Sanji and Don Krieg at the Baratie

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Sailing on the seas of the East blue, the Straw hats were starring in disturbance by the sight of the pirate flag that Luffy made, which was really badly designed. Luffy: "So what do you think?, it's our pirate mark, as every pirate crew should have one." Zoro: "Yeah... but uh... it looks kinda..." Nami: "No offense Luffy, but the design of that flag would make our enemies laugh more than be scared of it..." Luffy: "Why?, it looks funny or something?" Zoro: "You could say that..." Usopp: "You know... if you want a mark so badly, you should have asked me, as I am a really good painter, I practiced for over 80 years." Luffy: "Really?, awesome." Nami: "Oh please, there's no way he practiced that long." Zoro: "He would have to be an old man by now." Usopp: "Uh... okay maybe the 80 years part was a stretch, but what I said about being a good painter is true, almost as good as my snipping skills." Luffy: "Alright, let's it." Usopp: "With pleasure." said Usopp, before makes a new flag, which was looking like him with his slingshot, which made Luffy and Zoro mad before they bopped him on the head, telling him to try again. Once Usopp finished the third flag, it had a skull with crossbones, and Luffy's straw hat on the head. Luffy: "Wow!, it looks great!" Nami: "Yeah, now that's a flag I like." Zoro: "Well... it looks like we found our pirate mark." Luffy: "Hey Usopp, can you do the same mark on the sail?" Usopp: "Uh sure, piece of cake." said Usopp, before he paints the mark on the Going Merry's sail, which matches the one on the flag. Sometime later, Usopp tried out a cannon at a tiny island to test out his sniping skills with a cannon, and the cannonball made a direct hit on the top of the tiny island. A few moments later, a man with sunglasses, carrying a sword showed up, and he was mad for some reason, and attacked the Straw hats. The man's name was Johnny (voiced by Christopher Ayres), and Luffy managed to tie him up with his arms. When Zoro saw the man, he was surprised. Zoro: "Johnny?, is that you?" Johnny: "Huh?, big bro Zoro?!, what are you doing here?" Luffy: "Wait, Zoro, you know this guy?" Zoro: "Yeah, he was a friend of mine back in my days as a pirate hunter... but wait, where's Yosaku?, he's normally with you." Johnny: "Well... he's on my boat... but... he's very sick." said Johnny, before he shows Zoro and the others his little boat, which had a man that was Yosaku, who was indeed very sick, looking pale and a few teeth have fallen out. Zoro: "What happened to him?" Johnny: "I don't know, but he's been like this for a while now... and when we went to that tiny island to rest, someone here fired a cannonball at us." hearing this made Usopp and Luffy gasped in shock and horror, realizing that they attacked the two men. Usopp: "We're so sorry!, we didn't knew someone was there!" Nami: "I think I know what's wrong with him." Johnny: "Really?" Nami: "Yeah, he has scurvy by the looks of it." Johnny: "Scurvy?" Nami: "A disease that you get for lacking vitamin c while traveling at sea, which is why it's important to eat right when you choose the life at sea." said Nami, while Luffy and Usopp feed Yosaku some limes, in hopes to make him better. Luffy: "Wow, you must be a doctor or something." Usopp: "Yeah, a genius, I never thought of that." Luffy: "Yeah, me neither." Nami: "You idiots!, you have to know these things!, or you'll end up just like this guy!" shouted Nami, before Yosaku (voiced by Josh Martin) woke up and got back on his feet. It wasn't long before both Johnny and Yosaku started to dance around in joy. Johnny and Yosaku: "Hooray, hooray!, hooray, hooray!, hooray, hooray!" Nami: "Nobody heals that fast!" shouted Nami, before Johnny and Yosaku stopped dancing and looked at the pirates. Johnny: "Allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Johnny." Yosaku: "And I'm Yosaku, and we used to be Zoro's bounty hunting partners back in the day." Zoro: "Well it's good to see you two again, never thought I would run into you two again." Johnny: "You being surprised?, what about us learning that you decided to become a pirate?" Zoro: "Yeah... well I didn't really had much choice as I was about to be killed by the marines... long story." Yosaku: "I'll bet it is, mind telling us about it?" Zoro: "Not at all." said Zoro, before he and the others went into the cabin of the ship, where they talked about their adventures and deciding on what to do next. Nami: "I think it's obvious that we can't last long in the Grand line without someone knowing how to give us the right amount of nutrition." Luffy: "Huh?" Usopp: "I think she means someone who can give us food to eat." Luffy: "You mean a cook?" Nami: "Yeah, something like that." Luffy: "Yeah, a cook sounds great, then let's go get one, and then a musician." Nami: "How is that important?" Luffy: "Well pirates like music and a musician does make a voyage more fun." Usopp: "Let's get a musician for another time, right now we need a cook more." Johnny: "Well... if you're looking for a cook, I know a place where you can find one... but let me warn you, the people there are tough... and the place is called the Baratie." Luffy: "Does it have good cooks there?" Johnny: "Are you kidding?, the best cooks in the whole East Blue work there... and the toughest ones too." Yosaku: "Yeah, they have to be, as sometimes the customers there can be either pirates or marines." Luffy: "Whoa... awesome... let's go there!" said Luffy, before the Going Merry sets sail to the Baratie, the location where the Straw Hats hope to get a cook in their crew. Soon, the ship got to it's destination, and much to the crew's surprise, the Baratie was not only a sea restaurant, but a ship as well, with a fish head for a figurehead. Usopp: "So that's it, huh?" Johnny: "Yup, this is the place." Yosaku: "Uh oh..." Johnny: "What's wrong?" Yosaku: "A marine ship's coming." said Yosaku, as a marine ship sailed into the scene, right next to the Going Merry. That was when a marine lieutenant, named Iron fist Full-Body (voiced by John Burgmeier), came to the scene and looked at the Going Merry's flag. Full-body: "So... a no name pirate ship... men, make them sink to the bottom of the sea." Marines: "Yes sir!" called out the marines, before the load up a cannon, which then points at the Going Merry. Usopp: "Ah!, they're aiming right at us!" yelped Usopp in fear, before the cannonball was fired, only to be bounced away by Luffy using his Gum Gum Balloon attack. Of course trouble came when the cannonball hits the Baratie instead. Luffy: "Oops... my bad..." said Luffy, before the scene changed to him facing the owner of the Baratie, Zeff (voiced by Grant James), who was also a man with a peg leg, and he was mad at the Straw hat pirate. Luffy: "Ahh!, I destroyed your leg!, I'm sorry!" Zeff: "You idiot, I lost this leg years ago, but you did managed to cause a lot of damage, it'll cost you a year of working here to pay the damage." Luffy: "But I can't stay here, I'm a pirate." Zeff: "It's either that, or I'll take your leg away instead." said Zeff, as he steps on Luffy's leg with his peg leg, much to Luffy dismay. Sometime later, Luffy was forced to be the chore boy of the place, and when he saw his crew sitting on a table, he got mad. Luffy: "Hey!, the big idea?!, I have to spend a year here while you get food?!" Zoro: "It was your own fault for telling the cooks here that you sent that cannonball at them." Luffy: "But it's true, and besides, it was the marines who fired it." Nami: "True, but what are you gonna do now?" Luffy: "No idea... I'll think of something... ugh... thinking is hard..." suddenly, a man around Zoro's age, with blond hair and a curl on his eye brow, named Sanji (voiced by Eric Vale), came to the scene, and he had his right eye, which was visible while the left eye was covered by his hair, was shaped like a heart while giving a flower to Nami. Sanji: "What a beauty before me, the likes of which I have never seen, you have stolen my heart." Nami: "Uh..." Zoro: "Great... a girl crazy waiter, just what we need." Sanji: "Watch it Moss head, I am more than just a waiter, I'm a cook, the waiters left here as they were not tough enough to handle the customers here... but me... I'm the one who takes out any human trash that have the nerve to waste food in front of me." Nami: "Now boys, don't fight over me." Zoro: "Who said I was fighting him over you?" Sanji: "Watch it Moss head, or I'll give you a real beating!" that was when Zeff came to the scene. Zeff: "Sanji, what have I told you about not picking a fight with the customers?, or do I have to kick you out of here?" Sanji: "Try all you like, but there's nothing in the world that will make me leave this place, after all, I owe this place a great debt that can never be repaid." said Sanji, before he leaves the scene. Luffy: "Hey old guy... what did he mean by that?" Zeff: "It's something that happened a long time ago, back when Sanji was a boy... but never mind about that now, get to work!" shouted Zeff, forcing Luffy to go back to doing chores, which he was doing terribly. For example, Luffy kept eating the customers food, breaking the dishes and other dumb stuff. Then Luffy went outside to see Sanji giving a plate of food to a man named Gin (voiced by Kenny Green) who was close to death from starvation. Gin: "I've... never had anything so good before in my entire life..." Sanji: "You're welcome." Gin: "But... why did you give me food?, the other cooks kicked me out cause I didn't had money..." Sanji: "Simple... if you're hungry, then you're a customer, and I know what it's like to be so close to death through starvation... and the same goes for the old geezer." said Sanji with a smile, unaware that Luffy was watching. Luffy: "Hmm... I think I just found my cook..." said Luffy, before he went to ask Sanji to join his crew, which of course he refused to. Luffy: "Well I refuse." Sanji: "Refuse what?" Luffy: "I refuse your refusal." Sanji: "You can't do that!" Gin: "Hold on... you don't have a cook in your crew?, then is your crew small?" Luffy: "Yeah, this guy here is my 4th crew member, and once I leave, I'll sail to the Grand line." Sanji: "I'm not part of your crew!" Gin: "The Grand line?, please don't go there... that place is a nightmare... the crew I'm a part of barely got out of there alive..." Luffy: "You mean that you've been there?" Gin: "Yes... for only a week... and many men back there perished... almost all of the Don Krieg pirates were wiped out..." Sanji: "Don Krieg... I've heard of him... he's supposed to be the toughest pirate in the whole East blue, with a 17,000,000 berry bounty, right?" Gin: "Yes... he should be here soon." Sanji: "What?!" Luffy: "So you're captain is coming to eat too?" Gin: "Yes... but he's in bad shape..." suddenly, some fog came into the area, and in the fog was a large pirate ship, which belonged to the Krieg pirates. The people inside the Baratie were freaking out by the sight of the ship, but once the fog lifted, they all noticed that ship was badly damaged, and it looked like it was somehow got cut up a bit. Then at last, entering the restaurant was Don Krieg (voiced by Andy Mullins), who was currently weak through starvation. All of the other cooks wanted to take down Krieg, but Sanji stopped them and gave him some food to eat. But once Krieg had his fill, he attacked the cook. That was when Zeff came with a huge bag full of food, and Krieg stared in shock by the head cook. Krieg: "It's you... Red Foot Zeff..." Luffy: "Huh?, red foot?" Krieg: "So... the legendary Red Foot Zeff is alive... the pirate who was famous for his kicking and cooking skills..., and sailed in the Grand line and came back alive..." Luffy: "Wait... is that true, were you really a pirate and sailed in the Grand line?" Zeff: "Yes... but I gave up that life long ago." Krieg: "No wonder, now that you lost the famous foot of yours." Zeff: "So what if I can't use my foot anymore, as long as I got my hands to cook up a good meal, I'll be fine." Krieg: "I've heard that you have a log book about your adventures in the Grand line... well I want it..." Zeff: "There is no way I would give it to someone like you, and besides, even if I would, it won't change a thing as there's nothing you can do about the chaos those waters." Krieg: "We'll see about that... once I take over this ship and kill you all." Gin: "Captain... wait, we owe these people our lives!" Krieg: "Don't be such a softie, we're pirates, and you know we don't play by the rules." Gin: "Even so... how do we stand a chance against that man...?" Luffy: "What man?" Gin: "The man who attacked our fleet while we were in the Grand line... our whole fleet was wiped out by just one man with a big black sword... and he had the eyes of a hawk..." hearing this made the people there gasped in shock, never heard of something like a whole fleet getting wiped out by one person before. Zoro: "Wait... a man with a big black sword... eyes of a hawk... that can only be one man... Hawk-Eye Mihawk..." Luffy: "You know him?" Zoro: "Sort of... he's the man I've been looking for... he's the reason I set out to sea... he is known as the world's strongest swordsman..." Luffy: "Really?" Zoro: "Yes... and if what that guy says is true... then there's no doubt that the Grand line is where I'll find him..." suddenly, Johnny and Yosaku came to the scene and cried a bit. They told the Straw hats that Nami sailed away in the Going Merry without them, much to the crew's dismay. Luffy: "Why would she leave without us?" Zoro: "Isn't it obvious?, she was plotting to betray us from the start!, she was only using us to get treasure." Yosaku: "She's apparently going after a certain pirate with the biggest bounty in the whole East blue." Usopp: "Huh?, she is?" Johnny: "Yeah, at least that's what I think of course." Luffy: "Who's bounty?" before the pair could answer Luffy's question, there was a big commotion outside. Turns out that Krieg's ship was somehow cut up in half, and Zoro looked at the distance to see a little coffin boat heading towards the cut up ship. Zoro: "No way... it's him... Hawk-Eye Mihawk... I didn't think I would meet him so soon..." Luffy: "So that's Mihawk?" Zoro: "Yeah... looks like this is my chance to finally fulfill my promise to Kuina..." once Mihawk (voiced by John Gremillion), got to the broken ship, Zoro came up in front of him, introducing himself, and challenging him to a sword duel. Mihawk: "If you think you have a chance on beating me as you are now, then you're dead wrong." Zoro: "We'll see..." said Zoro, before Mihawk takes out a pocket knife. Mihawk: "A true warrior knows not to hit a rabbit with a cannon, you might be strong swordsman by the looks of it, but the East Blue is known as this world's weakest sea, unfortunately this is the smallest one I have." Zoro: "You dare make fun of me... prepare to fall!" Mihawk: "You have no idea how big this world really is." said Mihawk, before he managed to block Zoro's swords with just the small knife, much to Zoro's shock and surprise. The pirate hunter then tried to make very fast slashing attacks, but Mihawk was able to block every last attack. Johnny: "No way!, how can Mihawk be able to do that with just a small knife...?" Yosaku: "He's more of a monster with a blade than even big bro Zoro... as much as I hate to admit it..." soon, the duel was over, with Zoro lost as two of his swords were shattered, while the sword that once belonged to Kuina was okay. Before Mihawk could make the finishing blow, Zoro turned around and spread his arms out, refusing to show his back to the world's greatest swordsman. Mihawk: "Why?" Zoro: "Scars on the back are a swordsman's shame..." Mihawk: "Fine." said Mihawk, before he slashed Zoro on the torso, which left the pirate hunter badly injured. Luffy: "Zoro!" Johnny and Yosaku: "Big bro!" shouted the sword duo, as Luffy stretched his arms out, trying to attack Mihawk to avenge Zoro. Sanji and everyone else were shocked by the sight of Luffy's ability. Mihawk simply stepped away while Luffy crashed into some wood. Mihawk: "Calm yourself boy, your friend will live." Luffy: "Huh?" and true to Mihawk's word, Zoro was still alive, laying on a boat with Usopp, Johnny and Yosaku. Mihawk: "It's still far too early to die, you're strong, but you still have a long way to go before you can be the world's greatest swordsman, train hard, and once you're finally ready, seek me out Roronoa Zoro!" called out Mihawk, which left everyone look in awe. Zeff: "Not just anyone could earn the regards of Hawk-Eye Mihawk..." that was when Zoro lifted up his sword, and began to speak. Zoro: "Luffy... are you there?... can you hear me?" Luffy: "Yeah." Zoro: "Oh... I'm so sorry for disappointing you... I know you want nothing more than the best in your crew... I can promise you this... until the day I beat Mihawk and take his title... I will never lose again... is that okay... king of the pirates?!" shouted Zoro in tears, while Luffy just smiled, happy to know his friend's still alive. Luffy: "Yeah." Mihawk: "Hmm... boy, what's your goal?" Luffy: "Me?, like Zoro said, I'm gonna be the king of the pirates." Mihawk: "That's a bigger goal than getting my title... you two make a good team... I hope we meet again someday." said Mihawk, before Don Krieg came up to him. Krieg: "Hey!, didn't you came to take me out?, that's why you followed me here, right?" Mihawk: "The thought came to me, but I had enough fun for today so I'm going home to get some rest." Krieg: "I don't care if you had enough, I haven't even gotten started, and once I'm done with you, I'll take the Baratie and then conquered the Grand line, and then be king of the pirates." Luffy: "Hey!, if you want to fight someone, then fight me, cause I'm gonna be king of the pirates someday." Krieg: "Oh really?" Luffy: "Yeah." said Luffy, while Mihawk goes back to his coffin boat and sailed away. Luffy: "Hey old man, if I take down this Krieg guy, will you let me go?" Zeff: "Fine by me, considering that you might destroy the place before the year ends, or being taken by Krieg and his men, there's no other option." Luffy: "Thanks." said Luffy, before he begins his fight against Don Krieg, while Sanji and the other cooks fight off the rest of Krieg's crew. Gin went to battle Sanji, but he couldn't have the heart to kill the man who helped him. Seeing Gin being soft for Sanji made Krieg very angry, and so he used a powerful poison gas bomb to take out his enemies. The cooks were able to avoid the explosion as they went inside the Baratie, while Gin got himself poisoned while trying to keep his own gas mask on Sanji's face. Luffy was able to avoid the gas too when he took a gas mask from one of the Krieg pirates, and seeing Krieg laughing at Gin's misfortune made him very angry. Luffy: "How could you do that to your own crew mate?!" Krieg: "He was being weak, which is something I won't have on my crew." Luffy: "He wasn't being weak... he was showing heart... and now he's gonna die because of you!" Krieg: "And just what are you gonna do about it?" Luffy: "I'm gonna kick your butt!" shouted Luffy, as he faces off the weapons that Krieg had, like a powerful spear, or a powerful shield, but neither of those things stopped Luffy from beating the pulp out of him. Soon enough, Luffy used his legs to wrap up Krieg, and then started to make him spin around before hammering him to the ground, knocking Krieg out cold, declaring Luffy being the winner, much to the Krieg pirates' surprise. After the pirates were forced to make a retreat, Luffy went over to Gin, who was now dead due to the poison gas from earlier, and Sanji closed the dead man's eyes to make it look like he's sleeping. Sanji: "He might have been an enemy... but he was a man with honor... he just chose his loyalty to the wrong guy..." said Sanji, before he gets a flashback of his childhood, which was a time he was once a chore boy in a cruise ship. It was also the time he first Zeff, who was a pirate attacking the ship, but when the ship sank during a powerful storm, and Sanji sank into the sea, Zeff gave up his leg in order to save the boy's life. The pair ended up on a tiny island, and had many days without food or water. When Sanji finally found out that Zeff gave him all the food and gave up his leg, he was speechless, especially since the main reason the pirate did it was because they both had the same dream, which was to see the All Blue, a special sea that has all kinds of fish and other things from all the other seas put together. When the pair were finally rescued, Zeff and Sanji created the Baratie, where nobody would starve at sea like they did in the past. Back to the present, Luffy was called by Zeff, asking him that he'll take Sanji as his cook. Luffy: "Wait... you want Sanji to leave?" Zeff: "It's nothing personal, but you see he has a dream, and the only way he'll make it come true is for him to travel to the Grand line, and you're the only one who can help him with that." Luffy: "Maybe... but he'll have to accept being my cook first, that's for him and me to decide." Zeff: "I see... that's fair, and I hope he'll accept, for I didn't save him just for him to die here... I did it so he can fulfill his dream of seeing the All Blue... that's what he should to repay me..." little did the pair knew at the time, Sanji overheard them, and knew that deep down, Zeff were right. Once he opened the door, Sanji came up to Luffy. Sanji: "You said that you wanted to be king of the pirates, right?" Luffy: "Yeah." Sanji: "Your dream's crazy... then again, so is mine... seeing the All Blue." Luffy: "Hmm?, the All Blue?, what's that?" Sanji: "It's the greatest sea in the whole wide world, at least that's what the legends say about it, a sea where all sea life from all the other blue seas come together, a place where you can make the greatest dishes ever... a place that's heaven for cooks like me..." Luffy: "Whoa... I wanna go to this All blue..." Sanji: "Well if you're gonna go there... you'll need a cook right?" Luffy: "Yeah... so you're finally gonna join my crew?" Sanji: "Sure... it's not like I got much of a choice, by the way... what happened to your crew?" Luffy: "Just before I fought that Krieg guy, I asked them to go after Nami and the Going Merry... I hope they found them..." suddenly, a large panda shark, a shark that has the colors of a panda, jumped out of the water and landed into the Baratie, but the shocking part was that Yosaku was in it's mouth somehow. Yosaku: Oh... big bro Luffy... it's you." Luffy: "Yosaku!, what happened?, did you find Nami?" Yosaku: "Well... sort of... from the direction she was going... she was heading towards Arlong park... which is the home base of the most wanted pirate in the whole East blue..." Sanji: "Wait... you mean a lady is heading for the base of the most dangerous pirate in this sea?!" Yosaku: "Yeah..." Sanji: "Then what am I standing here for... let's go help a lady..." Luffy: "Alright!, I got myself a cook!" said Luffy in joy, happy to have a cook in his crew. Zeff: "Have a safe trip Sanji, and good luck finding the All Blue." Sanji: "Yeah... and thank you... for everything you old geezer... I'll never forget the kindness you've given me..." said Sanji, with some tears in his eyes. Zeff didn't want to show it, but he was shedding some tears too as Sanji leaves on a boat with Luffy and Yosaku. Elsewhere at sea, on the Going Merry, Nami was placing her hands on her shoulders, crying a little. Nami: "I'm sorry everyone... but I just have to free my home... and myself... and to hopefully... let Bellemere's spirit finally rest in peace..." said Nami, while still crying a little.

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