The Pirate Empress of Amazon Lily

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After the incident at the Sabaody archipelago, nobody had seen a trace of any member of the Straw Hat pirates. They would've been finished by the hands of Admiral Kizaru and his nephew, Sentomaru, if Kuma didn't show up and used his powers to send them flying to who knows where. Now, Luffy soon made a crash landing on an island, and he was all alone. Luffy: "Hello?!, Zoro?, Nami?, Usopp?, Sanji?,Chopper?, Vivi?, Karoo?, Robin?, Conis?, Su?, Franky?, Brook?, anyone?!, where are you?!... oh man... am I all alone?" suddenly, an arrow came through the jungle and almost hit Luffy, who managed to dodge it in time, before turning around to see who fired it. The culprit turned out to be a young woman with yellow hair named Margaret (voiced by Whitney Rodgers), who happens to be a resident of the island that the Straw Hat pirate was currently on. Margaret: "I don't know how you got here, but you made a mistake coming here, as men are not allowed here." Luffy: "Huh?, why not?, and what is this place?" Margaret: "Don't play dumb with me, you should know that this is Amazon Lily, the island where only women live, ruled by the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, and you are an invader." Luffy: "Sorry, didn't mean to come here, I got flung here." Margaret: "Quit talking and die already!" shouted Margaret, before she continues to shoot arrows, before Luffy stretched his arm to grab a tree branch to escape, which really surprised the woman a lot. Luffy: "Whoa!, okay I get it, I'll leave!, but do you know a place where I can get some meat?, I'm really hungry." Margaret: "Do I look like I'm in the mood to help a man?" asked Margaret in anger, before she continues to fire arrows at the young man, who now makes a run for it. That was when he fell into the sea as he wasn't watching where he was going, and as he began to drown, Margaret caught him and pulled him out of the water. Luffy: "Thanks... you saved my life..." Margaret: "Don't thank me, I'm just making sure I kill you with my own arrows, as I want to beat my enemies with my own hands, not by a stunt that gets you to fall or drown." said Margaret, before she continues to attack the young Straw Hat pirate. As Luffy runs for his life, he tries to jump off a cliff in hopes to escape, only to fall through a roof of a palace, and into a room with a large bath. As Luffy looks around his surroundings, he noticed a woman taking a bath, and she was not happy of seeing him. The woman was named Boa Hancock (voiced by Lydia Mackay), and she was the ruler of Amazon Lily. Luffy: "Hey... that mark on your back... I think... I've seen it before... but where?" Hancock: "You saw it... that is an unforgivable crime!, you will die for even taking a peek!" Luffy: "Wait a minute!, I didn't mean to look at it!, and what's the big deal?!" that was when two larger women, one with green hair named Sandersonia (voiced by Lindsay Seidel) and the other with orange hair named Marigold (voiced by Julie Mayfield), came to the scene. Sandersonia: "How dare you sneak into this room and spy on our big sister!, not to mention seeing what's on her back!" Marigold: "Turn him to stone!" Hancock: "I will... Love Love beam!" called out Hancock, before she put her hands together to make a heart shaped hole that somehow shoots out a beam that Luffy, but it didn't seemed to do anything on him. Luffy: "Uh... was something supposed to happen?" Hancock: "What?!" Sandersonia: "Why didn't he turn to stone?, surly he must have a least one dirty thought of our sister after seeing her taking a bath..." Marigold: "Perhaps his fear of death saved him..." Luffy: "Nah... I wasn't scared, just hungry, you got any meat around here?, I'm ready for some lunch." Hancock: "You're about to be lunch for my panther!" shouted Hancock, before the scene changed to show Luffy all tied up by some black snakes, and he was in the middle of a battle arena, surrounded by a lot of warriors of Amazon Lily, looking forward to see Luffy get killed. That was when a panther appeared, ready to kill Luffy, who managed to defeat it with a kick from his free leg, and everyone was shocked by the sight of Luffy's leg stretched out in a very unnatural way. It wasn't long before Margaret showed up, but she too was tied up by the same kind of snakes that tied up Luffy. Turns out that Hancock was not only mad at Luffy, she also mad at Margaret for allowing the young man to get into her bath in the first place. Margaret: "My lady... please forgive me... I tried to stop him..." Hancock: "And you failed at it... so you must be punished... Love Love Beam." said Hancock, before she made shape with her hands and a beam came out and hits Margaret, who then turned into stone, much to the Straw Hat pirate's shock and horror. Luffy: "Hey!, what did you do that for?!, she didn't do anything wrong!, and she saved me from drowning!" Hancock: "She failed on doing her job of keeping men off of this island, and allowing you to live alone is a crime too, and it doesn't matter what I did was cruel, I'll always be forgiven and get away with it... why you ask... I'm beautiful." said Hancock, who was looking down on Luffy so much that she's actually looking up. Luffy: "I don't care!, it's unforgivable!" said Luffy in true anger, which Hancock gasped in shock, she couldn't believe that her beauty wasn't winning over the boy at all. Sandersonia: "Watch your mouth!, that's our sister you're speaking to!" Marigold: "Sis... mind if we take care of him?" Hancock: "... Make it quick." said Hancock, before Marigold and Sandersonia transformed into giant snake like girls. Luffy: "What the... Devil fruit powers?" Sandersonia: "We are gorgons you fool, and if anyone sees what's on our backs, they'll die with true fear." Luffy: "Huh... but your the back of your..." Marigold: "Silence you fool!" shouted Marigold, before she and his sister, Sandersonia went to battle Luffy, who finally managed to free himself from the little black snakes, and was ready for a fight. Luffy tried to throw a kick on Sandersonia, but was able to predict and dodge it, kind of how Eneru in Skypiea did. Marigold spits out poison, which Luffy must avoid at all costs. Then more trouble brewed when Marigold used her tail to wrap Luffy up, while Sandersonia used her own tail on the stone form of Margaret. Luffy: "Hey!, leave her out of this!" Sandersonia: "What we do with her is noun of your business, now witness her be shattered." Luffy: "I SAID STOP!, THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" shouted Luffy in rage, before a powerful aura blast came out of Luffy, which made the sister gasp in shock, and Hancock was just as surprised as they were. As for the other warriors, they were all knocked out. Marigold: "Unreal... that was the Conqueror's Spirit!" Sandersonia: "No way... I've never seen anyone besides our big sis do something like that!" said the snake sisters in shock, while Hancock was looking at Luffy as she bites her thumb. Hancock: "The same as me... there's no doubt about it... but who is that man...?" Luffy: "Hey... what happened to everyone?, did I miss something?" Marigold: "Huh... I don't think he even realized that he used Haki..." Sandersonia: "I guess he doesn't know how to control it yet... that might be a good thing for us as he might not try it again..." said Sandersonia, before Luffy moves the stone form of Margaret away from the arena, so she would be out of harm's way, much to the sisters' surprise. Luffy: "Okay... now that she's no longer in harm's way... let's continue our fight, ready?" Marigold: "Don't think that you got the upper hand just because you can use Haki!" Luffy: "Huh?, what's that?" Sandersonia: "That's the least of your worries!" said Sandersonia, before she and Marigold continued their fight against Luffy. When Marigold used a torch in attempts to burn Luffy, the young pirate dodged and the torch hits Sandersonia instead, much to Marigold's shock and horror. Most of Sandersonia's clothes were burnt, and her back was exposed, and Luffy jumped and used his own body to cover the lady's back. Marigold: "... no way..." Sandersonia: "What are you waiting for?!, attack him!" Marigold: "I can't... don't you see... he's not messing with you... that man is... protecting our secret!" Sandersonia: "What?" Luffy: "You would rather die than let anyone see what's on your back... right?, well let me help you keep it hidden until you get new clothes." said Luffy, which really surprised Sandersonia, she was not expecting a man to be nice to her even after the way she and her sisters treated him. It wasn't long before Marigold got some clothes for Sandersonia, and Luffy sees that Hancock came up to the group. Marigold: "Big sis..." Luffy: "So... you wanna fight me too?" Hancock: "No, I'm just relieved that our secret has not been exposed, especially since now that the warriors are knocked out." Luffy: "Oh yeah... how did that happen?" Sandersonia: "That was you Haki." Luffy: "What's that?, and more importantly... can you change the girl back to normal?" asked Luffy, pointing at Margret's stone form. Hancock: "Yes, I have the power to do that, but you wanted to a boat to escape right?" Luffy: "Yeah..." Hancock: "Well... you can only choose one of the choices, that's all I can grant." said Hancock, secretly testing him how selfish he is by picking the boat over the girl, but then the boy bowed down. Luffy: "That sounds like a good deal, well go ahead and turn her back, thanks!" this made Hancock and her sisters gasped in shock, they were not expecting Luffy to choose to help Margaret over a way to escape. Unaware to the group, an elderly woman, named Nyon (voiced by Nancy Sherrard), watched the whole thing. Nyon: "That man... has such powerful Haki... but won't hesitate to save the one who owes his life to... incredible..." said Nyon, before Hancock went to undo the spell on Margaret, who was finally back to normal, but with no memory of her being turned into stone. Soon, while Margret returned to the village, Luffy was taken to the palace. Luffy: "So uh... why did you wanted me to come here, is it food." Sandersonia: "Not exactly, but I should thank for what you did for me." Luffy: "Oh it was nothing, really." Hancock: "Man... you may enter." Luffy: "Okay... but through where?" Hancock: "Where I am, behind the curtain." said Hancock, before Luffy opens the curtain, and sees that Hancock took her clothes off, with her lower half hidden by her giant snake named Salome, and her chest hidden by her hair. Luffy: "Hey uh... why did you take your clothes off?" Hancock: "Well... you said you've seen what was my back before... I want to know if you did... but please do it quick... it's not very pleasant for me to show it to anyone..." said Hancock, before she shows Luffy what looked like a tattoo on her back, which looked like a circle with three triangles on the top and one on the bottom, like it was some type of foot of some type of reptile. Luffy: "Hmm... it's not the same, but it does remind me of the one I've seen before... it was on a fish-man named Hachi." Hancock: "A fish-man you say?" Luffy: "Yeah, on his forehead, it looked a little like yours but different at the same time, never seen yours before..." said Luffy, before Nyon came to the scene. Nyon: "If he doesn't know what it means, tell him." Marigold and Sandersonia: "Granny Nyon?, our advisor?" Hancock: "Why are you here?!" Nyon: "Snake princess, be honest with him, you've seen with your own eyes that he's a good man... and you boy... you're the infamous pirate known as Monkey D Luffy, correct?" Luffy: "Yeah that's right... but how do you know anything about me?" Nyon: "Well you made a lot of news on the papers like what happened in Enies Lobby, and recently the Sabaody archipelago, where you not only defy the Celestial Dragons... you punched one of them!" said Nyon, which made the Boa sisters have a full of shock, for they never thought there would be someone crazy enough to pull a stunt like that. Hancock: "You... must be insane..." Nyon: "And by some miracle... you not only managed to escape and ended up here of all places." Luffy: "Well I got flung here by that guy with paw hands." Sandersonia: "A man with paw hands?" Marigold: "Could he mean... Bartholomew Kuma?" Luffy: "Yeah, that sounds right, and I don't feel one bit bad about hitting that Celestial Dragon, does that newspaper mentioned what that jerk did to my friend?" Hancock: "Then it's true?, are you telling me that you actually struck a Celestial Dragon?" Luffy: "Yeah, that's right." Hancock: "I'm amazed... I truly had no idea... that there is still a man who would have the heart kind enough to stand up to the world nobles... you're just like him..." Luffy: "Him who?" Hancock: "... The man my sisters and I owe our lives to long ago... you see, for starters... the mark on our backs... it's the claw of the Celestial Dragons... the emblem of the World Nobles... they have the nerve to put brand those marks on their slaves, as a symbol that they were their property..." Luffy: "And they marked you?" Hancock: "Yes... you see... my sisters and I... were once slaves of the World Nobles..." Luffy: "What?!, is that true?!" Hancock: "Yes... it happened when I was 12 years old... my sisters and I were kidnapped by a trio of fish-man known as the Macro gang... they took us to the human auction house in the Sabaody archipelago, where we were sold by the Celestial Dragons... the first men we met were full of cruelty and horror... the memories will always haunt us..." said Hancock, before Sandersonia began to scream in horror as the memories were still fresh and horrible for her. Marigold: "Sister!, it'll be okay!" Luffy: "Wait stop!, I've heard enough!, don't keep going!" Hancock: "But... after 4 years of that misery... there came a man... who risked everything to free us all... it was a fish-man who goes by the name of Fisher Tiger, who raided the Holy land of Mariejois and freed not just the fish-men, but all of the slaves there... including me and my sisters... we owe an eternal debt to Fisher Tiger..." Luffy: "Wow... he sounds really awesome..." Hancock: "Yes... after the incident, Tiger became a wanted fugitive and formed a crew called the Sun pirates, and made a new mark on them in hopes to erase the emblem of the World Nobles... which is the symbol of the sun... which has a similar design to the mark on our backs, that's why you mistook it for the one on your friend's." Luffy: "Now that I think about it, the mark on Hachi's forehead did look like a sun... wait... does that mean he used to be a slave?" Sandersonia: "Possibly... although not necessarily..." Marigold: "Not all of Fisher Tiger's men were former slaves, they wore it as a way to hide their past, so former slave or not, it's safe to say that the one called Hachi must have sailed with the Sun pirates at some point." Nyon: "Fisher Tiger has been dead for some time now, and upon his passing, the Sun pirates were disbanded and split into different fractions." Luffy: "Like Arlong..." Marigold: "Now you know the history of the mark, I hope you understand our situation." Luffy: "Yeah... I think I get it..." Hancock: "It's sick... the Celestial Dragons forced me eat the Love Love fruit while they forced my sisters to eat Snake Snake fruit for their amusement... ironically this allowed us to make up a story that we were cursed by Gorgons to hide our true reason why we can't let anyone see what's on our backs... even if I must deceive my own people... I won't anyone control us again!" Luffy: "Yeah... I guess that makes sense..." Nyon: "Well it's good to see that you're showing emotions after all this time, proving you still have a heart." Hancock: "Are you saying I'm soft?!" Nyon: "No, I'm saying that you have a heart, and besides, try to be nicer to me as if it weren't for me, you and your sisters wouldn't have been able to find your way back to Amazon Lily after you escaped from the Celestial Dragons!" Hancock: "A simple act of kindness you never allowed us to forget." Nyon: "What did you say?!, I watched over you three as if you were my own daughters!" Marigold and Sandersonia: "Yes, we know you have..." Hancock: "Straw Hat... I suppose you find me as a piece of living garbage due to being a former slave of the Celestial Dragons... isn't that right?" Luffy: "What are you talking about?, I don't think of you like that at all, I told you already that I hate the Celestial Dragons." said Luffy, which made Hancock open her eyes widely and began to blush a little with a smile. Hancock: "You know... I think I'm starting to like you... if you need help... I'll be happy to give you a hand." Luffy: "Really?!, thanks a lot!, that means a lot!" Nyon: "Huh... she's blushing... oh no... could she be..." sometime later, Luffy was having a big dinner, and Margaret was serving it to him. Margaret: "I hope you're enjoying it." Luffy: "I sure am, but why are you so nice to me so suddenly?" Margaret: "Well I have to thank you for saving me earlier, at least that's what I heard from my friends." Luffy: "I had to save to save ya, after all you saved me first, so now we're even." Nyon: "Oh my..." said Nyon, who was looking at today's newspaper. Luffy: "What is it?" Nyon: "Just looking at today's newspaper, and it talks about the upcoming war between the Navy, the Seven Warlords against the Whitebeard pirates, meaning the Pirate Empress will have to go there soon." Luffy: "Why's that?" Nyon: "Don't you know?, she's one of the Seven Warlords." Luffy: "What?!, she is?!, does that mean she's really strong?" Margaret: "Of course she is, but still... this upcoming war sounds really big..." Nyon: "Yes, it's a battle that will decide the fate of Portgas D Ace, who is sentenced to be executed soon." said Nyon, which made Luffy have a silent gasp with his face filled with horror. Luffy: "Ace... is about to be... executed...?" Nyon: "Yes, he was caught by a pirate named Blackbeard, who claimed the title as a new member of the Seven Warlords." Luffy: "Blackbeard... that jerk... Granny... that man you speak of... Portgas D Ace... he's my brother!" Nyon: "Huh... what?!" Margaret: "He is?!" Nyon: "My word!, I never knew!" Luffy: "Yeah, and I never knew anything about this, he's gonna be killed?!" Nyon: "Well that depends if Whitebeard takes the bait and either wins or loses." Hancock: "My goodness... I had no idea that you had a brother... and for him to be the man that Whitebeard would fight Navy HQ for..." Luffy: "How much time before Ace's execution?" Nyon: "Less than a week I'm afraid... and it'll take at least a week to get back to Sabaody." Luffy: "Oh no... by the time I get back to my crew... it'll already be too late... do you know where Ace is now?" Nyon: "Most likely in Impel Down, the World Government's ultimate underwater prison, which is located in the Calm Belt like Amazon Lily here." Luffy: "Wait... the Calm belt?!, the sea that's full of Sea Kings and no winds or tides?!" Nyon: "Yes, but we have ways to travel through it as we have giant poisonous snakes that not only pull the ship, but they also scare off the Sea Kings." Luffy: "Whoa... say... is there a way you girls can take me to Impel Down?" Sandersonia: "Are you insane?!, that place is a nightmare for criminals." Hancock: "You're planning to rescue your brother... right?" Luffy: "Yeah, I was hoping to get back to my crew... but knowing that there's no time to get them and rescue Ace... I guess I have no choice but have to wait to reunite with my crew... I got to rescue Ace, he's the only brother I got left!" Hancock: "I know how you feel... if it were my sisters... I would do anything to rescue them... and knowing that you need help to get there without getting arrested... I'll help you get there." Marigold: "What?!, are you sure?" Nyon: "That might help us too, for you were summoned by the government to get to the battle, so if you go then you'll be able to keep your title as warlord." Hancock: "Yes... but we'll have to go on a navy ship, as only a navy ship can go into the Tub current and out again." Luffy: "The Tub current?" Nyon: "Yes, it's a giant whirlpool that connects the World Government's three major facilities, Enies Lobby, Impel Down and Navy HQ, and each one has it's own gates of Justice." Luffy: "Oh yeah... those giant gates at Enies Lobby... so there's a giant whirlpool behind it?" Nyon: "Yes, and it allows the marines to travel faster than the ships that pirates use, which is why it's necessary to travel on a navy ship to Impel Down." Margaret: "Even so, and the Snake princess is one of the seven warlords... how will Luffy get there without being notice?" Hancock: "Well... I have one idea." the scene then changed to a marine ship, captained by Vice Admiral Momonga (voiced by Francis Henry), who was eating some Sea King meat, when he sees the Kuja pirate ship approaching. Soon, Boa Hancock came to the scene, who was wearing a cloak, and Luffy was secretly hiding under it. Momonga: "So... you finally decided to come?" Hancock: "Yes... in one condition... I like to see that man that the navy and the Whitebeard pirates are fighting over... after all... it's only fair I should know the reason I should be summoned." Momonga: "Yes... I suppose so... but be warned... Impel Down is not a friendly place to visit... even for navy officers like myself." Hancock: "Good to know, well it's a good thing we won't be there for too long." said Hancock, before she, and Luffy under her cloak, get on the navy ship, heading off to Impel Down, the ultimate underwater prison. Back on the Kuja ship, the ladies were watching the navy ship sail away. Margaret: "I never thought that the Snake princess was willing to help a man, even if he's a good one..." Nyon: "Well... it's only natural she would want to help him... as I fear that she has fallen in love with Straw Hat..." Sandersonia and Marigold: "WHAT?!" Nyon: "Yes, it would only make sense... and this is not the first time our people have struck by love sickness... but still... I never thought that Snake princess would become that victim too..." Margaret: "Will she be okay?" Nyon: "Who knows... but I do know that the upcoming war at Navy HQ will no doubt change the course of history..." said Nyon, watching the Navy ship before it was out of sight.

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