Separation at the Sabaody Archipelago

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After defeating Duval and the Flying Fish riders, the Straw Hats were sailing to the Sabaody archipelago, with the guidance of Hachi and Camie of course as they know the way. Camie: "Here we are, welcome to the Sabaody archipelago." Luffy: "Whoa... those are some really big trees..." Zoro: "Yeah... and what's with the bubbles?" Hachi: "Those are the biggest mangrove trees in the world, and the archipelago is actually a group of these giant trees, and the unique environment here allows the soap like bubbles to be produce by the trees, and because of the archipelago are not really islands, they won't effect the log pose." Nami: "That's good to hear." Hachi: "Now remember your promise, don't cause any trouble, especially with the World Nobles, who are also known as the Celestial Dragons, understand?" Luffy: "Yeah, we got it, but what's the worst that could happen?" Hachi: "Trust me... you shouldn't mess with them if you value your own life along with your crew's, and another thing, don't let anyone here know that Camie, Papagu and I are fish folk, got that?" Luffy: "Um... okay, though I don't see why..." Camie: "Well..." Papagu: "It would be better for all of us that no one in the archipelago find out what we are, trust me on that..." Conis: "Where are we docking?" Hachi: "Well there are 79 trees, and we can't take grove 60 to 69 of the archipelago as there's a marine base in that area, so we'll have to go somewhere else... perhaps grove 41." Vivi: "Yes, the trees have numbers on them so people won't get lost." Usopp: "I'll bet even with that fact, Zoro would still get lost." Zoro: "Oh come on!, only an idiot would lost in a place like this!" Sanji: "And what's your point?" Zoro: "You wanna fight me cook?!" Nami: "Knock it off you too!, we have more important things to do, like finding someone to help us get our ship to sail down to Fish-man island." Hachi: "Don't worry, as I said, I know someone who would get the job done... if we can find him of course." Franky: "What do you mean?" Hachi: "Well... he tends to travel, as to when he comes back... that depends on his decision." said Hachi, before the Thousand Sunny arrives to the Sabaody Archipelago, and at grove 41, and it wasn't long before the Straw Hats and their allies dropped anchor and move out to begin their search for the coating mechanic. Chopper: "So the coating the ship needs is made of the same stuff as the bubbles here?" Hachi: "Nyu, that's right, and the bubbles here can only be strong here or on Fish-man island, if you try taking one anywhere else... they pop, but they can handle the water pressure, but it's best to have a special expert on the coating for your ship, otherwise you're a goner." Chopper: "Uh... a goner...?!" Hachi: "Yeah, but don't worry, your ship will be coated by the best, now just be careful around here, there are a lot of kidnappers and bounty hunters roaming around here, not to mention tough pirates that made it through the first half of the Grand line." it wasn't long before the group went to a town where they saw a man that was wearing a collar on his neck that started to making some ticking sounds, before it exploded, which nearly killed the man. Brook: "My gosh...!" Conis: "What happened?!" Hachi: "That collar on his neck, are for slaves to wear... and if the slaves try to escape from their master or taking them off... they'll explode... cruel as it is... that's how people treat the slaves..." Camie: "What are we gonna do?, there's no doubt that some Celestial Dragons are gonna show up!" Brook: "Should we hide?" Vivi: "Yeah... we can't let them see us... especially me..." Nami: "You?, but why?" Vivi: "There's no time to explain, right now we need to hide, now!" shouted Vivi, before she and the others went to hide, as an aristocratic man and woman, wearing bubbles for helmets, who were a few members of the Celestial Dragons, came to the scene. One of the kicked the poor blown up man a few times as punishment for running away, while the woman shot a man just for not bowing to her. The sight of this cruelty made both Luffy and Zoro angry and wanted to make them pay, but Hachi and Vivi stopped them from coming out of hiding and making a scene. Some time later, once the Celestial Dragons were gone, they were still upset by what they saw. Zoro: "I don't understand why can't I cut them down?, they're really asking for it." Luffy: "Yeah, how could they treat everyone so poorly?, and why didn't anyone fight them?" Chopper: "Yeah, it doesn't make sense." Papagu: "Well you see, if anyone would give trouble to the Celestial Dragons, they'll summon a navy admiral with a battleship to deal with the problem." said Papagu, which made everyone gasped in shock. Luffy: "An admiral... you mean Aokiji?!" Papagu: "Could be him, or Akainu or even Kizaru, remember we're right next to Navy HQ." Chopper: "I don't get it, what makes those Celestial Dragon jerks so special?" Papagu: "Well... nearly 800 years ago, 20 different kingdoms formed together to create the World Government... and the Celestial Dragons are the descendants of the creators, so that alone made them kind of like gods of the government." Vivi: "It's true... and they're so reckless with power, and there's nothing anyone can do about it... which makes me really sick... to think that my family were..." Luffy: "They were what?" Vivi: "Well... it's hard to explain..." Robin: "Wait... the Nefertari family... they were..." before Robin could finish her sentence, a group of bounty hunters showed up and tried to attack the Straw Hats, only for the pirates to beat them with ease. Then they got to a bar that said 'Shakky's Rip Off bar', which made Papagu feel worried. Papagu: "Hey, are you sure about this?, what if they rip us off?" Hachi: "Don't worry, I know these people, they've been my friends since I was a kid." said Hachi, before he and the other Straw Hats went into the bar, and see a woman named Shakky (voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell), who was the owner of the bar. Shakky: "Hachi?, is that really you?, it's been years since I last saw you." Hachi: "I know, sorry it's been so long, anyway, these are my friends here, they need to get their ship coated to travel to Fish-man island." Shakky: "Ah, well sorry to say this, but Rayleigh is out at the moment, and there's no telling when he'll come back, he tends to go off wherever he wants, due to being a former pirate and all." Luffy: "Wait, the coating guy was a pirate?" Shakky: "That's right, and you must be Straw Hat Luffy, grandson of Garp, right?" Luffy: "Yeah, but how do you know that?" Shakky: "Information is what I like to have, and it's a good weapon to use in a battle, is it true that you declared war on the World Government at Enies Lobby?" Luffy: "Yeah, but it's not all that important, just a long story." Shakky: "Not much of a bragger huh?, you must be a big shot, and I can't help but notice that the former princess of Alabasta is here." Vivi: "Yeah... it's a long story..." Shakky: "I'm sure it is... although while I know a lot about the crew, the skeleton's new of course." Brook: "Yes, I'm Brook, the newest member of the Straw Hats." Shakky: "I see, a new crew mate, and a very interesting one too, never thought living skeletons could be real." Brook: "Well that's what happens when you come to life by the Revive Revive fruit but couldn't find your body for a year... but as long as I'm alive, I'll work with it to fulfill my promise to a friend of mine that I'll come back." Shakky: "How sweet of you." Robin: "Hmm... Rayleigh... I'm sure that I've heard that before... but where...?" asked Robin to herself, thinking of the name of the coating man that Shakky mentioned. Conis: "Any idea where we can find this Rayleigh person?" Su: "Suu?" Shakky: "Well... he could be either the lawless areas, or the Amusement park, he likes to go there, but either way, be on your guard as of now... the 11 supernovas are on the archipelago now." Nami: "The 11 supernovas?, who are they?" Shakky: "They rookie pirates that have bounty to are over 100 million berries, and two of them happened to be Straw Hat and the Pirate Hunter." Usopp: "There are 9 other people with bounties that high...?" Shakky: "Yes, and Straw Hat here has the second highest." Chopper: "You mean there's a pirate with a bounty higher than Luffy?!, and he and those other supernovas are here?!" Shakky: "Yes... for starters, there's Capone 'Gang' Bege with a bounty of 138,000,000 berries, then there's Jewelry Bonney the glutton with a bounty of 140,000,000 berries, next come Basil Hawkins the magician with a bounty of 249,000,000 berries, up next is Mad Monk Urouge with a bounty of 108,000,000 berries, then we have X Drake with a bounty of 222,000,000 berries, coming up next would be Apoo the Sea Roar with a bounty of 198,000,000 berries, the comes up Trafalgar Law with a bounty of 200,000,000 berries, then the last two, Eustass Kid with a bounty of 315,000, 000 berries and his first mate, Killer the Massacre soldier with a bounty of 162,000,000 berries." Brook: "So the one called kid has the higher bounty..." Shakky: "Yes, he's a real jerk that won't hesitate on attacking innocent civilians, I prefer to cheer for nicer pirates like yourselves." Luffy: "Thanks... but is this Rayleigh really okay with how rough this place is?" Shakky: "Trust me, Rayleigh's fine, he's 100 times stronger than you after all." Chopper: "Did she just say..." Brook: "100 times...?" Conis: "Seriously...?, who is he?" Shakky: "Go search for him, then you'll be able to find out how strong he is." said Shakky, before the Straw Hat split into groups to find Rayleigh, and so far no luck. Luffy's group, which was Chopper, Brook, Hachi, Camie and Papagu, went to the Amusement park, mostly for the fun of it than finding Rayleigh, and they were enjoying the rides. It wasn't long before trouble brewed when the Macro gang showed up, disguised in bear costumes, and caught Camie and ran away. Camie: "Someone help!" Hachi: "Camie!" Luffy: "Hey it's those Macro jerks!" Chopper: "And they got Camie!" shouted Chopper, before he and the others went after them, only to lose their trail, much to their dismay and horror. Hachi: "This is bad!, I can't believe I let those guys take Camie again!, and at the Sabaody archipelago of all places!" Luffy: "Where did they go?" Chopper: "No clue... oh this is bad... we gotta alert the others and fast!" Luffy: "Good idea." said Luffy, before Chopper went to call the others through a Transponder snail, telling them the bad news. Sanji: "You let those Macro jerks steal Camie?!" called out Sanji in anger through the snail. Chopper: "We're so sorry, but we were just getting some cotton candy and was just sitting by herself for only a minute... we didn't think someone, let alone those Macro guys to kidnap her right under our nose...!" said Chopper while crying in a little. Sanji: "Don't cry Chopper... we'll get her back... I can promise you that... and I think I know someone who can help us... I'll call the Flying Fish Riders." Chopper: "Huh?, why?" Sanji: "They know the archipelago a lot more than we do and they happen to be a group of kidnappers, and who better than someone in the same job would know where Camie was taken?" Chopper: "Huh... I didn't think of that, you're really smart Sanji, really..." Sanji: "You can praise me later after we get Camie back." said Sanji, before he makes another call on the snail, telling the Flying Fish riders that he and his crew need help. It wasn't long before Duval and his gang came to the scene and were worried about Camie too. Duval: "That poor girl... to think those kidnappers of hers happened to be fish-man... it's sick to even think about it." Usopp: "Didn't you made a deal with them before we met?" Duval: "Well... yeah... but I never really wanted to be in the slave trading business in the first place, but finding work was hard when you used to look like someone's wanted poster." Usopp: "Fair enough, so you have any clue where she went?" Duval: "Well... if I had to guess... with her being a mermaid... which has the highest slave price... she would most likely be at The Human Auctioning house in grove 1." Sanji: "Then that's where we're going..." said Sanji, before he and the others were went to grove 1. Luffy and Zoro were the only ones that got lost as they couldn't see the numbers on the trees due to either the buildings or the bubbles blocking them. Back with the rest of the Straw Hats, they made it to the human auction house, but they can't get in unless they've come to buy a slave too, much to their disgust. Vivi: "Unbelievable... these people making money by selling lives of others..." Robin: "Agreed... it's inhuman..." Nami: "But we have to play their game... if we want to get Camie back without harming her..." Chopper: "Yeah... she's most likely wearing those explosive collars by now... and if we try to take her by force..." Conis: "How cruel..." Su: "Suu..." Karoo: "Quack..." Franky: "Hey... where's Straw Hat and Zoro?, did they get lost?" Sanji: "I wouldn't be surprised if those morons did, but it might be a good thing they're not here right now." Nami: "Yeah, those two would most likely make a scene if they were." said Nami, before she and the others went inside, while Vivi wore a hood so nobody could see her face. It wasn't long before the auction began, and there were a lot of slaves that were being bid by a lot of the people in the building, and some Celestial Dragons were there too. Nami believed that the money they have would be enough to buy Camie back, but when Camie appeared, and one of the Celestial Dragons, named Saint Charloss (voiced by Jason Kane), made a bid of 500 million, the whole plan got ruined. But that was when Luffy and Zoro burst through the door and the Straw Hat pirate was running towards Camie. Luffy: "Camie!, hang on!, I'm here!" shouted Luffy, before Hachi tried to stop him. Hachi: "Hold on Straw Hat!, the Celestial Dragons are here and Camie's got one of those collars on her neck!, if we take her out of here now without the keys, they'll explode!" shouted Hachi, before using his extra arms to grab Luffy. Trouble them brewed more when the people saw what Hachi was and tried to attack him, as it turns out that the people of the Sabaody archipelago hate all fish-man and merfolk, much to the Straw Hats horror. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard, and Luffy turned around to see that Hachi was shot in the back by Saint Charloss himself. Saint Charloss: "Ha!, serves you right fish... now you with the straw hat... were you trying to steal my mermaid... cause I'll have to shoot you too." said Charloss, before Luffy begin climbing up the stairs and Hachi grabbed his leg, meaning he was still alive. Hachi: "Straw Hat... please don't forget your promise... like I said you can't defy the Celestial Dragons even if they killed someone... besides... I deserved to be shot after the terrible things I did when I was a pirate in Arlong's crew... I just wised that... I could make amends with Nami in anyway I can... to show her how sorry I really am..." Nami: "... Hachi..." said Nami, who couldn't help but feel sorry for Hachi, and seeing that he was really sorry for what he put through. Hachi: "All my life... I cause nothing but trouble... I'm so sorry... forgive me..." Saint Charloss: "That's enough babbling!, or I'll shut you up for good!" shouted Saint Charloss, before Luffy stood up and made a really angry glare at the Celestial Dragon, before he begins to climb up the stairs. Saint Charloss attempted to Luffy, but the pirate dodges the bullets and throws a mighty punch on the Celestial Dragon, sending him flying into a wall, knocking him out, much to bidders' shock and horror while the Straw Hats didn't looked at all surprised. Luffy: "Sorry guys... now that I punched that jerk, there's gonna be a navy admiral coming with a battleship..." Zoro: "I'm just mad that I didn't get to cut him down... you beaten me to it..." said Zoro, before Nami went over to Hachi. Nami: "Hold on Hachi, we'll get you help as soon as possible." Hachi: "Do you guys have any idea how trouble you're in now...?" Nami: "Oh... it's Luffy, he's got a knack of getting into trouble wherever he goes." Sanji: "Can't deny that." Franky: "Well... I guess this means we're fighting." Chopper: "Franky, you go find the keys to the collar, we can't leave until we remove it first." Franky: "Right." said Franky, before he makes a run for it in search for the keys. That was when Saint Roswald (voiced by John Tillman), the father of Saint Charloss, stood up in anger. Saint Roswald: "You scum!, how dare you attacked my son!, my family and I are the descendents of the creators of this world!" Sanji: "Nobody cares who you're related to!" shouted Sanji, before Saint Roswald took out a gun to shoot the Straw Hats, and Vivi was able to dodge the bullet, but her hood got removed. Saint Roswald: "So... the traitor of Alabasta is here as well..." Vivi: "I am not a traitor!, I only became a pirate because the government placed a bounty on my head!" Saint Roswald: "I already know that, as I was the one who ordered the bounty in the first place." said Saint Roswald, which made the Straw Hats gasped with shock. Chopper: "You put the bounty on her head?!, but why?!, she was only trying to save her kingdom!" Saint Roswald: "The Nefertari family were traitors to us Celestial dragons for hundreds of years for not joining the rest of the creators and remain in the Holy Land of Mariejois." Usopp: "What do you mean?" Saint Roswald: "You mean she never told you that the Nefertari family were one of the original creators of the World Government?" asked Saint Roswald, which made the whole crew gasped in shock, while Vivi looked down in shame. Nami: "Vivi... is that true?" Vivi: "As much as I hate to admit it... yes..." Chopper: "Wait... does that mean... you're a Celestial Dragon too?!" Vivi: "Well... sort of... though not officially like the others in Mariejois..." Usopp: "Wait... Vivi had that bounty on her head all because her family didn't stay in Mariejois like the other creators?!" Saint Roswald: "Yes, along with the fact she teamed up with pirates, which is a crime against the government and us Celestial Dragons, now it's time to end that traitor's life!" Sanji: "Not on my watch!" shouted Sanji, before he kicks the Celestial Dragon on the head, knocking him out cold. It wasn't long before all the bidders began to evacuate from the building, knowing there's gonna be trouble in the form of a navy admiral with a battleship soon enough. A group of guards came and began attacking the Straw Hats, only to be taken down with ease. Nami: "I hope Franky comes with the key soon, the marines are gonna show up any moment now." said Nami, before a man with a polar bear, who is Trafalgar Law (voiced by Matthew Mercer), spoke up. Law: "I hate to give you bad news, but the navy's already here." Luffy: "Who are you?, and what's with that bear?" Law: "That Bepo, and as for me, I was just a guy who hoped to find someone to join my crew... and as for the marines, they came for someone here... though I seriously doubt they were expecting someone to kick a Celestial Dragon's butt... that was one heck of a show you put on... I'm impressed Straw Hat." Robin: "Ah... you're Trafalgar Law... one of the 11 Supernovas." Luffy: "Really?, one of the guys that the bar lady talked about?" Robin: "Yeah... and you see the guy with the red hair at the back... that's Eustass Kid." said Robin, seeing Kid (voiced by Justin Cook) standing on top of the stairs with Killer (voiced by Leo Fabian). Brook: "Wait... you mean the man with the higher bounty than Luffy?" Robin: "Yeah... that's him alright..." the sight of the man made both Karoo and Su step back a little behind their owners, before Camie noticed that the lady Celestial Dragon was aiming her gun at the mermaid. The female Celestial Dragon wanted to kill Camie as payback for the Straw Hats attacking her brother and father, only to get herself knocked out by some powerful aura, and that was when a giant named Stansen (voiced by Dan Caskey) burst through a wall, and an old man, who was actually Rayleigh (voiced by Bruce Carey), came to the scene. Rayleigh: "What did I tell ya, I know a ruckus when I hear one... well now that I got the money I needed, I'll be using it for some drinks and food." Stansen: "You are one messed up old man, you got locked up just to steal some money?" Rayleigh: "That was the plan, and I would have robbed whomever bought me, but I guess that wasn't meant to be..." Camie: "Hey... you're the old man and giant I saw when I came here..." Rayleigh: "Oh, you're the mermaid that came today, I'm guessing the ruckus had something to do with people trying to free you, correct?" Camie: "Yes, my friends came to save me, but who are you?" asked Camie, before Hachi takes a good look at the old man. Hachi: "Wait... Rayleigh?!, is that you?" Rayleigh: "Huh?, Hachi?, is that you old pal?, what are you doing here?, have you forgotten that this is not a place for a fish-man like yourself?" Hachi: "Sorry, but I had to come here... for my friend Camie..." Rayleigh: "Camie, the mermaid I take it?... I see now... and those pirates fighting the security guards must be your friends... alright then..." said Rayleigh, before some powerful aura came out of Rayleigh's eyes and soon all the security guards were knocked out cold, much to the Straw Hat crew's surprise. Usopp: "What the... what did he do to them?" Sanji: "Okay... who is this guy?" asked Sanji to himself, before Rayleigh takes a good look at Luffy, and his hat. Rayleigh: "That straw hat you wear... it fits a pirate like yourself... I've wanted to meet you... Monkey D Luffy." Usopp: "Huh?, hey Luffy, do you know him?" Luffy: "I never met him before..." said Luffy, before Rayleigh came up to Camie, and grabbed the collar, which started to tick. Suddenly, the old man's hand turned reddish black and ripped the collar off of her neck before it exploded in the other side of the stage. Usopp: "What the... he took it off bare handed?" said Usopp, before Franky came to the scene with some keys. Franky: "Whoa!, how did you do that?, and do you have any idea how much trouble it was to find these keys?" Rayleigh: "Sorry, better luck next time, but maybe you can use those keys for the other slaves here." Franky: "Well I guess so." said Franky, before he went to the other slaves and used the keys to free them all, much to their joy. The blue nosed reindeer was having a hard time figuring out what Rayleigh just do with Camie's collar. Chopper: "What did he just do?" Hachi: "I think he used Haki, a powerful technique that those of the New World use..." that was when Rayleigh noticed Law, Kid, and their crew mates. Rayleigh: "Oh, I didn't noticed there were others here, you must be pretty strong if you were able to take a blast like that." Kid: "Well... I didn't expect to meet a living legend here... Dark King Silvers Rayleigh." Robin: "So that's where I've heard that name before..." Usopp: "Wait... you know who he is?" Robin: "Yeah... actually the whole world knows him..." Rayleigh: "Here in Sabaody, I'm just Rayleigh the coating mechanic, I'm retired now... anyway, we should get out of here." Law: "No kidding, the marines are here and ready to arrest us." Kid: "Well that's not gonna happen, as unlike you babies, I can take down those marines all by myself." said Kid, which made Luffy and Law glared at him. Luffy: "Hey!, I can take down those Marines, so let me handle them!" Law: "No way, I'm gonna be the one to get the job done." said Law, as he and Luffy followed Kid outside of the building, seeing a lot of marines ready to attack. Nami: "Do all captains act like children or just those idiots?" Conis: "You think they can handle the marines out there?" Nami: "Of course, you should know Luffy's pretty tough to take down by now." Rayleigh: "I'll bet he is, hey Stansen, what do you plan to do now?" Stansen: "Now that I'm free, I'm gonna help these former slaves to escape this place." Rayleigh: "Well I wish you good luck." said Rayleigh, before the scene shows Luffy, Kid and Law taking care of the marines with ease. Kid used his powers of the Magnet Magnet fruit, which makes anything metal pulled towards him or repeal like a magnet. As for Law, he had the powers of the Op Op fruit, which creates some sort of bubble room that allows him to control the bodies and operate anyone in it, like he can cut them up without harming them for example. Luffy was using his Third Gear to take down some marines too, before being small again. Luffy: "Wow... you guys got weird powers." Kid: "That rubber power of your is way weirder." Law: "And what's with that tiny body?" Luffy: "A little side effect after using Third Gear, but I'll be back to my normal size soon." Kid: "Hey Straw Hat... I'm glad to have the chance to meet you... but next time I won't show you any mercy." Luffy: "Yeah fair enough, we are rivals, but I'm the one who's gonna find the ONE PIECE." said Luffy, which widen the eyes of both Kid and Law, as they didn't expected to hear Luffy believing the ONE PIECE like they do. That was when Killer, who was fighting some marine soldiers, came over to his captain. Killer: "Hey captain, what are you standing around for?" Kid: "Nothing... it's just... that Straw Hat seems to believe in the ONE PIECE too... which is a first as a lot of the people we've met before coming here laughed at us, saying it's just a made up legend, and I beat up everyone who even giggled... so Straw Hat... let's meet again in the New World." Luffy: "Sure, works for me." said Luffy, before each crew of each of the three captain came to the scene, ready to escape. Rayleigh was carrying Hachi while Franky carries both Camie and Papagu. Rayleigh: "These rookies sure are something." Papagu: "Hey Camie... I'm really sorry what happened in the Amusement park... I should have known better than to go there..." Camie: "Don't blame yourself, I had a lot of fun there, I'll always treasure the memory of being on that ferries wheel too." Papagu: "Oh Camie... you're such a kind soul..." said Papagu, before the Straw Hats make a run for it, and soon made it back to Shakky's rip off bar, where Chopper can finally treat Hachi's wounds. Luffy: "So old man, you said you wanted to meet me... what for?, and who are you?" Rayleigh: "Well... for starters, the name is Silvers Rayleigh, Gold Roger, the pirate king's first mate, nice to meet you." All: "THE PIRATE KING'S FIRST MATE?!" Shakky: "You mean Hachi didn't tell you?" Hachi: "We only needed him to coat the ship, so I didn't think about it." Robin: "I thought as much when I heard his name." Conis: "Gold Roger... the man who visited Skypiea over 20 years ago..." said Conis to herself, as she remembered the name of Gold Roger on the Golden bell's base back on Skypiea. Sanji: "Hold on... if you're really Gold Roger's first mate, how did you avoid getting captured by the marines like they did with your captain." Rayleigh: "Actually... the marines didn't catch Roger... he turned himself in, the Government made it sound like they caught, most likely to look tough and all that." Nami: "The King of the pirates turned himself in?, why?" Rayleigh: "Cause he was already dying before he was executed... for he had an illness that was incurable, in the final years of our voyage, we had a ship's doctor named Crocus to ease his suffering, at least long enough for us to make it to the final island, Laugh Tale." Brook: "Wait... did you say Crocus?!, as in the man from the Twin Capes?!" Usopp: "Whoa... I thought the old man spent his whole life in the lighthouse... but he sailed with the King of the pirates..." Nami: "Come to think of it... he did mentioned that he was a ship's doctor one time..." Rayleigh: "Oh, I assume you met him, it's good to know he's doing well, he joined us in hopes to find a certain pirate crew that promised a whale they would come back." Usopp: "Hey Brook, I'll bet it was your crew, guess it's a small world after all." Brook: "Crocus you sweet man!, you went to such lengths..." said Brook as he began to cry a little. Rayleigh: "Yeah, he really was a good man, it was because of him that Roger was able to conquer the New World... and became the first king of the pirates, but titles didn't mean much for a man about to die, but Roger was still happy to hear it... and when he was about to be executed... his final words inspired so many souls to sail the seas in hopes to find his treasure... like Shanks for example." Luffy: "You know Shanks too?" Rayleigh: "Yeah, along with a pirate named Buggy as well." Nami and Zoro: "Buggy?" asked Nami and Zoro as they remembered the clown pirate that gave them trouble in the East Blue and the Long Ring Long Land islands. Rayleigh: "He and Shanks both were cabin boys in Roger's ship when they were young, and Shanks got his hat from Gold Roger, who used to wear it when he was young." Luffy: "What?!, Shanks was a cabin boy of Gold Roger's ship?!, and my hat, which I got from Shanks, used to be Gold Roger's too?!" Rayleigh: "Oh... I take it that he never told you then, well last time I saw him was 10 years ago, and I noticed that he didn't had his hat or his left arm, when I asked him what happened, he spoke about you with a smile... that's why I wanted to meet you, the boy that Shanks trusted that hat to." said Rayleigh, which made Luffy smile, remembering his time with Shanks when he was little. Rayleigh: "Now tell me, you came to me to coat your ship, right?" Hachi: "Yeah, they did, but I don't remember how much the coating cost." Rayleigh: "Don't worry about that Hachi, I could never take money from friends of yours." Hachi: "Nyu, really?, you're the best Rayleigh!" Nami: "Really?!, how generous of you!" said Nami in joy, happy to know that she didn't had to lose any money. That was when Robin came up to the pirate king's first mate. Robin: "Rayleigh, I have to ask you... back at Skypiea, there was a message that Gold Roger left... written in the text of the Poneglyph, please tell me... have you learned the true history of the Void century?" Rayleigh: "Yes... we know... but if you learned it now as you are now, you won't do anything about it... but if you really want to know... I can tell you everything." said Rayleigh, before Robin put a thought on it for a moment, then had the thought of her crew, before smiling. Robin: "Actually... I think I'll find the answer on my own with my crew..." Rayleigh: "That might be a good idea, as it would be more interesting to find out the truth for yourself, but there is something I have to tell you, we didn't knew the language of the Poneglyphs, we were just pirates, not archaeologists like you or the people of Ohara, which I'm very sorry about what happened there... you see... we had a crew member from Wano that knew the language, and that's all." Robin: "Really...?" Usopp: "Hey Robin, are you sure about not wanting know about the void century now?, or at least the ONE PIECE?" Luffy: "Usopp!, we sail the seas to find out ONE PIECE ourselves, I don't want to go on a boring adventure!, remember that!" Usopp: "Uh... oh right!, sorry!" Rayleigh: "Even so... are you sure you have what it takes to rule the seas of the New World, the foes there will be very powerful." Luffy: "I don't want to rule anything, being the king of the pirates means being more free than anyone." Rayleigh: "I see." said Rayleigh with a smile, as he can see Roger in Luffy. Shakky: "Monkey D Luffy, I must say that I like your style." Rayleigh: "You said your ship is in Grove 41, right, I guess I better get to work, of course it'll take 3 days to complete it and get it done right." Usopp: "3 days?!, but we got the navy hounding us now, and a Marine admiral with a battleship is gonna show up at any moment now!" Rayleigh: "I know, so you guys better keep a low profile for a while... and another thing... here's my Vivre card, this should help you find each other once the coating's done." said Rayleigh, before he gives each member of the Straw Hats a piece of his Vivre card, and the group had to hide somewhere for at least 3 days. But when they begin to move out, they had a run in with what looked like Kuma, but he didn't had paw pads on his hands, instead with holes in the palms that shoot lasers. That was when a large man with an axe, named Sentomaru (voiced by Greg Ayres), came to the scene, along with his uncle, Kizaru (voiced by Ray Hurd), who happens to be the marine admiral that the Celestial Dragons summoned. Luffy tried to throw some punches on Sentomaru, but the axe man not only block it with his palm, but was able to deflect it as well. Usopp, Franky and Conis tried to fire their weapons on Kizaru, but they went through him harmlessly somehow. Kizaru: "Nice try, but I ate the Glint Glint fruit, which makes me a light man, so your attacks won't work." Franky: "Oh man... how can we fight a man made of light?!" Sentomaru: "That's the least of your worries, as the Pacifista here will be your undoing." Zoro: "Pacifista?" Sentomaru: "Yes, a cyborg clone created by Dr Vegapunk, and we have many more like it, so even if you destroyed this one, we have many more." said Sentomaru, before a few more Pacifistas showed up and fired lasers at the Straw Hats, who were all worn out and started to lose hope of escaping. Suddenly, the real Kuma showed up, and he used his powers to make each other Straw Hats to vanish without a trace. The only one left was Luffy, who was really upset that he couldn't save his crew and take down at least one of the Pacifistas. Kizaru: "I wonder why Kuma send them flying... and I wonder if he's gonna do the same on Straw Hat..." said Kizaru, while his nephew was looking puzzled as well. It wasn't long before Kuma stood in front of Luffy. Kuma: "We will never meet again... farewell Straw Hat..." said Kuma, before he used his power to make Luffy vanish as well.

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