The lost children on Punk Hazard part 1

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After their adventure at Fish-man island, the Straw hats were floating up to the surface, where they'll witness the seas of the New World. Once the ship got to the surface, the seas were chaotic and a terrible storm was going on, shaking the ship like it never did before. Usopp: "Oh man!, I thought the storms we dealt with before were bad... but this one is even worse!" Luffy: "Yeah!, this is awesome!" Usopp: "It's not awesome!, we'll get killed by this!" Brook: "Well not me though, as I'm kinda dead already." Usopp: "You know what I mean!" Robin: "Look, there's an island up ahead." Nami: "What?, that can't be right, noun of the needles are pointing at it..." Robin: "Really?... interesting..." suddenly, the Straw Hats hear the sound of someone crying, and Luffy went over to see that his Transponder snail was the one crying. Luffy: "Hey, what's wrong?" Robin: "It must be picking up a distress call, but it might be a trap." Usopp: "Then let's just ignore it and..." Chopper: "Too late..." said Chopper, as Luffy picked up the call, and the caller sounded like a child calling for help, in need to escape from a place called Punk Hazard and away from an evil man named Caesar Clown and a trio of demons, before the call ended with the sound of evil laughter which scared the caller before the call ends. Luffy: "... Sounds like there's trouble going on at this Punk Hazard place..." Usopp: "You just realized that now?!" Nami: "That caller was defiantly a child... I know a child's cry when I hear it... we gotta help." Usopp: "Hold on, you actually want to go to where that danger is?!" Nami: "While I might not like to get into danger... I would not ignore a child's cry for help." Usopp: "Even so, we don't even know where this Punk Hazard place is." Robin: "That call couldn't have been made too far from here... so the island up ahead must be Punk Hazard." Nami: "Ugh... should have known..." Vivi: "Wait a minute... Punk Hazard... why does that sound so familiar?" Karoo: "Quack..." Usopp: "Who cares, I'm scared of what could be on that island, I mean it's covered in flames!" Luffy: "I know, how awesome is that?" Nami: "Normally I would not allow any of us to go there... but knowing that a child is there and needs help... I can't simply ignore that call..." Sanji: "You got a soft spot for kids, huh?" Nami: "Yeah... if there's one thing I love besides tangerines and money... it's children..." Zoro: "Alright, let's settle on who goes to the island or not by pulling straws, those who pick long straws get to go to the island." Usopp: "Um... okay... then I better get a short straw..." said Usopp, before he and the others pick out their straws, a moment later, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp were on the Mini Merry 2, as they pulled out the long straws, much to Usopp's dismay. Robin: "Don't worry Usopp, you got us with ya." Usopp: "Well I suppose that true..." soon, they got to the island, and noticed that fire was everywhere, and some of the buildings looked like the kind of some kind of lab. Luffy: "Whoa... I wonder who could live here?" Usopp: "Are you kidding?, no one could live in a place like this!, it's boiling hot and covered in fire!" suddenly, a loud roar was heard, and then came a creature the Straw Hats did not expect to see at all. Zoro: "No way... is that..." Usopp: "It can't be... they only exist in books..." Robin: "And yet... there it is... a dragon!" Luffy: "Whoa!, so cool!" suddenly, a voice said 'Who goes there?', which caught the group off guard, before the dragon shoots fire from it's mouth, and the group barely dodged the attack. Luffy: "Whoa!, the dragon can talk!" Usopp: "Are you sure?" Zoro: "Well we heard a voice..." Robin: "I'm not sure it came from the dragon..." said Robin, before the Dragon tries to attack again, only to be beaten up and sliced up by Luffy and Zoro. Luffy: "Wow, this dragon meat is really good." Usopp: "You would eat anything..." Robin: "So it would seem." Zoro: "Hey... there's something moving on the Dragon's back." said Zoro, pointing at what looked like a pair of human legs wiggling on the back of the now dead dragon. One Luffy pulled the legs out, it turned out that there was no upper body and yet the legs were still alive and running around saying 'I shall make you pay warlord!, and I will find you Momonosuke!'. Usopp: "How freaky can this sea get...?" Robin: "I'm not sure what puzzles me more, the fact the legs can talk, or what the legs say about one of the warlords..." Usopp: "Could that mean... there's a warlord here?" Luffy: "Hey guys, look over there." said Luffy, pointing at what looked like snowy mountains on the other side of a large lake. Zoro: "Snow?, on this island?" Robin: "Strange... it's fiery here, but snowing over there..." Luffy: "Let's go check it out!" said Luffy, before he and his group went to the lake, and once they did, Usopp uses one of his pop greens to summon a boat like banana to sail across the water with some plant paddles to row over to the other side. Once they got there though, some sleeping gas came and it made the group fell asleep. Once they woke up, they not only see that they were trapped in a room, but somehow the rest of the crew, except for the Sunny and Brook, were there too. Nami: "Oh... my head..." Zoro: "What are you guys doing here?, for that matter... where is here?" Franky: "How did we ended up here?" Sanji: "Last thing I remember was me making something for the ladies when some gas hit us and then after that... nothing." Vivi: "If I had to guess, someone used sleeping gas on us and took us here while we were out cold." Chopper: "But why?, could it be the navy?" Robin: "Doubt it... the navy don't normally use gas to capture pirates, though it would be effective..." Luffy: "Wait... where's Brook and Sunny?" Sanji: "They probably didn't take them as they thought Brook was dead due to being a skeleton and Sunny must have hidden her Klabautermann to go unnoticed." Conis: "I sure hope they're okay..." that was when the group heard a voice that said 'hello?' and they turned around to see what looked like a head of a man, that was laying on the ground. The head was named Kin'emon (voiced by Chris Ryan), and the sight of him spooked everyone. All: "It's a head!" Kin'emon: "Obviously!" Nami: "Oh man... it's like Buggy... only without the body around..." Luffy: "Whoa... can you poop?" Sanji: "Don't ask him that!" Kin'emon: "Well of course I can... at least I hope so as I lost my body at the moment." Usopp: "What do you mean?, how do you lose a body?" Kin'emon: "A warlord used some kind of magic to cut my body into 3 pieces and yet I didn't die... but that might be fortunate as I need to rescue my son, Momonosuke." Usopp: "Wait... that name sounds familiar... a pair of legs said that name..." Kin'emon: "A pair of legs?, that have no torso or head?, that must have been my legs." Luffy: "Oh, so those were your legs." Kin'emon: "Where are they now?" Zoro: "Last time we saw them, they were on the fiery side of the island... though I don't know how could an island be half burning and the other half be cold." Kin'emon: "Well... I once heard a rumor that two navy admirals had a duel on this island... one being ice and the other lava." Vivi: "Of course!, Jimbei mentioned us that... a duel between Aokiji and Akainu... on Punk Hazard... this is the island where they fought..." Robin: "Of course... their battle must have been so intense that their powers have changed the island..." Usopp: "Is that even possible?" Robin: "With how powerful the admirals were... quite so..." that was when Kin'emon noticed one of Zoro's swords and gasped. Kin'emon: "It can't be!, the legendary Shusui?!" Zoro: "You know my sword?" Kin'emon: "Your sword?!, that sword belonged to a legendary samurai of my homeland!, it was stolen years ago, you have some nerve of stealing it!" Zoro: "I didn't steal it, I earned it after defeating Ryuma back on Thriller Bark." Kin'emon: "Don't be a fool, Ryuma passed away long ago!" Vivi: "Maybe I should explain." said Vivi, before she told Kin'emon the story about how they witnessed the battle between Zoro and Ryuma, which really surprised him. Kin'emon: "Unreal... could someone really have the power to bring people to life?" Chopper: "I wouldn't call them alive really... they were more like puppets... and if what you said is true about the grave of Ryuma was robbed, it was most likely Moria who did it, Zoro just got it after defeating the zombie." Sanji: "Hold on... is your homeland named Wano by any chance?" Kin'emon: "That is correct, and I am a samurai, and I need to find my son, Momonosuke." Nami: "Hmm... I wonder if he could have been the one calling for help through the Transponder snail..." suddenly, a cry for help was heard, and the caller sounded like a child, and that was when a beam blasted through the wall, much to the Straw Hats' shock. Franky: "What the heck?!" Conis: "Where did that beam come from?!" Luffy: "Look... is that... a fox?" asked Luffy, as the smoke cleared up and everyone sees what looked like a fox but stood on two legs instead of four, wore a blue shirt, black pants, a rainbow bow tie and blue gloves. The fox's name was Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), and he was looking scared. Tommy: "Uh... pardon me..." Conis: "Is that... a fox?" Su: "Suu~?" Vivi: "I think so... but since when did foxes walk on two?, and wore clothes...?" Franky: "Maybe it's a someone with Zoan type Devil fruit powers?" Nami: "It's a kid... wait that voice... that's the same voice through the Transponder Snail!" Tommy: "Wait... were you the ones that heard my call earlier?" asked Tommy, before another voice was heard that said 'There he is!, get him!' which made Tommy scared and tried to ran away, before a trio of what looked like dragons with pitch forks chased him down the hallway. The red one was ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the blue one was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the black one was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were known as the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Come back here you little brat!" ThunderSmacker: "Your soul belongs to us now!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah!, what they said..." Chopper: "What's going on?!, are those dragons?!" Kin'emon: "Looks like it, and they're going after that poor fox!" Nami: "Not if I can help it..." said Nami in a clam yet angry tone her voice, before running off towards the Demon trio, and stopping right in front of them. ScreamClaw: "Hey lady, get out of our way." Nami: "If it means letting you harm this child in front of me... I don't think so." ThunderSmacker: "Who said we were gonna harm him?, we just want to steal his soul and eat it." SpaceWarp: "B-b-but uh... won't that kill him in the p-p-process?" ScreamClaw: "Shut up!, SpaceWarp!" Nami: "In that case... Thunderbolt tempo!" shouted Nami, before she summons lightning from his Clima-tact, shocking the Demon trio until they were knocked out cold. Tommy: "Whoa... thanks miss... you saved me..." Nami: "Well I couldn't let those creeps hurt a child." Tommy: "Yeah... I hope the others are okay..." Nami: "Others?" Tommy: "Yeah, my friends, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo, they came here with me, and we got to warn those other kids about Caesar." Nami: "Other kids?, Caesar?" Tommy: "Yeah... it's a long story... let's go find them while I explain." said Tommy, before Nami and the others went to follow the fox. As for Kin'emon, Sanji was the one who carried him as he had no body at the moment. When they got to a door that leads outside, they see some familiar faces, which was Smoker, Tashigi, and Trafalgar Law, and it seems that Smoker was fighting Law until the pirate used his Devil fruit power to somehow steal Smoker's heart, and then did something to the marine and Tashigi that looked like something of theirs got switched. It wasn't long before Law noticed the Straw Hats. Law: "Straw Hat... so you're here too..." Luffy: "Huh?... Traffy!, it's great to see ya again!" Nami: "Wait... isn't he that pirate we met back at Sabaody 2 years ago?" Luffy: "He also saved me after the war, just like how Jimbei did." Chopper: "Really?" Sanji: "Never mind that, what the heck did he just do to Tashigi?" Zoro: "I'm more concerned about what those two are doing here?" Kin'emon: "Ah!, it's him!, the man who cut me into pieces!" Robin: "Ah... he must have used the power of the Op Op fruit on ya." Conis: "A Devil fruit?" Robin: "Yes, I've heard stories about it... The Op Op fruit is supposed to give you powers of an ultimate surgeon, creating a room where you can control anyone's bodies like an operation table, like cutting the body up without killing, attaching them to other parts and more." Chopper: "Wow... that sounds like a devil fruit for a doctor..." that was when the group noticed something moving in the snow, and popped out of it was a little girl who looked like a pink anthropomorphic cat, followed by a pair of anthropomorphic hyena twins. The girl's name was Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz) while the twins were Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), and they were Tommy's friends. Tommy: "Gidget!, Jokey!, Jokeo!, it's you guys!" Gidget: "Tommy!" cried Gidget in joy, before giving the fox a big hug, and it wasn't long before the twins joined in the hug. Jokey: "Hey little buddy, are you okay?, last time we saw ya, you were chased by the Demon trio." Tommy: "I'm fine, thanks to these people here." Jokey: "What happened to them?" asked Jokey, looking at the knocked out Tashigi and Smoker. Franky: "Um... it seems Law did something to those two... but what?" that was when Smoker got up, but Tashigi's voice came out of him, as it was really Tashigi in Smoker's body somehow. Tashigi: "What... happened..." Vivi: "Why does Smoker sound like a girl?" asked Vivi, before Tashigi looked down and see that she was in Smoker's body, much to her shock. Tashigi: "Ah!, I'm Smoker now?!" Zoro: "It's the swordswoman..." Luffy: "How... the girl turned into Smokey?" Law: "I made them switch bodies, that way they can't leave the island without my saying so." Jokey: "Wait... if the girl is the Smokey guy now... then the Smokey guy is..." Jokeo: "Uh..." that was when they see that Smoker was now up and in Tashigi's body, and he was wearing Tashigi's shirt almost unbuttoned. Jokey: "Oh gosh!, the horror!, I can never unseen that!" Nami: "Are you out of your mind?!, there are kids here!" Tashigi: "Seriously Smoker!, you're not in your normal body!, at least button up!" this made Luffy to laugh. Luffy: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!, that's a good look for ya, Smokey!, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Smoker: "What are you laughing at?!" Sanji: "What are you doing here?" Smoker: "We picked up a transmission not too long ago that you were here, so we came, but that was when we ran into Trafalgar Law, one of the 7 warlords of the sea." Luffy: "Huh?!, Traffy is one of the warlords now?" Tashigi: "Yes, and he was trying to stop us from being here." Law: "For your own good, if Caesar finds out that you know the secrets here, you're done for." Usopp: "Um... who is this Caesar person." Smoker: "If it's who I think it is... it would make sense if he's here... Caesar Clown... a mad scientist that used to work with Dr Vegapunk... he's known to use inhuman methods to create weapons of mess destruction... he once created a weapon that made this island impossible to live by filling it with poisonous gas, and after that incident, he vanished... if he's here then we need to stop him before he does something even worse." Tommy: "You're right... and he's already doing something really awful... and he's not alone..." said Tommy, which caught everyone's attention, as the boy placed his hands on his shoulders, shivering from the terrible thoughts that he learned while he was on the island.

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