The wedding on Whole Cake island part 2

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After escaping from the dungeon, Luffy, Nami, Sanji and Jimbei were making a run for it, trying to find a place to hide. Nami: "So you've been working for Big Mom since Whitebeard's passing?" Jimbei: "Yes, though not by choice, if my crew and my home were to be saving, being an alley with one of the emperors is the best option... but I believe the time to cut ties with Big Mom is near, as I promised you all that I will join you the next time we meet, and unlike Big Mom, you wouldn't destroy try to destroy my home for sweets." Luffy: "No kidding, I love meat, but I wouldn't destroy my friends' homes to get it." Sanji: "So anyway, anyone else came?" Nami: "Well there's Chopper and Brook, along with Pedro, Carrot, and the Mink kids." Sanji: "Hold on, those kids are here too?!" Nami: "We didn't take them, they stowed away." Jimbei: "Where are they now?" Nami: "I'm not sure, we got separated in the woods... I hope they're okay..." Luffy: "I'm sure they're fine." said Luffy, before seeing the Mink kids running towards them, screaming in terror as the Demon trio were flying right behind them. Nami: "Not those monsters again!" Sanji: "Actually I'm glad they're here... so I can give them the beating I owe them for what happened at Zou!" said Sanji, before he jumps up and gives the Demon trio enough powerful kicks to knock them out. Nami then took out her Clima-tact to summon some lightning to shock the trio. But it was just the trio she hit, but also Chopper, who came out of one of the mirrors just when Nami fired her attack. Chopper: "Ah..." said Chopper while looking a little cooked up. Nami: "HUH?!, Chopper?!" Luffy: "Nami!, why did you hit Chopper too?!" Nami: "I didn't know he was there!, it's like he came out of nowhere!" Gidget: "Hey look... isn't that Carrot in the mirror?" said Gidget, looking at the mirror with Carrot inside, who was shocked to see the state Chopper was in. Carrot: "Ah!, Chopper Bro!, are you okay?!" Nami: "Carrot?!" Jokey: "Uh... why is Miss Carrot in the mirror?" Jimbei: "It must be Brulee's work, she has the power of the Mirror Mirror fruit." Carrot: "Yeah, now hurry everyone, get in the mirror quick!" Luffy: "Huh?, we can do that?" Jokeo: "Well if Miss Carrot could do it, I guess we can too..." Gidget: "We better hurry, before some guards come." so with that, they went into the mirror, and they were amazed by the sight of the mirror dimension. Luffy: "Whoa... I didn't know there was a dimension inside mirrors... this is so cool..." Jimbei: "So you and Chopper not only caught Brulee, but used her powers to find us?" Carrot: "Uh huh... that's right, uh... you're not an enemy are you?" Luffy: "Don't worry, Jimbei's a friend of ours, in fact, he's gonna be joining our crew soon when he finishes when he needs to do." Carrot: "Really?, well a friend of my home's saviors is a friend of mine." Jimbei: "Let me guess, the Straw Hats saved your home of Zou?" Carrot: "Yeah... hold on, how did you knew I was from Zou?" Jimbei: "Well I know you're not from here, and the only other place where can find members of the Mink tribe are at Zou." Carrot: "Oh... I guess it was a little obvious..." that was when Pedro came to the scene. Pedro: "So you must be Fish son of the Sea Jimbei... the former member of the 7 warlords..." Jimbei: "That's right, and I'm guessing you came with the Straw Hats to aid them in rescuing Sanji." Pedro: "Yes, and I must say that I'm surprised to see that there was a place like this... though not as surprised as when I saw Chopper and Carrot calling me through the mirror..." said Pedro, having a flashback of when he was keeping the guards away from Brook, he was rescued by Chopper and Carrot. And speaking of the reindeer, he finally woke up and sees Luffy and the others. Chopper: "Ow... my head... oh that's right!, Nami!, what's the idea of shocking me?!" Nami: "I'm really sorry about that, I was trying to hit the Demon trio and you just came out of nowhere." Carrot: "Try not to be mad at Nami, I'm sure it was only an accident." Chopper: "Well... I guess it was kinda my fault for coming out at the wrong time... I'll forgive you Nami, just be careful from now on." Nami: "Sure thing, now this Brulee person... where is she?" Carrot: "Over there in the sack, though I don't understand why we caught those three too." said Carrot, pointing at the tied up Brulee and Demon trio. ThunderSmacker: "Unbelievable... how do we keep getting beaten by these pirates?!" SpaceWarp: "W-w-well... we did beat them in Zou... t-t-that's something... right?" ScreamClaw: "Yes... speaking of which... SpaceWarp, use your..." before ScreamClaw could finish what he was going to say, Gidget tied up SpaceWarp's mouth. Gidget: "Nice try, but you're not gonna trick us with that gas trick a second time." ThunderSmacker: "Oh nuts..." Chopper: "Hey... where's Brook?" Pedro: "Well... I know where he is... but that's the problem..." said Pedro, before he leads the group to a large fancy mirror, which shows Big Mom's room, with Big Mom herself sleeping at the moment, with Brook sleeping next to her. Luffy: "Whoa... that's one big old lady..." Jimbei: "That's Big Mom herself..." Carrot: "No way... that's her...?" Chopper: "Why is Brook there?" Brulee: "Mama has a thing for collecting rare and unusual things, and that living skeleton makes a good addition, you'll never get that bag of bones back, Wee, Wee, Wee, Wee, Wee!" said Brulee, before Jokey brought a skeleton with seaweed with hair. Gidget: "Uh... what's with the skeleton?" Jokey: "I found it in a closet, this would make a good scary decoration." Gidget: "... Or maybe something we can use to get Mr Brook back." Nami: "I get it, we'll use it to switch Brook with so Big Mom won't notice." Chopper: "Yeah... but who gonna do the switch...?" asked Chopper, before the group decided to take turns on which one will get Brook, and after a few times with Chopper, Carrot, and Pedro, who failed to get Brook and nearly got destroyed by Zeus and Prometheus, it was Nami's turn. When she got to Brook, the living skeleton sees the one Nami was carrying and screamed in terror, making Nami scream too and nearly woke up Big Mom, who believes that there was a screaming fly in her room, and both Prometheus and Zeus were out to attack. Nami was able to make the switch and got herself and Brook out of the room and back to the Mirror world. Brook: "Oh my... I was so scared..." Nami: "You were scared?!, you were the one who screamed over a normal skeleton, and you're a living skeleton!, you're the last person who should be scared by that!" Brook: "Oh right... my bad..." Pedro: "I'm the one who should be sorry, I made you go on an impossible task... and you became prisoner... please forgive me..." Brook: "Don't blame yourself, we all knew the dangers of getting the Poneglyphs, but we had to get them in order to find Laugh Tale, oh that reminds me." said Brook, before he opens his skull to get some paper out of it, which made Jimbei, Carrot and the Mink kids gasped in shock. When Brook gives the papers to Nami, she was puzzled. Nami: "Uh... what's this?" Brook: "Oh that's the rubbing of the Poneglyph of course." Pedro: "HUH?!" Chopper: "You managed to get it?!" Brook: "Uh... yes." Pedro: "No way... you managed to succeed?!" Brook: "Yes, Big Mom showed up right after I finished it, I was lucky that I had enough time to hide the rubbings in my skull before she could see them." Jimbei: "Well done Brook, I wouldn't expect anything less from Luffy's crew." Luffy: "Come on Jimbei, you'll be part of my crew soon enough too, remember?" Jimbei: "Of course, but not yet, there is something I have to do first, which I will do at the wedding." Sanji: "Are you sure?, cause that's when Big Mom and his family will kill me and my family." Jimbei: "I know... but Big Mom's a target of being assassinated as well." Carrot: "Huh?!, what do you mean?" Jimbei: "Well..." said Jimbei, before he begins explaining to the group about a pirate named Bege, another member of the Worst generation like Luffy, Law and Kid. Bege was known to assassinate the big bosses of gangsters or pirates from the inside by working for them to let their guard down, and he was a man who ate the Castle Castle fruit, making him a walking castle of a man. Turns out he joined the Big Mom pirates so he take down Big Mom himself, and plans to do it during the wedding. Sanji: "Oh man... this wedding is full of conspiracies..." Jimbei: "Not only that, Bege is this year's head of security... which might give us an advantage." Luffy: "What do you mean?" Jimbei: "Well... the thing is, I might have convinced him to have a meeting with us to see if we form an alliance to take down Big Mom." Nami: "What?!, you can't be serious!, teaming up with someone like him?!" Jimbei: "I know he's not the kind of person you wanna hang out with, but we share a common enemy with Big Mom, and it's our only chance to survive the wedding..." Sanji: "Well... when you put it like that, it seems we don't really have much of a choice." Jimbei: "That's right, the 16 of us will need Bege for this plan to work." ThunderSmacker: "What are you talking about?, there's only 12 of ya." SpaceWarp: "I think they're counting us t-t-too..." ScreamClaw: "Hey don't count us!, we're not part of your team!" Brulee: "There's no way your plan will work!, you're all gonna pay for this!, especially you Jimbei!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what she said..." some time later, the group went into a mirror, and ended up in a room where a man with a long tongue name Vito (voiced by Chris Hackney), was surprised by the group's entrance, but gasped in joy when he sees Sanji. Vito: "Well this is nice, the third son of the Vinsmoke family stands before me." Sanji: "Oh great... you again..." Carrot: "Is he an enemy?" Jimbei: "Not sure yet, he's one of Bege's crew mates." Sanji: "And a big fan of the comics that featured Germa 66." Vito: "How could I not?, the way they transform with their raid suits and their technology is amazing!, anyway, these must be the Straw Hats." Jimbei: "Some of them at least." Luffy: "Where is this Bege guy?" Vito: "Oh don't worry, he'll come, but first you should get yourselves cleaned up, he doesn't like meetings with dirty people." Luffy: "What's wrong with getting a little dirty?" Chopper: "Well getting dirty makes you more likely to get sick." Nami: "Well if you ask me, I could use a bath myself." Carrot: "Me too." Gidget: "Me three." Vito: "And after you take a bath, you must get some formal clothing." Tommy: "Are there any clothes our size?" Vito: "I believe so, the boss needed some clothes for his baby." Gidget: "He's a father?" Vito: "Of course, he's married after all, to the lady known as Mistress Chiffon, one of the daughters of Big Mom herself." Jokeo: "Was that how Bege joined the Big Mom pirates?" Vito: "Yes, though Big Mom isn't a fan of Chiffon, not surprising due to having a grudge on the woman named Lola and looks just like Chiffon due to the two being twin sisters." Nami: "Wait... Lola...?" Sanji: "So Lola had a twin sister?, and she's married to Bege and now has a kid?" Vito: "Yes, now you go get yourselves cleaned up." Tommy: "Sure thing, I could use a bath..." Jokey: "Well... as long as there be bubbles... I'm in." Jokeo: "He likes bubbles." Chopper: "Who doesn't?" soon, the group went to take a bath, and while the guys were in the man's bath, the girls went into the girl's bath, where they meet Chiffon (voiced by Kate Bristol) herself with her baby, named Pez. Nami: "Wow... you really do look just like Lola..." Chiffon: "Yes, when I heard about you saving my sister 2 years ago, I wanted to do everything I can to help you in return, which is why I convinced Bege to have this alliance." Nami: "I see... but what I don't get is that why does Big Mom have a grudge against Lola?" Chiffon: "Well... as you know Whole Cake island is home to all kinds of races... except for a few, and giants are one of them." Carrot: "Wow... giants are real?" Nami: "Now that I think of it, I have not seen any giants here." Chiffon: "Yes, for you see, the giants have some grudge against mama for many years, due to her destroying a village of theirs just because she didn't get the food she wanted, and she was only a child back then..." Nami: "Really?" Chiffon: "Yes, then one day, a giant got washed up on the beach, and he fell in love with Lola, and not only that, he was a prince from Elbaf." Carrot: "A real prince?!" Nami: "And Big Mom wanted Lola to marry the prince so the grudge between her and the giants could end?" Chiffon: "Correct... however, Lola wasn't in love with him and sailed away to find the man she really wanted... while mama forced me to try getting me to marry the prince as I looked like Lola... but the giants weren't fooled, and so the grudge continued... that was the start of mama having a grudge on Lola, and then me as I look like her... and treated me like dirt and beat me up whenever she sees me... she's a real monster, not fitting to be a real mother... sorry if that sounds like I'm being cruel, but it's true..." Gidget: "It's not your fault... some people just have bad parents... while some good parents leave us all too soon..." Chiffon: "Hmm?" Nami: "Gidget's parents... along with Tommy's and the hyena twins' parents got killed in Zou not too long ago." Chiffon: "Oh dear... I am so sorry." Gidget: "It's okay... we'll manage..." some time after the bath, the group went to cleaner clothes, and they went into the room where the meeting was taking place, and it wasn't long before Bege (voiced by Kyle Hebert) himself came to the scene. Bege: "So these are the Straw Hats... they don't seem like much but at least they got dressed properly." said Bege, before Luffy looks at baby Pez. Luffy: "Are you Bege?" Chiffon: "That's my baby you idiot!" Bege: "Well he will be the boss one day when he grows up, anyway, I'm Bege, and Straw Hat Luffy, the pirate who my wife told me would help us take down Big Mom..." Luffy: "Yeah... that's me." that was when Gidget noticed a certain man in the corner, a man that she knew all too well. Gidget: "Why is Caesar here?!" Caesar: "Who?, me?, I don't know who you're talking about?..." Bege: "We brought him here to create some weapons we can use to kill Big Mom." Caesar: "Yes... and I'm proud to say that they'll surely kill Big Mom." Brook: "I doubt it'll work if it can't break through her tough skin." Bege: "Yeah, you could say she's like a metal blimp, however, there is a way to weaken her defenses." Chopper: "What's that?" Bege: "Well she seems to have a real love for a photo of someone called Mother Carmel." Carrot: "Who's that?" Chiffon: "Nobody knows, not even the family, she seems to have been someone that meant a lot to mama... she's a real mystery..." Bege: "Anyway... in the last year's tea party, someone knocked over the photo, though it wasn't damaged, the sight of the photo really upset her." Chiffon: "No fooling, she got so upset that she let out a shriek that forced her to unleash her Conqueror's Haki." Bege: "And when she fell to her knees, her got hurt, as if the state she was in weakened her defenses... so if seeing the photo getting knocked over made her that way... imagined what would happen if break it." Brulee: "You're mad!, there's no telling what would happen if you break the photo!, and Chiffon, how dare you betray your family!" Chiffon: "Sorry Brulee, but you know how badly mama and you all treated me, Bege and Pez are my family now, and they love me no matter what, unlike you and the others, especially mama." ScreamClaw: "She does have a point, you did treated her badly." ThunderSmacker: "Yup." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah..." Brulee: "Oh shut up!" Bege: "Anyway, once we break the photo, Big Mom will let out a shriek that should immobilized her family long enough for us to use the weapons on her." Chopper: "But won't her shriek effect us too?" Bege: "Not if we wear earplugs." Nami: "Oh yeah, that works I guess." Bege: "Now as you know, once the bride removes her veil, she'll try to shoot ya, but you should be able to dodge it, and that's when Straw Hat makes a distraction to keep Big Mom and her family busy long enough for one of us to break the photo." Luffy: "And I know the how to do it... with a really funny entrance." Bege: "We don't need it to be funny." Nami: "What do you have in mind?" Luffy: "It's a surprise, but I'll need the mirror lady for it, and a mirror in the wedding cake, and some animals." Brulee: "Hey don't you dare use me for your plans against mama!" Luffy: "Well you should have thought of that before you attempted to kill one of my friends and his family." ScreamClaw: "You know... if you untie us, we can help you." ThunderSmacker: "Yes, and then we'll steal your souls in return." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah..." ScreamClaw: "Don't tell them that you fools!" that was when Carrot and Nami noticed that Gidget was looking down, feeling really uneasy. Nami: "Hey, what's wrong?" Gidget: "It's just... the idea of killing someone period... I just don't like the idea of doing it..." Carrot: "Yeah... I know the feeling..." Nami: "Yeah... but we don't have a choice, if we don't do this, Big Mom and her family will kill not only Sanji and his family, they'll kill us too." Tommy: "As much as I hate to admit it, she's right... we don't have any other choice now..." Jokey: "But what if this plan fails?" Jokeo: "It can't fail... or else we're as good as dead if you know what I mean..." Sanji: "Well... I better get back to my place before they find out I'm gone..." Luffy: "Go ahead Sanji, we'll take care of everything." Sanji: "I'm sure you will." said Sanji, before he heads off to get back to his place before anyone would know he left.

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