The Twin capes and Laboon

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After escaping from Logue town, the Going Merry sails through the sea to reach the entrance of the Grand line. Suddenly, for some unknown, the sky was suddenly clear, and the sea was calm... a little too calm. Zoro: "Hey guys... what happened to the storm?" Usopp: "It's right behind us." said Usopp, who can see that the storm and ravage sea was behind the Going Merry. Sanji: "That's strange... why is everything on our side so clam while that side is wild...?" Nami: "Ah!... we're dead... we've entered the Calm Belt!" Usopp: "The seas that borders the north and south of the Grand line?" Nami: "That's right, and we need to get back to the storm as soon as possible!" Luffy: "But why?, it's calm and nice here." Nami: "It might be calm, but that's the problem, you see, in the calm belt, there's never any wind and the waters don't make waves like a normal sea, and since ships need waves and wind to move... we're stuck." Zoro: "That would explained why we're not moving..." Nami: "Yes, but there's another reason why traveling through the Calm Belt is dangerous and impossible, it's invested with Sea Kings!, it's where they go to breed!" shouted Nami, before a group of gigantic sea monsters burst out of the water, and the Going Merry was on the snout of the biggest one. The whole crew turned white with freaked out faces while looking at the Sea Kings. Luffy: "Whoa!, are these Sea Kings?!, they're huge!" Nami: "Now do you see why we can't sail through here...?" said Nami while crying in fear. Luffy: "Hmm... I wonder..." said Luffy, before he stretches his arm out and yanked a nose hair from the sea monster that the Going Merry was on top of. Zoro: "What the heck did Luffy just do?" Usopp: "Yanked a nose hair..." that was when the monster was beginning to show signs of it getting ready to sneeze. Nami: "Oh no..." Usopp: "Don't tell me..." Sanji: "Sounds like this overgrown fish is gonna sneeze!" Luffy: "Hold on tight!" called out Luffy, before the Sea King let out a big sneeze, causing the Going Merry to be sent flying right back to the East blue and into the storm. Zoro: "We're back into the storm." Usopp: "Who cares?!, I would rather deal with a storm than a big group of ship eating sea monsters!" Nami: "Okay... before we continue, there are some things you should know." said Nami, before she and the others went inside the cabin, and Usopp was holding on the rudder, which was tough due to the strong currents. Zoro: "So tell us... you said the only way to enter the Grand line is going up a mountain... how is that supposed to work?" Nami: "Well I don't know myself, but I heard rumors that there are large rivers that lets a ship to go up the mountain from one of the blue seas and goes down on a river that leads you to the Grand line." Luffy: "So it's a mystery mountain..." Nami: "Well... that's not what I would say..." Usopp: "Hey guys... I could some help right now!" Nami: "Oh for crying out loud, Zoro, help Usopp so he'll stop complaining." asked Nami, before Zoro went to help Usopp, who then noticed that he too was having a hard time to steer the ship. Zoro: "What the... the currents are insanely strong." Luffy: "Hey guys!, look outside!" shouted Luffy, who sees what looks like a huge wall of red rock, which was the Red line itself. Usopp: "Whoa!, I can't even see the top!" that was when Nami noticed what looked like a river up ahead, and the water was climbing up instead of flowing down like a normal river. Zoro: "What the... the river really is going up!" Sanji: "Well at least it'll save us the trouble of going up the mountain." Nami: "Yeah, but it seems to be making the current insanely strong, and if we miss the entrance, we'll get smashed into oblivion." Usopp: "Which is about to happen... as the rudder's broken!" shouted Usopp, showing that the rudder broke, much to the crew's shock and horror. Just before the ship could crash, Luffy used his Gum Gum Balloon move to change the ship's course a little bit, enough to go up the river. Zoro got a hold on Luffy's arm, allowing the captain to come back onboard. Nami: "That was too close..." Luffy: "Alright, we're finally gonna sail in the Grand line!" shouted Luffy with excitement, as the Going Merry sailed up to the top of the mountain, and then sails down to the river that leads it to the Grand line. As the ship passes through some mist, they heard the sound of what sounded like some sort of whale. Once the mist cleared up, that saw that there was a whale, as big as a small island, was blocking their way. Luffy: "Whoa!, a giant whale!" Nami: "Never mind that, it's in our way!, set the ship to sail to the left!" Usopp: "We can't!, the rudder's broken!, remember?!" Luffy: "I have an idea!" said Luffy, before he fires a cannon at the whale, much to the crew's shock and horror. Nami: "Are you out of your mind?!" shouted Nami, before she noticed that the ship slowed down from the cannon fire, but not enough to keep the figurehead from breaking off when it collided with the whale's body, and landed on the deck. Luffy: "No!, my special seat!, why you..." said Luffy in anger, before he stretches his arm out and punches the whale in the eye. All: "You moron~!" shouted the crew, before the whale opened it's mouth and swallowed the ship inside, while Luffy jumped to the top of it's head and noticed a door that goes to the inside of the whale's body, much to Luffy's confusion. Luffy: "Um... I don't know much about whales... but since when did they have a hallway inside them...?" asked Luffy, puzzled about the mysterious hallway inside the whale. Back with the crew, they noticed that they were outside, at least that's what they believed to be at. It wasn't long before they noticed what looked a tiny island in front of them, and someone reading a newspaper was there too. The old man's name was Crocus (voiced by Jerry Russel), and he happened to be a doctor. Usopp: "Who's that?, is he an enemy?" Nami: "I don't know... he doesn't look like a threat..." Usopp: "Hey old man!, tell us who you are, or we'll make ya talk!" Crocus: "If you do that, someone's gonna die." this made Nami and Usopp scream in terror. Sanji: "Yeah?, and who's that gonna be?" Crocus: "Me of course." Sanji: "What?!, you?" Usopp: "Um... that's not the answer I was expecting to hear..." Crocus: "What were you expecting?, an old man like me stands a chance against young pirates like you?" Usopp: Well... when you put it that way..." Zoro: "Where are we exactly?" Crocus: "I think the answer's obvious since you got eaten." Nami: "Wait... you mean... we're in the whale's stomach?!" Usopp: "But since when did whales have a sky inside them?" Crocus: "Since I painted that sky there to pass the time." Usopp: "Huh?, but why?" before Crocus could answer, the whale started to ram itself on the Red line, which seems to be a normal thing on Crocus' knowledge. The old man then injected some sort of medicine that calmed the whale down for a while, before looking at the pirates again. Crocus: "If you use that door, you'll sail your ship out." Sanji: "What the, there's a door too?" Usopp: "Is this even a whale or some kind of ship?" back with Luffy, he was running through the hallway, looking for his ship and crew, when he literately ran into a young woman with blue hair named Miss Wednesday (voiced by Caitlin Glass), causing them to go through a door that lead them right to where the Going Merry was. Nami: "Is that Luffy?" Usopp: "Yeah, but who's that falling with him?" Sanji: "It's a lady!" Zoro: "And it looks like they're about to fall into the water." Nami: "Wait... we're in a whale's stomach... so that would mean... that's stomach acid!" Usopp: "Oh nuts, we're gonna be digested if we don't get out of here!" Sanji: "Not to mention that lady is about to fall into that acid!" Usopp: "Don't forget about Luffy!" Sanji: "Yeah, him too." it wasn't long before Zoro and Sanji got both Luffy and Miss Wednesday out of the stomach acid, and Crocus glared at the girl. Crocus: "Even though your partner is gone, you still have the nerve to attack Laboon?" Luffy: "Who?" Usopp: "You mean... the whale?" Crocus: "Yes, and this girl was trying to kill Laboon so the people of Whiskey peak can fill their greedy bellies with whale meat." Luffy: "I can understand that, meat is yummy." Crocus: "Yes, but Laboon is much more than a pile of big meat... he's my friend... and someone that still believes that his friends will return..." Luffy: "Friends?" asked Luffy, before the Going Merry, and the tiny island, which was really a small boat with a steel bottom, sailed through the door to get out of the whale's body. Crocus: "Yes, you see... a long time ago, there was a friendly pirate crew that came here from the West blue, and Laboon, who was only a baby back then, followed them here... but due to the dangers in these waters, the pirates told Laboon to stay here, promising him that they will return... but that was over 50 years ago..." Nami: "Hold on... 50 years?!, that kind of wait would make anyone insane..." Sanji: "I'm guessing that they're all dead, right?" Crocus: "Yes... that would be the case, I doubt they abandoned their promise to Laboon, they were not those kind of people... I tried to tell him that once, but he refused to listen... and tries to take down the Red line as he believes it is stopping his friends from coming back... it's a real tragedy..." said Crocus, as he and the others were out of the whale and outside again. Sanji: "And I'm guessing the doors and hallways are your work?" Crocus: "Yes, for as you can see, it's impossible to give a creature this size treatment on the outside, so I did some work within." Usopp: "You seemed to know how to give people treatment." Crocus: "Well I was a ship's doctor one time." Luffy: "Really?, you're a doctor?, how about you..." Crocus: "If you're gonna ask me to join your crew, I can't, I'm too old for that sort of thing now, besides I have to stay here and take care of Laboon." Luffy: "I get it... that's what friends are for... speaking of which... hey whale?!, wanna duel with me?" called out Luffy, much to everyone's surprise, and the whale looked at him for a moment, before he nodded and gets ready to charge at Luffy. The duel between Luffy and Laboon was fierce, Luffy was throwing punches and Laboon keeps charging in order to ram the straw hat pirate, but it wasn't long before it ended with a tie. Luffy: "I'm guessing your friends used to spare with ya long ago and missed it... tell you what, when we finished traveling around the Grand line, we'll come back and have a rematch, sound good?" asked Luffy to the whale, who answered with a happy roar, which made Crocus smiled, realizing what Luffy was doing all along, trying to give Laboon some cheering up. It wasn't long before Luffy made a painting of his jolly roger on the whale's front, which of course was made by himself, which of course was the reason it looked so badly designed. But Laboon was happy for it, for it made him feel like a pirate. Luffy: "That's a symbol of our promise, so don't ram yourself on the Red line or you'll mess it okay, I promise we'll be back someday, and then we'll have our rematch..." said Luffy, while Laboon let out another happy roar. That was when Nami let out a scream, seeing that her compass was spinning like crazy. Nami: "Something's wrong with the compass!" Crocus: "Don't tell me you thought a normal compass would work in the Grand line, the islands all over the Grand line have a magnetic field that causes them to malfunction." Nami: "Then how can we navigate through the Grand line?" Crocus: "There is a way, a special compass called a Log Pose, which can lock into the magnetic fields of one certain island after another." Miss Wednesday: "You would have to be a fool to come here without one..." Zoro: "Oh you're still here?" Miss Wednesday: "That's just rude!, and yes I'm here, as I don't have a boat at the moment... but at least I have me... ah!, my Log Pose!, it's gone!" shouted Miss Wednesday, realizing that her Log Pose was not on her wrist. Crocus: "It probably got lost when you fell into Laboon's stomach acid." Miss Wednesday: "Oh no... how am I gonna get back to Whiskey peak now..." Nami: "I don't know about you... but I'm more worried about how are we gonna navigate here ourselves..." Crocus: "No need to worry, how about I give you my own Log Pose?, as my way to thank you for helping Laboon." Nami: "Really?, thank you so much!" said Nami, before Crocus gave her what looked like a bracelet with glass orb on top, and inside the orb was a compass needle that's dangling on a thin piece of wire. Luffy: "So that's a Log Pose?" Crocus: "Yes, now remember there are a few routes to choose from here, once you pick whatever first island you would go to, you travel to that route of it, but no matter what route you'll take, you will eventually end up on the last island in the Grand line, one that only Gold Roger has ever been to... Laugh Tale." Usopp: "So... does that mean... that's where the One Piece is?" Crocus: "That's something you'll have to see for yourselves." Luffy: "Fine by me." Miss Wednesday: "Um... excuse me... I hope it's not too much to ask... but could you possibly get me back to Whiskey Peak?" Luffy: "Okay, sure." All: "Luffy?!" Crocus: "Are you sure that's wise?, once you go to that island, you'll have to sail the route ahead of it." Luffy: "No worries, if we don't like it, then we'll take another route next time." Crocus: "I see... well good luck." said Crocus with a smile, as the Going Merry sails away to the place called Whiskey peak. Luffy: "See ya old guy!, you too Laboon!, we'll see each other again!" shouted Luffy, as the Going Merry sailed away from the Twin capes. Crocus: "I wonder... could those pirates be the ones we've been waiting for... Roger...?" said Crocus to himself, who seems to know the king of the pirates somehow.

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