The Straw Hat Grand Fleet has been born

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After Dolflamingo was defeated, the marines, lead by the new marine admiral, Fujitora (voiced by Charles Campbell) a blind man with a devil fruit power that controls gravity, went off to arrest the warlord and the rest of the Donquixote family. Fujitora: "I might be blind... but my hearing works just fine... and to think that the World Government would allow a sea rat like Dolflamingo to be warlord... this has to end..." said Fujitora, while heading off to a certain location of Dressrosa while ordering one of his men to use a visual Transponder snail to show the world what has become of Dressrosa. Once the snail was on, it showed some neighboring islands what state Dressrosa is in, and then Fujitora came over to King Riku and her daughter. Viola: "What do you want?" asked Viola while glaring at the marines, before Fujitora came over. Fujitora: "As you know, Dressrosa is in poor shape due to Dolflamingo's rule, but the people who really should be blamed for all this would us... the marines and the World Government, as we made that tyrant a warlord in the first place, and we did nothing to stop him... so for that [bowing down on his knees and head down in shame] I deeply apologize to you and all of the people in Dressrosa..." this made Riku, Viola and the people around them gasped in shock, never before have they witnessed a marine bowing down and begging for forgiveness, or admitting they did something wrong. Riku: "Admiral sir... you shouldn't bow to me like that, a lot of people can see this." Fujitora: "That's the whole point, the people have to know the truth, we can't keep covering up incidents that was our own doing... we can't live our lives through lies... the real hero today would be Straw Hat Luffy... and his allies." Viola: "My word..." it was not long before word about what Fujitora said spread like wildfire, and the papers began printing about Luffy's battle with Dolflamingo, who got beaten in the end. Soon the word reached out to Mariejois, and they were shocked, and Fleet Admiral Akainu was not happy about this at all as he makes a call through a Transponder snail. Akainu: "Why did you broadcast that report without my knowledge?!" Fujitora: "Because if I reported it like protocol, you and the Government would have covered it up and say I stopped Dolflamingo just like what happened in Alabasta 2 years... but that's not what happened at all, and you know it." Akainu: "We have to do it cause if we let the news of what really happened in Dressrosa and Alabasta, the pride and reputation of the Navy would have been shattered!" Fujitora: "If you really cared about the navy's reputation and pride then you should keep it clean!, I would rather be court martial than live my life in a lie!, just like what happened to Smoker and Tashigi 2 years ago sir!" Akainu: "... Arr... you better clean up this mess... this is a direct order, until you capture both Straw Hat and Trafalgar, you are not allowed to set one foot in a Navy base!, is that clear?!" Fujitora: "... That's fine with me." elsewhere in Dressrosa, inside the palace, Kyros, Rebecca, Bartolomeo, and Leo finally found Princess Mansherry (voiced by Dani Chambers), and she was happy to be free again. Mansherry: "Thank you so much... I thought I would be a prisoner for the right of my life." Kyros: "It's alright, all that matters is that you're safe." Rebecca: "It's a real honor to meet you princess." Mansherry: "Wow, you must be Rebecca, you're the spitting image of your mother." Leo: "She's right, you really do look like her." Kyros: "Yes, she truly does." Bartolomeo: "Never mind that, look outside!, the Bird Cage is gone!, that could only mean one thing... Mr Luffy has done it again!, he won!" said Bartolomeo in joy, pointing at the now cleared up sky. Kyros: "So he has..." Rebecca: "Where is Lucy?" that was when they noticed Law carrying Luffy on his back, and ran up to him. Leo: "Oh my gosh!, is Luffy okay?!" Law: "He's fine, just a little worn out of course, can't really blame him, that transformation he pulled to defeat Dolflamingo really burned out a lot of his energy." Kyros: "Let's take him to the palace, he'll be safe there, at least for the time being." said Kyros, before he and the others take Luffy to the palace. Meanwhile, Franky was helping the Tontatta tribe taking down the SMILE factory, which was knocked over and destroyed. Franky: "Alright!, super!, we did it!, the factory is no more!, and the Bird cage is gone... meaning that Luffy did it, just as I expected from my captain!" Elsewhere in Dressrosa, Sabo just defeated Burgess, who attempted to kill Luffy for his Devil fruit, but the chief of Staff took him down as he was not allowing anyone to harm his little brother. It wasn't long before Sabo noticed Fujitora coming his way. Fujitora: "So... Straw Hat is your brother?" Sabo: "Yeah, along with Ace, which I doubt is dead, even if I have his devil fruit..." Fujitora: "Hmm... yes... I am puzzled on how could there be another Flame Flame fruit... though there have been rumors that Ace and the rest of the Whitebeard pirates are dead, after what happened last year... the battle between them and the Blackbeard pirates." Sabo: "Yeah... I've heard of it... but Luffy gave me a piece of his Vivre card, which is okay still, meaning he's still alive." Fujitora: "Hmm... so it seems... yet he has not been seen for a while... makes me wonder where he is..." Sabo: "So I'm guessing you're gonna go after Luffy?, cause if you are, then you'll have to deal with me first." Fujitora: "Not today, as I rolled the dice earlier, and it was a one as what one of my men told me, meaning I won't go after him either today or tonight, but if the dice rolls other numbers tomorrow, I'll be after and capture him." Sabo: "So you're a gambler?" Fujitora: "A little bit... but anyway... something tells me that the news about you being the brother of both Fire Fist and Straw Hat will surly be mentioned on the papers..." Sabo: "I wouldn't doubt it." said Sabo, before he uses his new powers to be covered in flames and vanished without a trace, much to the marines' surprise. When night fell, the whole Straw Hat crew were in the palace, resting with the other fighters that aided them in their battle against Dolflamingo and the Donquixote family. Riku: "Forgive me for the place being a little messy, after what happened with Pika, the place got damaged a little." Nami: "That's fine, as long as we have a place to rest, it's alright." Momonosuke: "Are you sure it's okay for us to be here?, I mean we didn't do much." Riku: "You're still friends of Lucy, and he saved the whole kingdom from Dolflamingo, that's more than a good enough reason to repay you all." Brook: "Lucy?, who's that?" Chopper: "No clue... never met this Lucy..." Nami: "He's talking about Luffy, the name Lucy was probably just some name he used in the Colosseum." Chopper: "Oh..." Kin'emon: "It's only natural that he had to hide his name as it would attract unwanted attention." Sanji: "Well one thing's for sure, we just took down another one of the 7 warlords." that was when Tommy and his friends came over. Tommy: "You mean this is not the first time you faced one of the warlords?" Robin: "Hardly, there was Crocodile, Moria, and Kuma, of course Luffy managed to become friends with Hancock and Jimbei as well." that was when Sabo came to the scene, much to Robin's joy. Sabo: "Hey you guys." Robin: "Sabo!, it's you!" Sabo: "Hey Robin." Usopp: "Wait, you know Robin?" Sabo: "Of course, she was training with the Revolutionary army in the passed 2 years." Usopp: "What?!" Robin: "Oh, guess I never mentioned that, huh?" Nami: "Um... who is this?" Robin: "Oh this is Sabo, he's Luffy's brother." All: "Brother?!" Sabo: "Yeah, some of you must be his crew." Nami: "Yeah, I'm Nami the navigator, Usopp's the Sniper, Chopper is our doctor, Vivi is our negotiator, Franky is our shipwright, Brook is our musician, Sanji is our cook, Zoro is our crew's swordsman, Conis is our nurse and dial engineer, you probably already know that Robin is our archaeologist, as for Karoo and Su, they're Vivi and Conis' pets, we have another member, but she can't leave the ship, in fact she is the ship." Sabo: "Really?, sounds like you're a very unique crew, which is fitting for my brother, I hope you've been taking care of him." Sanji: "Yeah, we sure have." Sabo: "Good to hear, though I'll bet he tends to be a handful, I would know." Zoro: "Yeah I'll bet... but there's something I don't get... why has he never mentioned you before until today?" Sabo: "Well... the thing is, until today, he and Ace believed I was dead." said Sabo, before he begins to tell his tale. Turns out after he was attacked on the day he was sailing on his boat, he survived, but lost his memories and was rescued by Dragon, who took him in and eventually Sabo joined the Revolutionary army, along with Koala, and grew up to become the chief of staff. One day, after the war of the best, Sabo got a newspaper about what happened to Luffy, and the shock managed to get Sabo have his memories back, but it left in him tears as he was believed his little brother was dead. Then he got the newspaper of Luffy's 3D2Y message, which made him happy, knowing that both of his brothers are alive, which was when Robin came around, who gets to train with him and Koala. Franky: "Oh man... sounds like you must have gotten a super memory loss if it last for a decade." Sabo: "Yeah... but I'm glad that Luffy has a strong crew like you to watch over him." Vivi: "Say... do you have any idea what happened to Ace?, I mean with the Flame Flame fruit and the Vivre card and stuff?" Sabo: "Well... the Vivre card would exist as long as the owner is alive... so if the Vivre card is okay, then Ace must be okay... though I'm not sure how there could be another Flame Flame fruit... but at least I won't have to worry about some creep getting it." Kin'emon: "Yes, as you're now it's new user." that was when they hear Cavendish complaining as he was locked up in chains. Sai: "Sorry Cavendish, but we can't risk of your alter ego, Hakuba, try to kill us in our sleep." Orlumbus: "No kidding, he tried to kill us even though we were on the same side." Cavendish: "Give me a break!, you think I have full control over him?" Sai: "That might be something for you to work on in the future." said Sai, before he and the others went to bed, leaving Cavendish in the chains. Back with Kyros, he was looking down when Rebecca came over to him. Rebecca: "Father... are you okay?" Kyros: "Yes... I'm just glad that our kingdom's happiness can finally be restored." Rebecca: "Yes, and we can live happily together." Kyros: "Actually... I'm planning to leave Dressrosa, while you stay here as it's princess." Rebecca: "What?!, why?!" Kyros: "Because... before I met your mother... I was an outcast... a criminal... a killer... I don't deserve to be a parent... you deserve so much..." Rebecca: "No father!, I already lost my mother, I'm not losing you too!, you took care of me even though you were a toy, that proves that you're the father I want!, please... don't leave..." said Rebecca as she begins to cry a little, before Riku and Viola came over to the scene. Viola: "Please Kyros, you're part of our family, and we love you." Riku: "She's right, while you can't change the past, we can still change the future, and you can do that by helping everyone rebuild our country." Rebecca: "And if I can't be with you as a princess, then I won't be a princess." Viola: "What?" Rebecca: "Aunt Viola... could you take the role as princess of Dressrosa?, that way I can be with my father." asked Rebecca, before Viola smiled and let out a laugh along with Riku. Viola: "That's the same promise I made with your mother so she can be with Kyros... you're so much like her." Riku: "Yes... it's like she lives on in you." Kyros: "You'd really give up the title of princess for me?" Rebecca: "Of course, I love you father, and I wouldn't have it any other way." said Rebecca, unaware that Vivi and Conis heard everything and they smiled. Vivi: "It kinda reminds me of the love I have for my father... I hope he's doing okay..." Conis: "Yeah... you managed to spend time with him before rejoining us... as for my father... well... last time I saw him was in Skypiea..." Vivi: "I know... but we'll find him, I can promise you that." said Vivi, before she and Conis went back to bed. When morning came, the Straw Hats and the fighters were on the run as they know that the marines will come soon, so they must get to the docks as soon as possible. Fujitora was gonna use his gravity powers to drop a lot of rubble on Luffy, but the townsfolk were there, wanting to save him like how he saved them, so the admiral couldn't drop it. Fujitora: "Hmm... I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that they would want to help you Straw Hat... makes me wonder what kind of person you are... it's a real pity... I wish that I could use these eyes of mine one last time, to see the face of the kind of man you are... it must be full of kindness..." said Fujitora with a defeated sigh, as the Straw Hats and their allies ran off. Once they got to the Sunny, the Straw Hats see that their allies have a lot of ships of their own. Orlumbus: "Straw Hat, we all owe you a great debt, we owe you our lives." Cavendish: "As much as I hate to admit it, but you surly earned your popularity, but I'm sure to get more popular once we team up." Luffy: "What are you saying?" Bartolomeo: "Well you see, we know that you're gonna be king of the pirates, for that, you'll need servants, and we decided to serve you as our commander, in other words, the 7 of us decided to become your representatives of the Straw Hat Grand fleet." Luffy: "Huh?!" Nami: "No way!" Chopper: "You mean they're gonna join our crew?" Sanji: "Not exactly, they'll still be captains, but they'll be part of a fleet that will be ours." Luffy: "But I want to be king of the pirates, not some big shot." this of course made everyone tilt their heads a little. Law: "Huh?, even for him, that sounds dumb." Bartolomeo: "You're saying you're not good enough?" Luffy: "No, I'm saying that I don't want to be some boss, I wanna be king of the pirates, which means being more free than anyone, so you can do whatever you want, but if you ever need help, give us a call, or we can call you for help if we need it." said Luffy, before a fleet of angry pirates that lost their business due to Dolflamingo's defeat, came to the scene and getting ready to attack the Straw Hats and their allies. However, Fujitora dropped the rubble on the bad pirates, as a parting gift for Luffy's kindness. Bartolomeo couldn't help but cry in joy. Bartolomeo: "Freedom... of course... he's even more awesome than I thought... he's truly a man among man..." Sai: "In that case... if we can do what we want, then we'll do it, and what we want is become your representatives, a promise we'll make through a drink." said Sai, before Bartolomeo gave the captains their drinks and made their vow solid, much to Luffy's charging. Tommy: "Um... who are the commanders of the fleet?" Orlumbus: "I'm glad you asked little fox, the first commander is Cavendish, the second is Bartolomeo, the third is Sai, the fourth is Ideo, the fifth is Leo, the sixth is Hajrudin and the seventh is Orlumbus, who is me by the way, and together, we are the Straw Hat Grand fleet!" Luffy: "Hold on!, I didn't say you could..." Vivi: "Forget it Luffy, you said they could do whatever they want, and think of it this way, we got lots of new friends now." Karoo: "Quack!" Luffy: "Yeah... I guess you're right." Vivi: "Of course, and not only that, think of it as them as part of the crew in a way." Luffy: "Uh... are they really?" Vivi: "Sort of... and not only that, they could be a really big help in the future." Luffy: "Well... I guess it's okay if you say so." Kin'emon: "Amazing... he managed to gain so many allies in such a short time... he kinda reminds me of a certain man..." Kanjuro: "Yes... I see it too." Momonosuke: "... Father..." Law: "Anyway... we need to get to Zou, can you take us there?" Bartolomeo: "Hey Trafalgar, this is the Straw Hat's ship, so if anyone's gonna give the orders here, it's Mr Luffy himself." Luffy: "Oh yeah, you were planning to go to this Zou place after Dressrosa, right?" Law: "That's right." Sai: "So uh... what's with that gas man with the cuffs?" asked Sai, who noticed that Caesar was still on the Sunny, looking very unhappy. Nami: "Oh right, we forgotten that we still have this creep." Caesar: "How am I that easy to forget?!" Chopper: "What are we gonna do with him now that Dolflamingo is locked up?" Zoro: "We can throw him overboard." Caesar: "No please!, have mercy on me!" that was when Jokey noticed some wanted posters on the ground. Jokey: "Hey guys, check this out, some new wanted posters, and most of them are for you guys." Sanji: "Really?, about time our bounties get an update, how much?" Nami: "Me too?!" Chopper: "I hope my bounty has improved..." soon, the group take a look at the new bounties of the Straw Hats. Luffy's bounty was 500,000,000 berries, Zoro was worth 320,000,000 berries, Nami was worth 66,000,000 berries, Usopp was 200,000,000 berries, Sanji was worth 177,000,000 berries, Chopper was 100 berries, Vivi was worth 115,000,000 berries, Robin is now worth 130,000,000 berries, Conis is worth 76,000,000 berries, Franky is worth 94,000,000 berries, and finally Brook was worth 83,000,000 berries. Bartolomeo: "Wow!, such big bounties worthy of great pirates like you..." Chopper: "Are you kidding?!, I should be worth way more than 100!, why do they still think of me as a pet?!, I mean those roles go to Karoo and Su!... uh no offense meant you two." said Chopper, looking at Karoo and Su, who were crossing their arms. Nami: "I can't believe my bounty went up... this is bad..." Tommy: "Wait... so is a bounty a good thing or a bad thing?" Jokeo: "Yeah... it's really confusing..." Gidget: "I guess it depends on if you want to have a bounty or not." Jokey: "Oh..." Bartolomeo: "Law got a 500,000,000 bounty too, and not only that, those who were involved in the incident in Dressrosa got their bounties updated too... but uh... I noticed something odd about Mr Sanji's bounty." Conis: "What do you mean?" Bartolomeo: "Well for one, he not only got his picture this time, but look at the text." said Bartolomeo, pointing at the text of the bounty that said that Sanji was wanted only alive. Franky: "That's odd, never seen a wanted poster with that before..." Usopp: "I'm sure it's nothing, maybe Sanji got too friendly with some guy's girlfriend and placed that text so he could have the honors of killing Sanji with his own hands." Zoro: "That sounds about right." Sanji: "Hey!" said Sanji, while everyone else laughed.

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