The strings of Dolflamingo on Dressrosa part 3

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Just when Luffy was about to go after Dolflamingo, Tommy and his friends came to the scene. Tommy: "Mr Law!, are you okay?" Law: "Yeah, I'm fine, but what are you four doing here?, shouldn't you be on the Sunny?" Gidget: "After we saw the Demon trio took you away, we had to come to save ya." Jokeo: "Yeah, we felt like it was our fault that they came in the first place." Law: "Come on, I'm not a little kid anymore... and you should have stayed on the ship... then you wouldn't be in danger right now." Jokey: "What do you mean?" Law: "Have you not noticed all the chaos that's going on here right now?" Tommy: "Oh... we were wondering about why people are attacking one another..." Law: "It's Dolflamingo, he's using his strings to control the people... making them suffer worse than what he did 10 years ago..." Riku: "Oh my word... this is terrible... forcing me to hurt the people I loved is one thing... but this is madness... is there no end to his cruelty?" Luffy: "Don't worry old man, his cruelty here ends today... I can promise you and Rebecca on that." Law: "Hold on Straw Hat, the plan was to ruin Dolflamingo's business so Kaido would take his wrath on him... so if we take him out, Kaido will direct his anger on us, do you really want an angry emperor coming after your head?" Luffy: "I don't care, I will planning to take him down personally anyway, and besides, if I don't take down Dolflamingo, this Rebecca and her father will die, I won't let that happen!" Law: "... Fine... to be honest, I hope to make Dolflamingo pay personally myself... but don't say I didn't warn you." said Law, before Riku came up to the pair. Riku: "Why would you help us?, you're a pirate?" Luffy: "Cause Rebecca is my friend, what other reason do I need?" said Luffy, as he runs off to find Dolflamingo and kick his butt." said Luffy, before he runs off to find Dolflamingo and kick his butt. Sanji: "Don't worry Viola, if there's anyone who can take down that jerk, it's Luffy." said Sanji, before he, Zoro, Law, Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Tommy's group ran off to follow Luffy. Riku: "Viola, why do you put so much trust in these pirates?" Viola: "Because they're good people, unlike the World Government, who only listen to what they want to hear, and the ones who made Dolflamingo a warlord in the first place, even the marines have failed us, they are blind to true justice... the World Government is untrustworthy, but the Straw Hats still have their humanity, they might be our only hope now." said Viola, while Riku thinks about what Viola said might be true. Back with Luffy's group, they were now in town, heading for the palace that was now on top of the Sunflower hill, and Tommy's group were close behind. Sanji: "Hey kids, you should go somewhere safe." Tommy: "I don't think there is a safe place anywhere on this island at the moment." Jokeo: "Yeah!, there's chaos everywhere!" Kanjuro: "I sure hope Momonosuke is safe?" Kin'emon: "He should be, I mean he's still on the Sir Luffy's ship." Jokey: "Uh oh... we got company." said Jokey, as the group sees the Demon trio in front of them. ScreamClaw: "This is as far as you can go, if you think you could play one of our arcade games and lose without paying the price, then you got another thing coming." Gidget: "We only lost because you rigged the game!" ThunderSmacker: "Did not!" Gidget: "Did too!" Tommy: "Hey... why is the ground shaking?" Zoro: "Hey... do you think it's that stone guy who moved the palace?" Law: "No doubt about it... Pika is here." said Law, which made the little kids shake in fear as they remember the sight of him the last time they were at Dressrosa. Suddenly, the ground shake even more, before it rose up and change into a giant stone man that was much larger than even Oars on Thriller Bark was. That was when Pika (voiced by Ry McKeand) spoke up with high squeaky voice. Pika: "Anyone who defies Dolflamingo will answer to me!" that was when Luffy, Jokey and Jokeo burst out laughing. Luffy: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, that voice... it's so high!" Jokey: "He sounds more like a girl than Tommy does!" Tommy: "Hey!, I don't sound like a girl!" Jokeo: "Actually, you kinda do... but that voice... it's so squeaky!" laughed the twins, while the Demon trio turned white in horror as they knew laughing at Pika about his voice is like a death sentence. ScreamClaw: "Are you out of your minds?!, making fun of his voice is the worst thing to in front of him!" ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, he can flatten you like a bug!" Luffy: "How do you not laugh at how funny his voice is?" Pika: "You little pest... you're dead meat!" shouted Pika in anger, before he lifts up his large stone hand, ready to swat Luffy and the others. Zoro: "Luffy!, you gotta stop messing with every foe we meet!" Pika: "I'll squish you all like bugs!" shouted Pika, which made Zoro have a hard time not to burst out laughing. Luffy: "See?, you can't hold it either!" Law: "Are you trying to kill us?!" Kin'emon: "Forgive me... but that voice is just too hilarious!" said Kin'emon, as he and Kanjuro were laughing. Pika then slammed his hand on the spot of the island where Luffy's group was, and although they didn't get flattened, they did got sent flying right into a building while the Demon trio were sent flying to the other side of the island. It wasn't long before the fighters of the Colosseum came to Luffy's group, and Vivi and Conis were with them. Vivi: "There they are!" Conis: "Children!, are you alright?" Gidget: "We're fine, and look, Mr Law's okay too." Law: "I wouldn't say that as Straw Hat almost got us killed just now." Vivi: "Somehow that doesn't surprises me..." Zoro: "Oh man... never thought we would face someone bigger than Oars... yet here we are..." Law: "He's not really that big, he's using his Stone Stone fruit powers to control the terrain to make himself big." Zoro: "Then I'll just have to cut him down to size." Cavendish: "I doubt it would be easy... but if we do take down Dolflamingo, I would surly be the popular one." Sai: "Forget about popularity, our lives are on the line now." Hajrudin: "Let's just hope that our strength will be enough to take down Dolflamingo and his officers." Luffy: "Hold on, if anyone's gonna kick his butt, it's gonna be me." Vivi: "Don't worry Luffy, I convinced them that Dolflamingo is yours to take, while they can deal with the officers." Ideo: "Yeah, we'll let you have him as long as you can take him down." Luffy: "Don't worry... I will." Orlumbus: "Then let's do this." so they began to charge, taking down every grunt in the way, before coming towards Pika himself. Pika: "Back for more eh?, prepare to be thrown away like trash!" said Pika, which made the fighters burst out laughing due to hearing the stone man's voice. All: "Why is it so squeaky?!" Sai: "Ah, ha, ha!, it can't be real!" laughed Sai and the others, before Pika got really mad, ready to flatten them all. However, Gidget used her psychic powers to teleport the whole group up to the side of the large sunflower hill. Gidget started to feel dizzy before Tommy caught her just in time. Tommy: "Gidget!, are you okay?" Gidget: "Yeah... just a little tired..." Zoro: "Get some rest, we'll handle the rest." said Zoro, before he goes off to fight Pika, while the other fighters faced the other officers, and Luffy goes off to the palace. Meanwhile, Rebecca, Leo, Robin and Bartolomeo were off to find and rescue the Tontatta princess known as Mansherry, who was being held in the palace as well. Bartolomeo: "So this princess has powers to heal herself and others?" Leo: "Yeah, that's why the Donquixote family have imprisoned her, so they can heal themselves even after a terrible battle, which is why it's really important to get her back." Robin: "Then we better not fail, right Rooster?" Bartolomeo: "Sure thing Miss Robin, anything for you and the rest of the Straw Hats." Rebecca: "Where is Diamante?" Leo: "Last I heard, he's most likely at the palace." Rebecca: "Then there's a good chance my father is there too, I gotta help him." Bartolomeo: "Are you sure that's a good idea?, I mean you're not what I call a fighter like me or the others, you only got so far as the final round cause you managed to avoid getting hit by dodging really fast." Rebecca: "Maybe... but I have gladiator blood in my veins... my father's blood, who is the greatest gladiator in the history of Dressrosa." Robin: "Still though, be on your guard." Rebecca: "Sure." said Rebecca, as she, Leo, Robin and Bartolomeo continued running to the Sunflower hill, while trying to outrun the people who want the star on Rebecca's head. As for the fighters, they were beaten up, but they managed to take down most of the top officers. It wasn't long before Rebecca's group made it to the top of the Sunflower hill, and there they see Kyros fighting Diamante, and the battle ended with Kyros being the winner. When Kyros saw Rebecca, he couldn't help but smile. Kyros: "Rebecca... you're here..." Rebecca: "Father!" shouted Rebecca, before she runs over to her father and gave him a big hug. Kyros: "My little girl... thank goodness you're alright..." Rebecca: "But father... you're hurt... both body and soul..." Kyros: "What do you mean?, I only got some cuts, the pain I went through for 10 years was much worse." Rebecca: "Exactly... you spent 10 years being forgotten... I'm so sorry I didn't remembered you... please forgive me..." Kyros: "Oh Rebecca, there's nothing to forgive about... you only forgotten me cause of Sugar's spell... but it's gone now... thanks to the Straw Hats..." Rebecca: "Yeah, and guess what, Lucy promised me that he'll take down Dolflamingo for us." Kyros: "Really?" Bartolomeo: "Of course, if anyone can beat Dolflamingo, it would be no doubt Mr Luffy, after all, he's the man who's gonna be king of the pirates one day." it wasn't long before they noticed Pika getting ready to attack King Riku, only for Zoro to use his swords, which he covered with Armament Haki, to slice the stone man in half, and it wasn't long before the real Pika showed up and ready to use his own sword to fight Zoro. In the end, Zoro managed to beat Pika, much to Kyros and Rebecca's shock and amazement. Rebecca: "Unreal... he cut him in half like it was nothing... and he defeated Pika no less..." Kyros: "And he's not even the captain... makes me wonder how strong Lucy could be..." Leo: "Yeah... I wouldn't expect anything less from the crew that Usopp land is in..." Bartolomeo: "Say... aren't we supposed to rescue this Tontatta princess?" Leo: "Oh nuts!, I almost forgot!, let's go!" said Leo, before he, Kyros, Rebecca and Bartolomeo ran off into the palace in hopes to rescue the Tontatta princess. Back with Luffy's group, they finally made it to the palace, there they see Dolflamingo sitting on a chair, like he was waiting for them to come. Dolflamingo: "Well... it's about time you showed up, I was worried that the game will end too quickly." Luffy: "You think this is a game?!, controlling people and forcing them to harm their loved ones?!" Dolflamingo: "Don't get so riled up, after all, you were the ones who made me use the Bird Cage in the first place." Law: "It's over Dolflamingo, your family has been defeated, you're the only one left." Dolflamingo: "Oh you think you got the upper hand jut because you managed to beat my family?, well I'm still around, and I'm not going down so easily." Luffy: "Good, cause I'm not going down easily either." Law: "Same with me, and I won't rest until I avenge Corazon's spirit." Dolflamingo: "Don't ever mention that traitor's name in front of me, he's the reason that you're still alive and you having the Op Op fruit in the first place, which I could have used myself to make myself immortal!" Luffy: "Whoa... your devil fruit can really do that?" Law: "Yeah, that's why most people call it the ultimate Devil fruit... but I'm not really interested in living forever, and Corazon was the only person in the Donquixote family that was actually like family to me... he took care of me when I was little, after I lost my family... before Dolflamingo killed him... his own brother..." Dolflamingo: "He was a weak softie, he was not fit to be in my family... now enough talking, it's time to take you all out." said Dolflamingo, before the battle begins. The samurai tried to battle, but they were no match against Dolflamingo, even Law couldn't beat him, but he did managed to damage the warlord's insides with an attack that effects the insides of the opponent's body. Luffy then begins to use a new Gear that he's been working on for 2 years, called Fourth Gear, with mixes his Devil fruit with a lot of his Haki. Luffy transforms into Bounce Man, which makes him not only bigger, but very bouncy as well. Luffy: "Get ready, cause I'm now in my Bounce Man form!" Dolflamingo: "Oh really?, what are you gonna do?, bounce me to death?" asked Dolflamingo, before Luffy punches him in the face, and the warlord was sent flying right into the city, much to his surprise. It wasn't long before Luffy came down, but was flying by the elasticity of his body, and then Luffy throws some powerful punches called Kong Gun, which was very effective against Dolflamingo. However, Dolflamingo was not down yet, and he shows that he has awakened his Devil fruit, which makes him have the power to not only turn himself into string, but his surroundings too as he turns the ground and buildings around him into string and uses them against Luffy. The Straw Hat was caught off guard, but he was not giving up, and was ready to give one more attack that should free Dressrosa from Dolflamingo once and for all. Just when Dolflamingo summons a lot of sharp strings to attack, Luffy made his first really big and throws it right at Dolflamingo's face. Luffy: "Gum Gum... King Kong Gun!" shouted Luffy, as he punches Dolflamingo into the ground, knocking him out cold. It wasn't long before the Bird Cage started to vanish, and those who were being controlled by the strings were freed, and everyone began to cheer. Luffy suddenly blew steam out of his mouth and shrank back to his normal form. Law uses his powers to switch the Straw Hat pirate with some rubble in order for him to be on the ground unharmed. Gatz saw the whole battle and he began to announce the winner. Gatz: "Everyone!, I have a very important announcement!, about the battle between Dolflamingo and Lucy!... the battle is over... and the winner is... LUCY!" once Gatz said that, everyone in Dressrosa cheered in joy, happy to know that it means that they were finally free at last.

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