The battle against Kaido in Wano part 5

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After Momonosuke got much bigger, Luffy gets a ride on the dragon's head, ready to fly back to his battle with Kaido. Boney 10: "Now remember, you can make artificial clouds to walk on in mid air, making it look like you can fly." Momonosuke: "So Kaido can't really fly, he was walking on clouds he made with his claws to grab on to?" Boney 10: "That's right, how did you think he was able to move in the air without wings?" Luffy: "Hmm... invisible wings?" Boney 10: "Uh... never thought of it that way... but no... anyway, you have a fight to finish." Luffy: "Yeah, let's do this Momo." Momonosuke: "Um... I don't know... the place where Kaido... on top of the island... it looks really high and... I don't if I could make it..." Boney 10: "Hmm... the boy's body has matured... but his mind and heart are still of a child's..." Shinobu: "Well of course... I do not have the powers of a miracle worker..." Luffy: "Come on Momo, if we don't get back and beat Kaido, Wano will never be free again!, do you want that the happen?!, do you want your parents' sacrifices be in vain?!" Momonosuke: "... No!, we must go!, for Wano and for my parents!" shouted Momonosuke, before he forms some clouds and grabs onto them, climbing up to where Kaido is waiting. As the battle continues, both sides paused for a moment as they see a pink dragon above them. Conis: "Is that Kaido?!" Vivi: "I'm not sure... it looks like him... but the color is different..." it wasn't long before Kaido noticed the other dragon coming his way, along with Luffy, who was ready for another round. Kaido: "What the heck?, another dragon like me?, who are you?" Momonosuke: "Me?... I am the son of Oden!, the true future Shogun of Wano!, I am Kozuki Momonosuke!, and your rein here in Wano is over!, along with Orochi!" Kaido: "The brat?... funny, didn't think you would get so big in such a young age... nor did I expect you to have the same power as mine... but I doubt you fully know how to use them like I do." Momonosuke: "You're right... I don't... but I won't allow that to stop me from freeing Wano!" Kaido: "You fool, I had to make my base here in Wano, for it has something I need to rule the world, I just haven't been able to get it out yet." Luffy: "I don't care what you want here, for I'm gonna kick your butt out of here!" said Luffy, before he jumps off of Momonosuke and went to continue his fight with Kaido. As for Momonosuke, he noticed Orochi watching the battle, and his heart was filled with anger as she comes down towards the fake Shogun, who sees the angry pink dragon coming to him, forcing him to make a run for it. Back with Sanji, he was still fighting Queen, and the man with the powers of the Brachiosaurus Devil fruit was really tough. Turns out that the Germa raid suit has made the cook's body to evolve, by making him able to have a skeleton that can be nearly indestructible and he can punch his bones back in place, which made him worried as it was the same ability that his family had, making him believed that he was slowly becoming one of them, a heartless killing machine. Sanji: "I refuse to believe it... I'm not one of them... I don't want to be one of them..." said Sanji, before Chopper and the nurse Mink Tristan came over to the cook. Chopper: "What's wrong?" Tristan: "Sanji?, are you alright?" Sanji: "No... I fear that I'm becoming one of them... Germa... the Vinsmoke family... they had the same bodies as they did... if my body is becoming like theirs... then there's a chance that my heart..." Chopper: "Don't say that Sanji!, you're not a heartless monster!, you're one of the nicest people I know!" Tristan: "He's right, you saved my home, and my people, and I heard from your crew about how you helped them saved other countries before, you're a good person, nothing will change that." said Tristan, before she kissed Sanji on the cheek, which made him blow steam out of his nose and blushed. Sanji: "Wow~... thank you for saying so, my dear sweet Tristan~." Queen: "So you're Vinsmoke Judge's son eh?, I guess that would explain some things, well it doesn't matter, you're dead." said Queen, as he was about to stomp on the trio, but Sanji stops him with his own hand. Sanji: "You got some nerve... trying to harm a lady in front of me... a true man never hits a lady... it's a rule that's been one since the time of the dinosaurs!, so if you dare to attempt on hitting a lady... you'll answer to me!" shouted Sanji, before he kicks Queen in the face like a storm, and he didn't stop until Queen was completely out cold, defeating the officer at last. Tristan: "Amazing..." Chopper: "That's Sanji for ya..." elsewhere, Zoro was fighting King, who is Kaido's right hand man, who is part of a race that are now extinct, but that doesn't mean he would be going down without a fight. Turns out that as long as the flame on his back is not out, King can't get any damage, but the flame is out whenever King goes to his speed form, which Zoro soon realized just in the nick of time and managed to cut King down while the flame on his back was out, making Zoro the winner of the battle. Elsewhere on the island, Robin and Brook were dealing with another officer who is a woman and is part spider, but even after defeating her, they still were in danger as it turns out that CP0 were on the island too, in hopes to capture Robin, but Brook was not allowing that to happen on his watch. Back with Momonosuke, he was still chasing Orochi, who then stopped as the samurai of Oden were standing in front of him, ready to battle when they saw Momonosuke, mistaking him for Kaido. Kin'emon: "Your rein is over Kaido!, along with Orochi!" Kanjuro: "Are you certain that's Kaido?, I mean his color looks different..." Kiku: "He's right... that looks like the same color that Lord Momonosuke's dragon form has..." Momonosuke: "Kin'emon, Kiku, Kanjuro, Raizo, Kawamatsu, it's me, Momonosuke!" Kin'emon: "Huh?!, my lord?!" Kanjuro: "How could that be?" Momonosuke: "I asked Shinobu to use her powers on me so I can be strong enough for the battle." Kanjuro: "I see... well that would explain some things." Orochi: "You might have the same power as Kaido, but you're still a brat!" Momonosuke: "I don't care what you think of me... I will not let you get away!, the time has come for you to pay for what you did to Wano and my family!" shouted Momonosuke, as he and his samurai were ready to face the fake Shogun. Back with Tommy, he and his friends were still fighting Jack, and they were not done yet. Jack: "You little brats!, you think you have what it takes to beat me?!" Tommy: "Let's find out." said Tommy, before he pulls out a balloon, blow it up and shaping it to look like a giant hammer, which soon transforms into a real giant mallet, which the boy used to hit Jack on the head, much to everyone's surprise. Dog Storm: "Ouch... that's gotta hurt." Cat Viper: "Looks like Tommy wasn't kidding that he has a Devil fruit power... he said it was called the Toon Toon fruit... interesting power for sure..." Gidget: "My turn!" said Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to lift Jack up into the air and dropping him like a ball, and repeating a few times. Jokeo then transformed into a giraffe and used his neck to Jack's stomach with a headbutt, while Jokey transformed into a mammoth like Jack, and then jumps up and uses a body slam on the Beast pirate officer. It was then the four minks combined their attacks to make the finishing blow on Jack, who then got knocked out cold after the hit, making the kids the winners. Jokey: "Uh... did we win?" Gidget: "We sure did." Tommy: "Awesome!, we did it you guys!" Jokeo: "Hooray!" while the kids were celebrating their victory, Dog Storm and Cat Viper couldn't help but smile and feeling proud. Back with Carrot, she was finally able to take down Perospero, who was now knocked out cold. Carrot: "Hmm... Pedro... if you can hear me... I want you to know that your sacrifice wasn't in vain... and once the battle is over... I'll make sure the Straw Hats bring forth the New Dawn to the world..." said Carrot, before she runs off to meet the others. As Vivi and Conis, they were now facing Hawkins and Apoo, who gave them a hard time, but the girls managed to take them down with the help of Killer and Drake, who was secretly working as a marine spy to learn what Kaido was planning, and soon both Hawkins and Apoo were both defeated and knocked out cold. Vivi: "Thank you for helping us." Conis: "Yes, it was very kind of you, but why did you help us?, you said you're a marine spy... and yet you were helping out pirates..." Drake: "Well I had to, as your captain is Coby's friend." Vivi: "You mean the marine with pink hair?, the one that Luffy met back in the East Blue?" Drake: "Yeah, Coby told me that if there's any pirate I could trust on defeating Kaido, it's straw Hat... and to be honest, I found it hard to believe at first, but after hearing his recent victories and you guys beating Kaido's men... I'm starting to believe him." Vivi: "Well... Luffy is that kind of person who keeps his word, no matter what." Conis: "Yeah, he's a really great man, which I am proud to call my captain." Drake: "Good to know." Killer: "Let's save the talking after we take down the rest of the Beast pirates." Vivi: "Very well." said Vivi, before she and the others went off to fight off the rest of the Beast pirates. Unaware to anyone in Wano, there were a fleet of marine ships approaching, ready to attack the pirates and take control over Wano if Kaido gets beaten. However, Zunesha came to the scene and used his truck to swat the marine ships away from Wano, taking them down with one shot. Back with Luffy, he was still fighting Kaido, and he's using his Fourth Gear, which he has better control now, to do some damage, but it was still not enough to do much heavy damage on the emperor. To make matters worse, just the Demon trio showed up and pinned Luffy down long enough for Kaido to throw a finishing blow to knock out Luffy, but Kaido was really angry for the trio interference. Kaido: "What's the big idea?!" ScreamClaw: "What?, you wanted to win, didn't you?, we were just making sure you did." Kaido: "You fools!, if I wanted to win, I would do it without any interference of anyone, friend or for alike!, get out my sight you reptiles!" yelled Kaido, before he swings his club to swat the trio away into the sky and out of the scene. Suddenly, the sound of drums were heard, much to Kaido's confusion, and the drums sounded like they were everywhere, and everyone on the whole island paused for a moment, listening to the sounds of the drums. Chopper: "What's that?" Tristan: "I don't know... drums?" Sanji: "Yeah... but where's it coming from?, and who playing them?" back with the other Straw Hats, they were very puzzled by the drums too. Nami: "What's with the drums?" Usopp: "Beats me... I hope it's not bad news..." Conis: "Weird... it sounds like the drums are everywhere..." Vivi: "And they're playing louder every moment..." even the samurai of Oden were puzzled by the drums, and so was Orochi as well. Orochi: "What's that?, who's playing drums at a time like this?" off the shores of Wano, Zunesha hears the drums too, and he gasped in shock and joy as he knew what the drums meant. Zunesha: "So he has returned... Joy Boy..." back with Kaido, he looked to see that something was happening to Luffy's body, like it was melting a little and Luffy began to smile, showing signs that he was still alive. Suddenly, Luffy got up, and his hair turned white and began to laugh like crazy, not to mention he was bouncing around in joy. Kaido: "Straw Hat... what's with that look?" Luffy: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, I don't know, but I feel so happy!, jumping in joy!, I call this form... Fifth Gear!" said Luffy, before he begins the final round against Kaido. Meanwhile, Momonosuke begins his fight against Orochi at last. Momonosuke: "There's nowhere for you to run this time!, come and fight and face me you cowardly snake!" Orochi: "A snake, am I?, perhaps you'd like to see how s-s-snake like I can be!" said Orochi, as he transforms into a hydra, due to the power of the Snake Snake fruit model Hydra, ready to fight Momonosuke. Kin'emon: "We must help him!" Momonosuke: "Wait!, you and the others stay where you are... this is my fight." Kanjuro: "But my lord, we can't stand and do nothing!" Momonosuke: "If you wanna help me, make sure no one interferes." Raizo: "Yes... as you wish." Kin'emon: "Show him that you're the true Shogun of Wano my lord!, do it in your father's honor!" Momonosuke: "It would be my pleasure!" said Momonosuke, before he begins his fight against the hydra, who proved to be tougher than he looks, but Momonosuke had proven that he was strong too. Back with Luffy, he has shown to have new tricks in his new Fifth Gear, like he can make things, like the ground for example, into rubber to make Kaido's attacks bounce back right at him. Then the Straw Hat pirate grabs Kaido, one hand on the head, and the other on the dragon's tail, and starts using him like a jump rope. When Kaido tried to hit Luffy on the head with his club, the straw hat wearing pirate's head got shaped like the club, and his eyes popped out like a cartoon character. Kaido: "What kind of power is this?!" Luffy: "I don't know, but I love it!, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" elsewhere, Ace, Marco, Law and Kid were still fighting Big Mom, who has taken a lot of damage from both Kid and Law, who have awakened their Devil fruit powers. Kid can make other people and things magnetic while Law can make his sword go into the parts of Big Mom's body without touching the tough skin. Big Mom: "You little brats think you can beat me?!, we have been ruling the seas long before you were even born!" Law: "Maybe... but today is the day your rein over the sea ends, both you and Kaido." Kid: "Speaking of Kaido, what's taking Straw Hat so long on beating him?" Big Mom: "Oh please, the chances of him beating Kaido are low, he would have to be a god of sorts to beat a beast like him." Ace: "Well I don't know about if he would have to be a god... but if I know my brother, which I do, he'll do it." Marco: "Yeah, Pops didn't just gave up his life for us and Ace, but also for Straw Hat as well." said Marco, as he and the others continued their fight against Big Mom. Then at last, Law uses his sword to make a hole that goes all the way to the planet's core, and Kid creates a giant robotic arm to fire a beam at Big Mom, sending her down to the hole and into the planet's core. Back Momonosuke, he continues to fight Orochi, until he takes a bite on Orochi's neck of the main head, and starts swimming him around until he tossed him away, who begins to fall right into the hole that Big Mom fell in not too long ago. As for Kaido, he was finally taken a lot of damage from the fight, and now Luffy was ready to use the finishing move. Luffy: "GUM GUM... MONKEY GOD... GUN!" shouted Luffy, as he made his fist almost as big as the island and punches Kaido in the face, finally knocking him out, and the fist changed back to normal size just before it could reach the island. As for Kaido, he was out cold and began to fall down the hole that both Big Mom and Orochi fell in earlier, marking the end of their rein at last.

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