The lost children on Punk Hazard part 2

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As Tommy began to shiver from the cold and the cruel memory, Gidget went over to him to comfort the poor fox child. Luffy: "Is it really that bad?" Tommy: "Yes... perhaps I better start from the beginning..." said Tommy, before he begins his tale about what the witnessed on Punk Hazard. Turns out that Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo were from a place called Zou and wanted to explore the seas beyond their home, and when they got to an island, they got themselves mixed up with the Demon trio, who wanted their souls in exchange for something they shouldn't have done. As they tried to escape, the kids ended up on a ship that was sailing to Punk Hazard, and there were human children there too, and one of them was named Momonosuke. Kin'emon: "Hold on, you have met Momonosuke?!, is he okay?" Tommy: "We don't know yet, let me finish the story first..." said Tommy as he continued. When the kids got to Punk Hazard, they met a man named Caesar Clown, who seemed nice at first, but he was really an evil man who wanted to do whatever it takes to prove he's a genius, even risking the lives of other, including children. He and his assistant, a woman named Monet, gave the human children some candy everyday, but Tommy and his friends didn't ate any of it as they got a bad feeling about the candy, even though they were hungry. Momonosuke didn't ate any of the candy, he refuses to eat but was starving. That was when they got to an abandoned room with a strange fruit, and due to starvation, Momonosuke ate the fruit, but when he did, he transformed into what looked like a dragon, which was pink, much to Tommy and the others' shock. Kin'emon: "He what?!, Momonosuke has taken the form of a dragon?!, are you sure?!" Gidget: "It sounds odd, but it's true, we saw it happened before our very eyes." Kin'emon: "Oh no... please don't tell me..." Sanji: "What's wrong?" Kin'emon: "Before I was cut up... I ran into a dragon and slayed... and if what these little said was true about Momonosuke's transformation... could that dragon I slayed was..." Gidget: "Was the dragon pink and looked a little like an eel with horns?" Kin'emon: "Uh... no actually, it was green and had wings..." Gidget: "That probably wasn't Momonosuke, just another creature of this island." this made Kin'emon sighed in relief, knowing that Momonosuke wasn't harmed. Kin'emon: "So what happened next?" Tommy: "Well..." said Tommy as he continues the tale. After witnessing Momonosuke's transformation, he and the other animal kids eavesdropped a conversation between Caesar and two people, Monet and someone named Vergo, and hearing that name made Tashigi and Smoker gasp in shock. The kids heard Caesar that his candy was actually drugs that were making the other kids big as giants to create an army of giants. But the experiment was doomed to fail, so Caesar plans to give those other kids candy that was really poisonous drugs that will kill them one they eat them, much to Tommy's shock and horror, along with his friends and Momonosuke. They tried to run for it to warn the other kids, only to get separated when the Demon trio showed up, which was when Tommy met the Straw Hats. Luffy was filled with rage by the thought of someone would be ruthless enough to not only experiment on children but planning to kill them. Luffy: "... Caesar... that creep..." Nami: "Unforgivable... how could someone be heartless enough to do such a thing to little kids..." Gidget: "I know... it's awful..." Tashigi: "And the one talking to him... are you sure his name was Vergo?" Tommy: "Yeah... I heard he's a marine vice admiral..." Smoker: "I can't believe it... he was covering up the children(s) disappearances as accidents... so Caesar can continue his experiments..." Tashigi: "How could he do this?!" Law: "The answer is simple... Vergo is a pirate... always was... he just joined the marines as a cover... he really works for Joker... the underworld broker that's been doing business with a certain emperor of the sea..." Conis: "Joker?, is that his name?" Law: "It's just an alias to hide his real name... I know Vergo cause I know Joker, I used to work for him years ago... I joined the warlords only to take him down from the inside... he's actually another member of the 7 Warlords of the sea... Donquixote Dolflamingo..." Nami: "No way..." Usopp: "You got to be kidding..." Luffy: "... Dolflamingo... who's that again?" Smoker: "He was at the battle at Marineford 2 years ago, surely you remember him." Luffy: "He was with the navy back then?... hmm..." Robin: "He's a man with a pink feathered coat." Luffy: "Oh yeah!, the bird coat guy!" shouted Luffy, before having a flashback of Dolflamingo talking to Ivankov about Kuma no longer a living human, but a living weapon. Law: "He's not someone you should ever take lightly." Smoker: "Can't argue with that..." Jokey: "Uh... guys... hello?" Jokeo: "Not now Jokey, we need to think of a plan to rescue those other children before that creep Caesar finds out we know his secrets." Jokey: "But bro... guys..." Gidget: "Not now Jokey, we're trying to think here." Jokey: "GUYS!" Tommy: "What Jokey?!, what is it?!" Jokey: "Um... Caesar's here..." said Jokey, pointing at a certain man that was wearing a lab coat that looked like it was made of gas. It was Caesar Clown (voiced by Jerry Jewell), and he had an evil grin on his face. Caesar: "So Law... you were planning to take Dolflamingo eh?, you of all people should know that Dolflamingo is not someone to be taken down so easily... and it's a bad move to tell these nobodies about what I'm doing here on this island." that was when Monet (voiced by Janelle Lutz) flew down, as her arms were wings of a bird, and legs of a bird. Monet: "I wouldn't call those pirates nobodies if I were you, they're the infamous Straw Hats." Caesar: "Who?" Sanji: "You never heard of us?!" Monet: "He hasn't, but I know a lot about you through the papers and more." said Monet, before Sanji had his unhidden eye turned into a heart as he looks at the bird woman. Sanji: "Wow!, what a beauty!" Zoro: "Will you focus?!" Conis: "Is she... from Skypiea?" Law: "No, I replaced her arms and legs with those of a large bird, thanks to my Devil fruit power." Monet: "Not only that, I have the powers of the Snow Snow fruit, which makes me a snow bird woman." Usopp: "Oh man... she looks a lot like a harpy..." Conis: "A what?" Usopp: "A monster that takes the form of a woman with legs and wings of a bird..." that was when Vergo (voiced by Wes Frazier) came to the scene holding a long bamboo stick. Vergo: "Law... you made a big mistake on thinking about crossing Joker... and to put your trust in these no name pirates." Usopp: "What do you mean no name pirates?!, we declared war with the Government one time!, and our captain was in the War of the Best for crying out loud... and why am I trying to get a dangerous guy to notice me?" Smoker: "Vergo... should have known you were a pirate this whole time... to think a rat was right under my nose this whole time..." Vergo: "You should be impressed that this rat was able to hide this long... and I'll continue to hide as we finish you off here and now." Luffy: "We won't be taken down without a fight... as we've been training for 2 years to handle guys like you..." said Luffy, before he went to fight Caesar, who was surprised that the pirate was able to hit him, as he was a man made of gas. Caesar: "So... you have armament Haki... which is handy against those with Logia Devil fruit powers like mine, which is the Gas Gas fruit... but no matter... I have ways to counter that." said Caesar, before Luffy started gasping, as if he wasn't able to breathe any air. Nami: "What's happening?" Caesar: "Not only can I turn into gas, I can control the gases around me, I can even cut off the oxygen around, meaning they can't fight if they can't breathe." Usopp: "... That's not good..." Zoro: "Luffy!, you gotta get away from Caesar!, otherwise you'll pass out!" suddenly, a large anthropomorphic mammoth showed up, who was really Jokey somehow, and he was really mad. Jokey: "Caesar!" shouted Jokey in load anger, before he uses his trunk to swat Caesar away to a wall, which allowed Luffy to breathe again. Luffy: "Wha... what happened?, and who's that?" Gidget: "It's Jokey!" Usopp: "What?!, wasn't he a hyena a moment ago?" Jokey: "You monstrous ball of gas!, I won't let you hurt those children!" Caesar: "Now what do we have here... a mink with a devil fruit that is the same as Jack's?, interesting..." Jokey: "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!" Caesar: "Oh really?, and how can you do that without passing out?" this confused Jokey at first, before he started to gasp for air, as Caesar has cut off the oxygen again. Gidget then had her eyes glowed pink, before Jokey somehow teleported away from the surprised Caesar. Gidget: "Are you okay?" Jokey: "I think so... oh man... I let my guard down..." Jokeo: "Don't worry about that, we need to warn those other kids and fast!" Jokey: "Oh yeah!, hurry you guys!" Luffy: "Nami, you help the talking animals find those kids... Caesar's mine." Nami: "You got it." Vergo: "Who said we'll let you go?" asked Vergo, before Smoker stopped in front of him. Smoker: "You're the one not going anywhere... as you're mine." Tashigi: "Careful Smoker, you're in my body so this would be harder for you." Smoker: "Maybe, but I won't let that stop me." said Smoker, as he begins his fight with Vergo, and Luffy's fight against Caesar begins as well. As for the rest of the crew, they were on their way to find the other kids that Caesar took to the island. Chopper: "Any clue where the rest of the children are?" Tommy: 'They should be in the biscuit room, the play room for them, but it's also where they get that bad candy stuff... if we don't get to them in time... they'll... they'll..." Robin: "No need to finish, we have an idea what will happen..." Nami: "We need to get there as soon as possible." said Nami, as she and the others head off to the biscuit room. Back outside, Luffy continues to battle Caesar, while Smoker continues his fight against Vergo. Things got harder for the Straw Hat as Monet was there and using her powers to block Luffy's attacks and send him down a hole that leads to the trash room below. Caesar: "Monet, go after those intruders and stop them." Monet: "As you wish." said Monet, as she flies away into the building. In the trash room, once Luffy got up, he noticed what looked like a pink dragon that was the size of a dog. It was in fact Momonosuke (voiced by Corinne Sudberg), and he was surprised to see the pirate. Momonosuke: "Who are you?" Luffy: "Me?, I'm Luffy... are you a dragon?" Momonosuke: "At the moment... but I was once a human, until I ate some strange fruit in some room that transformed me into this..." Luffy: "A Zoan type devil fruit... if you don't like it, change back." Momonosuke: "Wait... I can do that?!, can you teach me?" Luffy: "Sorry, I don't have Zoan powers, my power is having a rubber body... but I'm sure you can figure it out, after all, it took me a while to master my power, but I managed." Momonosuke: "Hmm... well I wished there was time... but there isn't, as a lot of children are in danger..." Luffy: "Yeah... the talking fox told me what that Caesar jerk was doing..." Momonosuke: "Talking fox?, you met Tommy?" Luffy: "You know him?" Momonosuke: "Yes, he and his friends were with me when I transformed." Luffy: "Wait... is your name Momonosuke by any chance?" Momonosuke: "Yes, but how do you know my name?, did they told you?" Luffy: "Well them... and this guy called Kin'emon." Momonosuke: "Wait... Kin'emon's here?!, is he okay?" Luffy: "I think so... though he's a head right now." Momonosuke: "What are you talking about?" Luffy: "Not sure how to explain it, so maybe I should take you to him." Momonosuke: "How... we're..." said Momonosuke, before he started to pass out due to starvation, and Luffy tried to tell him to pull it together, unaware that those words reminded the little dragon of hearing Dolflamingo saying it too in a sinister way. The thought of Dolflamingo scared the heck out of Momonosuke, without thinking, he started to create little orange clouds that he was using to climb up and Luffy was holding on to the little dragon, who begins to go up and out of the trash room, and once they were out, Momonosuke fell down to the ground. Luffy: "Momo?!, are you okay?!" Momonosuke: "Please... don't use those horrible strings... please... Dolflamingo..." Luffy: "Hmm?... Dolflamingo?... wait... you know Dolflamingo?" asked Luffy, but didn't get an answer as Momonosuke was too tired to answer. Luffy then picked up Momonosuke and carried him on his shoulder and begins to look for Caesar. Back with the rest of the Straw Hats, they were just about to enter the biscuit room, when Monet came to the scene and used her powers of the Snow Snow fruit to start a blizzard indoors. Monet: "Sorry, but I can't let you get to those failed experiments." Conis: "They're not failed experiments!, they're little children!, how could you let that Caesar do such terrible things to those poor little ones?!" Monet: "Don't take it personal, but the young master needs Caesar for his business, otherwise he can get in big trouble with a certain customer." Vivi: "We don't care if that customer is the Devil himself!, we're not letting those children die!" Zoro: "They won't... leave this one to me." Monet: "Oh?, you think you have what it takes to defeat me?" Zoro: "I don't think... I know..." said Zoro, before he went to battle Monet, and it wasn't long before Zoro unleashed some kind of demon aura that scared the heck out of Monet, before he used his swords to cut her in half, but didn't used Haki, so she was still alive, but was unable to put herself back together as the state of shock prevented her to do so. Jokey: "Wow... I don't know if I should find that awesome... or scary..." Jokeo: "I think it was both..." Gidget: "Look!, there's the candy!" said Gidget, pointing at a large candy piece, which was full of little red candy pieces balls that were poisonous. Tommy: "It hasn't been eaten yet, meaning the kids are still okay..." Chopper: "We better get rid of it before it's too late." soon, Tommy went to the candy, but then the missing children appeared and were charging towards Tommy, who was scared by the sight of the savage faces of the kids. Knowing the danger, Tommy makes a run for it, trying to get away from the savage children. Usopp: "What in the world has gotten into them?!" Gidget: "It's the candy from before!, Caesar made it to not only make them bigger, but also make them go crazy until they get more!, so even if we tell them that candy is bad, they won't listen to reason!" Sanji: "That slime ball... he really is the worst..." Chopper: "I gotta give them medicine to get them back to their senses before it's too late!" suddenly, an alarm went off, alerting everyone and made them puzzled what the alarm was about. Kin'emon: "What is going on here?" Su: "Suu~?" Karoo: "Quack?" meanwhile outside, Vergo heard the alarms and growled in anger. Vergo: "So that was his plan... he teamed up with the Straw Hats just to keep us busy... and probably joined the warlords so he can get access to that room..." said Vergo, before he uses Moon walk to get into the building quick. Smoker: "Get back here!" Tashigi: "You're not getting away that easily pirate!" shouted Tashigi, before she and Smoker ran off after Vergo. Meanwhile Caesar hears the alarms and gasped. Caesar: "I don't believe this... is Law really gonna do what I think he's planning... if he succeeds... he'll throw the New World into chaos!" shouted Caesar, as he run off to the room where Law has entered, which was S.A.D. room, the place where Caesar makes artificial Zoan devil fruits. It wasn't long before Vergo, Caesar, Smoker and Tashigi came into the room, and Law looked at Vergo and Caesar with a smile. Law: "So... you came, that's good, I wanted to see the look on your faces when I destroy your business." Vergo: "You must have a serious death wish if you want to mess with Joker's plans." Law: "If you're planning to kill me, you better be careful, I have Vice Admiral Smoker's heart right now." Vergo: "Good, it'll be like killing two birds with one stone..." suddenly, Caesar cut off the oxygen again, forcing Law to weaken before the gas man takes the heart from the pirate. Caesar: "Any last words before I kill you?" Vergo: "Hold on Caesar, allow me to have the honors of killing Law, you can kill Smoker." Caesar: "As you wish." said Caesar, before he takes out a knife, and his shadow shadow revealed he stabbed the heart, much to Tashigi's shock and horror. But for some reason, Smoker was still alive, much to Caesar's confusion. Law: "Oh I'm sorry... did I say it was Smoker's heart?" Tashigi: "Huh?" Smoker: "He gave it back to me when nobody was looking." Caesar: "What?!, but if that wasn't Smoker's heart... then who's heart was it?" Law: "I'll give you a hint, it belonged to bird woman." hearing this made Caesar gasped in shocked, realizing that it was Monet's heart he stabbed, meaning that he just killed Monet. Vergo: "You really think you're cleaver, don't ya?" Law: "I don't think... I know, that was one of the reasons why Dolflamingo wanted me in his crew when I was just a kid." Vergo: "A mistake I will correct here and now." said Vergo, before he covers his whole body in Armament Haki, ready to kill Law. However, Law used his Room power to cut not only Vergo, but the whole room in half, destroying the gears and everything that was making the S.A.D. chemicals. Law: "As you know, the War of the Best made a big change in the world... but it was just a preview for a battle that's even bigger... one that will go down in history, and begin a new era... the age of the daring ones, I've opened the gate to that era, the gears have been cut... and there's no turning back now." said Law with a smile, while Vergo and Caesar gave him an angry frown.

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