Strong World of Shiki the Golden Lion

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After their adventure on Thriller Bark, the Thousand Sunny was sailing the Straw Hats to their next adventure. Franky was showing the others his newest creations, which was an upgraded Waver that has the head of a horse, called the White Hobby horse 1, and the second was like a little steamboat that has the figurehead of the old Going Merry, called Mini Merry 2. Chopper: "Wow!, it's like the daughter of Merry herself!" Sunny: "I guess so... it was really kind of ya to make this." Franky: "Of course, and these two are the first edition of the soldier dock system, while you being the mother ship, these will be like your little kids and soldiers to help ya out." Sunny: "Nice... and I wonder..." said Sunny, before she raised her hand out and the boats started to move a little on their own. Franky: "What the?" Sunny: "It would seem that anything that a part of this ship is like a part of me... meaning I can control them like they were my own body parts." Luffy: "Wow!, that's so cool!" that was when Nami came to the scene, holding a newspaper. Nami: "I like the Mini Merry, but as I said before, ask me permission before messing with my waver or my other stuff." Franky: "Yeah... we been through that before we got to Thriller Bark..." Usopp: "Hey Nami, what's in the paper today?" Nami: "Well... it's not good... there seems to be some recent attacks on the East blue, saying that large masses of land fell from the sky and crushing some islands... luckily our home towns have not been hit... but that might change soon..." said Nami, before showing the paper to the others, which showed a picture of some small islands on top of another island, which made Luffy and the others to worry. Conis: "The East blue... is that where you from?" Vivi: "Well it's where Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Usopp came from, that's what Nami told me..." Sunny: "I came from the East blue too... well when I was still the Going Merry." Sanji: "I was born from the North blue but grew up in the East blue..." Brook: "Really?, but then... how did you get to the East blue... if you were born from the North blue?" Sanji: "Well... that's something I rather not talk about... a lot of bad memories there..." Brook: "I see... but uh... the fact that the East blue being attack does seem troubling..." that was when Su went outside and she along with Karoo saw something in the sky that shocked them and ran back to the others. Su: "Suu!, Suu!, Suu!" Karoo: "Quack!, Quack!" Vivi: "Calm down Karoo, what's wrong?" Conis: "What is it Su?" Chopper: "They said that they want us to look up at the sky." said Chopper, before he and all the other Straw Hats went outside and gasped by the sight of what was hovering above them, which looked like an island with sails and a pirate flag. Usopp: "Is that... a pirate ship?!" Conis: "But... an island as well...?" Franky: "How is that possible?!" Sanji: "Well he have visited an island in the sky..." Conis: "Yeah... but it was on a special kind of cloud... what could be making this island float?" Vivi: "And why is it a pirate ship as well..." Robin: "I don't know why... but the jolly roger looks familiar somehow..." Vivi: "Really?, you seen it before?" Robin: "Maybe... though I'm not sure where I've seen it..." that was when a man with swords for legs, and a half of a helm wheel on his head, named Shiki (voiced by Scott McNeil) came floating down to the ship with ease, much to everyone's surprise. Shiki: "So this is the infamous Straw Hat crew I kept hearing about?, a small group... no more than 11 people... and two pets." Luffy: "Whoa... did you floated down?" Shiki: "Yes, it's my ability after eating the Float Float fruit, I can make anything I touch to float wherever I want, no matter how big or small." Conis: "Is that how that island pirate ship is moving?" Shiki: "Correct, and judging by the wings on your back... are you an angel?" Conis: "Well... sort of... I'm actually a Skypiean from the island of Skypiea." Shiki: "Ah, I remember that place, the place has many interesting seashells there, which are called dials." Franky: "Um... who exactly are you?" Shiki: "Please allow me to introduce myself... I am Shiki the Golden Lion, perhaps you've heard of me." Robin: "Wait... the Shiki?!" Luffy: "You know him?" Robin: "Yes, though only from stories... he's supposed to be a legendary pirate that went toe to toe with Gold Roger and Whitebeard... and he was the first and only person who managed to escape from the World Government's ultimate prison... Impel Down... but he has not been seen or heard for 20 years..." Shiki: "Yes, I was busy doing a little project... and to recover after losing my own legs to escape from that terrible prison..." Usopp: "Is that why you have swords for legs?" Shiki: "That's correct." Vivi: "I hope you don't mind me asking... what are you doing here?" Shiki: "Well you see... the time for the plan I've been setting up for the passed 20 years is near completion... meaning it'll soon be time to finally make my move... and this time... Roger won't be around to stop me." Zoro: "What do you mean?, what did the king of the pirates stopped you to do?" Shiki: "Why... to rule the world of course." said Shiki, before he touches the deck of the ship, and suddenly, the Thousand Sunny began to float up into the air, shocking the Straw Hats as they were now heading for a group of floating islands, which was the work of Shiki himself. Sanji: "He's taking the ship to those islands!" Shiki: "That's those are the islands I use for my project, and you'll shall witness the might of it, and the project goes by the name of... Strong World!" said Shiki, before he used his powers to make the ship to fall right into one of the islands, and once it did, it wasn't long before some large and savage animals came and try to attack the Straw Hats, who were struggling to fight back. A few days later, the Straw Hats were still trying to stay alive and avoid getting eaten by the animals, and for some strange reason, they weren't all that tired. Nami: "Something's very wrong here... has anyone noticed that we haven't got much sleep since Shiki dropped us here right?" Chopper: "Yeah, it's hard to do that when we kept getting chased by such wild animals..." Usopp: "Speaking of which, look out!" shouted Usopp, before an army f ants showed up and ran passed Brook, and running towards the group. That was when out of a nearby river, a Shark came and tries to attack the group too, only for the ants to eat the meat of the shark in an instant, leaving nothing but bones. Brook: "Whoa... it's like me now... everyone alright?" Vivi: "I believe so..." Franky: "Also... I think I now know why they ignored you and went for the rest of us..." Brook: "Why?" Franky: "They're hungry, they want meat, not dried up old bones." Brook: "Uh... OH!, SO I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU ANTS!, HUH?!" shouted Brook in anger, before he pulls out his cane, which was really a hidden sword, and ran passed the ants, and once he placed the blade back into it's handle, the ants were cut and defeated. Robin: "Not bad Brook." Zoro: "Yeah... I didn't see you cut them... and yet you did..." Brook: "Yes... and although I won't deny that I'm all bones now, I'm still sensitive..." Nami: "Okay... as I was saying... we've been fighting non stop... and yet... we're not tired at all, are we?" Usopp: "Hey you're right... that is odd... but I'm not complaining... for if we were, we be dead by now." Robin: "But even so, something is going on with us..." Conis: "And also... see that pile of beaten up beasts..." said Conis, looking at a big piles of large and powerful beasts that were already defeated not too long ago. Luffy: "Yeah I see them, so what?" Conis: "Well... Karoo and Su were the ones that beat them... all by themselves." Usopp: "Come on, that's ridicules, I know they're a little tough, but they're not that tough." Conis: "And yet... they did... I saw it with my own eyes..." Vivi: "Not to mention your wings." Conis: "What about my wings?" Vivi: "Well... yesterday... when you got sent flying by one of the beasts here... your wings grew and you flew down here... even though for a few seconds... before they shrunk back." Conis: "Oh yeah... I almost forgotten about that." Franky: "What do you mean, they never done that before?" Conis: "No, the wings of a Skypiean were not built for flight, they were just for showing..." Robin: "You know... all these strange happens began the moment we came to these islands... perhaps there's something here could be effecting us the same way as the wildlife here." Sanji: "I'm betting it might be Shiki's doing, since he did say this place was a project of his." Zoro: "Yeah, he did mentioned that before he dropped us here..." suddenly, a large bird, about the same size as Karoo, came to the scene and a little girl named Xiao (voiced by Lindsey Seidel), was riding on it's back, and both of them were being chased by more large and savage beasts. The Straw Hats were able to stop them though, and it wasn't long before they got to the bird, guarding the little girl. Nami: "Hold on, we mean you no harm." Xiao: "You... you really mean it?" Usopp: "Sure, do we look like the kind of people that hurt little kids?" Xiao: "Well... not really... and you did saved me and Billy... so thanks..." Nami: "Billy, is that what this bird's name?" Xiao: "That's right, my name's Xiao, it's nice to meet you... you're the first people I've meet outside my village that are nice to me... unlike Shiki and his crew." Robin: "You know Shiki?" Xiao: "Yeah... you see... long ago... these islands... once were on the sea like any other island... and the animals ans people evolve like noun other by a plant known as... IQ, which only grow on these islands... but the animals weren't always so savage... my mom once told me that the people and animals used to co exist... that is until 20 years ago... when Shiki came and used the plants to make some drug to make the animals not only evolve further... but to become more savage..." Robin: "I see... that would explain what's happening to us." Luffy: "What do you mean?" Robin: "These IQ plants made the animals here evolve in an alarming rate, and because some of us ate of the meat of them... our bodies begin to evolve with them." Usopp: "Hold on... does that mean we're gonna become savage too?" Robin: "By the looks of it no, we didn't get a direct douse of the drug like the animals did, so we shouldn't go savage, but it has made us have the energy to keep fighting... and made Conis' wings to evolve, and making the animals in our crew to become stronger than usual." Usopp: "Well that does explains a lot about this place, and what's happening to us... but what now?" Nami: "Hold on, Xiao, didn't you say that you came from a village?" Xiao: "Yeah, I was on my way back with Billy when I ran into you." said Xiao, before she leads the Straw Hats to the village. But before they could get close, Xiao puts some paper into Billy's nose, and Chopper, Karoo and Su smelled something that was really unpleasant, making them cover their noses. Chopper: "Ah!, what is that awful smell?!" Xiao: "You're most likely smelling the Daft green trees, they let out a smell that drives the animals away, and we have them surrounded the village as a barrier to keep the animals out." Chopper: "I can see why..." Zoro: "Now that you mention it, these trees does smell a little bad." Xiao: "Be careful not to breathe too much of it, as the Daft Green trees are poisonous." Conis: "They are?!" Vivi: "And yet you still let them stay?" Xiao: "Well it's not like we have a choice as they're the only thing to keep the beasts from attacking." Brook: "I see... what irony..." soon, after Vivi and Conis cover the noses of Karoo and Su, the Straw Hats entered the village, and noticed that there were no men or young women, just kids and some middle aged women. Usopp: "Where are the men?" Sanji: "And the young ladies?" Xiao: "Shiki has them forced to work under him, while the rest of us are to stay here and wait for their return... he promised them that soon as his project is ready, he'll let us all go free... but... I wished it already came before my mother and grandmother... passed away..." Vivi: "You mean... you're an orphan?" Xiao: "Yes... they died due to Daft... an illness that gets you covered in green bruises and you sick enough to die... it's a result of breathing too much of the spores of the Daft Green trees..." Chopper: "How terrible... and you have no doctors?" Xiao: "We used to, but Shiki took them too, and the only cure for Daft is the IQ plants, and Shiki horded them all... and that was the reason I went out of the village in the first place... to get it in hope to help those that are sick from Daft..." Nami: "And Billy here?" Xiao: "A newest creation by Shiki and his scientist, Dr Indigo." said Xiao, before she explains to the group more that Billy was abandoned by Shiki after discovering the bird had a friendly nature, and the girl became friends with him after he saved her from a group of wild animals. Vivi: "So this Dr Indigo guy is the one who made the drug to make the animals savage?" Xiao: "That's right, they want to create these animals to be as savage as possible." Zoro: "But why?" Xiao: "Don't you know, it's all over the newspaper, about what's happening in the East Blue." Robin: "Wait... you mean Shiki... is the one attacking the East blue?" Xiao: "That's right, he plans to release the animals in the East blue, and then after he crushes that sea, he'll try to rule the world." this made the Straw Hats have a look of shock and horror, and anger as well, after learning that Shiki was the one attack the home sea of some of their loved ones. Luffy: "Shiki... you rotten man!" Xiao: "What's wrong?" Vivi: "Well you see... some of us came from the East blue... and the thought of that man attempting to destroy their homes and loved ones... it's only natural Luffy would be angry..." suddenly, Billy squawk in fear, seeing someone he hoped to never see again. The Straw Hats turned around to see Shiki himself, hovering above them. Shiki: "I'm impressed that you lasted this long, despite that some of you came from that worthless blue sea." Luffy: "Shiki... we know about your plan on attacking the East blue!, we won't let you destroy it!" Chopper: "Why would you do such a thing in the first place?!" Shiki: "Simple... I always wanted to be ruler of the world... but that dream got crushed when Gold Roger defeated me 20 years... a man who came from what's supposed to be the weakest sea in the world, so if I want to make my dream come true, I must crush the home sea of the man who made a fool out of me all those years ago." Vivi: "But the people there!, there are so many innocent lives living in that sea!" Shiki: "So what?, those who live there are worthless, they deserve to die." Luffy: "... If you think we'll let you harm the East blue... then you got another thing coming!" Shiki: "Well if you think you can stop my plan... let's see if you can stop the beasts from attacking this village." Conis: "What are you talking about?, the animals won't attack this place as long as those Daft Green trees are around." Shiki: "Funny when you mention that, you see... I brought all the men and young ladies back here not too long ago, just so they can die with their family... as my own men are removing the trees even as we speak." Luffy: "What?!" Xiao: "... No... that can't be... you promised that you'll let us go!" Shiki: "I did, but I didn't say I'll let you live for very long after freeing you all, did I?" this made Xiao to cover her mouth in horror, realizing that Shiki was planning to kill her and her fellow villagers from the very beginning, when all of a sudden, an explosion was heard, and some of the Daft Green trees were burnt up, and it wasn't long before the savage animals appeared and start attacking the village. Franky: "Oh man!, the village!" Luffy: "You creep!, don't you have any heart?!" Shiki: "In my world, there is no room for those with a heart, only for the strong, now prepare to die." said Shiki, before he leaves the scene, as the beasts continue to attack the village. The Straw Hats went to fight off the savage beasts, while Xiao was trying to hide behind a tree, before noticing a Tone dial that was on the ground, and that was when an idea came to her head. Xiao: "Billy... we got to stop Shiki... we can't let him get away with this..." said Xiao, before she picks up the Tone dial and begins to make a message. Once the beasts were taken down, the Straw Hats see that the village was destroyed, but the people survived thankfully. It wasn't long before they noticed that Xiao and Billy were nowhere to be found, before Su and Karoo noticed the Tone dial on the ground. Once Luffy plated it, the Tone Dial begins a message from Xiao that she plans to take down Shiki by using the same trick he used to destroy her village, and that even if it'll kill her, that would be fine as long as she can make Shiki suffer like how he made her suffer. Nami: "Is she out of her mind...?" Conis: "She's just a little girl... what chances does she have...?" Vivi: "That Shiki... if he had any idea about what a true ruler is about... he wouldn't be doing this..." Brook: "What now?" Luffy: "We're going... to do the same thing... stop Shiki and save the East blue... no matter what." Zoro: "Sure thing captain... I'm itching to cut down that jerk and his followers." Sanji: "Same about me kicking them." Usopp: "I will keep my village safe as I'm a brave warrior of the sea." Nami: "I'm not gonna let Shiki hurt my village either." Chopper: "I might not be from the East blue, but as a doctor, It's my job to keep others alive." Robin: "I won't let that pirate destroy my friends' home like how my home was destroyed long ago..." Vivi: "If my friends were willing to risk your lives to save my home, then I should do the same for yours." Karoo: "Quack!" Conis: "Same here, I won't let my friends' home be destroyed like what happened to Angel island..." Su: "Suu!" Franky: "Ow!, I will super protect the little brothers and sisters of my friends too!" Brook: "I will do my best to help my friends protect their home no matter the cost as well, even if it kills me, though I'm already dead in a way, Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!" Luffy: "Thanks you guys... now let's do this." said Luffy, before he and his crew went back to the Thousand Sunny, and told the Klabautermann about the situation. Sunny: "So... we're going to beat the pulp out of Shiki huh?, it's about time." Luffy: "You ready?" Sunny: "Sure am." soon, the ship did a Coup Da Burst and landed at the palace of Shiki, and the crew begins to charge and took some bazookas to use against Shiki's men. It wasn't long before the Straw Hats broke down the doors, and were glaring at Shiki and all of the pirates that joined him on his plan. Shiki: "You again?, didn't my beasts finished you off?" Luffy: "If you think some wild animals can take us down, you're even dumber than you look, and we're not letting you harm the East blue... in other words, your days are numbered, Shiki the Golden Lion." said Luffy, before his crew fire bazookas at the pirates, and Luffy goes to fight Shiki himself. It wasn't long before Usopp and Chopper found Xiao, who was on the ground near some Daft green trees that surrounded the palace. When they got to the girl, they saw that she was covered in green bruises. Chopper: "Oh no... this must be the Daft illness Xiao told us about..." Usopp: "Can you help her?" Chopper: "I'm not familiar with this illness... but I remember Xiao said that the IQ plants are what cure it... and Shiki was supposed to have it..." Usopp: "Then we're in the right place." said Usopp, before an explosion was heard, alerting them that some of the Daft Green trees got blown up and Billy came over to them, telling the Reindeer what happened. Chopper: "Billy said that Xiao told him to set up the dynamite to blow up the Daft Green trees, so that the animals can attack Shiki and his men." Usopp: "Okay... but what's to stop them from attacking us too?" Chopper: "We'll worry about that later, right now we need to get the antidote for Xiao, I don't know how long she'll last without it." soon, the pair and Billy went to a tower, and into a room that was some kind of lab, with some experiments that have IQ plants. Usopp: "Could this be the lab?" Chopper: "No doubt about it... which means the antidote must be here." said Chopper, before Shiki's scientist, Dr Indigo (voiced by Sean Schemmel) came to the scene. Dr Indigo: "You Straw Hats are really starting to get annoying, why can't you realize that you can't stop us?" Chopper: "You smell like chemicals, I take it that you're Shiki's scientist." Dr Indigo: "That is correct, I am Dr Indigo, and I see that you have a little brat that has the Daft illness, and since you brought her here, my best guess that you came for an antidote." Chopper: "That's right, and since you're Shiki's scientist, you must have made one." Dr Indigo: "Indeed, but tell me why I should hand over my only stash to a bunch of low rank East blue pirates like you?" asked Dr Indigo, before Zoro came to the scene. Zoro: "Cause it'll save you a lot of pain... not that I don't mind taking if from your dead body." Chopper and Usopp: "Zoro!, you're here!" Dr Indigo: "Ha!, you think a worthless pirate from the East blue has what it takes to take me down?, what a laugh!" Zoro: "If you think I can be taken down by some clown like you, then you're in for a really rude awakening." Usopp: "Go get him Zoro, but remember, we need that antidote for Xiao, and fast." Zoro: "Don't worry, this shouldn't take long." said Zoro, before he goes to battle Dr Indigo, who uses some type of chemical juggling that seems deadly, but they didn't do much against Zoro at all. It wasn't long before Zoro used his swords to take the clown down, and took the antidote and gave it to Chopper. Back with the other Straw Hats, they continued fighting Shiki's followers, when the large savage beasts came and attacked everything in their path. Robin had a run in with a giant moth that let out some sleeping powder from it's wings that made her drowsy, and when she passed out, Robin got captured by a large pink gorilla that was actually a member of Shiki's crew, and it had a crush on Robin too as it had hearts for eyes while looking at her. Meanwhile outside, Sanji and Brook went to face some animals, before the cook noticed that the pink gorilla was on top of a tower, with Robin in it's hand. Sanji: "Get your hands off of Robin!, you dirty ape!" shouted Sanji, as he ran up to the tower and begins to kick the gorilla like crazy until it was knocked out cold and defeated. Once Sanji got back to the ground, Brook catches Robin in his arms, much to Sanji's dismay as he wanted to be the one to carry Robin. Meanwhile with Luffy, he was out to fight Shiki, who was more annoyed by the boy than getting injured by him. Shiki: "You're really starting to get on my last nerve kid!, as you're also from the East blue, killing you is like an appetizer, so try work hard as much as you like, nobody will stop me from crushing the East blue!" shouted Shiki, before he summons some rocks that became the shape of lions to attack Luffy. On the islands, the Straw Hats were retreating to the Thousand Sunny. Nami: "We need to get out of here as soon as possible!, once Luffy takes out Shiki, that creep's power will be worn off, meaning the islands will fall, so we need to be away from here as soon as possible!" Chopper: "Got it!" Zoro: "Well I don't know why... but I think the battle is about to end any moment now." Brook: "Then we need to get to the Sunny!" so with that, they went back to the Sunny, while the Klabautermann was tying up something on the mast. Back with Luffy, he was now using his Third Gear to make his foot super huge and lifted up into the sky. Shiki: "Try beating me all you want!, but it won't work!, I am the most powerful pirate this world has ever seen!" Luffy: "STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!, I WON'T LET YOU HURT THEM!, OR MY HOME!, I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANYONE EVER AGAIN!, GUM GUM GIANT BATTLE AXE!" shouted Luffy, before he throws down his foot towards Shiki, which hits him hard enough to knock him out cold as he crashes through the island and falls into the sea. Once Shiki was out of the picture, the islands began to fall out of the sky and landed into the sea. As for the Thousand Sunny, turns out that the Klabautermann tied up the sail of Shiki's ship so that the ship can float down back to the sea without any damage. It wasn't long before Billy came to the ship, with Luffy on his back. Usopp: "You did it Luffy!, you saved everyone in the East blue!" Luffy: "Yeah... I guess I did..." Nami: "First he saved it from Arlong... now Shiki... how about that..." Conis: "Whoa... look at the islands... with Shiki gone, there's nothing to keep them up in the sky..." Franky: "Yeah..." Vivi: "Oh no!, the villagers!" Robin: "Look!" said Robin, before pointing at the sky, showing that the villagers were not only okay, but they were flying as well, as their arms were not only covered with feathers, but they work like a bird's too. Brook: "Amazing... so those feathers on their arms were not just for showing..." Sanji: "Guess those IQ plants made not only the animals to evolve but the people too... just like Xiao said..." Zoro: "Speaking of which, is the kid gonna be okay?" Chopper: "Well we gave her the antidote, so she should be okay... all we can do now is wait." said Chopper, as the Thousand Sunny slowly floats down back to the sea. A few days later, Xiao finally woke up, seeing that she was in a bed, with Conis, Billy and Chopper there, happy to see her awake. Xiao: "Hey... what happened?" Chopper: "Good, you're awake, you had us worried there." Xiao: "Wait.. Shiki!, we gotta..." Conis: "Don't worry, Luffy already taken down Shiki, the East blue is safe again... and the whole world... thanks to you." Xiao: "Really?... wow... but... I didn't do much." Chopper: "You were willing to risk your own life to stop that man from harming so many lives, and although Luffy was the one who took him down, you helped us defeat him, I'm sure your family would have been very proud of you, I know I am." said Chopper, which made Xiao smile, and Billy went to rub his head on her face. Soon, Xiao got out of bed and went outside to see the rest of the Straw Hats waiting for her. Nami: "Good to see that you're awake." Vivi: "How are you feeling?" Xiao: "I'm doing fine, thanks to you all." Luffy: "Say Xiao, what cha gonna do now?" Xiao: "Well I think Billy and I will stay here and try to restore the harmony between the people and the animals here, just like how it was like when my mom and or grandmother were young long ago... maybe even better." Usopp: "That sounds like a big dream, but hey, so are our dreams too." Xiao: "Really?, what are your dreams?" Luffy: "I'm gonna be king of the pirates." Zoro: "To be the world's best swordsman." Nami: "To draw a map of the whole world." Usopp: "To become a brave warrior of the sea." Sanji: "To find the All blue." Chopper: "To be a world class doctor that can cure any illness." Vivi: "To find my friend and bring him back to my home kingdom." Robin: "To learn the true history of the void century." Conis: "To find my father." Franky: "To make sure my masterpiece, The Thousand Sunny, sails around the whole world." Brook: "To be reunite with my friend Laboon." Xiao: "Wow... those are some dreams..." Luffy: "Yeah, having dreams is what got us this far, so I'm sure you'll make yours come true too." Xiao: "Yeah... thanks... for everything..." said Xiao, before the Straw Hats were ready to finally leave and continue their journey.

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