The Straw Hats vs CP9 at Enies Lobby

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At the gates of Enies Lobby, Robin and Franky were both in hand cuffs that were made of Sea Prism stone, which are not only the hardest mineral in the world, but it also weakens those with Devil fruit powers. Once the pair got to the top level of the tower, they meet some of the other members of CP9. There was Jabra (voiced by Phil Parsons) a man who ate the Dog Dog fruit model wolf, then there's Kalifa (voiced by Shelly Calene-Black) a woman who was Iceberg's secretary as a cover, then there was Blueno (voiced by Mark Fickert), a man who ate the Door Door fruit, giving him the powers to make door out of thin air and uses them to travel through a pocket dimension to travel through places. There were two more agents, named Kumadori, a man with long hair, and the other was Fukuro, a man with a zipper for lips. Finally there was the Chief of CP9, known as Spandam (voiced by Christopher Corey Smith), who was the one who took Tom away from Franky long ago, and had to wear a face mask after Franky damaged it, which labeled the cyborg as a criminal. Spandam: "At long last... the keys I need to get Pluton in my hands have finally come to me... and my revenge for messing up my face as a bonus." said Spandam, as he kicks Franky in the face. Franky; "You messed me up too... but at least I did a better job on looking better than you did." said Franky, before Spandam kicked him again. Kalifa: "Sir, I hate to interrupt but it seems we're about to have company on Enies Lobby." Spandam: "What do you mean?" Jabra: "Yeah, what are you talking about?" that was when the scene changed, showing the Rocket man train ramming through the gates, and plowing through the roads, knocking over all the marines in front of it. The Straw Hats came out and ready to battle. Nami went to try out her new upgraded Clima-tact, which had much more power than the old model, and knocking out a lot of marines. Usopp used his Kabuto to fire some ammo that looked like a fire bird that burns anyone who gets hit by it. As for Vivi and Conis, the former princess has her Peacock slashers upgraded with some impact dials attached to the tips, while Conis used a bazooka to fire at the marines, and Su scurries around her body to reload the weapon. And as for Paulie and his men, they went out of the train cars and went to fight the marines as a way to help the Straw Hats save their fighting energy for CP9. Kokoro and Chimney were doing their best to keep Rocket man from crashing into so many building as it continues to go forward due to being a runaway prototype. When Luffy got closer to the tower, Blueno showed up, ready to battle. Luffy: "You must be one of those CP9 jerks." Blueno: "And you must be Straw Hat... I'm impressed that you got this far... but it's the end of the line for you." Luffy: "You know... while you guys took Robin away... I should thank you... for you helped me found a way to get get stronger." Blueno: "What's that supposed to mean?" Luffy: "Watch... Second Gear..." said Luffy, before his body started to give off steam and his blood flow exhilarated. Luffy: "Gum Gum... Jet Pistol!" once Luffy said that, he launched an attack that was too fast for Blueno to catch up, much to his surprise, but not as much as he realized what Luffy just did. Blueno: "You... can use the Shave technique?!, but how could you have figure it out so quickly?!, let alone mater it?!" Luffy: "I don't know if I mastered it yet... I'm still learning... this is my first time using it in battle... and I might be an idiot... but I learn fast when it comes to fighting... and I'm taking you down along with anyone who stops me from saving my crew mate!" shouted Luffy, before he uses his Second Gear again and took down Blueno. Back with Usopp, he runs into two men who were giants named Oimo (voiced by Tyson Rinehart), and Kashsii (voiced by Jeff Johnson), and they were the gatekeepers of Enies Lobby. Usopp: "Oh man... why did they have to be giants...?" Oimo: "Prepare to die pirate, in the name of Elbaf!" Usopp: "Elbaf... so you came from Elbaf like Dory and Brogy?" Kashsii: "Oh... yeah... the mighty Dory and Brogy were our captains long ago, before they disbanded the crew so they can have their duel... but they were captured by the marines many years ago... and they told us if we serve them... our captains will be free..." Usopp: "Wait... did you say they were captured by the marines years ago?, but that can't be right, I met them on Little Garden a few weeks ago, and they're still doing their duel." Kashsii: "Really?, you're not trying to pull a fast one on us?" Usopp: "Yeah, I can prove it that I met them, like I know how they laugh or what weapons they used... everything..." said Usopp, before he did what he just said, making the two giants looked at him with awe. Oimo: "Wait... if what you said is true..." Kashsii: "Then that would mean..." Usopp: "The marines lied to you... all this time..." said Usopp, before the scene changed to show the marines getting a beat down from the two giants, who are now helping the Straw Hats and Galley-La rescue both Franky and Nico Robin. Meanwhile, Franky tried to make an escape by somehow creating a powerful fart that made him crash through the walls, freeing him from his chains, and was outside of the tower, but on the edge. As soon as the agents and Spandam stood in front of Franky and Robin, it wasn't long before the other Straw Hats, along with Luffy, were standing on top of a bridge gate, which was in front of the tower, and Luffy called out Robin's name, and the woman gasped by the fact Luffy and the others came for her. Franky was surprised to see the Straw Hats too, along with the CP9 agents, but noun of which were as shocked as Spandam was at the moment. Spandam: "What the heck?!, the Straw Hats are here?!, and no one has been able to stop them yet?!" Kaku: "Not only that... it looks like Blueno has been defeated." Spandam: "What?!, that's impossible!, he's a strong member of CP9!, how could a low class pirate beat him?!" Lucci: "They must be asking for death if they came all the way here from Water 7." Robin: "No way... they actually came?" Franky: "Looks like it, and they don't look like they're done quite yet either..." Luffy: "Robin!, can you hear me?!, we came to save you!" Robin: "You fools!, you have to leave!, they'll kill you with a Buster Call without a hesitation!, and Spandam has the power to trigger it now!" Spandam: "How correct you are, you see, thanks to the permission of Admiral Aokiji, I can trigger the Buster Call on you all with this Gold Transponder Snail, and once that happens... you'll be off the map like Ohara did 20 years ago, which was Nico Robin's home before it met it's end by the Buster Call that was ordered by my father!" hearing this made the Straw Hats gasped, beginning to see why Robin was so scared of the Golden snail in Spandam's hand. Robin then began to tell her tale to the crew about how the Buster Call destroyed her home when she was only 8 years old, and lost her mother, and a former marine giant named Jaguar D Saul, to the Buster Call. Robin: "Please everyone... I don't want you all to die because of me... I don't want to repeat what happened to my mother and Saul... please leave me... my enemy is far too powerful..." Spandam: "You got that right, the flag of the World Government is far too powerful for a mere pirate crew to fight against, and once Pluton comes into my hands, no one will oppose us ever again, not even Dragon or the rest of the Revolutionary army!" said Spandam with an evil laugh, while Luffy just stared at the flag. Luffy: "If that's Robin's enemy... then I know just what to do... Sniper King... shoot down that flag." Usopp: "Roger..." said Usopp, before he fires a special fire bird star attack at the flag, burning it down, much to everyone's shock, especially Robin as well. Robin: "No way...!" Franky: "Whoa!, they actually did it... they just burned down the World Government flag... meaning they just declared war with the whole world itself..." Spandam: "You're all gonna die you fools!, you morons can't challenge the whole world and expect to win!" Luffy: "Bring it on!, cause we're gonna get Robin back!" shouted Luffy, which made Spandam screamed in fear, while the CP9 agents stared at the situation. Franky: "Wow... that kid... he's amazing..." Luffy: "Robin!, answer my question... the truth!, tell me you want to live?!" shouted Luffy, before Robin begin to shed tears, seeing now that after 20 years of searching, she finally has friends she can count on, before giving out a loud shout of her own. Robin: "I WANT TO LIVE!, TAKE ME WITH YOU!, TAKE ME AWAY FROM HERE!" shouted Robin, before Luffy and the others smiled, happy to hear what she said, and Franky couldn't help but cry as his heart was touched by the bound between the Straw Hats and Robin. That was when Franky opens up his stomach, which was a refrigerator due to him being a cyborg, and pulls out the blueprints of Pluton itself. Spandam: "No way... are those..." Franky: "Yeah... the real deal... but just to let you know, Tom kept these blueprints hidden in case to build something as a counterattack against someone who gets their hands on the original Pluton... and if that weapon fell into the hands of a power hungry jerk like you, there's no telling what might happen... that includes what would happen if you get these blueprints." Spandam: "Just shut up and hand them over already!, those blueprints are mine!" Franky: "Tom... if you were here... I'm sure you would have done the same thing..." said Franky, before he blew fire out of his mouth, burning the blueprints into crisp, much to Spandam's shock and horror. Spandam: "No!, what have you done?!, my dream weapon!, it's been burnt into crisp!" Kalifa; "We spent all that time on Water 7 for this?" said Kalifa, before Franky turns to look at the Straw Hats. Franky: "Hey Straw Hat!, I'm betting everything I got on ya!, give these jerks the beating of a lifetime!, and save your crew mate!" Luffy: "I will... and Franky... I'm only helping you too cause Ice pops asked me too!, got it!" Franky: "Ice pops?, you mean Iceberg?" asked Franky, before Spandam pushes him off the edge, causing him to start falling. Suddenly, Rocket Man came to the scene and was heading for the tower. Kokoro: "Hey Straw Hat!, if you wanna get into the tower, now's your chance!, get on the train and hurry!" Luffy: "You got it!" said Luffy, before he stretches his arms out and got a hold on his crew, before he jumps off the gate and he and the others landed on the train, while Franky joined too, which makes a jump over the water and crashed into the tower. Spandam: "You're kidding me!, they actually made it?!" Kaku: "Looks like it..." Lucci: "Hmm... perhaps this could be the perfect time for you and Kalifa to learn how to control your new Devil fruit powers." Kalifa: "Seems so." at the bottom of the tower, the Straw Hats got up and Franky began to tell them that they need the key for Robin's cuffs as they're made of sea prism stone, and one of the CP9 agents has it. Chopper: "So who has the key?" Franky: "Beats me, they each have one..." Vivi: "Then here's an idea... I think in order to get the key for Robin, we'll have to split up and take down the agents and get their keys." Conis: "Good idea." Luffy: "I'll go after the pigeon guy, he's mine." Zoro: "Got it, that means the rest of us go after the others." Sanji: "Let's do this..." Conis: "I hope we'll get the key in time." Franky: "Yeah, the marines that'll come to take Robin away will come soon, so be we better super hurry." said Franky, before he and Straw Hats split up and went off to find the CP9 agents, beat them, and get their keys in hopes to free Robin. It wasn't long before Luffy found Lucci, and the pair went into battle. Vivi and Conis were chasing after Spandam and Robin, in hopes to slow them down a little before they could get to the gates of justice. Sanji goes to battle Jabra, which was tough, but thanks to his new attack, which makes his leg super hot like fire after spinning it so much, Sanji was able to take down Jabra and took his key. Nami goes to battle Kalifa, who uses her new power of the Soap Soap fruit. The battle was tough as her ability makes people's bodies slip around and unable to move, but thanks to learning that water can wash the soap off, and able to make a mirage, Nami was able to take down the CP9 agent. Chopper went to battle Kumadori, which was really hard for him. So hard in fact that Chopper was forced to use a rumble ball to unlock a forbidden form, which makes him super big and powerful, but makes him go out of control like some wild animal. Chopper told Franky about that form in case he ever went to that form, and told him to dump him into the water so he can stop his rampage. Once Chopper was back to normal, after Franky pulled him out of the water, the cyborg gives the reindeer to Kokoro and Chimney, who promised to watch over him until he gets better. Franky goes to battle Fukuro, and it was tough, but thanks to some cola, which is what he uses as fuel, Franky was able to take down the CP9 agent. Zoro gets to battle Kaku, who uses his new powers of the Cow Cow fruit model Giraffe, and it was tough, but Zoro was able to get the upper hand and take the giraffe man down and take his key. Zoro: "Hey... I got a message for you and pals from your other boss at Galley-La... he said... you're all fired." Kaku: "Paulie... I see... well that's too bad, cause being an assassin makes it hard to find other lines of work..." Zoro: "You can find work in a zoo, you got the right power for it." Kaku: "A zoo huh...?, that's a good one..." said Kaku with a weak laugh, before he passes out, while Zoro gives the key to Usopp, as Nami, and Sanji giving their keys to him. Usopp: "Uh... why are you guys giving the keys to me?" Nami: "Because Robin and that jerk are at the bridge now, although Vivi and Conis are slowing them down, it won't do much unless they have the keys, Franky has a few, but we need all of them to figure out which can free Robin... and your snipping skills will be needed to get them to her in time." Usopp: "Oh I see now... well guess it's my turn to shine..." meanwhile, on the bridge, which was between the tower and the gates of justice, Spandam was still trying to get Robin to the other side. Spandam: "Can anyone hear me?!, send anyone to deal with those Straw Hats!" shouted Spandam to a transponder snail, which was a certain color that made Robin gasp in shock and horror. Robin: "No... tell me you didn't pressed that Transponder Snail!" said Robin, before Spandam looks at the Snail he pressed, and he screamed in horror. Spandam: "Oh no!, this is the gold Transponder snail!, which means... I triggered the Buster Call!" shouted Spandam, when Vivi and Conis, along with Karoo and Su came to the scene and gasped when they heard what the man said. Robin: "You have to cancel it quickly!, a lot of people will die!" Spandam: "Don't tell me what to do!, if you ask me, the Buster Call is just the trick to get rid of those blasted straw hats." Robin: "It'll destroy more than just them... it'll destroy the whole island and everyone on it!" Spandam: "Who cares about them?, as long as I come out of this as the hero of the World Government, if only I Pluton in my grasp... I could have overthrown the 5 elders and become the ruler of the World Government itself!, I would have been a god!" that was when Conis fired her bazooka that hits Spandam, who was covered in smoke a bit, before seeing that the angel from Skypiea was looking angry. Conis: "You don't have the right to think of yourself as a god... someone like you should never be a god!, and let me warn you... the god I knew was taken down by my captain, so he won't have any trouble taking down a low life like you." Vivi: "And while Robin might have been an enemy back on Alabasta... but she's still my crew mate, and I couldn't face my captain if I let him down on saving her." Robin: "Miss Wednesday... Angel..." Spandam: "How dare you try to attack me!, and you Vivi... you might have been the princess of Alabasta, but you lost it when you decided to join these pirates!" Vivi: "I joined the Straw Hats because the World Government placed a bounty on my head!, I had no other choice!" Spandam: "Well whatever, you're about to die by the Buster call, along with everyone on it, while I get to be the hero, and that foolish Fleet Admiral Sengoku will give me a medal, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Robin: "Uh... hey... I think your transponder snail... the one you turned on after pressing the gold one... is still connected..." Spandam: "Huh?... are you kidding me?!, everyone heard all that?!" shouted Spandam, realizing that everyone on the whole island of Enies Lobby heard everything what Spandam had said. That was when Usopp fired one of his special attack stars at Spandam, which was a direct hit, despite the fact he was really far away from him at the top of the tower of justice. Trouble then brewed when Spandam got up and ordered the marines to open fire at the girls, only for the bullets to be stopped when Franky came in front of them and due to his iron platting under his skin, the bullets didn't harmed him at all. Usopp then fired the bag with the keys to the bridge, and Franky used each one until he used the one Zoro got from Kaku, and soon Robin was free again. Conis: "We did it!" Spandam: "No way... they got the keys... but that means... they defeated every member of CP9?!, impossible!" Robin: "I think it's time to pay you back for every hit you threw at me... I've been waiting a long time for this." said Robin, before she sprouted some arms on Spandam, which began to slap him like crazy, until his face was badly swollen. Suddenly, the gates of justice began to open up, and a fleet of battleships came and began to fire at Enies Lobby, meaning that it was the Buster Call itself, much to Robin's horror. Conis: "Is this... the Buster Call?" Robin: "I'm afraid so..." that was when Spandam got up, he pulls out his sword. Spandam: "Alright... now you're dead... I'll use Funkfreed on ya... and just to let you know that my sword ate the Elephant Elephant fruit, making it a living Zoan weapon." Conis: "A weapon that ate a devil fruit?, is that even possible?" Robin: "Yes... for Mr 4 of Baroque Works had a gun that ate a Zoan devil fruit too... though I thought it was the only one of it's kind... but I guess not..." Spandam: "Now... Elephant dart!" shouted Spandam, before the sword's tip turned into an elephant's head, charging towards Robin, only for Franky to catch the head and stopped it in it's tracks. Franky: "Nice try... but I'm not gonna let you kill another friend of mine again... not like how you took away Tom's life long ago... now it's time for me to super smash your face!" shouted Franky, before he flips the elephant over and making it land on it's back, right on top of Spandam, which crushed the ground a bit. Franky: "I'm gonna help the Straw Hats escape from here, even if it means I'll have to die a second time!" said Franky, before he turns his hand into a gun and firing at the marines. Back with Luffy, he was still fighting Lucci, and it was no doubt the toughest fight the pirate has ever gotten into yet. It took everything he had, with his Second Gear, and Third Gear, which allows him to blow up any part of his body like a balloon, to make it look like he had the body parts of a giant, to take down Lucci at last, and the agent was sent flying into a ship, completely beaten up and out for the count. Luffy was very tired and hurt, but he had enough strength to let out a mighty shout. Luffy: "Robin!, let's sail together again!, cause we're friends!, no matter what!" shouted Luffy, which of course touched Robin's heart, causing her to shed some tears of joy. Robin: "Luffy..." Usopp: "Alright!, I knew he could do it!" Conis: "Yeah but... he looks hurt badly." Su: "Suu..." Vivi: "I think you're right..." that was when more marine battleships of the buster call arrived and attacked the island, trying to destroy everything and everyone on it. Paulie and his men were able to escape by using the Puffing Tom, and the two giants, Oimo and Kashsii, tagged along. Of course the gates of justice began to close, as Sanji went to the control room earlier so that not only will there be no more ships, but it turns out that the island gets surrounded by whirlpools when the gates are closed, causing the ships to collide with each other. During a fight with some marines, Zoro lost his sword, Yubashiri, when a marine soldier, used his powers of the Rust Rust fruit, to make the sword rust into dust. Usopp was able to stop that man by using his sniping skills of course. Chopper: "What do we do...?, we're done for..." suddenly, a voice that only the Straw Hats can hear was hear, and it told them to look down at the sea. When Usopp did that, he began to shed tears from his eyes. Usopp: "It can't be... she's here... everyone!, jump to the sea!" Franky: "What?!" Zoro: "Why should we..." Usopp: "Trust me!, Robin, can you get Luffy with your power?" Robin: "Of course." Usopp: "Then let's go!, to the sea!" Nami: "To the sea!" Chopper: "To the sea!" Vivi and Conis: "To the sea!" then with Robin's blooming powers, Luffy was carried of the building and fell to the sea. it wasn't long before the whole crew, along with Franky, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe jumped to the sea, and down below was the Going Merry (voiced by Brittney Karbowski), the ship that somehow got to Enies Lobby all by herself. Going Merry: "Let's sail on the seas of adventure again!" Luffy: "Merry!" Going Merry: "I came to get you!" Franky: "What?!, your ship can talk?!" soon, they all fell into the water, but they managed to get onboard. For those with Devil fruit powers, Kokoro, who turned out to be a mermaid, much to Sanji's horror and dismay, got them on the ship safely. The Going Merry sailed away from Enies Lobby and escape from the marines. Little did anyone knew at the time, Aokiji watched the whole thing on his bike, which was on ice on top of the sea. Aokiji: "Would you look at that... they actually pulled it off... perhaps these people are the friends that Robin needed after all this time..." some time later, the Going Merry continues to sail away from Enies Lobby and back to Water 7, with the crew and the others on it. Franky: "Man... you guys really cause a scene back there, you even burnt down their flag, I doubt the World Government would let that slide." Luffy: "It's no big deal, we only did all that because they took away our friend, and now we got her back." Robin: "Yes... thank you... all of you... from the bottom of my heart... never in my life would I be able to have such wonderful friends... and Vivi... I know what I did back on Alabasta was wrong... and I know a simple apology won't be enough... but I promise you that I'll make it up to you." Vivi: "Yeah... I know... you can start by writing 'I am sorry for helping Crocodile hurting Alabasta' a million times, if you have the time." Robin: "Of course." Vivi: "And no use of your powers, use your own two hands." Robin: "Right..." Nami: "Hey guys... it might sound strange... but when we saw the Merry... I think I heard her spoke." Luffy: "Yeah, I heard her too, it was awesome, I never knew Merry could talk." Conis: "Nor have I, the ships of the blue sea world are so interesting." Zoro: "Come on, even ships here can't talk." Sanji: "Yeah well we ran into a lot of strange things since we entered the Grand line." Usopp: "Well I heard her too..." that was when a large ship came to the scene, which belonged to Iceberg. Franky: "Hey... it's Iceberg..." Luffy: "Wow!, Ice pops is here!" suddenly, the Going Merry started to break in half, much to the crew's shock and horror. Usopp: "No!, Merry!" Luffy: "Merry!" Iceberg: "It was just a matter of time... when I checked on her while you were gone... there was no doubt that the ship was damaged beyond repair... and yet... she was able to pull off a miracle... she developed a Klabautermann." Luffy: "A what?" Franky: "It's supposed to be the spirit of the ship that's been given lots a love from it's crew... I've heard many stories about them... but this is the first time I witness one... it would actually explain how this ship got here... and spoke to you." Iceberg: "Yes, she spoke to me too, asked me to help her sail one more time to save you all... and her wish was granted... I've been a shipwright for many years... but I have never witness such an amazing ship as this one..." Luffy: "Yeah... she's the best there is." Iceberg: "Perhaps... but I'm afraid she's suffered enough... now it's time to let her rest..." Luffy: "But..." Merry: "It's okay... I'm ready..." said the Going Merry, much to everyone's surprise, and Luffy nodded. Luffy: "Okay... I understand..." Usopp: "Merry..." soon, the crew got off all of their stuff out of the Going Merry, and Luffy takes out a torch and begins to burn the Merry, as a way how vikings give a funeral to their ships. As the Straw Hats watch their ship burn, the Going Merry spoke. Going Merry: "I'm sorry... I wanted to carry just a little bit further... I'm sorry that I couldn't..." Luffy: "Merry!, we should be the ones apologizing!, not you... I mean I took bad care of you... Zoro and Sanji kept breaking your stuff!, Usopp tried to fix ya but wasn't very good at it!, if there's anyone who should apologize... it's us!... I'm so sorry!" said Luffy as he began to cry, along with Chopper, Nami, Vivi, Conis, Karoo, Su, Franky, Chimney and Usopp, while Robin, Zoro and Sanji tried to hold back their tears. Going Merry: "Don't worry about it... I was happy... you have given me so much love... thank you... even though the time we had together was short... I'm happy that I was able to spend it with you all... and I know you can fulfill your dreams... and find ONE PIECE..." said the Going Merry, before she was completely destroyed from the flames. Luffy: "MERRY!!!" shouted Luffy in sorrow, as he knew that his beloved ship was no more.

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