Baroque Works on Whiskey Peak

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After leaving the Twin Capes, the Going Merry was sailing through the seas of the Grand line. While everyone was trying to keep the ship from sinking by a crazy storm that's been either raining or snowing, Zoro slept through the whole thing, and by the time he woke up, the sky was normal, at least for the moment. Zoro: "Hey why is everyone sleeping?" asked Zoro, before Nami bops him on the head in anger. Nami: "You're the last guy I wanna hear that from!, while you were sleeping on the job, we've been trying to sail through a storm!" Zoro: "Really?, must have been a quiet storm." said Zoro, before Nami bops him on the head again. Miss Wednesday: "Honestly... is everyone in this pirate crew stupid?" Nami: "Other than me... yeah." soon, the Going Merry was sailing through some thick fog, and it wasn't long before one of the Straw Hats saw what looked like an island up ahead. Luffy: "Hey look!, I see land!" Miss Wednesday: "That's Whiskey Peak, the island with hills that look like cacti, and has the best whiskey in all of the Grand line." Zoro: "I like the sound of that, let's go there." said Zoro, before the Going Merry got closer to the island, and that was when a huge crowed of people appeared and were cheering for the pirates' arrival, much to the crew's confusion. Luffy: "They knew we were coming?" Zoro: "Doubt it." Usopp: "What's going on?" Sanji: "Who cares?!, look at all the beautiful ladies here!" said Sanji, seeing some of the ladies cheering for him. It wasn't before they dropped anchor and came to the ground, where they meet the mayor of Whiskey Peak, who also thanked them for bringing Miss Wednesday back safely. In celebration of Miss Wednesday's safe return, the people of Whiskey Peak and the Straw Hats have a party with lots of food and drinks. When night fell, all the Straw hats were sleeping, while the Mayor, who was called Mr 8 (voiced by Rob Mungle), was talking to Miss Wednesday about the pirates she came back with. Mr 8: "I have something to show you." said Mr 8, before he shows Miss Wednesday Luffy's wanted poster, and she was surprised. Miss Wednesday: "That pirate is worth 30,000,000 berries?!" Mr 8: "He might not look it, but looks can be deceiving, like the two of us for example." Miss Wednesday: "So what now?" Mr 8: "Capture them in their sleep, and then turn them over to the marines and collect the bounty, just like always." Zoro: "Too bad for you that I won't let you do that." said Zoro, who was not only awake, but he was on top of the roof of a building, heard what Mr 8 said. Miss Wednesday: "You?!, but you're supposed to be sleeping!" Zoro: "I would have, but it would take a lot more than a few drinks to knock me out, and I couldn't let my guard down in front of you agents of Baroque Works." Mr 8: "What?!, how did you knew the name of our organization?!" Zoro: "Back in my bounty hunting days, your boss offered me a job in your club, but I declined as I didn't like all the secrets and the code names, and speaking of which, when I heard the girl's name was Miss Wednesday, I had a feeling she was part of Baroque Works... an organization of bounty hunters that uses those code names..." Mr 8: "Yes... however... people are not supposed to know it's existence... so since you know about us... we'll have to end your life here..." Zoro: "I like to see you try... this will be perfect to try out my new swords." said Zoro, as he pulls out his swords, ready for battle against the bounty hunters that appeared behind Mr 8 and Miss Wednesday. There were many bounty hunters, but noun of them were any match against Zoro and his swords. Mr 8 tried to shoot bullets from a saxophone, but missed. Miss Wednesday used some type of weapons called Peacock slashers, which are small sharp jewels on wires that looks like the dots of a peacock's tail feather, against Zoro, but he was able to avoid getting hit by them. Soon, all of the bounty hunters, along with Miss Wednesday and Mr 8, were defeated, and Zoro was back on a building's roof to have a drink. That was when a man named Mr 5 (voiced by Andrew Love), and Miss Valentine (voiced by Jamie Marchi), came to the scene and looked down at their fellow agents. Mr 5: "This is sad to watch, you're supposed to be top agents of Baroque Works, yet you let some no name pirate take you down?" Miss Valentine: "Yes, truly pathetic." Mr 8: "Have you come to help us or just to make fun of us?" Mr 5: "Neither, we came here from orders of the boss himself, Mr 0, who told us that someone learned his secret... and you know the rules that no one should our secrets." Miss Wednesday: "His secret?" Miss Valentine: "Yes, and we've learned that the ones who learned Mr 0's secret are spies from the kingdom of Alabasta... and one of them is a princess... isn't that right... Princess Nefertari Vivi?" said Miss Valentine, which made both Mr 8 and Miss Wednesday gasped in shock, realizing that they were on to them. Zoro heard everything, and although he wasn't showing it, he was surprised too. Zoro: "A princess?, didn't see that coming." with their secret out, Mr 8 fired his saxophone at the Mr 5 pair. Mr 8: "You fiends will not lay a finger on the princess as long as I am captain of the guard!" Vivi: "Igaram!" Mr 5: "Nice try... but you should know by now that explosions don't work on someone who has the power of the Bomb Bomb fruit, which makes me an explosive man." said Mr 5 who was not harmed from the saxophone attack, while Miss Valentine was floating up in the air. Miss Valentine: "Nor can I be hurt as I have the power of the Kilo Kilo fruit, which makes me light as a feather, or as heavy as a building... like this!" said Miss Valentine, before she begins to fall in a rapid paste in attempt to crush Igaram, who barely was able to dodge the attack. Vivi: "Igaram!, are you okay?!" Igaram: "Yes, but never mind about me, you must get back to Alabasta and warn everyone." Vivi: "But I can't leave without you!" Igaram: "You have to, it's our only chance to stop Baroque Works." Vivi: "Alright... come Karoo!" called out Vivi, before what looked like a giant duck came to the scene, and Vivi gets on it's back, before the duck makes a run for it, trying to get away from the Mr 5 pair. elsewhere, Nami, who woke up as she was used to drinking a lot, knew that she and the others ended up in a bounty hunting hideout. Luffy woke up and learned from Nami about about who the people really were. Luffy: "They're all bounty hunters?!, but they were so nice to us." Nami: "That's the idea, they did it so we would let our guard down and catch us with us suspecting a thing." Luffy: "Whoa!, they must be really smart, I never would have thought of that." Nami: "Of course you wouldn't, with you being an idiot after all." that was when they saw Vivi and Karoo coming towards them, with the Mr 5 pair chasing after them. Luffy: "Whoa!, that's the biggest duck I've ever seen!" Nami: "I'm more concern about who's chasing it and Miss Wednesday..." said Nami, as she sees the Mr 5 pair, who then noticed Luffy and Nami as well. Miss Valentine: "Who are they?" Mr 5: "No clue who the girl is, but the other one is the pirate from the East blue with the 30,000,000 berry bounty." Miss Valentine: "Then let's collect his bounty and get the princess, killing two birds with one stone." Mr 5: "Indeed... bomb booger!" said Mr 5, as he picks his nose and the booger was fling towards Luffy, who was able to dodge it, but was shocked to see that the booger exploded when it hits a wall. Luffy: "Whoa!, I didn't knew boogers can blow up!" Nami: "You idiot!, boogers don't do that!" Mr 5: "They can if you have the power of the Bomb Bomb fruit." Luffy: "So you got Devil fruit powers?" Miss Valentine: "He does, and so do I." said Miss Valentine, before she floats up into the air, and falls down really fast towards Luffy, who was able to dodge just in the nick of time. Of course that was when Zoro came to the scene, and he used his swords to take down both Mr 5 and Miss Valentine at the same time. Zoro: "Well that wasn't too hard..." Luffy: "Oh hey Zoro, you're up too." Zoro: "Yeah, but listen, you won't believe what I just learned about our Wednesday friend..." said Zoro, before explaining to Luffy and Nami about what he heard. Luffy: "What?!, Wednesday, are you really a princess?!" Vivi: "Yes... and it's Vivi really, Miss Wednesday was just a codename I used for a cover to learn the secrets of Baroque Works... which is an organization that's trying manipulate the people of my kingdom to start a civil war... so they can take it over for themselves..." Zoro: "Well that's pretty gutsy for a princess like yourself." Nami: "And that mayor guy... he's actually the captain of the guard?" Vivi: "Yes, he and I both went undercover to learn the true identity of Mr 0... the boss of Baroque Works, to find out his true plan and expose it to the people of Alabasta." Luffy: "So who is he really?" Vivi: "What?!, I can't tell you that!, otherwise he'll send his agents to go after you too!" Nami: "She's right Luffy, we just entered the Grand line, I don't want some evil Mr 0 guy coming after us." Vivi: "No you don't, you might be strong, but you're no match against Crocodile!, one of the seven Warlords of the sea!" said Vivi, before a moment of silence came and got broken when Luffy spoke again. Luffy: "Is that who he is?" said Luffy, before Vivi and Nami turned white with a look of horror on their faces, realizing what one of them just said. Zoro: "Hey... what's with the otter and vulture?" asked Zoro, who noticed that there was an otter and vulture looking down at the pirates and princess, before leaving the scene with drawings of the three Straw hats. Nami: "I'm guessing that otter and vulture are working for Baroque Works... right..." Vivi: "I'm afraid so... they're most likely gonna report you to Mr 0..." Nami: "Why did you told us about the name?!" asked Nami in anger and terror while shacking Vivi like a ragged up doll. Vivi: "I'm sorry!, I'm sorry, it just slipped!" Nami: "Oh come on!, we've just entered the Grand line and we're already being hunted down by one of the seven warlords of the sea!" Luffy: "I know, how awesome is that?!" Nami: "It's not awesome!, we're gonna be killed before we know it!" Zoro: "Well what's done is done..." said Zoro, before Igaram came to the scene, dressed up as Vivi, in hopes to be a decoy to allow Vivi escape safely. Nami: "Uh... you really think people will believe you're the princess?" Igaram: "I know it seems silly, but I would do anything to keep the princess safe." Luffy: "How tough is this Crocodile guy?" Igaram: "Well due to being one of the seven warlords, he has no bounty, but back in his pirate days, his bounty was up to 80,000,000 berries." Nami: "That's 60 million more than the one on Arlong!" Zoro: "Yeah, it makes sense, as I doubt the World Government would let weak pirates join the warlords." Igaram: "Listen... I know this sounds so suddenly... but can you help Vivi get back home to Alabasta?" Luffy: "Sure, it sounds like a real adventure to me, and I'm hoping to meet this Crocodile guy so I can kick his butt." Igaram: "Thank you... but you must be careful, Baroque Works has many powerful agents, not to mention some of them have Devil fruit powers." Luffy: "So there are more Devil fruit users here?" Igaram: "Yes, while those with devil fruit powers are rare in the blue seas, they're most commonly found in the Grand line, so you must be on your guard at all times... now Vivi, can you give me the Eternal pose?" Vivi: "Sure." said Vivi, before she gives give Igaram what looked like an hour glass version of a Log pose, with the name 'Alabasta' on it. Nami: "What's that?" Igaram: "It's an Eternal Pose, which is like a Log pose, but it's lock to a certain island forever, in this case, Alabasta, which I will use to travel there while you and the princess take the long way, which should be an island or two away." Vivi: "Be careful..." Igaram: "I will... may we meet again in our kingdom, princess Vivi." said Igaram, before he went to a rowboat and sail away to the sea. Suddenly, the boat exploded, much to the straw hats and Vivi's shock and horror. Luffy: "Oh no!, Mayor guy!" Zoro: "Nami, is the log pose ready?" Nami: "Yeah, it's ready, let's get out of here!, Luffy, you get Usopp and Sanji quick!" Luffy: "You got it!" said Luffy, before he and Zoro ran off to get both Usopp and Sanji, while Nami went over to Vivi, who seems to be crying, and Nami couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Nami: "Vivi... I know how you feel, but we have to go, and don't worry, those men I'm with... they managed to save the whole East blue, so if they can do that, they can take down Crocodile and Baroque Works." said Nami, before and Vivi make a run for it, off to the Going Merry in hopes to escape the island. Once they got to the Going Merry, they noticed that there was a giant duck on the deck. Zoro: "So what's with this duck?" Vivi: "That's Karoo, he's with me." Karoo: "Quack!" Luffy: "Great!, I like the duck!" Usopp: "Hey hold up!, what the heck is going on here?!" Sanji: "Yeah, there are so many pretty girls here!" Nami: "I'll explain later, right now we need to get out of here, fast!" said Nami, before the Going Merry begins to set sail. Sanji: "No way!, Miss Wednesday is really a princess?!" Usopp: "And an organization is out to get us?!" Nami: "Yeah... and we're supposed to help Vivi here get back to her home of Alabasta." Luffy: "This is so cool!" Usopp: "Uh... can I ask another question...?" Luffy: "Sure, what's that?" Usopp: "Um... who's that lady?" asked Usopp, who was looking at a woman that somehow got onboard, who is named Miss All Sunday (voiced by Stephanie Young). Luffy: "What the?!" Nami: "Who the heck are you?!" Vivi: "What are you doing here... Miss All Sunday?!" Nami: "Wait... is she a Baroque Works agent?!, who is she partnered with?" Vivi: "She's Crocodile's partner..." Nami: "The warlord's?!" Miss All Sunday: "Now don't get cross with me, I just wanted to see the pirate that has got himself into Baroque Works' death list." Luffy: "Well you got to see me, now get off of my ship!" Miss All Sunday: "Calm down, I didn't do anything yet..." said Miss All Sunday, before Luffy's hat somehow got in her hand and puts it on her head for a bit. Luffy: "Hey!, give me back my hat!" Miss All Sunday: "Tell me, what's so special about this hat?" Luffy: "More special than you'll ever know, now give it back!" ordered Luffy, before Miss All Sunday gave it back to the pirate. Miss All Sunday: "I should warn you that the next island you're heading now is called Little Garden, unless you have an Eternal pose that goes to Alabasta... you'll be dead before you get off of it..." Luffy: "You don't tell us where we'll die or not!, now get off of this ship!" Miss All Sunday: "Alright, but don't say that I didn't warn you." said Miss All Sunday, before she jumped off the ship and landed on top of a giant sea turtle, which swam away from the scene. Vivi: "Dang... I can never understood that woman's motives..." Usopp: "Hey guys... shouldn't we be worried about what that woman said?" Sanji: "I'm more curious about if that lady's single?" Zoro: "You moron..." Sanji: "What did you say?!" Luffy: "Alright everyone, let's head for Alabasta!" called out Luffy, as the Going Merry continues to sail in the Grand line, to sail for the kingdom of Alabasta.

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