Usopp and Captain Kuro

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It was a sunny day when Luffy, Zoro and Nami, were sailing to the next island. Nami: "Geez, I know you said that you need a navigator, but not this badly, how can the two of you have no sense of direction at all." Luffy: "Never studied it." Zoro: "I focus on training with swords." Nami: "Ugh... well I guess it's lucky for you two that I'm here." Luffy: "Yeah, now that we got our navigator, we'll set sail for the Grand line." Nami: "First off, I'm not a real member of your crew, and second, there's no way we can sail in the Grand line with this little boat, we need an actual ship." Luffy: "Good idea, let's go get one." Zoro: "One problem, where are we gonna get a ship, and who would give one to pirates like us?" Nami: "Hmm... according to my charts and map of the East blue, there should be an island close by." Luffy: "Then let's go there and get ourselves a ship." soon, they made it to the island, unaware that someone was watching them from the shore's cliffs. Luffy: "Is this the place?" Nami: "Yeah, there should be a village called Syrup village nearby." Zoro: "I hope the drinks there are good." suddenly, a big group of pirate flags popped out of the bushes, and a man around Luffy's age with a long nose, named Usopp (voiced by Sonny Strait), came out of hiding. Usopp: "Listen good pirates, if you think that you can invade my village, then think again, cause you're now facing the legendary Captain Usopp, with 8,000 men by his side!" Luffy: "Awesome!" Nami: "Don't be silly Luffy, he's obviously lying." Usopp: "Drat!, you knew?!" Nami: "I do now." Usopp: "Ah dang it!, I can't believe I fell for that!" Luffy: "Wait... did you say that your name's Usopp?, is your dad named Yasopp by any chance?" hearing this made Usopp lose his balance and fell down the cliff and rolled down to the beach, stopping in front of the trio. Usopp: "Uh... yeah... my dad's name is Yasopp... but... how did you knew that?" Luffy: "Because I knew you dad, I met him when I was a little kid." Usopp: "Really?!, do you know where he is now?" Luffy: "Sorry, no clue, but I do know that last time I saw him, he was a member of Shanks' crew, and the number 1 sniper of that crew too." Usopp: "Yeah... that sounds great... you know, I happened to be a good sniper too." Luffy: "Really?" Usopp: "Yeah... though not with a gun, I do happened to know how to use a slingshot." Nami: "A pirate that uses a slingshot?" Usopp: "Hey it might not be as impressive looking as a gun, but it does get the job done... so uh... you're pirates too?" Luffy: "Yup, I'm the captain and this is Zoro, my first mate and swordsman, and Nami, the navigator." Nami: "I told you, I'm not part of your crew, I'm just an ally!" Usopp: "Wait... Zoro?, as in... the pirate hunter?" Zoro: "Yeah, long story short, it was either joining his crew or die by the marines..." Usopp: "Huh... well I guess that makes sense, so what brings you here?" Luffy: "We came here in hopes to get a ship." Usopp: "Well... the only person who can possibly get one would be Kaya, she's the rich girl who's been sick for some time now, ever since her parents passed away, and the only company she has now is either her butlers or me to tell her tall tales to cheer her up." Nami: "Oh is she your girlfriend or something?" Usopp: "What?!, wait hold on!, it's nothing like that!, she's just a friend, that's all!, and besides... I don't think I'm her type... and also not to long ago... I got kicked out by Kaya's butler, Klahadore." Luffy: "Um... is he by chance a guy with glasses?" Usopp: "Yeah... but wait... how do you know that?" Luffy: "Isn't that him over there?" asked Luffy, pointing at a man with glasses that was located on the beach close by. The group hid themselves behind a large rock so they wouldn't be noticed, and see that the man was indeed Klahadore (voiced by Kent Williams), and the one stood in front of him was a man with heart shaped glasses named Jango (voiced by Kenny Green). Klahadore: "So... everything is set?" Jango: "Indeed, by tomorrow morning, the crew of the Black Cat pirates will attack the village, and once Kaya dies, you'll be the one with the inheritance." this made Usopp gasped in shock and horror, he couldn't believe that Klahadore is planning to kill Kaya. Klahadore: "Remember, you can't kill her until she makes her will, which she'll have to make through your hypnosis." Jango: "Right Captain Kuro, I'll remember that." Klahadore: "And don't call me by that name, that man is dead after all." Jango: "Yes, that man who was really one of your men that I hypnotized to believe he's you, and the same with that marine who is now known as Axe hand Morgan." Usopp: "Captain... Kuro...?" Luffy: "Is he famous or something?" Nami: "I've heard of him... he was a pirate that was famous for his plans, but I heard he was executed 3 years ago..." Zoro: "Looks like he's still alive... and plans to steal this Kaya girl's money and everything." Usopp: "This is bad... I gotta warn everyone!" said Usopp, before he makes a run for it towards his village, in hopes to warn the people there before it's too late. However, when night came, the straw hats see Usopp sitting on a rock, looking sad and ready to cry. Luffy: "What happened?, didn't you warn your village?" Usopp: "Yeah... but they didn't believe me... for I have a reputation of being a liar... not even Kaya believed me... and her other butler... Merry, shot me when I was trying to get Kaya out of the mansion... I have to stop those pirates... I just gotta..." Luffy: "You can't do that... not by yourself anyway." Usopp: "I have to try... it's not like there's anyone else that can help me..." Luffy: "We're here." Usopp: "Wait... you're gonna help me?" Luffy: "Sure, we're friends after all." Zoro: "And as long as I have a good sword fight, I can help." Nami: "I'll help too, as long as I get their treasure." Usopp: "Okay... what can you guys do?" Luffy: "I stretch." Zoro: "I cut." Nami: "I steal." Usopp: "I hide..." All: "You're gonna fight too!" Usopp: "Okay!, okay, geez... but do we really have a chance?" Luffy: "We'll never know unless we give it a try." meanwhile, at the mansion, when morning came, Kaya (voiced by Carrie Savage), went down the stairs when she saw something horrifying, the body of her butler Merry (voiced by Jerry Jewell), who was still alive but badly hurt. Kaya: "Merry!, oh my gosh!, what happened?!" Merry: "Oh... Miss Kaya... you're still alive... thank goodness..." Kaya: "Merry, tell me what happened?!" Merry: "It... was Klahadore... he did this... turns out... Usopp was telling the truth... Klahadore was a pirate... all this time... what a tragedy..." said Merry, while Kaya was shocked and cried a little, realizing that she trusted the wrong person, a real tragedy indeed. Back at the beach, the straw hats were there, seeing the pirate ship had come ashore, and soon the Black Cat pirates were coming up towards the Straw hats, who managed to stopped them without much trouble. Usopp: "How... are you able to stretch like that?" Luffy: "I ate the Gum Gum fruit, so now I'm a rubber man." Usopp: "A devil fruit?, those things are real...?" said Usopp with disbelief. Jango: "Come on men!, you can't really let a bunch of kids get the better of you... I... uh oh..." said Jango, before seeing that Klahadore was standing behind the Straw hats. Klahadore: "What is going on here, it's passed the time for the attack." said Klahadore, which startled the Straw hats a lot as they were not aware he was behind them. Zoro: "What the... I didn't even sensed his presence..." Jango: "Uh... Captain Kuro... I can explain... uh..." Klahadore: "I told you!, don't call me that, that man is dead, I was sick and tired of the marines chasing me down, all I want is a peaceful life, and I shall do whatever it takes to get it." Usopp: "Even if it means taking out the life of the girl who saw you as family?!" Klahadore: "She might have seen me like that, but the saying can't go for me, I was waiting for the right time, and she'll be dead after I kill you all first." Kaya: "Klahadore!" shouted Kaya, who came to the scene, surprising everyone in the area. Klahadore: "Miss Kaya... I was not expecting to see you here." Kaya: "Merry told me everything... I can't believe you... all this time... I thought you were my friend!" Klahadore: "Sorry, nothing personal, but in order to have the life I wanted, I have to get rid of you." Usopp: "You heartless creep!, don't you have any sympathy for that poor girl?!" Klahadore: "Apparently not." Usopp: "Kaya!, you have to run for it!" Kaya: "But Usopp!, they'll kill you!" Usopp: "Never mind about me, you're the one who's in danger, go!" Klahadore: "Jango, get her." Jango: "As you wish." said Jango, as he goes after Kaya, who makes a run for it into the woods. Luffy: "Zoro, you and Usopp help the girl, I'll take care of the butler jerk." Zoro: "Fine by me." Usopp: "Hang on Kaya, we'll save you!" cried out Usopp, as he and Zoro go after Kaya and Jango. Klahadore: "Why are you so determined to protect this village?" Luffy: "Because I have a friend here that I don't want to die." Klahadore: "Well it doesn't matter if you want him to die or not, you're gonna die with him... along with everyone here." said Klahadore, before putting on gloves that has long blades on the fingertips, and then started to sway around, before vanishing into thin air, and some of the Black Cat pirates were being slashed around by some unknown force. Turns out that Klahadore was using an attack that makes him super fast and attacking his own crew due to failing the plan and didn't want anyone knew his identity to live. Luffy was in rage by the sight of Klahadore killing his own crew. Luffy: "How could you do that to your own crew?!" shouted Luffy, which surprised Nami, never seen him this angry before, other than the time when Buggy attacked Luffy's straw hat. Meanwhile, in the forest, Jango was still chasing Kaya, until he finally caught her, and then pulls out a metal ring attached to a string and starts swinging it in a hypnotic way. Jango: "Look into this ring, and when you hear 'Jango', you'll fall deep asleep... 1... 2... Jango!" said Jango, who only managed to hypnotized himself as Kaya had her eyes close and tried to run again but tripped on a tree root and fell. It wasn't long before Jango finally woke up and tried to hypnotize Kaya again, but then Usopp came and used his slingshot to fire a little hammer at the pirate. Getting hit on the head by the hammer, Jango was out cold. Meanwhile, back with Luffy, he was still facing Klahadore, and it wasn't long before the young pirate managed to catch him by wrapping his body around the evil butler. Klahadore: "What are you doing?!, let go!" Luffy: "If you wanted a peaceful life, then you shouldn't have become a pirate in the first place... no... you were never a real pirate... now Gum Gum Bell!" called out Luffy, before he stretched out his neck, and used his own head to ram Klahadore in the face, knocking the evil butler out cold. Then Luffy used his Gum Gum Bazooka attack on Klahadore, sending him flying and out of the scene, making the Black Cat pirates very scared of Luffy right now. Luffy: "Leave this island... and never come back..." All: "Aye sir!" cried out the Black Cat pirates, before they went back to their ship and sailed away from the island and the scene. Sometime later, Luffy and the others, including Kaya, were at a restaurant eating some lunch. Kaya: "Thank you so much for saving me and the village, if it weren't for you... well..." Luffy: "No sweat, you're a friend of Usopp's, so we had to help out." Usopp: "Well even so, I couldn't have protected the island without you guys, that's for sure." Zoro: "Yeah, well you might be a coward, but you are an honorable one too." Usopp: "I don't know if that's supposed to be a compliment or an insult..." Nami: "Well now that we got some food, what we really need now is a ship..." Kaya: "Is that all?, well I happened to have one you can use, as a way to thank you all for saving me and the village." Luffy: "Really?, thanks!" soon enough, as they arrived to the beach, the Straw hats see a ship, which had a ram for a figure head, and Merry, who has recovered, was there to introduce the ship to the pirates. Merry: "This here is the Going Merry, a fine ship if I ever saw one, it's actually my own creation." Luffy: "Wow, it looks awesome!" Zoro: "Well it's diffidently better than that little boat we had." Nami: "It sure is." as Merry continues to tell the Straw Hats about their new ship, Kaya was talking to Usopp. Kaya: "So... you're finally going out to sea?" Usopp: "Yeah, I never had the courage to do it, but after seeing Luffy and his crew in action, I finally decided to head out to sea and fulfill my dream of becoming a brave warrior of the sea." Kaya: "Well... I wish you good luck then... and once you come back... I'll be a great doctor to help you heal after all the injuries you went through." Usopp: "That's great." Luffy: "Hey Usopp, what are you waiting for, let's go." Usopp: "What do you mean?" Luffy: "Simple, I want you... to join my crew." Usopp: "Really?... alright!, I'm a captain!" Luffy: "Heck no!, I'm the captain!, but you can be our sniper, just like your dad." Usopp: "Well... that works too." said Usopp, as he gets onboard the Going Merry with the others, and soon sailed off to sea, leaving Kaya and Merry behind. Kaya: "Merry... I'm gonna miss Usopp..." Merry: "Me too... it's gonna be a bit dull here without Usopp around... that's for sure... but I'm sure we'll manage... and to be honest... I know why Usopp tends to lie... it's because he did it to try cheering up his mother..." said Merry, before a flashback came that showed little Usopp trying to cheer up his mother with his tall tales, before her sickness took away her life, and the boy was living on his own since then. Once the flashback ended, Kaya couldn't help but feel like she heard that before. Kaya: "Sounds like how he tries to cheer me up too..." Merry: "Yes, he is indeed a good person... pirate or not..." said Merry, as he and Kaya continued to watch the sea where the Going Merry sailed away in, with the Straw Hats and Usopp in tow.

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