by using the gold ball as a conductor. It wasn't long before Luffy then uses the golden ball and his fist to hit Eneru one more time, knocking him out cold at last, meaning that Luffy had won the battle. Once the battle has ended, the sky was clear again, allowing everyone to see the beautiful sun. Luffy climbed up the bean stalk, which was where he finds the Golden Bell, and begins to ring it, which makes a loud chime sound that was heard throughout Skypiea, and Jaya below. Speaking of Jaya, Cricket and the monkey brothers heard the sound of the bell, and they were amazed. Cricket: "Well what do you know... it was in the sky the whole time..." Masira: "Yeah... who would have thought..." Shojo: "Hey old timer, are you okay?" asked Shojo, who sees that Cricket was crying a little. Cricket: "I'm fine... it's just... I'm happy that those kids are okay, and I'll bet the kid rang the bell for my sake... thanks Straw Hat..." said Cricket, as he sees a giant shadow of Luffy in the clouds. Sometime later, the straw hats finally recovered and they were happy to be reunited with both Luffy and Nami, who was able to be free from Eneru after his defeat, but then Usopp noticed that Conis wasn't with her father. Usopp: "Hey Conis... where's your dad?" Conis: "Well... he protected me... and then Eneru... he..." said Conis, before she began to cry, making the others realized what it meant. Sanji: "Oh Conis... I'm so sorry..." Chopper: "Dang it... dang it!... I could have done something... but I got beaten too easily... I'm too weak..." Su: "Suu..." said the Cloud fox, before she went to give Chopper a hug to comfort him as he continued to cry some tears out of his eyes. Zoro: "Hey Conis... why are you wearing Luffy's hat?" Conis: "Huh?, oh right, Luffy gave it to me for safe keeping until he defeated Eneru... and since we're all here... I guess he won." Luffy: "Yeah I did... sorry that I couldn't beat him sooner... then maybe your dad..." Conis: "It wasn't your fault... really." said Conis, before she gives Luffy his hat back, while Vivi and Karoo went to the golden bell, and discovered a Poneglyph under the base of the golden bell. Vivi: "Karoo... are you seeing what I'm seeing...?" Karoo: "Quack..." Luffy: "What is it?" Vivi: "This is a Poneglyph... my father told me about it one time." Robin: "Yes... and this one mentions Poseidon, an ancient weapon named after a god." Conis: "An ancient weapon?" Robin: "Yes... but one different from Pluton that was mentioned on the Poneglyph back on Alabasta..." Conis: "Wait... you can read it?" Robin: "Yes... but the information I wanted to see is not here either..." Conis: "What about the text next to the Poneglyph?" Robin: "Huh?" Chopper: "Hey... some more writing next to it." Usopp: "What does it say?" asked Usopp, before Robin reads it, and gasped. Robin: "No way..." Nami: "What is it?" Robin: "Well..." said Robin, before she reads out the text, which said 'I made it here and I will guide this passage all the way to the farthest ends of the earth, pirate Gol D Roger'. Vivi: "No way... the pirate king was here?, and he managed to make this message?" Gan Fall: "I see... Roger found the bell and wrote some message on it..." Robin: "You knew him?" Gan Fall: "Yes, I met him when he came here over 20 years ago, back when I was still God here." Usopp: "Wait, when you were god?" Gan Fall: "As I said before, the term god here is just a title for the ruler of Skypiea, like king or duke, and I was the ruler here until Eneru overthrew me 6 years ago." Zoro: "So what did Roger meant by 'guide this passage'?, like he's trying to say something about these Poneglyphs or something?" Robin: "Hmm... wait... could he mean... why didn't I realized it sooner?" Nami: "Realized what?" Robin: "Well you see, there are many more Poneglyphs in this world and each one has it's own information... and only now do I realize that I put them together, they'll make a passage to find the Real Poneglyph... and Gol D Roger must have done that and I believe that the Real Poneglyph is with the ONE PIECE in Laugh Tale..." Conis: "ONE PIECE...?... Laugh Tale?... what are they?" Luffy: "You don't know?, the ONE PIECE is the world's ultimate treasure that belonged to Gold Roger, the king of the pirates, and Laugh Tale is the name of the island where the treasure is... and that's where we're going, so I can fulfill my dream to become the new king of the pirates." Conis: "Wow... that sounds amazing..." Su: "Suu..." Robin: "Hmm... maybe my dream could come true after all..." Conis: "Your dream?, what's that?" Robin: "It's to learn this world's true history of the void century over 800 years ago... and to share it with the whole world..." Conis: "That's quite a dream..." Gan Fall: "So the bell is made of gold, right?" Nami: "Yeah, we came here for some gold, but we can't take the bell... it's too big for the Merry to carry... I wished there were some gold we can carry..." Luffy: "I know where we can find some gold." Nami: "...What?!" it wasn't long before Luffy lead the group to the giant snake and pointing at it. Luffy: "I saw some gold inside the snake stomach, let's go get it." Usopp: "But... to do that... we'll have to go inside it..." Chopper: "Are we that desperate for gold?" Nami: "I sure am." said Nami, as she and Luffy went inside the dead snake's body and took out some of the gold they found. Chopper: "Wow!, some of it's like the gold the big monkey brothers showed us!" Luffy: "Yeah!, and it's all ours!" Zoro: "Guess this trip wasn't a total loss after all." Sanji: "Hey... where did Usopp go?" asked Sanji, who noticed that Usopp was gone. Chopper: "He went off to do a little trade selling, at least that's what he told me." said Chopper, before the scene shows Usopp convincing some of the Skypieans, who are now living in Upper Yard, to trade some dials for some rubber bands. Usopp: "Pleasure doing business with you all." said Usopp with a smile, before he heads back to the Going Merry, and the crew were trying to make their fair share of the gold. Nami: "No Luffy, you can't have that much of the gold, we need it for something more important than your stomach." Luffy: "Come on... I can buy so much meat with it..." Vivi: "Luffy, we have to give everyone a fair share of the gold, and that includes you Nami." said Vivi, looking at the captain and the navigator. Nami: "Me?, you think I would have it for my own selfish needs?" Vivi: "Do you really want me to answer that?" Nami: "Well... not really..." Chopper: "Hey guys, it's Conis and Su." said Chopper, before the others see that Sonic and Su came in front of the Going Merry. Conis: "Hey everyone, I suppose you're getting ready to leave?" Luffy: "Yeah, it was fun being up here, and it was fun getting to know you too, but we're pirates, our lives are at the sea below." Conis: "I understand..." Zoro: "Hey... what happened to that Sky knight guy?" Conis: "Well the people of Skypiea wanted Gan Fall to be the ruler here again, and he accepted only so the people can live in Upper Yard in peace... as for me... well... I'm going the blue sea world..." Nami: "Wait... you mean... you're leaving Skypiea?" Conis: "Yeah... you see... not long after you left the city of gold... I found this Tone dial... and it has a message... from my father." Sanji: "Your dad?, but isn't he..." Conis: "I thought so too... but he's alive somehow... and at the place you call Laugh Tale." said Conis, before she begins to play the dial, which had a message from some unknown person saying that her father is still alive and is currently at an island known as Laugh Tale, and if she wants to see him again, then she'll have to go there. Of course the message didn't end there, for it also mentioned about Pell being alive as well and is with Conis' father, much to Vivi's shock. Nami: "I see... that's why you're leaving..." Conis: "Yes... but I don't know anything about the blue sea world... and I don't know if I can get my father back by myself..." Luffy: "Hey I have an idea... will you join our crew?" said Luffy, which surprised everyone, though not as much as Conis was. Conis: "What?... you really like me to join your crew?" Luffy: "Yeah, you and Su helped my friends when they got hurt by Eneru, and you need help traveling in the blue sea right, then we're more than happy to help." Vivi: "And he's with Pell... a friend of my family... so we have to help to..." hearing this made Conis to start crying, but they were tears of joy, feeling touched by the straw hats' kindness. Conis: "Thank you... all of you..." Su: "Suu, Suu!" Chopper: "Su just said that wherever Conis goes, she goes too." Sanji: "Oh Conis!, I'm more than happy to have you travel with us~." said Sanji as he was dancing around with a heart for his uncovered eye. Zoro: "You are such a moron." Sanji: "What was that?!" said Sanji as he glared at Zoro, who glared back at him. Nami: "Well... it looks like we have another crew member..." soon, both Conis and Su got onboard the Going Merry, which was starting to sail out of Skypiea. It wasn't long before Gan Fall showed up, ready to say goodbye to the Straw Hats. Gan Fall: "Good luck Straw Hats, and you too Conis, I hope you'll find your father." Conis: "Heso Gan Fall, and thank you for everything!" Luffy: "See ya sky knight guy!, thanks!" Gan Fall: "I should be the one thanking you, and uh... prepare for the free fall." All: "Free fall?" said the Straw Hats simply, before the Going Merry went off the edge of the cloud river, and begins to have a free fall, much to their shock and horror as they were falling in a super fast pace. Gan Fall: "One balloon octopus coming right up." said Gan Fall, before he blows his whistle, and a giant octopus came and wrapped it's tentacles around the ship, and it's head blew up like a balloon and made the ship to slow down it's falling pace. Usopp: "Wha... what just happened?" Conis: "It's the balloon octopus, they are used to slow down a ship's drop from the white sea to the blue sea world... and once we land... my quest to find my father begins..." Vivi: "And Pell..." and so the Straw hats have saved Skypiea from Eneru and gained a new crew member out of Conis and her cloud fox, and once they land, the next chapter of the Straw Hats' voyage will commence.

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