Jimbei and Hordy Jones on Fish-man island part 1

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After escaping from volcanic lava, Surume uses his tentacles to aim the Thousand Sunny at Fish-man island. Franky: "Alright everyone, get ready... Coup da Burst!" called out Franky, before the ship launches itself away from Surume, who waves good bye as the ship heads for the island. Once the ship got through the bubble, the ship's own coating was removed, and landed on top of some water that was inside the bubble, surrounded the island within, and the ship sails towards the island itself. Sanji: "Alright... I am so looking forward to flirt with all the mermaids here." Zoro: "Hey... isn't that Camie and Papagu over there?" asked Zoro, as the others went to look at where Zoro was pointing, which was Camie and Papagu, waving hi to them. Camie: "Hey guys!, you finally made it!" Papagu: "Straw Hats!" Luffy: "Wow!, it's Camie and Papagu!, hey guys!" Sanji: "Wow!, she looks even more lovely than before!" soon, the Thousand Sunny docks to the shore, and everyone went over to Camie and Papagu. Nami: "It's so great to see ya, how have you been?" Camie: "We're doing fine, but what about you guys, I mean after what happened at the Sabaody archipelago... I was worried that..." Nami: "Don't worry, we're fine now, and a whole lot stronger now too." Camie: "Yeah, I can see that." Papagu: "No kidding, you guys look stronger than you did we last saw ya for sure." Camie: "Oh by the way, we have a message for Luffy from Jimbei." Luffy: "Really?" Camie: "Yeah, he says he'll be waiting for you at the forest of Fish-man island." Luffy: "Wow, then I guess I can't keep him waiting." Nami: "Jimbei?" Luffy: "Yeah, he helped me saved Ace 2 years ago." Chopper: "Oh yeah, the Newspaper also said he was with you when you made that message for us to train." Usopp: "Hey... wasn't he one of the Seven Warlords of the sea?" Camie: "He was, but after the war, he lost his title and became a normal pirate again, the same with the rest of the Sun Pirates." Brook: "Sun pirates?, is that this Jimbei's crew?" Camie: "Well it was originally founded by a hero named Fisher Tiger." Luffy: "Wait... Fisher Tiger?... I think I heard that name before..." Camie: "That's no surprise... he was a famous pirate that was a hero to all slaves." Conis: "A hero to slaves?" Camie: "Yeah... though I don't know much about him other than that, but Jimbei grew up with him, maybe you can ask him about Tiger." Conis: "Hey I was wondering... we're really deep underwater, and yet there's sunlight here..." Camie: "Oh yes, it's the work of a special Eve tree, which absorbs the light of the sun from the surface and shines through here until night fall, which makes this place have it's own day and night cycle." Vivi: "I never knew there was such a tree..." Conis: "The trees of the blue sea world are amazing... first the Jewel tree that had the wood Franky used to make the Sunny... the mangrove trees of the Sabaody archipelago... and now this Eve Tree that makes light down to the deepest and darkest part of the sea..." suddenly, a large shark, using a ring shaped bubble to fly, came to the scene and he was looking scared. Usopp: "Ahh!, a flying shark!" Nami: "Is that a bubble around it?" Camie: "Yes, remember those bubbles at the Sabaody archipelago?, well we have those kind of bubbles here as well, and we use them to move around when we're out of water." Papagu: "Wait... that's Megalo!" Robin: "You know that shark?" Papagu: "Yeah, he's the pet shark of Princess Shirahoshi." Sanji: "Wait... did you say... princess Shirahoshi...?, the famous mermaid princess that is said to have beauty that rivals even the Pirate empress Boa Hancock?!" Papagu: "Yup, that's the one." Zoro: "Hey... someone's chasing the shark..." said Zoro, as a fish-man named Vender Decken (voiced by Jim Foronda) was on what looked a flying scallop, holing a big axe. Vender Decken: "You can't escape from me, my love!, you will be mine or face death!" said Vender Decken, before he throws the axe at the shark, who got hurt a bit and spat out something big from his mouth. It wasn't long before what came out of Megalo's mouth was Shirahoshi (voiced by Bryn Apprill), the giant sized mermaid princess herself. Shirahoshi: "Megalo!, are you alright?!" Vender Decken: "Your shark is the least of your worries." said Vender Decken, before Sanji jumps up and kicks the evil fish-man in the face, sending flying into a coral wall. Sanji: "You got some nerve on trying to attack a lady in front of me like that... if you value your life, leave the lovely lady be." Papagu: "No way..." Camie: "It's her... Princess Shirahoshi!" Usopp: "Hold on, that's the princess?!" Franky: "Whoa... she's like a giant version of a mermaid..." Brook: "Even so... she's very lovely too." Conis: "Wow... I didn't know mermaid could get so big..." Vivi: "Neither have I..." Luffy: "So... that jerk wasn't trying to flirt with the shark?" Zoro: "Are you kidding?!, what made you think that?!" Luffy: "He was talking to the shark." Nami: "He was obviously talking to the princess inside the shark." Chopper: "Why was she even in there in the first place?" asked Chopper, before Shirahoshi noticed the Straw Hats in front of her. Shirahoshi: "Uh... hi there... you're not here to kidnap me, are you?" Conis: "Of course not, why would we do that?" Shirahoshi: "Um... well it's just... a lot of people would do anything to get me... at least that's what my father and older brothers told me..." Luffy: "We're not here to kidnap anyone, we're just here to see Jimbei at the sea floor forest." Shirahoshi: "Really?, you mind if I tag along, there's something there I need to see... and I never got the chance to due to Vender Decken." Luffy: "You mean the guy with the axe?" Shirahoshi: "Yes, he's been wanting to make me his bride for years..." Sanji: "Not if I say or do anything about it, and it would be a pleasure to take you to the forest." Shirahoshi: "Thank you, really." soon, the Straw Hats took the Thousand Sunny and Shirahoshi to the sea forest, and there they meet a merman named Den (voiced by J Paul Slavens), who turned out to be not only a coating expert like Rayleigh, but the brother of Franky's mentor, Tom as well. Den: "I never thought I would meet one of my brother's apprentices, you must have a lot of skills as a shipwright." Franky: "You super bet I do, after all, I learned from the best, and I had no idea he had a brother... though you don't really look like him?" Den: "Well the biology of Fish-man and Merfolk is a little different compared to humans, we could be either one depending on their family and stuff like that... so were your parents um... robots?" Franky: "Uh... not exactly... I wasn't born a robot, I had to rebuild my body after getting run over by a train." Den: "Whoa... that must have hurt." Franky: "Yeah... but nowhere as painful as losing Tom that day... sorry that I couldn't have save him..." Den: "Don't worry, I know that he lived a good life... full of Gusto." hearing this made Franky smile, while the others see Shirahoshi looking at what looked like a tombstone. Nami: "Is that... a grave?" Den: "Yeah... it's the grave of the late Queen Otohime, princess Shirahoshi's mother..." Luffy: "You mean her mother's dead?" Den: "Yes... 10 years ago... she dreamed of having our people coexist with the humans of the surface world peacefully... though she never got the chance due she was killed... by a human..." Chopper: "Oh no..." Camie: "Yeah... it was a real tragedy..." Brook: "Hey guys... who's that coming?" asked Brook, as the others looked at the direction the living skeleton was pointing, seeing a certain fish-man that Luffy knew too well. Jimbei: "Luffy, I see you made it, along with your crew." Luffy: "Jimbei!, it's so great to see ya!, this is my crew." Jimbei: "A pleasure to meet you all." Shirahoshi: "Hello Jimbei, it's been a while." Jimbei: "Yes, it sure has, do what I owe the... [gasped loudly and eyes bugged out] what are you even doing here?!, shouldn't you be at the palace?!" Chopper: "She wanted to come here and asked us to help her after Sanji kicked away that Decken guy away." Jimbei: "Wait... you ran into Vender Decken?" Sanji: "Yeah, but I took care of him." Karoo: "Quack!, Quack!" Vivi: "What's wrong, Karoo?" Chopper: "He just said an axe is heading for Shirahoshi... wait... an axe?!" yelped Chopper, before an axe came to the scene, heading right for Shirahoshi. But Luffy jumped up and kicked it away. Luffy: "Where did that come from?" Shirahoshi: "Oh sorry... I forgot to mention that Decken has the power of the Mark Mark fruit, allowing him to hit anything he touched with his right hand... or was it his left hand?" that was when the sound of footsteps were heard, and everyone turned around to see Hachi, who was badly injured and ready to fall down. Camie: "Oh my gosh!, Hachi!, are you alright?!" Jimbei: "Hachi?!, what are you doing here on Fish-man island?, I thought you were captured along with Arlong back in the East Blue 2 years ago." Hachi: "Nyu... long story... Straw Hats... thank goodness you're here... your timing of arrival couldn't be better..." Luffy: "What do you mean?" Hachi: "Well... the kingdom is in trouble... the New Fish-man pirates, lead by Hordy Jones are taking over the kingdom... King Neptune and the princes have already been defeated and captured." Shirahoshi: "What?!, my family's been captured?!, oh no..." said Shirahoshi, as she began to cry. Nami: "The New Fish-man pirates?" Jimbei: "Yes... they're pirates who used to look up to Arlong and his crew... the ones you defeated in the East Blue 2 years ago... which I thank you for... however I must apologize as well..." Hachi: "Jimbei... wait... don't tell them..." Luffy: "Don't tell us what?" Jimbei: "Well you see... 11 years ago... Arlong was captured and got locked up... but in exchange of getting my title as a warlord at the time... I freed him." this made everyone gasped in shock, though not as shocked as Nami, who then sees the sun tattoo on Jimbei, the same kind of tattoo that Arlong had. Usopp: "Hold on!, you were the one who set Arlong loose in the East Blue?!" Jimbei: "As much as I hate to admit it... yes..." Sanji: "I heard the same thing... while on the way to Cocoyasi village, Yosaku told us you were the one who set Arlong loose... I hope you know that the one you should really apologize is Nami... after all, she had her entire life ruined by Arlong." said Sanji, which made Jimbei gasped in shock. Hachi: "I'm afraid he's right... Arlong not only killed the woman who took care of her... but we also made a slave out of her by joining our crew until she could collect enough money... only to send marines to steal it... I'm so sorry Jimbei... but we really gave her a rotten childhood, and all the apology in the world won't change a thing..." said Hachi, as Nami gets a flashback of her life after Arlong came but before she met Luffy and the others. Jimbei: "I'm truly sorry... you must have been through a terrible life." Sanji: "Yeah, and she has you to thank!" Nami: "Yeah... it was a nightmare... nothing would change my mind about Arlong... but until 2 years ago when we got to the Sabaody archipelago... I had no idea that even the strongest of Fish-man were persecuted by humans... when we got to Sabaody Park... I noticed that it was the spitting image of Arlong Park before it was destroyed." Hachi: "We wanted a place of the land of our own... I'm not saying this to forgive us... but it's true... Arlong really humans... too much... and yes... we went too far... but as long as I can remember, Arlong... me... all of us wanted to live in the world above the sea... experience the fun of Sabaody Park... we were jealous that the humans get to have the fun of it while can't go there... our jealousy drove us to hurt people like you... I'm so sorry Nami..." Camie: "Oh Hachi..." Papagu: "Yeah..." Hachi: "Even though the World Government has allowed the have the royal family of Fish-man island to visit the Reverie... humans still have hate in their hearts..." Den: "And at the beginning of the Great Pirate era, it was a really tough time for us as so many pirates came to cause trouble, like kidnapping mermaids or things like that." Jimbei: "Then came that fateful day when Whitebeard came and declared Fish-man island as part of his territory, keeping it safe... however, humans still mistreat our kind, all of you witnessed it at the Sabaody archipelago." Chopper: "Yeah... though I wished we didn't..." Jimbei: "Yes... however, there were two individuals who tried to bring a brighter future for both fish-man and humans, Queen Otohime, and Fisher Tiger..." Luffy: "Oh yeah... he's the guy known to be a hero to slaves, right?" Jimbei: "Yes... a title he got by invading Mariejois and freeing all the slaves there... which made him a criminal to the World Government, so he had to live the pirate life, as captain of the Sun Pirates... with Arlong, Hachi and myself as his first crew members... but to the world, we were known as Fish-man pirates, so therefore, we made it that much more difficult for Queen Otohime... of course no one could say which of the two were right or wrong... they both fought for a brighter future for both fish-man and humans... each one is a legend... and both of their tales... ended in tragedy..." said Jimbei, before he begins telling the group about what happened long ago. Turns out that Jimbei and Arlong were one brothers in arms as they grew up together in the Fish-man district, which was where outlaws hang out as they couldn't live law binding lives. Once Fisher Tiger made his move on Mariejois and became the captain of the Sun pirates, Jimbei left the royal army to watch over Fisher Tiger, along with Arlong and his crew. One day, a little girl, who was a former slave at Mariejois, was found on an island, and Fisher Tiger put the sun mark on her to free her from the Celestial Dragon's mark. The girl's name was Koala, and she was scared at first but warmed up to the pirates, especially with Jimbei, Hachi and Fisher Tiger. As soon as they got to her island, Fisher Tiger got Koala home, but the marines were waiting for him and attacked. The sun pirates were able to beat the marines, but Fisher Tiger had lost a lot of blood, and there was not enough to save him, as a result, he passed away, which was a great tragedy to the crew, and to the slaves everywhere. Arlong wanted revenge on the humans who killed Fisher Tiger, but was beaten and got locked up. When Jimbei got an invitation of joining the Seven Warlords, he accepted it in hopes to bring peace between the government and to free Arlong. However, Arlong was not happy at all about Jimbei joining the warlords, and left the Sun pirates with his crew. Some time later, a celestial Dragon got washed up to the island, and Queen Otohime saved him, in exchange, the Celestial Dragon will allow the queen to visit the land of Mariejois in hopes to relocate Fish-man island to the surface. Sadly when she returned, the queen was shot by a human it seems, which was a great tragedy to the whole kingdom. Shirahoshi: "My mother was the kindest person I knew... she didn't want the younger generation learn how to hate humans and live peacefully with them." Jimbei: "Yes... and Fisher Tiger wanted to free his fellow fish-man from slavery... sadly the hatred between our two races have killed them both... and although Arlong was the one who made Nami's life a tragedy... I was the one who let him loose in the East Blue in the first place... so in a way, it was my fault..." Nami: "Don't say that, while I'll never forget what Arlong did, you on the other hand never meant for anyone to get hurt, and you're a friend of Luffy's, so that tells me a lot about you, and not only that... even though the Arlong pirates made my life a nightmare, it was because of it that I was able to meet Luffy and the others... and I can't hate you just because you're a fish-man... and I'm fine with my past, because I'm now happy in the present." hearing this made both Jimbei and Hachi cry, feeling relieved and touched by it. Jimbei: "I don't deserved to be treated so kindly... you have my gratitude..." Hachi: "Nyu... Nami..." Franky: "Ah!, I know how hard it is to be a brother!, you're one heck of a great man Jimbei!, and Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime were both awesome!" Brook: "Yes... I wished that I could have met them... they must have been great people..." Vivi: "Agreed... Otohime was no doubt a wonderful ruler for her kingdom and people..." Karoo: "Quack..." Jimbei: "Anyway... I lost track of time... Hachi, you said that Hordy and his crew have taken over the palace and captured the royal family, correct?" Hachi: "Yeah... and I know what he's planning... but first let me warn you, Hordy hates humans even more than Arlong did... and he won't stop for anything to make humans suffer... and to prove my point, you'll see there's one big difference between him and Arlong." Chopper: "Really?, what difference is that?" Hachi: "Well you see, Arlong had no problem with killing humans, but the one thing he'll never do is hurt other fish-man... Hordy on the other hand, he doesn't care, he'll show his wrath to any fish folk who are sympathetic to humans... he'll cut down anyone in his way..." Conis: "Oh my... that's terrible..." Su: "Suu..." Hachi: "Yes, and that's not the worst part... he plans to take over the kingdom in order to be invited to the Reverie... so he can kill the kings and queens of the surface, including the Five elders." Vivi: "What?!, but my father is one of those rulers!" Karoo: "Quack!" Usopp: "Oh man... looks like we got ourselves into a real sticky situation this time..." Vivi: "We need to stop Hordy, my father could be in real danger!" Luffy: "Don't worry Vivi... I'm gonna kick this Hordy guy's butt." Jimbei: "Hold on, you must not attack recklessly, tell me Luffy, what's the relationship between us?" Luffy: "We're friends." Jimbei: "That's right, although it's simple for us, our two races have been struggling to form such a relationship for decades now, can't you see?, think about how the folks will view you, if you attack Hordy recklessly, they'll see you as just another human bully depressing our kind, that is not what we want, you should be a seen as a hero, one that saves the island." Luffy: "... Hero?... no way!" Jimbei: "What?!" Luffy: "I'm no hero, I mean heroes share meat with other people, no way I'm sharing any meat!" Jimbei: "Uh..." Vivi: "That's not what a hero is at all, you idiot!" Nami: "I'll be surprised if his mind was on more than just food." Sanji: "It figures... that dummy." Jimbei: "Luffy, I'll let you have all the meat you want, just do as I say." Luffy: "Really?... that's fair." Chopper: "Huh?!, no way!" Camie: "Luffy has not changed one bit, has he?" Nami: "Nope... and I wouldn't have it any other way." Jimbei: "Here's the plan, we'll get caught on purpose to get close, and some of you will be in Megalo's stomach, and when the time comes, you come out and make our move." Luffy: "Did you say stomach?" Conis: "Wait... you mean some of us will have to be in the shark's stomach?" said Conis with a disgusted look, while Megalo looked like he didn't like the idea either. Franky: "You know, I highly doubt the Sunny would fit." Den: "You don't have to, the coating will allow her to fly around here." Sunny: "Good to hear, no way this Klabautermann is gonna be inside a shark's stomach." Jimbei: "Wait... Klabautermann?" Franky: "Oh yeah, she's a real Klabautermann." Den: "For real?" Usopp: "Yeah... it's a long story... but uh... who's gonna be in the shark's stomach or on the Sunny?" Zoro: "Let's settle that with drawing straws, those who get the straws with the red tips go take a ride in the shark." said Zoro, before he shows the crew some straws in his hand. Soon, the Straw Hats take their straws, and Luffy, Nami and Robin were the ones that will travel in the shark, while the others ride on the Sunny. Some time later, Jimbei was taking Megalo with him, unaware that Shirahoshi was following both of them. Once the pair got caught, Shirahoshi got captured as well, and soon all three of them went to the plaza, where the rest of the royal family, King Neptune (voiced by Bruce DuBose), Prince Fukaboshi (voiced by Jarrod Greene), Prince Ryuboshi (voiced by Alex Ross) and Prince Mamboshi (voiced by Troy Hughes) were being held. All of the people of the island were now witnessing the royal family getting surrounded by the New Fish-man pirates. The evil Hordy Jones (voiced by Larry Brantley), and his commanding officers, were looking at the royal family with an evil smile. Hordy: "Finally... the time to make Fish-man island and the surface world mine to rule..." Neptune: "Hordy... you will not get away with this... and leave my children alone!" Hordy: "You can't make threats to me, you're no match for me." Jimbei: "You can't do this Hordy, we spent many years trying to bring peace between humans and fish-man!" Hordy: "Oh please, our kind will never be peaceful with filthy humans, those who think that deserve to die... just like Queen Otohime." Jimbei: "Don't say that!, sure there are some humans who find us inferior enough to kill... but..." Hordy: "Oh Jimbei... you still think it was a human who killed her?... well I have a secret to share with you and everyone... wanna hear?... the one who shot her... WAS ME!" shouted Hordy, which shocked everyone to the very core. Jimbei: "... That can't be true!" Shirahoshi: "... I already know that..." this made Hordy and everyone gasped again, shocked to learn that Shirahoshi knew that already. Hordy: "... What did you say?... you already knew I killed your mother?... how could that be?" Shirahoshi: "Megalo told me about it a few years ago... as he witnessed the incident with his very eyes..." Jimbei: "Princess... you knew it was Hordy all along and you never told a soul?!" Shirahoshi: "I couldn't... otherwise people will hold a grudge against Hordy... and that's not what my dear mother wanted... that was the final promise we made to her before she died... she said no matter who it was... we should not be angry or fill our hearts with hatred..." said Shirahoshi with tears in her eyes, while her brothers were surprised by this. Mamboshi: "Shirahoshi... don't tell us..." Ryuboshi: "All these years..." Fukaboshi: "You kept your word to our mother... I can't believe it..." Jimbei: "She was true to her oath... she has truly honored her mother's legacy..." Hordy: "Ha!, you're such a spineless princess as always... no matter though, prepare to witness the death of the royal family... starting with the king." said Hordy, before he takes out a sword, ready to behead Neptune. Shirahoshi: "No please!... Luffy please!, SAVE MY FATHER!, HURRY!" once she said that, Luffy came out of Megalo, and kicked Hordy in the stomach, sending him flying into a wall. Jimbei: "Luffy!, I told you to wait!, but I guess there was no other option... come out everyone!" once Jimbei said that, Nami and Robin came to the scene, with the keys to free Shirahoshi and her family at last. It wasn't long before the Thousand Sunny came to the scene, landing into the plaza. The rest of the crew were looking at the Fish-man pirates. Chopper: "Wow... that's a lot of pirates..." Sanji: "There must be at least 100,000 enemies..." Zoro: "Scared?" Sanji: "As if, I'll take them all down with ease." Conis: "Um... are you sure we can't share?" Sanji: "Well if you want, it would be my pleasure." Vivi: "If these pirates think they can try to attack our friend's home and attempt to harm my family... they're in for a big surprise..." Franky: "Wow, looks like we got plenty of butts to kick, this should be fun." Brook: "Yes, a big crowd, the perfect warm up we'll need before we go into the New World." Usopp: "I don't know... this might be overkill, right?" Karoo: "Quack..." Su: "Suu~..." Zoro: "Well there might be a lot of them, but I doubt they're all that strong..." said Zoro, before he and the rest of the crew come down to the plaza, joining Luffy, Nami and Robin, who managed to free Jimbei. Luffy: "Alright guys... let's do this..." said Luffy, glaring at the New Fish-man pirates.

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