Carrot and Jack on Zou part 1

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It was a really foggy day at sea when the Thousand Sunny and the ships of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet were sailing to Zou, which was where Law's crew is currently at, and where Tommy and his friends came from. Luffy: "So... what's Zou like?" Law: "To be honest, not really sure, never been there... but my crew mate, Bepo was born there." Luffy: "Really?, the polar beat guy?" Tommy: "Then he must be a mink like us." Usopp: "But you look more like a fox." Law: "He's talking about the Mink tribe, think of them as fish-man with features of furry mammals instead of fish." Jokeo: "Yeah, it's where we came from, and believe me, it's a nice place to visit." Caesar: "Oh please, the Minks are known to be very strong and hate humans, they would tear you all apart at the moment you set foot on Zou." said Caesar, before Gidget uses her psychic powers to drop a frying pen on top of his head. Gidget: "That's a lie, we don't hate humans, we just don't like bad people like you, and we only attack when we have no other choice." Conis: "Is that true?" Kin'emon: "Of course, for the reason we wanted to go to Zou was because there are allies there, not to mention a friend of ours, Raizo, a ninja, is there waiting for us." Kanjuro: "But we got separated during a storm and ended up in Dressrosa, where you can guess the rest." Momonosuke: "I hope he's okay..." Kin'emon: "So do I son... so do I..." Bartolomeo: "Hey uh... I was wondering, what do you think of my ship?, great huh?" asked Bartolomeo, showing the Straw Hats his ship, which had Luffy as the figurehead. Luffy: "Wow, It looks like me!" Bartolomeo: "Yes, I call it the Going Luffy, neat huh?" Usopp: "I don't know... it has more Luffy than ours does..." Sunny: "Well this ship has gotten a lot of love from it's crew, and that's all that really matters." Franky: "No kidding, as a shipwright, I can honestly say I'm impressed on how much hard work they put through for it." Conis: "Yeah, and not only that, it has 'Going' in it... kind of reminds me of Sunny's original name." Bartolomeo: "Yes, we did it in honor of the Going Merry, the Straw Hat's original ship before she was reborn as the Thousand Sunny, which I still can't believe that really happened." Robin: "Yes, we were just as surprised, but we wouldn't have it any other way." Jokey: "Hey... I can't help but feeling like we forgot something..." Jokeo: "Like what?" Jokey: "I'm not sure... something to do with Zou itself..." Bartolomeo: "So uh... how do we know we're not lost?" Law: "Bepo gave me his Vivre card, which is what we're using to find Zou... which can't be far now..." Tommy: "You're right... in fact... Zou is right in front of us..." said Tommy, looking ahead of the ships, where a large shadow was hiding in the fog. Once they got a closer look, they see a large elephant that was the size of an island. Franky: "No way... is that an elephant?!" Brook: "Oh my..." Conis: "Whoa... do elephants really come that big..." Vivi: "Not usually..." Tommy: "There it is... Zou itself... on top of the elephant..." Usopp: "What?!, you never mentioned this!" Jokey: "Oh... that's what we forgot to mention..." Jokeo: "This is why our home is hard to find, because it's always on the move due to it resting on the back of the elephant." Luffy: "Whoa... that is so awesome!" Nami: "Look at it... it's even larger than Oars..." Robin: "It looks like it's been alive for centuries..." Gidget: "You're right, the elephant has been alive for a long time... and it's been carrying our home for who knows how long... a safe place for us Minks in the New World..." Bartolomeo: "Say Mr Luffy, is there anything else you want us to do?" Luffy: "Not really, but thanks for your help back in Dressrosa, we couldn't have beaten Dolflamingo if it weren't for you." Cavendish: "Of course you wouldn't, but how nice of you to say so." Bartolomeo: "If you ever need our help again, give us a call and we'll come." Vivi: "Thanks, we appreciate it." Karoo: "Quack!" soon, Bartolomeo and the other commanders of the Straw Hat Grand fleet sailed off to their own adventures, while the Thousand Sunny was wrapping her anchor around the Elephant's leg so she can't be left behind while the crew is on Zou. As for how they'll get up, they forced Caesar to make himself become a blimp to lift a large basket they were riding on to get to the top. As for Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Momonosuke, since there was no more room in the basket, they allowed Kanjuro used his Devil fruit powers, which creates living drawings, to summon a pink dragon to climb up the elephant's leg while riding on it's back. Meanwhile with the Straw Hats, they were looking around when Gidget gasped in shock due to seeing the entrance to Zou have been smashed. Gidget: "The entrance gate... it's been smashed..." Usopp: "Maybe it was old..." Sanji: "No... this looks like some kind of beast broke through... a really big beast..." it wasn't long before Tommy and the others went into the entrance and gasped in shock to see not only the city has been destroyed, but there was poisonous gas in the air too, and were forced to retreat to the forest. Jokeo: "What happened here?!" Jokey: "Where did that poison gas come from?!" Tommy: "And more importantly, where is everyone?" Chopper: "Yes, it doesn't look like there's anyone in that area, and even if there were, they would be dead by that gas..." Caesar: "Indeed... my gas will surly kill them, She, Roo, Roo, Roo, Roo!" laughed Caesar, before Chopper kicks him in the face. Chopper: "Should have known it was your gas!" Caesar: "Hey don't blame me!, I didn't used it!" Chopper: "Maybe not, but you created that gas!, so you're as much to blame for whoever used it!" Sanji: "How long does the gas need to kill someone?" Caesar: "About 2 days, and by the looks of it, a day has passed, so they only have one day left." Chopper: "Then there's no time to lose, you're gonna use your power to clear up the gas and help me create an antidote!" Caesar: "Why should I do that?" Luffy: "Because if you don't... we'll throw you into the sea..." said Luffy in a calm and angry tone in his voice, while the other straw hats were ready to beat the living pulp out of the gas man. Caesar: "Alright!, fine!" said Caesar, before he used his gas powers to get rid of the gas and cleared up the air in the city. Tommy: "Is everyone okay?" Chopper: "I don't know, but I know that we better help them quick." Zoro: "I hope we don't regret it... for if what Caesar said is true about the Minks hating humans and being really strong... we might have to fight." Tommy: "Don't be silly!, we minks don't just attack every human we see!" suddenly a dog mink woman named Wanda (voiced by Jenny Yokobori) came to the scene and she tries to swing her sword at Nami, who managed to block the attack with her Clima-tact just in the nick of time. Zoro: "You were saying?" said Zoro, before Wanda grabs Nami's leg and pulls out a stick of dynamite, ready to blow at any moment. Wanda: "Die invader!, what you did to my home and people is truly unforgivable!, the samurai of Wano you're looking for is not here!, what will it take to get you to realize that!" Gidget: "Miss Wanda!, stop!, they're not invaders!, they brought us home!" Wanda: "... Gidget?, Tommy...?, Jokey and Jokeo...?" that was when a jaguar mink named Pedro (voiced by Ben Balmaceda), put out the fuse of the dynamite. Pedro: "Gidget's telling the truth, these people cleared away the gas, and they seemed to have brought the missing kids home too." Wanda: "Now that you mentioned it... the gas is gone... and you people... you cleared it?" Chopper: "Yes, but right now we need to gather as many people as we can, I need a lot of supplies to make the antidote, and I'll need lots of help to do it." Wanda: "You Tia... want to help..." Chopper: "Yes, I promise to help, I'm a doctor after all." Conis: "And I'm a nurse, let's get to work." that was when a chipmunk Mink woman named Tristan (voiced by Felecia Angelle), who was also a nurse, came to the scene. Tristan: "I'm a nurse too, I'll help out as much as I can." it wasn't long before another Mink girl showed up, who was a rabbit mink named Carrot (voiced by Tia Ballard), and she was ready to help out too. Carrot: "I'll go get the others in the forest, they can help too." Chopper: "Good, now there's no time to lose, let's do it!" said Chopper, before he and the other Straw Hats went to help out the injured and sick Minks while the other Minks from the forest came to help out. Once both Chopper and Caesar made the antidote, they begin injecting it to the Minks, who were starting to recover. Once everyone got the antidote, Sanji cooks up a huge pot full of soup, which was really delicious and everyone was enjoying it. Sanji: "Everyone enjoying the soup?" Pedro: "Yes... it really hit the spot, I feel much better... and I'm sure everyone is feeling better too..." Sanji: "Want seconds?" Pedro: "No, I should allow everyone else have their fill first." Sanji: "Don't worry about it, I can make more." Brook: "Attention, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, ready to enjoy some music?" said Brook, before he begins playing 'Bink's Brew' which everyone enjoyed hearing. Wanda: "You Tia... have helped us in so many ways... we can never thank you enough..." suddenly, the ground began to shake, and the Elephant's large trunk started to go up. Carrot: "Get ready everyone!" Usopp: "Ready for what?!" Law: "The elephant's about to spray itself... with sea water!" Robin: "Makes sense, elephants do use their trunks to spray water on themselves to keep clean and all that..." Franky: "But an elephant this size could bring a flood!" Carrot: "That's why we build the city to be on high ground." Wanda: "Everyone get to your positions!" said Wanda, before she and everyone else went to higher ground, just in time to see the elephant spray a large amount of water on it's back. That was when they noticed that Luffy was in the water, trying to keep his head above. Carrot managed to grab a branch with one hand while using the other one to grab Luffy and save him just in the nick of time. Carrot: "Are you Tia okay?" Luffy: "Yeah... you saved me... thanks..." Carrot: "No problem, it's the least I could do for one of our saviors." some time later, the Straw Hats were having a party with the Minks, and they were all having a great time. Brook on the other hand was trying to keep himself from getting chewed up by the dog Minks as they love to chew on bones, especially Wanda herself. Tommy: "Hey Miss Wanda... I hope you don't mind me asking... but what exactly happened here?" Wanda: "Well... if kinda happened on the day after you, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo vanished... we were attacked by Jack... a man who serves under Kaido..." Jokeo: "Kaido..." Jokey: "Hey Mr Law, isn't Kaido the Pirate Emperor guy you and Mr Luffy are planning on taking down?" Law: "Yeah, that's him, but what would one of Kaido's top officers want in Zou?" asked Law, as he crew mate, Bepo, was eating some food. Wanda: "He wanted something that we didn't had... a samurai from Wano... he refused to accept the fact he wasn't here... and he was quite powerful... even Duke Dog Storm and Master Cat Viper had a hard time beating him... and in the end, he used that poisonous gas to defeat us..." Gidget: "That's awful..." Wanda: "But then he got word about someone called Dolflamingo being arrested... and left Zou, perhaps in hopes to rescue him..." Tommy: "Dolflamingo... he was the guy that Luffy defeated not too long ago at Dressrosa." Wanda: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah... so I we saved Zou even before we got here... and we didn't even knew it..." that was when one of the Minks came and told everyone that Duke Dog Storm was awake, much to everyone's joy. Soon the Straw Hats went to where Duke Dog Storm (voiced by Jeff Plunk) was, and he was a large Mink dog. Dog Storm: "So... You Gara must be our saviors... it's a pleasure to meet you all." Luffy: "Whoa... you're huge, I'll bet you're strong." Wanda: "Of course he is, he's our duke after all." Dog Storm: "Well I don't know if I'm really that strong, after what happened with Jack..." Usopp: "But it wasn't your fault, this Jack guy pulled a dirty trick with that gas." Dog Storm: "Even so... we should have been more prepared... if only there was a full moon..." Vivi: "A full moon?, what for?" Sanji: "Does something special happen when a full moon comes?" Dog Storm: "You could say that..." said Dog Storm, before he fell asleep in an instant. Luffy: "Was he really that tired?" Wanda: "Well it is 6:00 PM." Usopp: "Huh?" Wanda: "You see, Zou has two rulers, Dog Storm, who rules Zou during the day, while Cat Viper rules Zou at night, the thing is, those two were once friends, but then after returning their last trip to Wano, around 20 years ago, they became bitter enemies and would rather divide the time of day they were awake rather then see each other, so some of us have to be awake during the day, while others have to be up during the night." Tommy: "Hey... if Dog Storm is asleep now... does that mean Cat Viper is awake?" Wanda: "Most likely, would you Tia like to meet him." Brook: "Of course, we'd be honored to meet him." Luffy: "Yeah, I'll bet he's as cool as the big doggy." said Luffy, before he and his crew took a ride on some large crocodiles with long legs, and the ones steering them at Wanda and Carrot. Wanda: "By the way, I was wondering how did you find Tommy and the other kids?" Luffy: "Well they were the ones who found us back at Punk Hazard." Gidget: "Yeah... it was not fun there... and that Caesar... he's a real monster..." Carrot: "You gas guy who helped Dr Chopper with the antidote?" Chopper: "Yeah... he's a really evil man... he was the one who created that gas this Jack guy used on ya... and we only had him as a trade for Dolflamingo, but now that he's on his way to Impel Down, Caesar can't hide from the law anymore." Carrot: "Is he really that bad?" Chopper: "He's the worst... believe me..." it wasn't long before they got to the hut where Cat Viper (voiced by SungWon Cho) was, and was taking a bath, despite the fact that he was injured. Wanda: "There he is." Chopper: "Wha!, why is he taking a bath?!" Cat Viper: "What?, I might be a cat, but that doesn't mean I don't clean myself with just licking." Chopper: "But you're injured!, your wounds could reopen!" Wanda: "I think you should listen to him, he knows what you need to heal." Cat Viper: "Fine... I'm done with my bath anyway..." Jokey: "Um... Mr Cat Viper, we've went all over Zou and..." Jokeo: "We couldn't find our parents anywhere, where are they?" Tommy: "Yeah, we haven't seen them with the others." Gidget: "Did they left Zou to find us or something?" asked the kids, while Cat Viper, Carrot and Wanda looked down and frowned. Carrot: "Should we tell them?" Wanda: "I hate to be the one telling them..." Zoro: "Tell them what?" Sanji: "Hey... did something happened?" Cat Viper: "... Well the thing is... some of our fellow Minks were killed during the attack and... well... as much as I hate to tell you this but... your parents were one of those Minks..." this was shocking news to the kids... leaving them have their faces filled with shock and horror and sadness. It wasn't long before they fell down to their knees and began to cry, while the others just looked down and felt sorry for the little ones. Nami went over to them and gave them a hug for comfort. Nami: "I'm so sorry kids... but I promise it's gonna be okay..." said Nami, while the kids continued to cry for their loss.

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