Jimbei and Hordy Jones on Fish-man island part 2

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As the people of Fish-man island watch from above the plaza, the Straw Hats were facing 100,000 members of the New Fish-man pirates, including Hordy Jones, who just got back on his feet, and his top officers. Hordy: "So you're the Straw Hats pirates who took down Arlong 2 years ago..." Luffy: "Yeah, that's us, and you must be that Hordy Jones guy, right?" Hordy: "That is correct, and soon to be king of Fish-man island and king of the pirates." Luffy: "... King of the pirates..." Hordy: "Men... kill them all!, especially the mermaid princess!" ordered Hordy, before the Fish-man pirates charges towards the Straw Hats. Vivi: "Well... looks like they're coming..." Conis: "This should be perfect to test out our skills." Franky: "Yeah, who cares if they got us outnumbered?, we'll kick all of their butts!" Sanji: "Hey Moss head, try not to be scared with how many there are." Zoro: "Oh please, there might be a lot of them, but they can't be all that tough, I mean it's not like they're navy admirals or anything like that, so you should keep it together." Sanji: "Oh yeah?!, how about we take down the most of these and see who's tougher?!" Zoro: "Sure thing!, I can't wait!" that was when Luffy walked forward towards the incoming Fish-man pirates, and suddenly, a powerful force of Aura came out of Luffy, causing most of the pirates to faint in an instant. Hordy: "...What in the world?!..." Shirahoshi: "Oh my... Luffy..." Jimbei: "That training paid off it seems..." Chopper: "Wait... you mean Luffy did that?" Robin: "Yes... the Conqueror's Haki... the one Rayleigh used back at Sabaody 2 years ago..." Sanji: "Unreal... sure is scary..." Zoro: "Yeah, but I wouldn't expect anything less, otherwise he couldn't be my captain..." said Zoro with a smile. Luffy: "Listen up Hordy... I'm about to kick your butt, if you want to be a king of a country, I wouldn't care... but king of the pirates?, that's my job!" Hordy: "Hmm... the Conqueror's Haki... no matter, you might have taken down 50,000 of my men, but I still have 50,000 left!, and they will kill you and your crew, along with every human in the surface!" shouted Hordy, which made his crew roared in agreement. Zoro: "Hey!, you knocked out too many, save some for me and the others." Luffy: "Oh right... my bad." Sanji: "Well if you asked me, those that got knocked out were obviously hardly a challenge, so I'm gonna take down the real tough ones." Zoro: "Not if I get them first, dirty cook." it wasn't long before Hordy orders his men to attack, which alerted the Straw Hats that it was their time to shine. Vivi uses her perfume dance to hypnotize her opponents long enough to use her Peacock slashers, which she coated with Armament Haki, to give a really effective slash against the fish-men. Conis made her wings grow bigger to fly up and use her bazooka to fire at her own opponents, while Su turned into her owner to replicate the attack. Karoo uses his speed and Armament Haki to make his wings hard enough to slash his enemies in an instant. Kung Fu form while Usopp uses his pop greens to send out monster plants against the fish-man. Usopp: "Hey Chopper, where did you get that form?" Chopper: "I sort of learned it while training, and I can now transform into most of my forms at will, with only my monster point needing a rumble ball, and I see you got lots of cool plants." Usopp: "Yup, they sure come in handy, just like the dials did when we first got them." Chopper: "Speaking of which, Conis and Su really have gotten stronger too." Usopp: "No joke." back with the other straw hats, they're proving that they gotten stronger too. Robin uses her powers to create giant arms or legs to slap or stomp her enemies, while Brook uses his music to hypnotize the fish-man, thinking they were in a festival until he cuts them down. Zoro and Sanji were either cutting or kicking down many enemies, like it was a contest. Sanji: "Don't think you can be better than me, moss head!" Zoro: "Yeah?!, try and stop me dirty cook!" shouted the pair, before they continue on taking down as many pirates as they can, while Jimbei just stare in disbelief. Jimbei: "This is not a competition..." Robin: "Just ignore them, they're like this all the time." said Robin with a giggle. As for Franky, he takes out what looks like a rhino based motorcycle called Black Rhino FRU-4, and a dinosaur base tank called Brachio Tank 5. Luffy: "Whoa!, a rhino bike and a dinosaur tank?!, so cool!" Brook: "Those are some tough and stylish looking machines!" Usopp: "No joke!, they look so awesome!" Chopper: "Yeah!, so cool!" Franky: "Oh if you think they're cool now... wait till you see them combine..." Nami: "Combine?" asked Nami, before Black Rhino FRU-4 and Brachio Tank 5 combined themselves into what looked like a large robot version of Franky, who went inside the robot. Franky: "Meet the Iron Pirate!, General Franky!" Usopp and Chopper: "Whoa!" Luffy: "No way!, we got a giant fighting robot?!, so cool!" said Luffy, before Franky takes out a sword to slash some pirates. While most of the guys were all star eyed, the girls were not all that impressed. Hordy: "This has gone long enough... come forth my Kraken!" shouted Hordy, before a giant and familiar octopus came to the scene, which scared the civilians. Vivi: "Wait... is that... Surume?" Nami: "Either that or it's another Kraken..." Usopp: "I don't want to think of that..." Luffy: "Hi Surume!, what are you doing here?" asked Luffy, which caught the attention of the Kraken, who stared down at the Straw Hat pirate. Hordy: "What are you waiting for?, destroy Straw Hat... or I'll have to kill you and kill your race who live in the north pole!" shouted Hordy, which made the Kraken feel scared, before Luffy spoke again. Luffy: "Does he mean your family?, you're doing what he says because he's holding them hostage?" asked Luffy, which made the Kraken nodded in sadness. That was when Luffy walked up to Hordy and punched him in the face, sending him flying again, smashing into a wall. Once the fish-man got back up, he was glaring at the Straw Hat. Hordy: "You little pest..." Luffy: "You got some nerve... holding my friend's family hostage... now I'm really gonna kick your butt." suddenly, the sky turned dark, as something huge was casting a hug shadow over the plaza. Turns out that a large ship, close to being as big as the island itself, known as the Noah, came to the scene, hovering above the island. Zoro: "What the heck is that?" Jimbei: "It's the Noah!, but how?!" Franky: "Whoa!, that thing is super gigantic!" Brook: "There is no way this will end well!" Usopp: "Who the heck is operating it to come here?!" Sanji: "I don't think it's a ship with an engine..." Conis: "This can't be good..." Vivi: "It's gonna pop the island's bubble if it gets closer..." Shirahoshi: "Look up there!" called out Shirahoshi, before Wadatsumi fell down from the Noah and crashed into the ground on his head. Wadatsumi: "Ow... my head... Captain Decken!, can you hear me up there?!, I fell down the Noah!, you have to stop the ship for me please!, I don't wanna die here!" Sanji: "Wait... that Decken creep's behind this?!" Jimbei: "Of course... he's using his Mark Mark powers to control the Noah and get it to go after the princess!" Nami: "This is bad... if the bubble pops... we're done for..." suddenly, the ship started to change course, as it turns out that Shirahoshi was swimming away from the island, in hopes to lure it and Decken away from her people. Luffy: "Shirahoshi!, no!, come back!" Conis: "What is she doing?!" Vivi: "What any true ruler would, try to protect her people..." Karoo: "Quack!, Quack!, Quack!" Vivi: "What's wrong?" Chopper: "He said that... Hordy's is following the Noah and Shirahoshi!" this made the Straw Hats to gasp, before looking at one of the chains attached to the Noah, which had Hordy climbing on it. Luffy: "I gotta get up there!" Nami: "Hold on!, that ship is outside of the bubble!, you'll drown!" Jimbei: "There might be a bubble around the bubble if Decken is the one controlling it... as although he's a fish-man, he needs air to move around freely due to his devil fruit powers." Luffy: "Then I'm going to the Noah and fight Hordy there." Sanji: "You better make sure Shirahoshi is safe." Luffy: "Sure thing..." Sanji: "I'll give you a boost to get up there... Sky Walk!" said Sanji, before he jumps into the air, and somehow walking in the air like he was on invisible stairs. Robin: "Interesting... he can use the move that CP9 had..." it wasn't long before Luffy jumped into the air and he got himself on Sanji's foot, and the cook had to make sure on giving him the right amount of force to get to the Noah. Soon, Sanji gave Luffy the boost he needed to get to the Noah, and now he was waiting for Hordy. Unaware to Luffy, Hordy was already in front of the Noah, and without hesitation, he stabs Decken with his Triton. Hordy: "Nothing personal, but I want to destroy those worthless humans no matter the cost... even if it means destroying Fish-man island." said Hordy, before finally taking the Triton out of Decken, who was gasping for air. That was when Prince Fukaboshi came and glares at Hordy. Fukaboshi: "This is sick!, what kind of monster would destroy his home and people just to destroy a group of humans?!" Hordy: "Better heartless than weak, I mean you and your family have no spine and can't do anything to defeat me and my crew." Fukaboshi: "Why are you so determined to destroy all humans?!, what could inspire you to be so cruel that you would harm our people, even killing my mother?!, what did humans even do to you that was so unforgivable!, answer me!" Hordy: "... Nothing." Fukaboshi: "... What?.... That's your answer...?" Hordy: "The simple truth, we were chosen by the heavens to punish the humans... that is our purpose, and we have the power to do so, I mean they deserve it, that's what Arlong and all the others in the Fish-man district say after all..." said Hordy, before he stabs Fukaboshi with his Triton, and then sends him flying into a wall. It wasn't long before Luffy came to the scene, ready to face Hordy. Luffy: "If you think I'll let you harm my friend's home... think again!" Hordy: "Straw Hat... you just don't know when to quit..." it wasn't long before Hordy starts eating some type of pills that made his eyes turn red and grew bigger, and turning his hair white as well. As the battle between Hordy and Luffy begins, Prince Fukaboshi, who was still alive, takes out a Transponder snail and tries to make a call. Fukaboshi: "Father... can you hear me?" asked the prince, as King Neptune, and the other two princes, along with the Minister of the Left (voiced by Francis Fuselier) and the Minster of the Right (voiced by Doug Jackson), heard him and picked up the snail. Neptune: "My son, are you alright?" Fukaboshi: "... I'm barely alive... but listen... I learned a terrible secret about Hordy... it's clear now... Hordy is not a fish-man... he's a monster brought to life by our hatred!" said Fukaboshi, unaware that the call was being heard throughout the whole island. Sanji: "Their hatred?" Nami: "What's he talking about?" asked Nami to herself, as Fukaboshi continues to speak. Fukaboshi: "The New Fish-Man pirates... they're nothing but examples of a grudge from the past... in the fish-man district... they learned nothing but to hate humans from the fish-man from the past generations, like Arlong for example... we allowed their evil and hate to grow there... we could have stopped this... if we didn't poisoned the minds of the children... the children that were in the Fish-man district... if only I understood what Mother was trying to tell us... that we can't fill the children(s) minds with the idea of hating humans... but it was too late!, the real enemy... and mother's true killer... was the grudge that festered our people's hearts while we turned a blind eye!, and I think she knew it at the very moment... that's why she wanted us not to hate the one who harmed her..." Minister of the Left: "Oh Prince Fukaboshi..." Minister of the Right: "My goodness... if only we knew..." Fukaboshi: "Straw Hat!, please!, erase our past!, set us back to zero!, defeat the grudge that darkens our hearts so that we may see the light!, save my home and people!... I beg you... help us start over..." Luffy: "Hey... you don't have to worry... Hordy is not gonna destroy the island... for it's Jimbei's home... and he's my friend... I owe him a great debt... he helped me when I needed it, so it's only fair I do the same, leave everything to me and my crew... that's what friends are for after all." this made Fukaboshi let out tears of joy, and Neptune, along with the civilians were touched. Minister of the Right: "That human... he's truly something..." Minister of the Left: "Indeed..." Neptune: "I don't know why... but he reminds me of Whitebeard..." Ryuboshi: "Why so?" Mamboshi: "Is it because they're pirates with good hearts?" Neptune: "Yes... that might be it..." back with the other Straw Hats, they continue to their fight against the New Fish-man pirates, including the commanding officers. Brook had showed that he release his soul out of his skeleton body to move around through places his body can't go and can make his sword freeze his opponents while being cut as well. Finally see that the Straw Hats were their allies, Neptune asked the royal army to aid the Straw Hats in fighting the rest of the New Fish-man pirates while the Straw Hats deal with the top commanding officers. The New Fish-man pirates had human slaves to force them to attack the royal army, that is until Jimbei asked Robin to free them by taking the keys and locking the chains. Thankful to Robin and Jimbei, the former slaves turned against the New Fish-man pirates and help out the Straw Hats and the royal army. It wasn't long before Chopper got really big, as he was in his monster point form. Usopp: "Oh no... not again!" Chopper: "Don't worry Usopp, I got a whole better at controlling it now, and I can be in this form in 3 minutes." Usopp: "Really?, that's awesome!" Chopper: "Flattery won't get you anywhere, it doesn't make me happy at all!" said Chopper while dancing in a happy way. Usopp: "That's creepy in that form!" said Usopp, before he and the other Straw Hats continue their battle against the New Fish-man pirates. Back with Luffy, he goes to battle Hordy, who proved to be really tough, even more than Arlong was 2 years ago. However, Luffy was not willing to give up, and determined to protect Shirahoshi and save Jimbei's home. As for Vender Decken, he draw his last breath, before he finally passed away, and that was when the Noah suddenly stopped following Shirahoshi, and begins to fall towards Fish-man island. Hordy: "Yes... about time Decken met his end... now the Noah will fall and destroy all my enemies at once!" Luffy: "Not on my watch!, I'll protect everyone!" yelled Luffy, before his arms stretched out and the fists got huge and got covered in Armament Haki, and begins to punch Hordy like a big rainfall of fists hitting him until he was completely knocked out. Shirahoshi: "Please... someone help... stop the Noah..." that was when a voice only Shirahoshi heard said 'As you wish', which really surprised her, especially when a group of Sea Kings appeared and caught the Noah just in time. That was when one of the sea kings said 'You fought well human, but we'll take the Noah back to where it belongs until it can serve it's purpose' Luffy: "Hey... how are you talking to me?" Shirahoshi: "You can understand them too?" Luffy: "Huh?, yeah... but I don't get it, why would the Sea Kings care about this ship?" Shirahoshi: "I don't know..." Sea king: [You see your highness, once every few centuries, our queen is born... but always takes the form of a mermaid... and you are the current queen of ours... and not only that, the Noah has a purpose... one that involves us carrying it.] Shirahoshi: "Is that why... the Noah is so big?" Sea King: [Correct, whenever you need help, we'll be there to be at your service.] Shirahoshi: "Oh... thank you..." Fukaboshi: "Unreal... she's talking to the Sea Kings... incredible..." said Fukaboshi, amazed that his little sister had such an incredible power.

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