The War of the Best at Navy HQ

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After escaping from Impel Down, Luffy and all of the escaped prisoners were in the Tub current, and on the way to Navy HQ. Buggy: "You got to be kidding... we managed to escape from Impel Down... just to end up in Navy HQ when the navy's about to fight Whitebeard?!" Jimbei: "We have to, for it's the only place the current will take us, and besides, if we don't do something, Ace will surly die." Ivankov: "That is if Dragon doesn't show up, he's not the type would let his son get killed." Luffy: "Well... actually... Ace and I don't have the same dad, my dad is Dragon, but Ace's dad was Gold Roger." once Luffy said that, everyone on the whole ship shouted 'WHAT?!' from learning that fact. Buggy: "So... I was right... he really is Roger's son... I figured when I learned his name was Portgas D... just like Rouge..." Luffy: "Oh was that Ace's mom?" Mr 3: "Wait... Roger was married?, I never knew... but how did you knew about it?" Buggy: "Um... well..." Luffy: "Oh yeah... the old vice captain mentioned you were on the same crew with Shanks..." Buggy: "Huh?, the old Vice Captain?" Luffy: "Yeah, Rayleigh, you knew him right?" Buggy: "Of course I do, are you telling me you seen Rayleigh?, I really missed that guy..." Mr 3: "Wait... are you talking about Dark King Rayleigh?, the vice captain of Gold Roger?" Luffy: "Yeah, he mentioned that Buggy and Shanks used to be in Roger's crew long ago." said Luffy, which made the whole ship to shout 'WHAT?!' again. Suddenly, the sound of a transponder snail was heard, and Luffy answered it without a second thought. On the other end was a marine informing them that they know about the escaped prisoners and about Luffy and Buggy being the ringleaders, and the clown's connection with Gold Roger, much to the clown's dismay as he didn't wanted the government to know about it. The marines also told Luffy that they will not open the gates that go to Navy HQ so they will be stuck in the Tub Current until they're dead, before Luffy told them that he'll save Ace no matter what and warned them to keep their potatoes peeled, much to everyone's confusion. Buggy: "You idiot!, the saying is keep your 'eyes' peeled!" Mr 3: "So it's true... you're really a former member of Gold Roger's crew...?" Buggy: "Well... yeah... but I was just a cabin boy back then..." Jimbei: "Not the kind of background I would expect from you..." Mr 1: "And yet... you're so weak..." Ivankov: "Well every ship has one, a black sheep I mean." Buggy: "Hey!, it's not my fault I'm weak compared to the rest of Roger's crew!, I mean the rest of them were like monster when it comes to strength!, and I was just a kid back then!" Jimbei: "Well either way, we'll need all the help we can get once we arrived to Navy HQ." Mr 3: "May I remind you that the navy won't open the gates for us?!" Inazuma: "Speaking of the gates..." said Inazuma, before the battleship arrives to the Gates of Justice, and much to everyone's surprise, the gates was starting to open up. Luffy: "Hey look!" Jimbei: "Now that's unexpected..." Buggy: "Huh?, but I thought they said they won't open the gates for us... what's going on?" Luffy: "Who cares, now we can save Ace!" Mr 3: "We never agreed to help you save him... did we?" Buggy: "Well I agreed to help him find him in Impel Down... but if we get rid of him now, our chances of surviving the war in Navy HQ would be very low..." Mr 3: "Yes, that's a good point..." meanwhile, at Navy HQ, Ace was on the execution platform, and Fleet Admiral Sengoku begins to tell the world about that Ace was not only the second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates, but also the lost son of Gol D Roger as well, much to everyone's shock and Ace's dismay as he hated the fact he was Roger's son. The reason for that was because he always heard that Roger was a bad man and anyone related to him doesn't deserve to live. And when his mother died, Ace was raised by some mountain bandits, lead by a woman named Dadan, and one day when Garp forced Luffy to live with the bandits to show him that life of a criminal is bad, the two kids eventually learned to get along and became brothers that grew up together until Ace turned 17 and sailed away. When Ace got to the New World, he met Jimbei and had a duel, and once that battle was over, Whitebeard came and defeated him. Eventually, Whitebeard took Ace into his crew and treated him like he was his own son. Back in the present, once Sengoku was done talking, a large ship came out of the water, which was covered in some bubble like coating. On the ship was Whitebeard (voiced by R Bruce Elliott) himself. Whitebeard: "Well Sengoku... it's been a while... we have a few things to chat about... like you not killing my son." said Whitebeard, before he spread his arm out and looked like he punched the air itself to make it crack, and that was when the whole area began to shake. The many marine soldiers, like Coby, Helmeppo, Smoker and Tashigi, were shocked by this. Coby: "What's happening?!" Garp: "He's using the power of the Tremor Tremor fruit, which makes him a quack man, with the power to shake the whole world!" said Garp, before a big tidal wave appeared and was heading towards Navy HQ. Admiral Aokiji used his ice powers to freeze the wave, stopping it from moving any closer. That was when Aokiji used his powers again to freeze the water, which makes some ground for the upcoming fight, and the battle between the Navy, the Seven Warlords and the Whitebeard pirates began, and the battle was intense as many on both sides were powerhouses. Unaware to anyone, the battleship with Luffy and the escaped prisoners was on top of the frozen wave. Buggy: "What the heck?!, first that tidal wave showed up and now it's frozen?!" Jimbei: "I believe the wave was made by Whitebeard, and it's frozen state would be Aokiji's work." Mr 3: "Wait... do you mean..." Jimbei: "Yes... the battle has already started... and we're right above it." Ivankov: "He's right, it's already started without us." Luffy: "We have to get down there, time's running out." Buggy: "And just how are we gonna get down there?" Luffy: "We can jump." Buggy: "Are you mad?!, do you not see how high up we are?!, we'll never survive a drop like this!" Luffy: "I should be okay, I'm made of rubber." Me 3: "Hey!, what about the rest of us you jerk?!" suddenly, the ice under the battleship began to crack up, and just like that, the ice broke and the ship began to fall into the battlefield. It wasn't long before everyone below saw the battleship and the escaped prisoners, along with Luffy, falling into the battlefield. Of course the battleship landed in a spot where a big chuck of the icy floor got removed by one of the Whitebeard pirates. Luffy got up and sees Ace on the platform. Luffy: "Ace!, I'm here!, don't you worry!, I'll save you no matter what!" Ace: "Luffy!" Sengoku: "Hey Garp!, your grandson's messing things up again!" Garp: "Luffy no!" Smoker: "Straw Hat... and there's Crocodile, what they doing here together?" Coby: "I can't believe it... Luffy escaped from Impel Down and he came here!" Helmeppo: "No way!" Hancock: "Luffy... I'm so happy you're still alive..." Mihawk: "Straw Hat's causing trouble again... no surprise there." Moria: "It's... that... Straw Hat!!!" Aokiji: "Now those are some big fish..." Kizaru: "Well... fancy seeing him here, that boy sure gets around." somewhere in the distance, there was the third and final admiral, known as Akainu (voiced by Andrew Love), who was a man that was like a walking volcano. Akainu: "So that's him... the grandson of Garp, and the son of Dragon... I'll make that boy regret the day he decided to become a pirate." back with Luffy's group, Ivankov noticed something or someone missing. Ivankov: "Hmm... where did Crocodile boy go?" Buggy: "Did he chicken out?" Mr 3: "I doubt it..." Buggy: "Wait!, there he is!" shouted Buggy, pointing at his left to see that Crocodile was going after Whitebeard himself. Crocodile was about to attack, when Luffy used Second Gear and stopped the former Warlord in his tracks. Luffy: "This old man is Ace's friend, I won't let you hurt him!" shouted Luffy, before Whitebeard takes a look at the boy and the straw hat. Whitebeard: "Look kid, I might be old, but I'm not weak, and also that straw hat you have... it used to be Shanks' hat, right?" Luffy: "Yeah, so you know Shanks too?" Whitebeard: "Of course, I remember him being a cabin boy in Roger's crew, back in the days when Roger and I were rivals... and he was the only one who managed to give me a challenge, but never mind that, you're Ace's little brother, right?" Luffy: "That's right." Whitebeard: "Do you have any idea what we're all up against?, a little punk like you will get slaughtered real easily." Luffy: "Shut up!, you don't tell me what I can or can't do!, you wanna be the king of the pirates right?, well first you gotta get through me!, got it?!" shouted Luffy, which made both sides of the Whitebeard pirates and navy soldiers to freeze in terror that the boy was picking a fight with the strongest pirate alive. Whitebeard looked very angry at first, but then he smiled. Whitebeard: "You are one cheeky punk... don't come crying to me if you get a few booboos." Luffy: "Yeah right, I'm not all old like you, I'm gonna be the one who will rescue Ace!" Mr 3: "He's competing..." Buggy: "With Whitebeard...!" Ivankov: "He is fearless... truly Dragon's son..." Luffy: "Hang on Ace!, I'm on my way!" shouted Luffy, before jumps off of Whitebeard's ship and runs off into the battlefield. Sengoku: "Make no mistake men, he's a true threat in the making!, he's not only Fire Fist Ace's step brother, but he's also the biological son of Dragon the Revolutionary!" once Sengoku shouted that, the whole world gasped in shock, learning that the most wanted man in the world is Luffy's father, and beginning to spread the news. Garp: "Well... it's not like it'll make his life any worse as he's already an infamous outlaw... you brothers are both darn fools..." Ace: "Maybe... but it's not like the world would allow us to live even if we did decided to become marines... and you know it..." Sengoku: "Garp... I need to know... you knew Fire Fist was Roger's son from the very beginning... and yet you let him live... why?" Garp: "Well... it's wrong to kill someone just for who they're related to... pirate or not... and I hoped that I could give him a better future as a marine... but I guess that wasn't meant to be..." Sengoku: "And the fact you made a promise to Roger that you would take care of him, right?" Ace: "What?... he did?" Garp: "Yeah... even though he never got to meet you... he really loved you like any father would... just as much as Whitebeard... and he really loved your mother too... that's why he told me about you... because he knew I was trustworthy enough to do it... he might have been a pirate... but he was actually a good man... just like you and Luffy..." back with Luffy, he was still on his way to rescue Ace, when Mihawk appeared and ready to slice the young pirate. Luffy: "Hey I know you!, the jerk who cut up Zoro back at the Baratie!" Mihawk: "Yes, and don't take this personally, but I have a job to do as a warlord." Luffy: "Oh yeah... well Gum Gum... Buggy shield!" shouted Luffy, as Buggy was being chased by some marine soldiers and grabbed the clown, before Mihawk used his sword to detach the clown's body in half, but since he ate the Chop Chop fruit, he managed to reattach himself. Buggy: "What's the big idea?!, I could have died!" Luffy: "What?, I didn't slice you, and besides, you ate the Chop Chop fruit so swords can't really hurt you." Buggy: "That's not the point!, you used me a shield!" Sengoku: "Men, capture the clown too, he might not look much, but that man with the big rubber nose is actually a former member of Gold Roger's crew!" once Sengoku said that, everyone in the area was shocked by this, but most of all Buggy, who got scared and angry from what Sengoku just called him. Mihawk: "So... you were the rubber nosed cabin boy that Shanks told me about?, how sad, to think someone like you was a member of the king of pirates' crew." hearing Mihawk talking about his nose was the last straw, and something inside Buggy suddenly snapped, and the clown screamed in anger. Buggy: "I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU MAKING FUN OF MY NOSE!!!, YOU WANT A GOLD ROGER PIRATE?!, WELL HERE'S ONE NOW!" shouted Buggy, before he pulls out Funkfreed and clashes swords with Mihawk, who was surprised to the fact he was struggling to push back, and everyone else was surprised too. Mr 3: "Are you seeing... what I'm seeing..." Ivankov: "He's going toe to tow with Mihawk..." Crocodile: "Well... guess that clown's not all that weak after all..." back with Luffy, he was still running towards the platform, when Moria came and tried to send his zombies to catch the Straw Hat pirate, but Jimbei uses his Fish-man karate to summon a small tidal wave to take out the zombies. Aokiji tried to stop Luffy, but Marco (voiced by Kyle Phillips), the first division commander, came and used his powers of the Bird Bird fruit model Phoenix, to block the admiral's ice. Luffy: "Thanks fire bird guy!" Marco: "No problem, now go save Ace!" Luffy: "Got it!" shouted Luffy, before he continues to run to the platform. When Sengoku ordered the executioners to kill Ace, Luffy yelled at them to stop, and that was when a massive blast of aura came out of the boy, and knocked out most of the marine soldiers and Whitebeard pirates. Ivankov: "Did he just do what I think he did...?" Inazuma: "That was... the Conqueror's Spirit... the rarest form of Haki... though I guess it's not really a surprise he has it... most likely got it from his father and grandfather..." Ivankov: "Yes... I suppose so..." As Luffy continues to run, Inazuma then used his powers of the Snip Snip fruit to cut some of the ground, which made it act like paper, before it turned into a bridge for Luffy to run up on in order to reach Ace. However, Garp came in between Luffy and the platform, telling the Straw Hat pirate that even though they're family, he was still a pirate, and he'll have to catch him. Garp didn't had the heart to harm Luffy however, and the boy threw a punch that took him down. Soon, Luffy finally made it to the platform, and reunited with his older brother. Ace: "I can't believe it... you actually made it..." Luffy: "Ha!, told ya, now let's go." Ace: "Well I would... but I can't use my powers unless I get these sea prism handcuffs off, do you have the key?" Luffy: "Uh... oh nuts!, I forgot about that!" Ace: "Seriously?!, you didn't think that after getting this far, you would have thought about freeing me by getting the keys?!" Luffy: "I was in a hurry..." Ace: "A lot of good it did..." said Ace, before Luffy saw Mr 3 down below the platform, and an idea came to him, before he stretched his arm down and grabbed Mr 3, pulling him up to the platform. Mr 3: "What do you think you're doing?!" Luffy: "I need you to make a wax key to free Ace, can you do that?" Mr 3: "Hmm... I believe so... but frankly I don't really care what happens to your brother, I'm only helping you out of respect for my late comrade, Mr 2, so here it is." said Mr 3, before making the key and giving it to Luffy. Suddenly, Sengoku started to glow and grew into what looked like a large sumo wrestler that was made of pure gold. Turns out the Fleet admiral had the powers of the Human Human fruit model Buddha, and the sight of him shocked both the pirates and the marines, as most of them never seen the fleet admiral in action before. Sengoku: "Struggle all you want, but I got you all right at the palm of my hand!" Ace: "What the?!, he's got devil fruit powers too?!" Luffy: "Whoa!, a giant talking golden statue!" Mr 3: "You idiot!, that's the Fleet Admiral!, and also free Fire Fist already!" Luffy: "Oh right!" said Luffy, before he finally used the wax key to free Ace from his handcuffs, and it wasn't long before the Whitebeard pirates cheered as their comrade was free again. Ace: "How about that... you managed to pull it off..." Luffy: "Yup, now let's get out of here." Ace: "Got it." so the two brothers begin to fight their way to escape, but suddenly, Luffy started to feel weak and fell to the ground. Luffy: "Oh... what's happening...?" Ace: "Luffy!, are you alright?!, what's wrong?" Luffy: "My body... it feels so weak... and everything's getting dark..." Ace: "Luffy no!" shouted Ace, before Luffy was out cold, and that was when Admiral Akainu showed up, ready to attack. Akainu: "This must be my lucky day... the sons of Gold Roger and Dragon in front of me, I'll burn both of you at once... now prepare to die!" shouted Akainu, before his first turned into lava, due to having the powers of the Magma Magma fruit, and ready to burn both pirates with a single blow. However, Whitebeard came in between the brothers and the admiral, so the lava fist hits Whitebeard's torso instead, much to Ace's shock and horror. Ace: "Pops!, no!!!" shouted Ace, before Whitebeard punches Akainu in the face with a bit of his quacking powers, sending the admiral flying into a wall. Whitebeard: "Ace... what happened to Straw Hat?" Ace: "Pops... I don't know... he just passed out... but what about you?!, a hit like that could..." Whitebeard: "It would have killed you if I didn't blocked it... listen Ace, I want you to get your brother and the others out of here, as for me, I shall stay to keep them busy..." Ace: "What?!, I'm not leaving you here to die!, and nor will the others!" shouted Ace, which all the other Whitebeard pirates heard, with some of them having tears in their eyes, knowing what Whitebeard was planning. Whitebeard: "I know... but in truth... I'm dying anyway even before I got here..." Ace: "What...?" Whitebeard: "I'm an old man... it was only a matter of time... and if I'm gonna die, then I would do it knowing that my children are safe... and another thing... I want you to be the new captain of the Whitebeard pirates..." Ace: "What?!, no I can't!, you can't talk like that!, you have to live!" Whitebeard: "You know I can't... now go and get your little brother out of here, you don't want him to die, do you?" Ace: "No... but pops... before I go... I want you to know... thank you... so much... for seeing me as your son... for loving me..." said Ace as he began to cry, while Whitebeard had a sad smile and tears came out of his own eyes too. Whitebeard: "I'm happy to hear that... now go." Ace: "You got it pops..." said Ace, as he picks up Luffy and begins to run for his life, Whitebeard faces the navy and begins the last fight of his life. It wasn't long before Marco, Jimbei and Ivankov caught up with Ace. Jimbei: "What happened to him?" Ace: "I wished I knew..." Ivankov: "I have an idea... the effects of my Energy hormones have worn off." said Ivankov, before explaining to the others about the treatment Luffy had to go through in order to survive the poison from Magellan back at Impel Down. Ace: "Oh man... so that's why... will he be okay?" Ivankov: "I surly hope so... for how will I be able to show my face to Dragon again if I let anything happen to his son...?" Marco: "Listen Ace, you have to get out of here, we've didn't saved you just to watch you die, and you can't let pop's sacrifice be in vain!" Ace: "You don't need to remind me!, I can take care of myself, but Luffy's the one who needs help now!" Jimbei: "So it would seem... I was hoping that Whitebeard wouldn't die... I mean he's the reason that my home island has been safe from being attacked... but now I see that his death would happen sooner or later..." that was when Akainu came to the scene and begins to chase the group. Ace: "Oh great!, that admiral's back!" Jimbei: "Ace, let me carry Luffy for now!, that way he can't go after both of you at the same time!" Ace: "Alright!" said Ace, before he hands over Luffy to Jimbei, and the fish-man begins to run off with Luffy in his arm. Unfortunately for Jimbei, Akainu went after him and used a magma fist to punch Jimbei, and a magma blast burns Jimbei and Luffy's torso too. Akainu: "I'm putting an end to this!" that was when Marco used his Phoenix wings to fly and kick the admiral away from the pair. Marco: "Back the heck off!" Akainu: "Out of my way!" Marco: "That young man is Ace's brother!, and I'm not letting you kill him or Ace!, not while I'm around!" shouted Marco, before an evil laugh was heard, which came from Teach himself, who arrived to Navy HQ with his crew, along with Shiryu and a few others. Sengoku: "Teach... you traitor..." Teach: "I was never on your side, I only needed the warlord title so I can get into Impel Down so I can recruit some powerful warriors, and as for how we got here from Impel Down in case you're wondering... well you see, Laffitte used his hypnotic powers to order the navy soldiers to open the gates of Justice for anyone on a navy battleship." said Teach, before his new crew members, Avalo Pizarro (voiced by Greg Silvia), Catarina Devon (voiced by Natalie Hoover), Vasco Shot (voiced by Clint Ford), and the giant known as San Juan Wolf (voiced by Jason Bunch), spoke up. Pizarro: "I wasn't planning to take orders from anyone, but it's better than being locked up in prison." Shot: "So... do I get to kill anyone before we get a drink, I sure hope so." Devon: "Alright boys, save some marines for me, okay?" Wolf: "Um... can I kill some marines too?" Teach: "Soon, but first... let's take care of pops." said Teach, before he and his crew went up to Whitebeard, who was ready to fight them, but in the end, the Blackbeard pirates shot him like a storm. However, Whitebeard was still alive, but not for long. Whitebeard: "It's not you Teach... you're not the man Roger's been waiting for to take his title... and another thing the world needs to know before I die... and that's... THE ONE PIECE!... THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!" shouted Whitebeard, which made everyone to gasp in shock, hearing that the One Piece treasure could be real. After saying those words, Whitebeard was finally dead while standing up. Teach then started laughing before his men put a large black cloak over the dead body of Whitebeard, and Teach went inside. After a few moments, Teach came out, and began to use his Dark powers, but then what he did next was unbelievable, for he begins to use the power of the Tremor Tremor fruit, like he not only got Whitebeard's power, but now he has the powers of two devil fruits and he was still alive. Buggy: "No way... how did he pulled that off?!" Mr 3: "I don't know... but I have a feeling this is about to get really ugly..." back with Luffy and Jimbei, they were both injured, and Ace was having a hard time figuring out what to do to save them both. Suddenly, a submarine burst out of the water, and out of it came Law, who told them to come inside the submarine. Ace: "Why should we go with you?" Law: "Cause I'm a doctor, they'll die without my help, and you don't want that to happen, right?" Ace: "Hmm... they better pull through..." Law: "Don't worry, they're in good hands." said Law, before his talking polar bear named Bepo (voiced by Cris George) helped him carry both Luffy and Jimbei inside the submarine. Bepo: "Say captain, I don't quite understand, why we're helping them?" Law: "Just out of a whim, but never mind, let's get out of here while we still can." Ace: "Jimbei... Luffy..." Jimbei: "Ace... don't worry about me... I've been through worse..." Ace: "I know... but Luffy... that wound looks bad..." Jimbei: "Yeah... it does." Law: "Don't worry, I'm a doctor as well as a surgeon, your brother's in good hands." said Law, before the submarine sinks into the water and retreated from Navy HQ. Speaking of which, the Whitebeard pirates began to retreat, knowing that while Whitebeard was gone, they did managed to save Ace. Teach: "Didn't expect Ace to survive... but no matter, I got the power I wanted..." Coby: "ENOUGH!!!" shouted Coby, trying to tell everyone to stop. Teach: "Huh?, who's that?" Garp: "Coby?" Sengoku: "What's that kid doing?" Coby: "This fight is pointless now!, it's over!, we won!, Ace might have survived, but Whitebeard is dead, and his crew have already retreated!... and yet, we're all still trying to slaughter everyone we see as an enemy!, and no one is even bothered to help out the injured or even care!, what are we even fighting for now!" shouted Coby while crying a little, and that was when Akainu came up from behind the boy. Akainu: "You better watch who you're talking to boy, or I'll have to kill you myself!" Sengoku: "Akainu!, that's enough... he's right... we've done enough..." that was when a man with red hair came to the scene, but this was no normal man, for it was Red Hair Shanks (voiced by Brandon Potter), the pirate that inspired Luffy when he was a little boy, and one of the four pirate emperors of the sea. Shanks: "I agree with the Fleet Admiral for once... there's no point of fighting anymore... and as for Whitebeard... I'm sure you'll understand to let his crew bury his body, I won't allow you to parade it like a trophy." Sengoku: "Alright Shanks... I'll allow it, just this once." Shanks: "Thank you." Akainu: "Are you out of your mind?!" Sengoku: "Look, I don't like it either... but we have enough injured men already... this war is over, the navy has won... at least with defeating Whitebeard..." said Sengoku, before the marines cheered for their victory, while Teach and his crew begin their leave, knowing better than to mess with Shanks right now. Buggy: "I can't believe this... Shanks!, why are you here?!, as if I didn't had enough problems already!" Shanks: "Hmm?, oh Buggy, it's been a while old friend." Buggy: "Don't give that!, you think I've forgotten what you did to me?!" Shanks: "What are you talking about?" Buggy: "Come on!, if you didn't snuck up on me when we were young on Roger's crew, I wouldn't have eaten that Devil fruit and lost my chance to get that treasure in the sea!" Shanks: "Oh... so that's what happened..." Buggy: "Trying to be cool huh?!, ah!, all these years you always know how to make me mad!" Mr 3: "Um... Buggy... I don't think it's a good idea to get on his bad side... he's on the same level as Whitebeard..." Buggy: "I don't care!" Shanks: "I really did missed ya." Buggy: "Yeah right!" Shanks: "So... any chance you need a ride to get back to your crew?, I can give ya one." Buggy: "Are you kidding?!, you expect me to get on the same ship with you again?!" Shanks: "Would you rather have the navy here capture you?" Buggy: "Uh... well... when you put it that way... I guess I don't really have a choice..." Mr 3: "Um... I'm with him, so mind if I tag along?" Shanks: "Not at all, any friend of Buggy's is fine by me." soon, Buggy and Mr 3, along with the escaped prisoners of Impel Down went onboard Shanks' ship, and they sailed away. It wasn't long before the news about what happened at Navy HQ spread throughout the world, and it won't be long before the world will call the battle as the War of the Best, and one thing's for sure, the world's order will be changed forever. As for the fate of Luffy, only time will tell.

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