Princess Vivi of Alabasta and Crocodile

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It was morning when Vivi was still sleeping on a lawn chair, before waking up from a bad dream about what's happening to her home. Vivi was taking a walk around the Going Merry, when she saw Luffy and Usopp fishing while using Karoo as bait. Vivi: "What are you doing fishing with my duck?!" shouted Vivi in anger before bopping the pair on the head. Luffy: "We ran out of bait." Usopp: "We wouldn't have ran out if you didn't ate it!" Luffy: "But they was yummy..." Usopp: "How could you think that?!, it was for fish only!" Vivi: "I don't care!, you shouldn't be using Karoo as bait!" Luffy: "What?, it's not like he's hurt or anything like it..." Vivi: "That's not the point!, you should never use him for bait in the first place!" that was when Nami came to the scene. Nami: "Never mind that now, there's some mist coming this way." said Nami, as a lot of mist was seen up ahead of the Going Merry. Chopper: "Why is there mist?" Nami: "Most likely an undersea volcano, perhaps in a thousand years, there will be an island here..." said Nami, before the Going Merry went through the mist, unaware that another ship was passing by it, and one of the crew was dancing around like a ballerina and jumped off the ship by mistake. The figure got a hold of Karoo, who was spooked by the figure's appearance, as it was a man where a ballerina outfit and makeup. His name was Bon Clay (voiced by Barry Yandell), and he was spooked by seeing that he was hanging on to a giant duck, while the other Straw Hats were spooked by the sight of him. Usopp: "Uh... what the heck did we just catch?" Luffy: "A girl?... or a guy dressed like a girl?" Bon Clay: "Why can't I be both?, Bon Clay's the name and uh... can I get on your ship for a bit... please..." so with that, Bon Clay was brought onboard, and he trying to catch his breath." Chopper: "So... you can't swim?" Bon Clay: "That's right, a small price to pay for eating a devil fruit long ago." Usopp: "A devil fruit?, what kind?" Bon Clay: "Why the Clone Clone fruit of course, watch." said Bon Clay, before touches Luffy's face with his right hand, and when he touched his own face, he turned into Luffy, much to everyone's surprise. Luffy: "Whoa!, it's me!" Bon Clay: "That's right, I can transform into anyone I touch with my right hand, and when I touch my face with my left hand, I turn back, I can even change bodies too." said Bon Clay, before he touched the faces of Zoro, Chopper, Usopp and Nami, and showed them he can change his body too. Once he showed them his Nami form, the real Nami punched him on the head. Nami: "Knock it off pervert!" Bon Clay: "Right... sorry... but never mind that, I can use the faces of those I touched from the past too." said Bon Clay, before he showed them faces he touched before, and one of the faces made Vivi have a look of shock and horror on her face. It wasn't long before the ship that Bon Clay came from appeared, and the Ballerina man went back and said that he hopes to see them again and left. Vivi: "That man... why didn't I realize who he was until now..." Chopper: "What's wrong?" Vivi: "That was... Mr 2!" Usopp: "You mean... a Baroque Works agent...?" Vivi: "Yes, I never saw him before, but I heard he a male ballerina who doesn't have a female partner like the other agents." Usopp: "And you only realized who he was now?!" Vivi: "I'm sorry... but that's not all... one of the faces he showed us... belonged to my father... Nefertari Cobra..." Zoro: "If he can turn into the king... he'll surly cause a lot of problems..." Nami: "And he can now transform into one of us..." Chopper: "But he didn't touched Vivi, or Sanji for that matter... where is he?" asked Chopper, before Sanji came to the scene, asking what happened while he was in the kitchen, and the group told him about their encounter with Mr 2. Sanji: "So... he can turn into one of us now right?" Zoro: "Yeah... but it might be a good thing we met him, cause now we can be prepared." Nami: "You're right, now that we know what he can do, we'll need a way to make sure who is real or not." Luffy: "Oh!, I have an idea!" said Luffy, before he told everyone to use a marker to draw an X mark on their arms and wrap it up on a bandage. Usopp: "You know... this might work." Chopper: "I sure like it." Luffy: "It's more than just a mark to show us who is real or not, it's to show the mark of our friendship." Vivi: "How about that... this just might work." after that, the Going Merry has finally arrived to the desert island where the kingdom of Alabasta is located, and Luffy ran off to check the place out, much to the crew's annoyance and dismay. Zoro: "That moron... never stay put in one place for very long..." Vivi: "Oh dear... he could get into trouble..." Nami: "That's nothing new." Chopper: "It's not?" Usopp: "Hate to admit it... but yeah, that guy attracts trouble like how a scrap of meat attracts a flock of vultures..." Vivi: "We better find some clothing for disguises so we don't attract unwanted attention like Baroque Works agents for example." said Vivi, before Sanji went off to get the clothing, but while the man wore desert robes like desert bandits, the girls had belly dancer outfits. Nami: "Wow, this is nice." Vivi: "Um... Sanji, we needed to wear something that's not supposed to get attention..." Sanji: "But they look so lovely on you." Zoro: "You moron." Sanji: "What did you say, Moss head?!" Nami: "Cool it you two, we just need to find Luffy and uh... what are we supposed to do next?" Vivi: "Well to find the leader of the rebel army and tell him what's really going on." Usopp: "Will he believe you?" Vivi: "I hope so, he and I go way back... and Karoo is off to send a letter to my father, a warning about Crocodile and Baroque Works... I just hope we can stop the war in time..." Nami: "Don't worry, everything will be okay... I promise." meanwhile, elsewhere in the kingdom, there was a man without a shirt eating at a restaurant, his name was Portgas D Ace (voiced by Travis Willingham), and he was about to finish eating when Captain Smoker, who followed the Straw Hats to the Grand Line from Logue town, came to the restaurant. Smoker: "So... the famous Fire Fist Ace... second commander of the Whitebeard pirates... I wasn't expecting to see you here." Ace: "Really?, I could say the same about you." Smoker: "I'm here for a certain pirate from the East blue, and from what I learned though a black transponder snail, he's should be here, but why are you here?" Ace: "Oh... just looking for a certain pirate myself, though I doubt he's the one you're here for, so you might as well leave." Smoker: "Sorry, but that's not happening... you're not the man I'm looking for, but you're still a pirate... and as a marine, it's my job to take care of scum like you." Ace: "Oh yeah?, well I like to see you try." said Ace, before Luffy burst through the door and knocked Smoker forward and got the marine crashed into a surprised Ace and the pair crashed through a wall while Luffy begins eating some food. It wasn't long before both Smoker and Ace got back up on their feet and see what or perhaps 'who' hit them. Smoker: "Straw Hat!, I knew you were here..." Luffy: "Hmm... Smokey guy?!, what are you doing here in Alabasta?!" Smoker: "Isn't it obvious?, I came for your head." Luffy: "Oh... well then... bye!" Smoker: "Come back here!" shouted Smoker, as he begins chasing Luffy. As for Ace, he sees that Smoker was chasing Luffy, and he was surprised. Ace: "Luffy?!, oh man... that kid always finds trouble where he goes... hang on!" shouted Ace, as he runs after Luffy and Smoker. Back with the Straw Hat pirate, he was still on the run, trying to get away from the marine. Smoker: "Tell me!, what business do you have with this country?!" Luffy: "What business?!, I'm just here to help Vivi take down Crocodile!" Smoker: "Vivi...?, and Crocodile?... tell me!, how are you, the princess and Crocodile connected?!" Luffy: "Well Vivi's my friend!, and Crocodile is hurting her home!, what other reason do I need to be here?!" Smoker: "What?... a pirate... being friends with the desert princess?..." said Smoker to himself in confusion, puzzled about this fact. Back with the rest of the Straw Hats, they were hearing the sounds of people yelling and stuff. Vivi: "What's going on?, is it the rebels?" Nami: "I don't think so..." Zoro: "Guys... isn't that Luffy?" asked Zoro, before they crew got a good look and see that it was indeed Luffy, who then sees the group. Luffy: "Zoro!, everyone!, there you guys are!" shouted Luffy, much to the group's shock and horror, as Luffy exposed them to the marines by mistake. Zoro: "You moron!, you gave us away!" Luffy: "Huh?... oh snap!, I forgot about those marine guys!" Nami: "You idiot!" Chopper: "I think I picked a world class idiot to be my captain..." Zoro: "Tell me about it..." said Zoro, before he and the others, including Luffy, make a run for it, trying to outrun the marines and Smoker. That was when Ace came to the scene and a pillar of fire came out of his fist and the flames stopped Smoker's smoke powers. Nami: "Who's that?, and why is he helping us?" Zoro: "Wait... that mark on his back... [seeing the tattoo on Ace's back] I used to hunt pirates... there's no way I wouldn't recognized it... and it's the mark of the Whitebeard pirates... that's Fire Fist Ace..." Vivi: "I've heard of him, he's Whitebeard's second division commander!, but why is he here?" Luffy: "Ace... is that really you?" Ace: "You haven't changed at bit Luffy, don't worry about these guys, I'll keep them busy while you make a run for it." Luffy: "Thanks... but how are you doing that fire thing?, did you eat a Devil fruit too?" Ace: "Yeah, the Flame Flame fruit, pretty cool, I know, but you better get moving." Luffy: "Right, thanks!" said Luffy, before he and the others make a run for while Ace kept Smoker and the other Marines busy. Smoker: "Why are you helping Straw Hat?" Ace: "Well I couldn't let you hurt my little brother, right?" Smoker: "Your little brother...?" said Smoker in a calm shock. Back with the Straw Hats, they made it back to the Going Merry, and began to set sail in hopes to dock somewhere else. Nami: "Luffy, how do you know Fire Fist Ace?" Vivi: "Yeah, have you met him before somewhere?" Luffy: "Well of course I know him, he's my big brother." All: "Big brother?!" Sanji: "You have a brother...?, and he's the second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates?, the strongest pirate group in the world?!" Luffy: "Huh?, he's in someone else's crew?, last time I saw him was 3 years ago to set sail in hopes to find the One Piece too, never imagined him to be under someone else's flag." that was when Ace came to the ship, and everyone was surprised to see him. Ace: "Yeah... a lot happened since we last saw each other." Luffy: "Hi Ace!, it's great to see ya, this here is my crew, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji and our newest member, Chopper." Ace: "Nice to meet you all, so Luffy, what brings you here?" Luffy: "I'm here to help Vivi stop Crocodile from ruining her home." Ace: "Vivi?, as in the princess of this country?" Vivi: "Yes... you see Crocodile is the leader of an organization called Baroque Works, who has a goal on taking over Alabasta, and we must stop them before so many lives will be lost." Ace: "I see... well I'm searching for a pirate too... he's called Blackbeard by the way." Usopp: "Blackbeard?, where did I heard that name before...?" Vivi: "That was the pirate who attacked Drum kingdom." Chopper: "Yeah... he attacked my home... I could never forget him..." Ace: "You see, he was a member of the second division of the Whitebeard pirates, one of my own men, until he committed an unforgivable crime, he murdered one of his own crew mates and ran away, so as his commander, it's my duty to find him and make him pay." Usopp: "I see... that's why you're after him... but what brings you here?" Ace: "I heard a rumor that he was seen here in this country, planning to have a meeting with Crocodile." Nami: "So... he's out to fight Crocodile?" Ace: "No idea... but I have a feeling if I find Crocodile, I can find Blackbeard, so would it be okay if I tag along for a while?" Chopper: "Sure, any big brother of Luffy's is a big brother to me." Usopp: "I would feel much safer knowing a really strong pirate is on our side." Luffy: "Remember Ace, Crocodile is mine to beat up." Ace: "Sure, but be careful Luffy, I heard he has Logia Devil fruit powers like me." Usopp: "Logia?" Ace: "Yeah, there are three kinds of Devil fruits, there are the Paramecia, Zoan and Logia, the Paramecia are the most common, like Luffy here for example, and then there are Zoan users, which can turn the user into certain animals, and the Logia types, those with elemental powers like mine for example, which are not only the rarest, but hardest to beat, as they're almost impossible to touch." Sanji: "And Crocodile is a Logia too... that's not good." Ace: "Yeah, but I said they're almost impossible, that does not mean they can't be beaten, you just need to find their element's weakness." Luffy: "I see..." suddenly, Chopper freaked and everyone looked at him. Usopp: "What's wrong?" Chopper: "There are ships heading this way!" shouted Chopper, before a group of ships, with the jolly roger of Baroque Works, came to the scene, surrounding the Going Merry. Vivi: "Those ships belongs to the grunts of Baroque Works!" Usopp: "Ah!, we're dead!" Ace: "No worries, I got these guys... Fire Fist!" said Ace, before his fist turned into fire and a huge flaming fist punched through the ships and destroyed them all, much to everyone's shock and amazement. Usopp: "He roasted them!" Zoro: "Well we can't be all that surprised, he is the second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates after all." about half an hour later, the Going Merry sailed to a shore with lots of rocks, and that was when a bunch of what looked like manatees with turtle shells burst out of the water. Luffy: "Are those manatees?" Zoro: "With turtle shells?" Vivi: "Kung Fu Dugongs!" Chopper: "One of them said that if we wanna dock here then we have to beat them first." Usopp: "Well that should be easy." said Usopp, as he jumps off the ship and charges towards one of the Kung Fu Dugongs. Vivi: "Wait Usopp stop... [Usopp got beaten up by the Kung Fu Dugong], you see Kung Fu Dugongs are really strong!" said Vivi, before Luffy beats the leader in a short time. Luffy: "Ha!, I won!" Vivi: "That's bad too!" Luffy: "Huh?, what do you mean?" asked Luffy, before the Kung Fu Dugong leader bowed down and had a look of someone seeing their idol. Vivi: "It's one of their rules, they become the pupal to whoever beats them in battle, and now the leader sees Luffy as it's master." Ace: "And it looks like he didn't beat just one." said Ace, as a lot more of the Kung Fu Dugongs came up to Luffy, who begins to show them how to throw a punch. Usopp: "Ow... figures that Luffy would win... he's a monster in strength..." it wasn't long before the group were ready to travel, before seeing the Kung Fu Dugongs were behind Luffy. Zoro: "Uh Luffy... you're not planning on bringing them with us, are ya?" Luffy: "Why not?" Vivi: "They're sea shore creatures, they won't last long in the desert." Luffy: "Oh... hey I got an idea... Dugongs, I have a job for you, I want you all to guard the Going Merry while we're gone, okay?" said Luffy, before the Kung Fu Dugongs nodded, letting the Straw Hats know that they understood. So with that, the Straw Hats went off to the desert, in hopes to find Crocodile's base and find the rebel leader before it's too late. Elsewhere, Smoker, along with Tashigi and the other Marines, were searching for the Straw Hats. Tashigi: "So the Straw Hats are here... that means Roronoa Zoro is here too..." Smoker: "Yes... but what puzzles me is what Straw Hat told me his reason of being here... he came here so can help Vivi fight Crocodile." Tashigi: "Vivi?, as in princess Vivi Nefertari?, why would Straw Hat help her fight Crocodile?, and want to fight him at all for that matter?, he's one of the Seven warlords of the sea, he's on the navy's side." Smoker: "Maybe, but doesn't mean he's a nice guy, he's still a pirate, and I have a feeling that if we find Crocodile, we'll find Straw Hat too..." meanwhile, back with the Straw Hats, they were traveling through the desert until they reached a city, which was where Crocodile's casino should be. Vivi: "I wished we got to Kohza first... he has to know as soon as possible." Zoro: "But it's like Luffy said before, if we take down Crocodile as soon as possible, we can stop this war." Ace: "Not to mention that Blackbeard could cause trouble if he teams up with him, and by the way, you know the rebel leader?" Vivi: "Yes, as I told the others, he and I have been friends since we were little kids." Ace: "Really... and Crocodile has been causing this war how?" Vivi: "By using Dance powder." Luffy: "Powder that can dance?" Vivi: "Not really, it's a type of powder that makes artificial rain, which makes you want to dance... however, it takes away the rain from neighboring lands, causing droughts in the other places, and as a result, wars were caused, so the World government banned the powder all over... but there have been reports of my father shipping that stuff here... and yet my father would never do that..." Zoro: "I'll bet it was that Ballerina guy we met back at sea in disguise." Chopper: "Yeah, Mr 2." Nami: "So that's how this civil war got started..." Vivi: "Yes... and because of that, so many people turned against my father... even my childhood friend Kohza..." Luffy: "So let's take down Crocodile as soon as possible." Vivi: "It's not gonna be that easy." Ace: "She's right, like I said before, I heard he's a Logia like me and that Smoke guy." Luffy: "Oh yeah... that must be why I couldn't hit Smokey back at Logue town..." Usopp: "I can't believe those marines followed us all the way here..." Nami: "Yeah... never thought some enemies from the East blue would follow us here..." Sanji: "Well never mind that, it's time we end this war before it gets out of hand." Zoro: "Hey guys... where's Luffy?" asked Zoro, before the others looked around to see that Luffy was gone. Nami: "Ah!, that idiot!, can't take our eyes off of him for even a second without him running off!" Ace: "Yeah... should have seen it coming..." Vivi: "Where could he have gone?" Zoro: "Most likely to find Crocodile." Chopper: "How will we find him?" Sanji: "Follow the chaos of course." meanwhile, Luffy was running off to find Crocodile's casino, but it wasn't long before he ends up getting chased by Smoker again. Smoker: "You're mine now Straw Hat!, your brother is not here to save ya this time!" Luffy: "Oh man!, not good!" shouted Luffy, as he ran into a building that had a big golden crocodile on top, which was in fact Crocodile's casino itself. As they ran through a hallway, both Luffy and Smoker fell through a trap door and got trapped in some sort of cage. Luffy tried to bend the bars, only to feel weak all of a sudden. It wasn't long before the pair noticed two more people in the cage, one was Kohza (voiced by Todd Haberkorn), Vivi's childhood friend and rebel leader, and King Nefertari Cobra (voiced by Kyle Hebert), Vivi's dad and the king of Alabasta. Smoker: "King Cobra...?, and the rebel leader, what are you doing here?" Kohza: "We could ask you the same thing..." Cobra: "That twisted fiend Crocodile... I can't believe that I ever believed in that monster..." that was when a figure came to the cage, who was a man with a golden hook, and it was noun other than Crocodile (voiced by John Swasey) himself, along with Miss All Sunday as well. Crocodile: "Well looky here, Straw Hat Luffy... the pirate that has been a thorn on my side since Whiskey Peak... and the wild Marine captain Smoker, together in my trap... along with King Cobra and the rebel leader as well..." Smoker: "Crocodile... so I was right about you being scum... why am I not surprised...?" Luffy: "So you're... Crocodile... the jerk who has been messing with my friend's homeland..." Kohza: "Your... friend?" Luffy: "Yeah, Vivi, you know her?" Kohza: "Yes... but how do you know her?" Miss All Sunday: "He knows her as he was the one who brought her home safely." Kohza: "Wait... Vivi's back?!" Crocodile: "So it would seem, but no matter, the war is about to start any moment now..." Smoker: "Why are you trying to cause a war here?" Crocodile: "So I can be this land's next ruler... in order to get a certain treasure that happens to be the key to finding the ultimate weapon... Pluton." hearing that name made Cobra gasped in shock. Kohza: "Pluton?, what's that?" Crocodile: "It's supposed to be a weapon that can destroy an island with one shot... if I have it in my grasp... I will take down the World Government and rule this world." Miss All Sunday: "And the Poneglyph that tells it's location is somewhere in an underground temple at the palace." Cobra: "How do you... know that?" Miss All Sunday: "I can read the text on the ruins in the desert... even of a Poneglyph... now you will take me to the Poneglyph, while the Rebel leader stays here with Straw Hat and the marine." Kohza: "Wait!, you can't take him!, he's this land's king!" Crocodile: "Why siding him all of a sudden?" Kohza: "Cause I saw the imposter changing before he started causing trouble... which is why you brought me here, correct?" Crocodile: "True, and even if you're here, Mr 2 is playing the role of you to lead the rebel army to kill as many lives as possible." Cobra: "You monster..." suddenly, the doors from upstairs opened, and that was when Vivi and the other Straw Hats came to the scene. Sanji: "Looks like we found the place." Vivi: "Father!, Kohza!" Cobra: "Vivi?!" Kohza: "Vivi get out of here! Save yourself!" Vivi: "I can't!, not until I stop Crocodile!" shouted Vivi, before she used her Peacock slashers on Crocodile, who got turned into sand, as he was a man who ate the Sand Sand fruit, which makes him a sand man. Crocodile: "It's not use princess, you should know by now that I ate the Sand Sand fruit, so no matter what you hit me with, I'll just turn into sand." said Crocodile, before Vivi tries again with her Peacock slasher, and during that time, a glass of water got on some of Crocodile's clothes, and for some reason, that part of him didn't turned into sand, which only Luffy noticed. Crocodile: "Miss All Sunday, take the king and find that Poneglyph, while I deal with these little pests." Miss All Sunday: "As you wish." said Miss All Sunday, before she gets away with King Cobra, leaving Luffy, Kohza and Smoker in the cage, and the other Straw Hat were facing Crocodile himself. Zoro: "You might be one of the Seven Warlords of the sea, but I doubt even you can take on all of us at us." Zoro: "Who said I was you all alone?" said Crocodile, before some agents came to the scene. One of them was Mr 3, who was able to escape from Drum Kingdom and was ready to get revenge. The others were Mr 1 (voiced by Brett Weaver), Miss Double-finger, Mr 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, along with a gun that somehow ate a devil fruit, which was the Dog Dog fruit model dachshund, making it a living Zoan weapon. There was also Mr 2, who showed up for some reason. Mr 3: "What are you doing here?, shouldn't you be leading the rebels?" Mr 2: "Uh... I was still getting ready when Mr 0 called the others." Crocodile: "Never mind them, you must continue the plan." Mr 2: "Uh right, sure thing!" Sanji: "Just a moment... if you goons want to harm Vivi and her home... you'll have to get through us first." Mr 3: "Fine by us..." so with that, the Straw hats went to battle the Baroque Works agents, while Vivi tries to see if she can free Luffy, Kohza and Smoker. Vivi: "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here... somehow..." Luffy: "Something's up with these bars... I feel weak whenever I touch them..." Smoker: "Well of course you did, the bars are made of sea prism stone, which can be used to weaken those with Devil fruit powers, otherwise I would have gotten out already." back with the Straw Hats, Zoro fights Mr 1, who has the powers of the Dice Dice fruit, which makes his body into a blade, Nami fights Miss Double-Finger with her new weapon, the Clima-tact, which Usopp built for her, Sanji deals with Mr 2, Usopp and Chopper deal with Mr 4, Miss Merry Christmas, and Lassoo, their Dog gun Zoan weapon. Crocodile turned into sand and got away, leaving the Straw Hats with the other Baroque Works agents. The duel with Mr 2 was tough for Sanji as he keeps turning into Nami, but Mr 2 can't be in disguise and fight at the same time, so Sanji was able to hit a kick on Mr 2 and taken him down. Usopp and Chopper were having a hard time with the Mr 4 pair and their dog gun, as Miss Merry Christmas was her powers of the Mole Mole fruit to dig tunnels underground, and Mr 4 was crazy strong with that bat of his, and not to mention Lassoo can sneeze out bombs that looked like baseballs. But the long nose pirate and reindeer were able to outsmart the Mr 4 pair by firing one of the baseball bombs into the tunnels and taking them down at last. As for Nami, her weapon was more a party gadget than a weapon, much to her dismay, but she was able to use it to defeat Miss Double-Finger. Nami: "Usopp!, you idiot!, why did you built my a party prop!" Usopp: "Sorry, but I don't make those kind of weapons, especially with what material we had on the ship." back with Zoro, he was able to learn how to cut steel and beat Mr 1 at last. Mr 1: "I... don't believe this... I got beaten... by a mere pirate..." Zoro: "You're wrong... you just got beaten by the soon to be world's greatest swordsman." back with Ace, he saw Mr 3 and caught him. Ace: "Okay Mr 3 guy... where is the man called Blackbeard?" Mr 3: "You mean Teach?... well he's not in Alabasta anymore, he left not too long ago..." Ace: "Why was he here?" Mr 3: "He wanted to find the big shot pirate with a big bounty, but he found no one that caught his eye... but that's all I know." Ace: "Alright... then tell me this... can you use your Wax powers to make a key?" Mr 3: "Uh... why are you asking this?" asked Mr 3, before Ace beat him up a bit before ordering him to make a key of wax to free Luffy, Smoker and Kohza from their cage at last. Luffy: "Finally!, I'm out!" Zoro: "Good!, now go take down Crocodile as soon as possible!" Luffy: "Right!" said Luffy, before he ran off to go after Crocodile. While on the way to the temple, Miss All Sunday and Cobra run into the marines, lead by Tashigi, who came to stop the woman, only for Miss All Sunday to use her powers of the Flower Flower fruit, which makes any part of her body to bloom anywhere she sees, to bloom arms on the soldiers and punching them into the face to knock them out cold. Tashigi tried to fight back, but Miss All Sunday was able to beat her with her Devil fruit power without much effort. As soon as Miss All Sunday and Cobra left, Crocodile came to the scene and laughed at Tashigi, who had a hurt leg, before he left. It wasn't long before Luffy came by and asked Tashigi where Crocodile went. Knowing that Crocodile must be stopped at all costs, due to Smoker calling her about Crocodile's goal, she told Luffy the direction Crocodile went, and the Straw Hat pirate went to that direction. At the city's plaza, there were the rebels and royal armies fighting each other, with some Baroque Works agents trying to make both sides believe each side is evil and must be killed. Vivi and the others went to the plaza, trying to figure out a way to stop the fighting. Kohza: "Vivi, I'll try to warn my men, but you must stop the bomb!" Vivi: "What bomb?!" Kohza: "While I was locked up with your father, I heard that Crocodile set up a bomb somewhere in the city plaza that will destroy the whole area, and we only got 10 minutes before that happens!" Usopp: "But where is it?!" asked Usopp, before Kohza pointed his finger at the clock tower. Kohza: "There, it's big enough and far away from the blast zone." Vivi: "Then we gotta stop it." so with that, Vivi and the others went to the clock tower, found not only the cannon that will fire the bomb, but also Mr 7 and Miss Father's day. Vivi was able to beat them with her Peacock slashers and went to the cannon, only to learn that the bomb has a timer on it. Just when all hope seemed lost, a man named Pell (voiced by Kevin M Connolly), came to the scene. Pell: "Vivi, I'm so happy you came back." Vivi: "Pell!" Zoro: "Is he an enemy?" Vivi: "No, he's one of the royal guards." Pell: "Yes, and serving the Nefertari family has been a real honor to me... but what's going on?" Vivi: "Oh Pell... it's terrible... Crocodile is set a timer on this bomb, and once it blows... everyone in the whole plaza is gonna die..." Pell: "Not on my watch... princess... take care now..." said Pell, before he transforms into a Falcon due to having the power of the Bird Bird fruit model Falcon, and used his talons to pick up the bomb and flew up into the sky, before the bomb explodes, much to everyone's shock and horror. Vivi: "Pell... no!!!" Nami: "He... saved us all..." Kohza: "Pell..." Nami: "Oh Vivi... I'm so sorry..." Vivi: "... Everyone... we must stop this madness... for Pell!" meanwhile, Luffy was running towards what looked like a secret entrance to an underground temple, and once he got inside, he found not only Crocodile, but also Cobra on the ground, and Miss All Sunday was badly injured, with Crocodile's hook with blood. It wasn't long before Luffy realized what happened to the woman. Luffy: "Hey!, why did you hurt that lady?!, she was your friend!" Crocodile: "Friend?, hardly, she was just a tool I needed to translate the Poneglyph, but she had the nerve to lie to me about what it said... shame really, she was useful for a while." Luffy: "... A tool...?, that's how you see her?!, now I really want to kick your butt!, and I already wanted to kick it for your ruining Vivi's home!" Crocodile: "Oh please, what makes you think you can beat me?, have you forgotten that I can turn into sand?" asked Crocodile, before Luffy threw a punch that actually managed to hit him, much to Crocodile's surprise, especially when he sees a barrel of water on Luffy's back. Luffy: "Back at the casino, I saw how your body was unable to turn into sand when it got wet, so I got myself this barrel of water... so now I can beat you!" shouted Luffy, before he drinks a lot of water, until he was really fat of water. Crocodile: "You gotta be kidding me!" Luffy: "Behold... Water Luffy [then noticed water was leaking out of his body] Oh no!, a leak!, I drank too much water!" Crocodile: "Are you even taking this seriously?!" Luffy: "Oh I am, and I'm dang serious about kicking your butt!" shouted Luffy, before he punches a pillar when Crocodile dodged the attack, and as a result, the temple was beginning to break apart as the two pirates begin to fight each other. It wasn't long before Crocodile removed the gold handle of his hook, which was revealed to be a poison hook, and all it took was a scratch to poison Luffy. Crocodile: "Tell me Straw Hat, why were you willing to risk your life to protect the princess when it would only end your life?" Luffy: "Because she's my friend!, I don't need any other reason to help her!" Crocodile: "You fool!, you can't beat me!, do you have any idea who I am?!" Luffy: "I don't care who you are cause it doesn't matter!... whoever you are, I will beat you!" shouted Luffy, as he begins to use his Gum Gum Gatling Gun attack to punch Crocodile through the bedrock beneath the city, sending the warlord flying into the sky. Back with the Straw Hats, they saw Crocodile in the sky, making them realized what it meant. Vivi: "It's Crocodile!" Sanji: "I don't know how he got up there... but it could only mean one thing..." Usopp: "I knew it!, I've never doubted him for a moment!, it could only mean..." All: "Luffy did it!, he won!" shouted the Straw Hats and Vivi in joy, before the sky started to be covered in dark clouds, and real rain started to fall. Kohza: "Unbelievable... rain... actual rain..." said Kohza, before Vivi let out a cry to tell the armies to stop fighting, and they finally stopped, just as soon as Crocodile crashed to the ground, completely out cold. Back at the collapsing temple, Luffy was on the ground and dying from the poison that Crocodile's hook had. Cobra was looking at the boy, when Miss All Sunday, who is still alive, gave the king a tiny bottle with some serum inside it. Miss All Sunday: "Get Straw Hat to drink it, for it'll neutralize the poison from Crocodile's hook." Cobra: "Tell me... why did you lie to Crocodile?, that Poneglyph was to tell about Pluton and it's location." Miss All Sunday: "To tell the truth... I was never interested in the weapon, or wanting Crocodile to have it either... all I was doing was following my dream... to learn the true history of the void century... which happened over 800 years ago... and the only key to learn about is the ultimate Poneglyph... known as the Real Poneglyph... this was my only chance to find it... and it was just another dead end... so this is where my story ends... all I ever wanted was to learn the true history... and to share it with the whole world..." said Miss All Sunday, before Luffy finally recovered from the poison and picked up both the king and Miss All Sunday. Luffy: "Okay... let's go." Miss All Sunday: "Hold it... I no longer have a reason to live, just leave me here!" Luffy: "... I'm not letting you or Vivi's dad die here, and that's that." said Luffy, before he, Cobra and Miss All Sunday were out of the temple just it completely crumbled down, and once they got outside, they witness the rain. Cobra: "It's raining..." Luffy: "Yeah... so it is..." back at the plaza, Tashigi, who was able to walk again, came over to Crocodile and told him that he and his Baroque works agents are under arrest and his title as one of the seven warlords have been stripped away as punishment for his crimes against Alabasta. While the marines were busy arresting Baroque Works, Cobra and Vivi took the Straw Hats in the palace where they can hide until they make a full recovery. When they got there, they were shocked to see not only Karoo but Igaram as well, who survived what happened to him at Whiskey Peak. Vivi: "Igaram... I'm so happy you're still alive... when I saw your boat blew up... I thought..." Igaram: "It's okay Vivi... I'm alright... and so is your father as it seems..." Cobra: "Yes... when I got your letter from Karoo, Igaram showed up... and of course that was when Crocodile and Miss All Sunday captured me and Kohza..." Vivi: "Well we don't have to worry about Baroque Works anymore... the nightmare... is finally over..." said Vivi, looking happy while watching the rain. Elsewhere, Smoker was making a report to Navy HQ about what happened in Alabasta, and the World Government decided to cover up the whole incident and give the credit of saving Alabasta to Smoker and Tashigi, much to the duo's dismay as they were not the ones who saved the county. Smoker: "I don't believe this... they expect me to live the rest of my life with a lie like that?!" Tashigi: "I know... we didn't do a thing to stop Crocodile... I mean the Straw Hats were the real heroes... and yet... they're pirates..." Smoker: "I know... and I'm starting to regret of telling them about the princess's connection with Baroque Works and the Straw Hats too..." Tashigi: "You told them that too?!" Smoker: "Yes... as much as I hate to admit it... as to what they might do next... we'll just have to wait and see..." A few days later, Alabasta was rebuilding itself after Cobra and Kohza revealed what really happened in the county, and peace was starting to be restored. On the night before the Straw Hats were getting ready to leave, Cobra and Igaram saw the new wanted posters for not only Luffy, which is worth 100,000,000 berries, but for Zoro as well, which is 60,000,000 berries. Cobra: "What bounties..." Igaram: "This alone shows that Luffy is no longer a mere pirate... not since he just took down one of the seven warlords of the sea..." Cobra: "Hmm... there's another wanted poster in the newspaper... and it's..." before Cobra could finish... he gasped in horror, and he and Igaram make a run towards Vivi's room and tell her the bad news. Back with the Straw Hats, they left so they can escape from the Navy before they could find them. Ace departed the group to continue his search for Blackbeard, but not before handing Luffy a piece of paper, saying that it'll reunite them again someday. Soon the Straw Hats got to the Going Merry, where they find not only the Kung Fu Dugongs, but Mr 2, AKA Bon Clay as well. Luffy: "What are you doing here?!" Bon Clay: "Relax, now that Baroque Works is history, we're no longer enemies, I just thought maybe I can hitch a ride with you out of here if you don't mind." Nami: "You caused a lot of harm in Vivi's country by pretending to be her father, you expect us to help you?!" Bon Clay: "Look I understand your anger, but that's all in the past now... please let me ride with you for a bit... please?" Luffy: "It's fine..." Nami: "But Luffy... he..." Luffy: "Like he said, it's in the past now, so we might as well let him have a ride, but he's leaving when we get to the next island, that okay?" Nami: "... I'm fine with that, but now we must go, but first we need to get to the shore where the palace is." said Nami, before the Going Merry begins to sail as the sun began to rise. Bon Clay: "Tell me Straw boy... why did you help the princess save Alabasta?, and why can't we leave yet?" Luffy: "Because she was our friend, what other reason do I need to help someone?, and we need to say goodbye to her too." this touched Bon Clay's heart, he was moved by what Luffy said. Suddenly, a group of navy ships, lead by Smoker and Tashigi, came to the scene. Smoker: "Nothing personal Straw Hat, but I have to capture you and your crew." Luffy: "Yeah, that is your job, so bring it on!" suddenly, Bon Clay jumped off the Merry and came face to face with both Smoker and Tashigi, much to everyone's surprise. Usopp: "What the?!" Chopper: "What's he doing?!" Bon Clay: "Straw boy... I'm sorry for what I did to your friend's home... I know it was wrong... so I decided it's time to make things right... I'm gonna help you and crew escape..." Luffy: "Wait... you can't sacrifice yourself!, why are you doing that?!" Bon Clay: "Because... for the same reason you helped the princess... you're my friend..." said Bon Clay, before he begins to fight off the marines, while the Going Merry makes it's escape, as Luffy, Usopp and Chopper began to cry for the ballerina's sacrifice. Luffy: "I promise you... Bon Clay... we will never forget you...!" Usopp: "Bon Clay!" Chopper: "Bon!" a few moments later, the Going Merry was at the shores where the palace was not too far off, and that was when they saw Vivi, riding on Karoo, heading right for them, with tears in her eyes while being chased by some Marines for some reason. Sanji: "It's Vivi!" Nami: "Why are there marines chasing her?" Vivi: "Luffy!, get me onboard!, hurry!" Luffy: "Huh?" Chopper: "She wants to get onboard?, why?" Zoro: "I don't know why, but I think we should, something tells me that the marines are after her." Sanji: "What?!, but she's the princess!, they wouldn't dare harm her!, she didn't do anything wrong!" Usopp: "Yeah, but the marines think otherwise." Luffy: "Hang on!" called out Luffy, before he used his arm to stretch out and caught both Vivi and Karoo, and pulled them onboard the Going Merry. Chopper: "Vivi, what happened?" Vivi: "It's awful... look... at this..." said Vivi with tears, before showing the group a wanted poster that had her face on it. It was a wanted poster for Vivi, which said 'Wanted dead or alive, Miss Wednesday Vivi, 55,000,000 berries', much to their shock. Nami: "Vivi... you're wanted...?" Sanji: "Oh no..." Luffy: "Is that bad?" Nami: "It is for Vivi... it means she's no longer the princess of Alabasta... she can't stay in her home anymore... and if they capture her... they'll lock her away in prison or execute her..." Chopper: "But why is she wanted in the first place?" Vivi: "The marines said they got info from Smoker that I was working with you to take down Crocodile... and my time working in Baroque Works... that's why my codename is used in my poster..." that was when Luffy gasped in shock and horror and fell to his knees... as he realized what happened. Luffy: "Oh no... what have I done...?" Usopp: "Luffy?, what's wrong?" Luffy: "While Smokey was chasing me... I told him... I came here to help Vivi take down Crocodile... and that she was our friend... this is all my fault..." said Luffy, before he starts to cry, feeling like he ruined his friend's life because of his big mouth. Vivi went over to him, and placed her hand on his shoulder. Vivi: "Luffy... it wasn't your fault... there was no way you could have known about this... and you saved my country... so I can't be mad at you..." Sanji: "But what's gonna happen to Alabasta now that you're no longer the princess?" Vivi: "Well... my father decided to make Kohza as the next ruler of Alabasta, due to his leadership skills and all that... and I couldn't think of a better person to take my place or my father's..." Zoro: "And what about you?" Vivi: "Well... since I'm an outlaw now... I might as well hang out with my favorite outlaws..." Chopper: "You mean... you're staying with us?" Vivi: "Yeah... looks like it..." said Vivi, before Luffy puts his hat on her head, much to her surprise. Luffy: "Don't worry Vivi... we'll make sure you're safe... as you're one of us now..., you can wear my hat until you feel better, okay?" Vivi: "...Okay..." Luffy: "Good..." said Luffy while hugging her, trying to give her and himself comfort.

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