Victory over Wano

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Once Kaido was no more, Luffy changed back to his normal form, but he looked like an old man that was all worn out and began to fall. Just before Luffy could hit the ground, Law used his powers to switch him with some rocks so he can land safely. It wasn't long before the others went to Luffy, checking to see if he was okay. Chopper: "Luffy!, what happened?, did you beat Kaido?" Luffy: "Yeah... he fell into the big hole..." Law: "The same one that Big Mom fell in... which goes all the way to the planet's core." Usopp: "Hold on... no way that even they could survive down there... which means..." Franky: "Wow!, we super did it!, we just defeated Kaido and Big Mom!, we won!" Brook: "Splendid!" Robin: "How wonderful." Conis: "Oh... thank goodness..." Vivi: "Um... if Kaido is defeated... then who is that?" asked Vivi, pointing at the pink dragon coming to the scene. Luffy: "Momo... he's here..." said Luffy, before Momonosuke changed back to his human form, and walks up to the group. Jimbei: "Who are you?" Momonosuke: "Huh?, oh right, I guess you wouldn't recognize me now that I got an adult body... but it's me, Momonosuke." Nami: "What?!, but how?" that was when Shinobu and the other samurai came to the scene. Shinobu: "I used my powers to make him an adult so he can fight Orochi, which we saw falling into that hole over there." said Shinobu, pointing at the large hole that both Big Mom and Kaido fell in not too long ago. Sanji: "Then I guess that means that Orochi is history now... along with Kaido and Big Mom..." Kin'emon: "Yes, which means we did it my friends, Wano is ours once more." Robin: "Yes, maybe now we can peacefully collect the text of the red Poneglyph here." said Robin, before she goes off to find the red Poneglyph, which didn't take long and looks and uses a large piece of paper to rub the text on it. The next day came, and the news about Momonosuke's return and becoming the new shogun has spread like wildfire, and the people of Wano was cheering and jumping for joy, happy to know that a bright future for Wano was ahead of them. There was a party going on all over Wano, there was dancing and laughter and all kinds of fun things to do, and the Straw Hats were not only celebrating their victory of their battle, but also celebrating that Jimbei was now a member of their crew. However, at the shores of Wano, there was a group of marines, lead by a marine admiral named Ryokugyu (voiced by Matthew David Rudd), who came to not only capture the pirates, but also take control of the country. However, the Samurai of Oden, with Momonosuke in his dragon form, were in front of the marines' way. Momonosuke: "Who are you?, and what business do you have here?" Ryokugyu: "Hmm... seems that the rumors about another with the same power as Kaido turned out to be true... I am Admiral Ryokugyu, and we're here for the pirates here." Kin'emon: "If you want the Big Mom pirates and the Beast pirates, then be my guest... but the Straw Hats, The Heart and Kid Pirates are off limits, for they have saved our country from Kaido." Ryokugyu: "You fools... didn't you realized that Kaido was the reason that the government and marines didn't dare lay a finger on this country?, now that Kaido and Big Mom are no more, we shall take Wano." Kanjuro: "Now hold on!, this country is not yours to take, we are our own nation, not to mention that we just freed it from 20 years of tyranny, so if you think we'll just let you take it away, then you're wrong!" Raizo: "Correct!, Wano is not allied with you, so if you're attempting to harm our friends, then you might as well leave!" Kiku: "That's right, the Straw Hats are heroes here, so leave them be!" Ryokugyu: "If you think I would just leave because you told me to... then you're wrong, we're taking the pirates and this country in the name of the World Government one way or another." said Ryokugyu, before he uses the powers of the Woods Woods fruit, which makes his a forest man, to create plants that he controls to attack the samurai. The admiral managed to make roots out of his fingers to suck the nutrients out of Shinobu, before Momonosuke used a fire breath attack to damage the admiral. Before the marines could make another move, a powerful blast of Conqueror's Haki came and hit the admiral, which belonged to Red Haired Shanks, who was on his ship a few miles away from Wano, as a warning to leave the pirates on the island alone. With no other choice, Ryokugyu and his men ran off to retreat from Wano, confusing the samurai a bit before seeing Shanks' ship close by. Momonosuke: "Who is that?" Kawamatsu: "I think that's the least of our worries, we need to get Shinobu help right away." said the self claimed Kappa, before he and the others take Shinobu away from the area. After getting some water and food from Sanji, the female ninja was back to full health, but it seems the Admiral's attack had made her lose a lot of weight and made her look very attractive now, much to Sanji's joy. Denjiro: "My goodness, you look like you're 29 again." Shinobu: "Yes, so it seems." Tama: "So... you're really gonna teach me the ways of the ninja?" Shinobu: "Well of course, your power to getting the SMILE users to aid us has been a big help, but it only do so much, you must learn the ways of the ninja to protect yourself and our lord in the future." Tama: "Yeah, and when I'm old enough, I can join big bro Ace's crew!" Ace: "That sounds nice." Usopp: "Hey... speaking of the SMILE users, what happened to them?" Tama: "Well my power over them had worn off, so they're off doing whatever, though with the Beast pirates getting disbanded after Kaido's defeat, they can't really go against Lord Momonosuke." Kin'emon: "We decided to give them a choice to join our cause, or be put to prison or banishment, and since they had nowhere else to go, they decided to join us." Luffy: "That's great to hear." Zoro: "So a navy admiral was here until some ship with a pirate flag showed up and used some Conqueror's Haki on him?" Kin'emon: "Yes, though we don't know who is was, but I did heard from the admiral that it belonged to a man named Shanks." Luffy: "WHAT?!, Shanks was nearby?!" Nami: "The guy who gave you the straw hat?" Luffy: "Yeah... I can't believe he was here..." Chopper: "And I can't believe that the marines were attempting to take over Wano... they're not the invader types..." Brook: "Well maybe they didn't like the idea of Wano being a country that's outside of their control... and the only reason they haven't tried to take it over before now must have been with Kaido controlling it..." Robin: "I think there's another reason why the government wants Wano..." Vivi: "What's that?" Robin: "Remember the Poneglyph in Alabasta?, which mentions Pluton?" Vivi: "Yeah..." Robin: "Well... it mentioned that the ancient weapon was located here..." All: "WHAT?!" Conis: "Are you serious?!, one of the ancient weapons was located here in Wano?!" Kin'emon: "How could that be?, we've been all over the country and there was no sign of the weapon." that was when Hiyori came to the scene. Hiyori: "Actually... I believe that it's located underneath the waters of Wano." Momonosuke: "Hiyori... is that you?" Hiyori: "Big brother!" said Hiyori, before she went to give her brother a big hug, happy to be reunited with her sibling at last. Zoro: "So... you were saying about Pluton in the waters of Wano?" Hiyori: "Hmm?, oh right, well you know that Wano is on top of a mountain that has a sea around the country, well under the borders is the sea floor where Pluton is hidden away." Conis: "How do you know this?" Hiyori: "Someone named Boney 10 told me, and he also told me that once the borders of Wano are opened, Pluton will be released and the time of using it will come... which is close at hand by the way... at least that's what he told me." Franky: "Pluton... the weapon that the blueprints were for..." Luffy: "Blueprints?" Franky: "Yeah, the ones that CP9 tried to get while taking Robin to Enies Lobby 2 years ago, interested in it?" Luffy: "Nah, I don't need some silly old weapon, I just want to be king of of the pirates." this made Robin giggle a little. Robin: "Guess we should have expected to hear that from Luffy." Franky: "Yeah, and who needs some old battleship when we got the Sunny, which is the greatest ship ever." Vivi: "That reminds me, we better get some supplies and sail off." Luffy: "Good idea." Momonosuke: "You're planning on leaving?" Luffy: "Well of course, we're pirates after all, and life of a pirate is at the sea." Jimbei: "He's right, and besides, the marines might come back in order to catch us, so the sooner we leave, the better." elsewhere, on Zou, Dog Storm and Cat Viper were talking to Tommy about something that will decide the future of the Dukedom of Zou. Tommy: "WHAT???!!!, you want me to the new leader of Zou?!" Dog Storm: "That's right, the cat and I decided to live in Wano as Lord Momonosuke's samurai, like how we served Oden before him." Cat Viper: "And after seeing you defeating Jack, we believed that you're the one who can take our place as the ruler of Zou." Tommy: "But... I'm just a kid, I don't know anything about how to rule a country." that was when the other minks came to the scene. Wanda: "Don't worry, we'll be here to help you in anyway." Gidget: "And I think you'll be a great ruler for Zou." Jokeo: "Yeah, you shown the skills of a leader when you lead us to defeat Jack." Jokey: "And you're very loveable." Tommy: "I'm not sure if that is needed to be a ruler..." Gidget: "Well if you ask me, if anyone should be the next ruler, I vote for you." Tristan: "So would I, not to mention that you seen some places outside of Zou, and proved that you have the strength to protect us, so it's only fair we do the same for you." Tommy: "Well..." Dog Storm: "We wouldn't just pick anyone to be our successor... please Tommy, I'm sure your parents would have been honored to have you as their ruler if they were alive today." Tommy: "Well... if it's to honor my parents memory... sure." said Tommy, before the other minks cheered in joy, while Carrot was sneaking away from the crowed, knowing what to do to honor Pedro's memory. Back at the Sunny, a News Coo came and brought some new wanted posters for the Straw Hats, and they were shocked by how high the bounties were. Straw Hat Luffy with a bounty of 3,000,000,000 berries, Pirate Hunter Zoro with a bounty of 1,111,000,000, Cat Bugler Nami with a bounty of 366,000,000 berries, God Usopp with a bounty of 500,000,000 berries, Black Leg Sanji with a bounty of 1,032,000,000 berries, Cotton Candy Lover Chopper with a bounty of 1,000 berries, Miss Wednesday Vivi with a bounty of 415,000,000 berries, Demon Child Robin with a bounty of 930,000,000 berries, Fallen Angel Conis with a bounty of 376,000,000 berries, Cyborg Franky with a bounty of 394,000,000 berries, Soul King Brook with a bounty of 383,000,000 berries, and finally, First Knight of the Sea Jimbei with a bounty of 1,100,000,000 berries. Luffy: "Wow!, our bounties went up big time!" Nami: "Oh no... now the marines are gonna hunt us down for sure..." Sanji: "Hey!, why is my bounty lower than Jimbei's?!, he just join the crew and he's already more wanted than me?!" Robin: "Well he has been a pirate a lot longer than you have." Jimbei: "She's right, but I'm sure with enough hard work, you'll surpass my bounty." Vivi: "Um... I'm not sure that's a good thing..." Conis: "Hey... why does Luffy's picture look odd?" asked Conis, as she noticed that the photo of Luffy's wanted poster showed himself in his Fifth Gear form. Chopper: "Hey, what's with that look?" Luffy: "That's my Fifth Gear form." Nami: "Fifth Gear?" Vivi: "A new battle form like Fourth Gear?" Luffy: "Yeah, but I never used it before until my battle with Kaido... it was really awesome, I mean the tricks I pulled while in Fifth Gear, I hope to do it again in the future." Robin: "Well there's a good chance you'll need to as the battles ahead of us will be really tough from now on." Usopp: "Oh man..." Conis: "You know... I still can't believe that Tommy is becoming the new ruler of Zou now." Chopper: "Yeah, though not as shocking to hearing him defeating Jack." Vivi: "Well as a former princess, I can tell he'll make a fine ruler for the minks." that was when Kin'emon and Momonosuke and the other samurai came up to the Straw Hats. Kin'emon: "So... I guess this is it... we've been through a lot together... from Punk Hazard to here in Wano..." Momonosuke: "We're... really gonna miss ya..." said Momonosuke, as he begins to shed some tears. Luffy: "Don't cry Momo, you're a man now, and the Shogun of Wano." Momonosuke: "You're right... but what am I gonna do with you gone?" Luffy: "You still have your samurai, and I want you to have this." said Luffy, before giving Momonosuke a flag with the Straw Hat jolly roger. Kin'emon: "Your jolly roger?" Luffy: "Yeah, fly it to let everyone know that Wano is under our protection, then no one would dare mess with it." Jimbei: "That's right, after all, not many are stupid enough to challenge someone who took down Kaido." Raizo: "Ah yes, good thinking." Kiku: "How thoughtful." Kawamatsu: "Yes, perhaps Wano will be safe under the protection of your flag." Luffy: "And don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other again in the future." Momonosuke: "I sure hope so..." Conis: "I'm sure we will." Su: "Suu~." Karoo: "Quack!" Vivi: "Indeed." that was when Chopper came over to Law. Chopper: "Hey Law, thanks for being a big help to us." Law: "Don't think we're friends now, with our target taken down, the alliance is over." Chopper: "Don't say that Law, you might have seen us as allies, but to us, you're our friend." Bepo: "He's right captain, try to see that the Straw Hats are friends as well as allies." Law: "Don't bet on it..." that was when Ace and Marco came over. Ace: "So what you said is true about Sabo?, he's alive and a member of the Revolutionary army?" Luffy: "Yeah, crazy huh?" Marco: "Well how about that, seems a lot of members of your family are big names now a days." Ace: "Yeah... I guess so..." Luffy: "Hey Ace, if you ever run into Sabo, tell him I said hi." Ace: "Sure thing." soon they ships of the Straw Hats, Heart and Kid Pirates were sailing away from Wano, and getting close to the waterfall. Luffy: "Alright everyone, let's go!" Nami: "Great, now we just need a safe route down and..." Kid: "Ha!, you babies can't handle a waterfall?" Luffy: "We're not babies!, we can handle a free fall of a waterfall anytime!" Law: "Indeed, how about the last one who gets to the bottom is the loser." Kid: "Oh yeah!, then get ready to lose!" said Kid, before the ships went to the waterfall and they all had a free fall that scared the heck out of everyone. One thing's for sure, Wano was now in a new age, the rein of Momonosuke, the soon to be greatest shogun ever in the history of Wano has begun.

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