The strings of Dolflamingo on Dressrosa part 1

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As the sun rises into the sky to start the new day, a News Coo came and dropped a Newspaper on the Thousand Sunny, where Brook picks it up and was shocked to see what it said and woke up everyone to tell them the news. Usopp: "Are you sure?" Brook: "I'm only telling you what the paper says... and it says that Dolflamingo resigned from the 7 warlords of the sea." Caesar: "No!, that can't be!, if he's no longer a member of the warlords, the navy will hunt him down like a normal pirate, and I'll be a target too!" Gidget: "Nobody cares you creep, a monster like you deserves to be locked up after what you did." Caesar: "Don't take it so personally!, I was only trying to prove that I'm the greatest genius in the world!" Gidget: "The only thing you proved was that you're an evil sicko, and your experiments nearly killed my best friend!" that was when Tommy came over to her. Tommy: "Easy Gidget, he's not worth it." Gidget: "But Tommy... he nearly killed you and..." Tommy: "I know... but he can't do any harm right now, and besides, we need to focus on getting home." Usopp: "That reminds me, where do you live?" Tommy: "Well... it's a place known as Zou." Law: "I figured as much, Zou is the homeland of the mink tribe, which is where you're from." Kin'emon: "Yes, I believe so too." Luffy: "Mink tribe?" Law: "You know that there are some races of humanoids like fish-man right?, well the Minks are like that but with features of furry mammals, and these kids are members of that tribe." Jokeo: "That's right, and Zou is where the Mink tribe live, and it's where we came from." Jokey: "I hope everyone's okay..." Law: "Well my crew is there waiting for me once I'm done with the trade at Green Bit." Momonosuke: "You mean giving Caesar to Dolflamingo, right?, are you sure it's wise... Dolflamingo is really dangerous..." Law: "Yeah, I once worked for him long ago, but never mind that, the exchange is just a distraction for you guys to take down the SMILE factory." Momonosuke: "Even so... he's still dangerous..." Nami: "How do you know?" Momonosuke: "Well... before I got to Punk Hazard... Kin'emon and I were at Dressrosa, and there was another samurai with us named Kanjuro... I once saw Dolflamingo punishing a man for double crossing him and I'm not sure how... but it looked like he was controlling that poor man like some kind of puppet... forcing the man to kill himself... it was horrible..." said Momonosuke, shaking in fear before changing into a pink dragon again. Nami: "Easy Momo, it's gonna be okay." said Nami, as she picks up the dragon and gave him a hug to give him a hug, which of course made the little dragon blush and Sanji grew jealous. Sanji: "Hey!, I want a hug from Nami too..." Tommy: "He's right... Dolflamingo is really scary... not to mention his family is dangerous too..." Gidget: "Yeah... like that Pika guy... he was huge... and his powers were to change the terrain with his Stone Stone fruit powers..." Jokey: "Not only that, he does it without saying anything... makes me wonder if he can even speak..." Jokeo: "Me too... I'll bet it sounds scary..." Law: "Anyway, once we get the exchange done, we head off to Zou." Kin'emon: "That's great news, for our original destination was Zou, but we ended up in Dressrosa instead, which was where Momonosuke got scared of the sight of Dolflamingo." Momonosuke: "Yes, and after that, I ran off to a ship that I thought was the one going to Zou... but I was wrong... and that's how I got to Punk Hazard." Tommy: "Same with us too..." Luffy: "Say... what's Dressrosa like?" Law: "Not sure really, it'll be my first time there too." Luffy: "That's fine, I wanna find out myself anyway, makes it more exciting." Tommy: "Um... we've been there... but we won't spoil anything until we get there." Luffy: "That's good to hear, I don't like a boring adventure." Jokey: "Who does?" suddenly, the Transponder snail began to ring, and it wasn't long before Luffy answered it, and Dolflamingo (voiced by Robert McCollum) was the caller. Dolflamingo: "Well if it isn't Straw Hat Luffy, it's been a while, last time was back at Marineford during the war 2 years ago." Luffy: "Hey!, I got a bone to pick with you!, like your pal Caesar did a lot of bad things to little kids!" Dolflamingo: "Oh yes, Caesar is still alive right?" Caesar: "Oh Joker... I'm so sorry... you lost your title as warlord because of me... please forgive me..." Dolflamingo: "Never mind that, as long as you're alive, it's fine..." Law: "Alright Dolflamingo, if you want Caesar back, then meet me at Green Bit this afternoon." Dolflamingo: "Of course, but let me warn you Law, if you think you beaten me that easily... you're sadly mistaken." Law: "We'll see." Dolflamingo: "By the way Straw Hat... while you're in Dressrosa, how about you join the gladiator Colosseum, for there is a special prize that I'm sure you'll want." Luffy: "Is it meat?" Dolflamingo: "No... something much rarer... something that once belonged to Fire Fist Ace only until now." Luffy: "Hmm...?, my brother?, what?" Dolflamingo: "Well... it's the source of his power of course... the Flame flame fruit, and if you want it... come to the Colosseum and fight, and promise me a good show like in Marineford." said Dolflamingo, before the call ended, and the crew were shocked by what the former warlord said. Vivi: "That can't be... Ace's Devil fruit... but that would mean..." Karoo: "Quack..." Luffy: "No... he can't be..." said Luffy, before he pulls out a piece of paper from his hat, which was Ace's Vivre card, which was still okay, making Luffy sigh in relief. Gidget: "Is that a Vivre card?" Luffy: "Yeah, this is my brother's, and since it's okay... that means he's okay." Conis: "That's good to hear." Robin: "But Dolflamingo said he has Ace's Devil fruit, how is that possible if Ace is not dead?, I mean a Devil fruit can only reappear if the eater of the fruit is dead..." Nami: "Maybe it was a lie." Usopp: "Sure, I mean bad guys like to lie." Sanji: "You lie too." Usopp: "Yeah, but I don't lie to hurt others." Luffy: "But what if it is Ace's fruit... I can't let it fell into the hands of some thug, I mean it's my brother's Devil fruit." Zoro: "But if Ace is still alive, then it's probably not his that Dolflamingo has." Luffy: "But it won't hurt to look... and I like to see this gladiator Colosseum." Law: "Don't fall for it Straw Hat, this is no doubt a trap." Luffy: "Like that's gonna stop me." Usopp: "Trust me pal... once Luffy sets his mind on something, nothing will stop him." Vivi: "Plus Luffy's not the type who can be beaten so easily." Law: "I know, but Dolflamingo is very cunning, he can outsmart him." Vivi: "Yeah... that would be a problem due to Luffy being a simple minded idiot..." Conis: "No fooling, he's the easiest one to fool." Luffy: "Hey!, I am not!" Tommy: "Hey guys... we're here..." said Tommy, pointing at the upcoming island, which was Dressrosa itself. Soon, Kin'emon gave the crew some disguises, like white beards to cover their faces. Kin'emon: "Now we must find Kanjuro, there's no telling what tortures he's going through." said Kin'emon, before he runs off to who knows where. Law: "Try not to make a scene!" called out Law, but Kin'emon was already gone. Momonosuke: "Um... where did Luffy go?" Chopper: "He kind of already ran off, along with Zoro, Sanji and Franky." Law: "What?!" Nami: "Should have seen that coming... okay, since Luffy already made his group, Usopp and Robin, along with Vivi and Conis go with Law, the rest of us stay on the ship." Usopp: "Hold on, why do you get to stay on the ship?" Nami: "Cause someone has to make sure Momonosuke is safe, and I have experience with kids." Usopp: "Since when?" Nami: "In the time before I met Luffy, anyway, make sure you don't attract any unwanted attention." later, Law's group went into Dressrosa, and learned that it's a place where humans and living toys co-exists. Usopp: "Whoa... I can't believe living toys could exist..." Gidget looked down in sadness, as she gazes into the toys. Robin: "Something wrong?" Gidget: "It's just... the thoughts in those toys... it's really sad..." Usopp: "What do you mean?" Gidget: "I don't know how to explain it... but I think there's more to these toys than they appear to be..." that was when Robin noticed a group of people in white uniforms and masks to hide their faces, which made her nervous while hiding her face. Usopp: "What's wrong Robin?" asked Usopp, before Robin tells him to be quiet, and Caesar gasped in shock as he noticed the group. Tommy: "Who are they?" Gidget: "I don't know... but the aura around them is scary..." Robin: "That's CP0... the strongest of all of Cipher Poll..." Usopp:"You mean... they're like CP9 but more dangerous?" Robin: "Yes... but if they're here... it could only mean trouble for us..." Law: "Not only that, Dolflamingo is the king of Dressrosa... or at least was as he can't stay on the island due to no longer being a warlord... and yet... the people of the kingdom don't seemed to be in any panic... that's really odd..." Jokey: "Maybe they didn't like him." Jokeo: "Or maybe they know something we don't..." Law: "Whatever, you kids should go back to the Sunny." Tommy: "Why's that?" Law: "You'll attract unwanted attention here, no offense of course." Jokey: "They don't mind living toys." Jokeo: "But we're not toys, we're talking animals." Jokey: "Oh..." that was when Law's group left, while Tommy's group were on their way to the Sunny. That was of course the moment when Gidget picked up a thought from one of the people nearby, which made her gasped in shock. Tommy: "What's wrong?" Gidget: "We gotta get to Green Bit!, Law and the others are walking right into a trap!" Tommy: "What?!" Gidget: "I'll explain it on the way, right now we gotta warn Mr Law and the others fast!" Tommy: "Let's get back to the Sunny!, they have a Transponder snail we can use to call Law!" said Tommy, before he and his friends ran off to the Sunny. Back with Luffy, he went into the Colosseum with the alias name of Lucy, there he meets a young teenage female gladiator named Rebecca (voiced by Christine Marie Cabanos) who not only gave him lunch, but also tells him the mysterious history of the statue of a mysterious gladiator named Kyros. Luffy: "Wow... this is one manly statue." Rebecca: "Yes, I like it too... nobody knows who the gladiator was, we only know him through this statue... and I don't know why... but I always feel comfort around it... like the man was someone important to me..." Luffy: "Hmm..." meanwhile, outside of the Colosseum, Zoro got lost after someone took his swords, and Sanji was going head over heels for a woman named Violet (voiced by Cristina Valenzuela), who was secretly working for Dolflamingo. In the Colosseum, Luffy meets other challengers, like the rookie pirate named Cavendish (voiced by Matt Shipman), another rookie pirate named Bartolomeo (voiced by Tyson Rinehart), a commander of the Happo Navy named Sai (voiced by Kyle Igneczi), a man from the Long arm tribe named Ideo (voiced by Eric Rolon), a man of the Long leg tribe known as Blue Gilly (voiced by Kellen Goff), a giant named Hajrudin (voiced by Christopher Guerrero), and an admiral of the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet named Orlumbus (voiced by Brandon Potter), and they were all tough. Of course there was also Jesus Burgess, who wants the Devil fruit too as the Blackbeard pirates want to have powerful devil fruit users in the crew. The announcer was Gatz (voiced by Michael Johnson), and he was excited to announce the upcoming battles in the Colosseum. When it was Luffy's time to shine, he really made everyone amazed of his strength. Franky was looking for the factory, which was when he met a toy soldier, who was named Kyros (voiced by Ivan Jasso), just like the statue Rebecca showed Luffy for some reason, and he was a rebel who is trying to liberate Dressrosa from Dolflamingo's rule. Back with Sanji, he was captured by Violet, who had the power of Clairvoyance like Gidget, but unlike Gidget, that's all she can do. When she tried to see what was in Sanji's mind, she saw nothing but food and ladies. Violet: "How could your mind be so full of nothing but cooking and ladies?" Sanji: "Well... I have a strong love for cooking and ladies... and I know those tears in your eyes... they're real... for I always believe in a lady's tears." Violet was touched by this, never before had she met a man so kind before. Violet: "You really think you can stop Dolflamingo?" Sanji: "I always come to help a lady in need, and it shouldn't be too hard as he's no longer one of the warlords." Violet: "Actually... the news about that was fake... Cipher Poll said so themselves this morning." Sanji: "What?!, you mean he's still one of the warlords?!... but that means... Law is heading for a trap!" said Sanji, ass he picks up his Transponder Snail, in hopes to warn Law. Meanwhile on the Sunny, things were not going well as the reminding Straw Hats, along with Momonosuke, were under attack by the Demon trio, who were determined to get their revenge and the little minks. ScreamClaw: "We want those brats!, and you're gonna hand them over, one way or another!" Nami: "Forget it!, we're not handing them over!" Chopper: "And they're not even here anyway!" Tommy: "We are now!" called out Tommy, before he put his thumb in his mouth, blowing up to make it really big and punches the Demon Trio away from the ship. It wasn't long before Nami, Chopper and Brook joined the battle and took the trio down. At the island next to Dressrosa, known as Green Bit, Usopp, Robin, Conis and Vivi were lost in the jungle, and there they met the Tontatta tribe, a group of tiny dwarfs, and one of them named Leo (voiced by Rachel Glass) has a devil fruit power of the Stitch Stitch fruit, which allows him to stitch up just about anything. Turns out that the Tontatta tribe believes Usopp to be a descendent of Norland Montblanc, who was a hero to them long ago, which gave Usopp lots of respect. Back with Law, when he was getting ready to see Dolflamingo, he gets a call from Sanji and Gidget about he's in a trap, and that Dolflamingo was still one of the warlords. That was when a group of marines arrived, along with Dolflamingo himself. Dolflamingo: "Surprised to see the marines?" Law: "You liar!, you made that fake report of you quitting the warlords to catch me off guard!" Dolflamingo: "Of course, you really think you can outsmart me that easily?" Caesar: "Oh Joker... cunning as always..." Law: "Something's not adding up though... even if you are one of the warlords, Cipher Poll wouldn't take orders from you, the only people who has that power would be the Celestial Dragons." Dolflamingo: "Yeah, and what's your point?" Law: "I'm saying, the only way you could have any authority to order CP0 around is as if you were..." Dolflamingo: "Yes... that's correct, for do you know about the 20 kingdoms that created the World Government long ago?, well the Donquixote family were one of those royal families... in other words... I'm a Celestial Dragon too." this made Law gasped in shock, he then remembered what Vergo said about Dolflamingo being more than just one of the warlords. Law: "Even so, you're still a pirate, warlord or not... even if you were a Celestial Dragon, you couldn't still have the right to control Cipher Poll..." Dolflamingo: "Well it's complicated really, but let's just say I know a little secret that the World Government doesn't want the world to know about, and they can't risk of me telling anyone, and though they tried to kill me, they always failed to do so." Law: "A secret?, what kind of secret could the government have that's worth letting you tell them what to tell to the world?" Dolflamingo: "Oh Law... it would be a bad idea to tell you, for it I do, you'll be hunted down like a wild animal during hunting season... though it looks like you're that animal now as the navy knows you've teamed up with Straw Hat, meaning you're no longer one of the warlords, while I still have the title." Law: "For now maybe... but I'll see to it that you'll lose it before this day is over..." Dolflamingo: "Oh really?, well let me remind you that on this island, I'm the one pulling the strings." suddenly, the Tontatta tribe came to the rescue by stealing the marines' weapons and clothes, distracting Dolflamingo long enough for them to take Law and Caesar away from the area. That was when Gidget came to the scene, using her psychic powers to teleport herself to the island and used them to teleport Law's group back to the Sunny. Brook: "Um... Gidget?, why haven't you tried that trick earlier to get here?" Gidget: "Cause I need time for my powers to recharge... using my powers so much can wore me out..." Tommy: "She's right, she is still new to her powers and all that." Law: "I can't believe this... Dolflamingo was a Celestial Dragon all this time..." Nami: "He was?!" Vivi: "Yes, the Donquixote family were one of the 20 royal families that formed the World Government." there was a moment of silence before Nami walked up to her with a clam yet angry look. Nami: "Vivi... why haven't you told that before?" Vivi: "Um... it sort of slipped my mind?" said Vivi in a nervous tone, before Nami bops her on the head. Nami: "Stop forgetting important things like that!" Usopp: "Never mind that!, we gotta get out of here!" Law: "And above all, keep the ship away from any clouds, Dolflamingo has the powers of the String String fruit, he can use the string to catch the clouds so he can move above us." Robin: "Let's hope Luffy's doing better than we are..." meanwhile, in the Colosseum, Luffy was getting ready for the final match, and Bartolomeo, who was a big fan of Luffy's was happy to be with his idol. Bartolomeo: "Oh Mr Luffy, I can't help but say I'm a big fan of yours... I mean you were really awesome at Logue town." Luffy: "Hmm?, the place where Roger was born and executed?" Bartolomeo: "Yes, it's also my home town, and I saw how you survived the execution that Buggy the Clown was trying to pull on ya... and when you announced that you were gonna be king of the pirates... it was a moment I could never forget." that was when a man with blond hair, a top hat with goggles, named Sabo (voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch) came to the scene. Sabo: "Hey Luffy, you mind if I take it from here?" Luffy: "Huh?, who are you talking to?, I'm Lucy..." Sabo: "I know it's you little bro, no disguise can hide that face from me." Luffy: "Hey, I only have one brother, Ace." Sabo: "Really?, I'm sure you have two, the three of us declared us as brothers through drinks when we were kids." Luffy: "How did you... uh... AH???!!!, Sabo?!" asked Luffy in shock, before Sabo nodded yes, which made Luffy cried in joy before he went to hug him, while Bartolomeo was amazed to learn that his idol had another brother besides Fire Fist Ace. Sabo: "It's been a while little brother." Luffy: "Sabo... you're alive... I thought you were lost forever..." Sabo: "Sorry about that, but don't worry, I'm alright now, anyway, don't worry about Ace's fruit, I'll see to it that it won't fall into the wrong hands." Luffy: "Sure... if anyone should have the fruit... it's you..." Sabo: "Now you better get going, your crew's waiting for you." Luffy: "Got it..." said Luffy, before he runs off to find his crew. Meanwhile, back with Franky, he was learning a dark secret from Kyros about the toys in Dressrosa. Franky: "Seriously?!, the toys are really people?" Kyros: "Yes... they were transformed into toys by the work of someone named Sugar, she might look like a little girl, but she's actually an adult, as a side effect of eating the Hobby Hobby fruit, which gives her the powers to turn people into toys and control them... but that's not the saddest part... all memories of the victim's existence will be erased from those who knew them... like they never existed... and the spell will remain until Sugar can be stopped..." Franky: "I take it that you're a victim too?" Kyros: "Yes... I lost everything thanks to the Donquixote family... they killed my wife... and own daughter doesn't remember me... but I still managed to raise her..." that was when Franky began to cry. Franky: "Ah!, you poor guy... that is so tragic..." Kyros: "Yes... and not only that, Dolflamingo has used his powers of the String String fruit to force King Riku to attack the poor people and making him look like a villein before Dolflamingo showed up to look like he was a hero... fooling the people of this country..." Franky: "That sicko... we gotta do something... hey... where is Sugar person now?" Kyros: "She's near the SMILE factory, underneath the Colosseum." Franky: "Really?, I better tell the others then." said Franky, before he picks up his Transponder Snail to call the others about what he learned, it wasn't long before the others got the call. Nami: "So the Smile factory was under the Colosseum?, then I guess Luffy did the right thing going there... or at least he was there." Franky: "What do you mean?" Nami: "He's on his way to the Dressrosa palace as Sanji wants to rescue someone for a lady." Law: "I can't believe that cook would do something reckless just for a girl..." Conis: "That's Sanji for ya, he would do anything for a lady, but that's what's sweet about him." Law: "Who exactly are they saving?" Nami: "From what Sanji heard from the woman, his name is Riku, and he's with another man, who claims to be a samurai." overhearing this made Kyros and Kin'emon gasp in shock. Kin'emon: "That must be Kanjuro no doubt." Kyros: "Riku?!, he's alive?!" Franky: "You know him?" Kyros: "Yes, he was the king of this country before Dolflamingo took over, and my father in law." Franky: "Really?!" Kyros: "Yes... I know that Sugar needs to be stopped... but I must rescue King Riku." Usopp: "Tell you what, leave Sugar to me, taking her down should be easy." Leo: "Let me warn you Usopp land, Sugar will be guarded." Robin: "Leave the guards to me." Kyros: "Right... let's do this..." Franky: "Right, hey Luffy, you okay with this?" Luffy: "Yeah... as long as I get to kick Dolflamingo's butt..." Franky: "Sure thing, give him a good butt kicking." Luffy: "Sure thing." so with that, the groups went to do their missions, in hopes to stop Dolflamingo and free Dressrosa from the dark spell the Donquixote family cast long ago.

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