Escape from Impel Down

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The Navy ship finally made it to Impel Down, the ultimate undersea prison that belongs to the World Government. Luffy was hiding under Hancock's cloak again, and the pair were at the gates when the Vice Warden Hannyabal (voiced by Brad Jackson) came to the scene. Hannyabal: "Welcome to the prison, you must be Boa Hancock, one of the seven warlords?" Hancock: "That's right, I came to see the reason why I was summoned to fight Whitebeard, is he here?" Hannyabal: "Yes, I'll take you to him, but first you must see the warden, who's office is at level 4." Hancock: "So you're not the warden?" Hannyabal: "Well... not yet, but I'm hoping to be, I am the Vice warden, so you can say I'm close to being as powerful as him... anyway, you must go to that room for a bit before we go any further, safety rules." said Hannyabal, before Hancock was taken into a room, where a woman named Domino asked her to wear sea prism handcuffs so she can't use her powers and have her cloak removed, which will be a problem as Luffy's under it. That was when Hancock used her charms to make Domino blush and turned to stone with her Love Love beam, and that was when Luffy came out of hiding. Luffy: "Whoa... she's not dead, right?" Hancock: "No... she's alive, and even if she turns back, she'll have no memory of the event... but I'm afraid this is as far as I can take you, once they put those cuffs on me and remove my cloak, you have nowhere to hide." Luffy: "Don't worry, I can find Ace on my own from here, but are you gonna be okay?" Hancock: "I'll be fine, but it's you that I'm worried... if you get caught, you'll be tortured in the most horrid way... and you'll never save your brother... I wished I could help you more..." Luffy: "Don't worry, you got me this far, I would never gotten here if you didn't help, thanks a lot Hancock, really." Hancock: "You... said my name right..." said Hancock while blushing a little, as she remembered how Luffy kept calling her Hammock while they were traveling on the Navy ship. Luffy: "Yeah, I always remember the names of my friends, you take care now." said Luffy, before he runs off to who knows where, in hopes to find Ace and rescue him. Back with Hancock, she turned Domino back to normal and had no memory of turning to stone or what happened during that time, and the Pirate empress was now wearing the sea prism handcuffs. Hancock: "I see you treat your guests in the same way as your prisoners." Hannyabal: "Nothing personal but we can't take any risks." Momonga: "Shall we go now?" Hannyabal: "Sure, the elevator is this way." said Hannyabal, before he takes both Momonga and Hancock to the elevator, which slowly goes down to the lower levels. In level 1 of Impel Down, there was a pirate trying to escape, and it was noun other than Buggy the Clown, who got caught by the Navy not too long ago and now he's trying to get out. Unfortunately, a group of big sea monkeys, carrying axes came to the scene and began chasing the clown. Elsewhere, Luffy was trying to find his way through, and while had Ace's Vivre card which points the way, he was still lost. Suddenly, Buggy and the sea monkeys came to the scene and Luffy begins to make a run for it. Buggy: "Straw Hat?!, what the heck are you doing here?!" Luffy: "Huh... do I know you?... oh yeah!, Buggy, what are you doing here?" Buggy: "What does it look like?!, trying to escape!, and I see you got caught too." Luffy: "No I got in here on my own." Buggy: "What?!, you came in here on purpose?!, why would anyone be stupid enough to do that?!" Luffy: "I came here to rescue my brother, and nobody's gonna stop me!" Buggy: "You have a brother?" Luffy: "Yeah, his name's Ace the Fire Fist." Buggy: "WHAT?!, Fire Fist Ace is your brother?!, but wait... could you be... no way... you're not old enough to be his son... and Rouge... she..." Luffy: "What are you talking about?" Buggy: "Uh nothing important... but never mind that, you really think that you can waltz in here and rescue Ace with ease?" Luffy: "No but it's better than let him die." said Luffy, before some more sea monkeys came and attacked the pair, only for them to be defeated by the pirate duo. Buggy: "Dang... you sure gotten a lot stronger since I last saw ya..." Luffy: "I don't know... these monkeys are pretty tough..." that was when Buggy noticed the arm band on Luffy's arm, which was an artifact Nami let Luffy have back at Thriller Bark, and Buggy's eyes widened in shock. Buggy: "That armband... where did you get that?!" Luffy: "Huh?, you mean this?, Nami let me have it back in Thriller Bark, it doesn't worth much, which was why she let me have it." Buggy: "Are you kidding?!, that armband is actually the map to finding the lost treasure of Captain John himself!, and I've been looking for it!, uh... I mean..." Luffy: "A treasure map?, doesn't look like one... do you want it?" Buggy: "Uh... yeah, I've been searching for it so I can get the treasure it leads to..." Luffy: "Say if you help me get Ace back, you can have it, sound like a good deal?" Buggy: "Well... fine... it's not like I have a choice... but let me warn you... Impel Down is like the underworld itself when it comes to torture, and death is like a mercy to those who end up here... there are 5 levels of this place, each level below is more dangerous than the last one, the further down you go, the more infamous the criminals are, and level 5 is the place where the world's most wanted criminals are... and with Ace's bounty... which is 550,000,000 berries, the chances of him there are very likely..." said Buggy, before he and Luffy smashed through a wall as they weren't watching where they were going, and once they smashed through the other side, they began to fall towards a chamber of level 1 that's full of sharp medal trees and metal grass that cuts prisoners. Luffy: "Whoa!, this place is like a forest meant to cut ya!" Buggy: "That's the whole idea!, not throw my feet to the ground!" Luffy: "But won't they be cut too?" Buggy: "Stupid!, I ate the Chop Chop fruit, remember?!, I can be slice and dice but can't be harmed by it, now get my feet to the ground!, otherwise I'll keep falling!" shouted Buggy, before Luffy threw the clown's feet to the ground, and once the feet got to the ground, the clown's body was flying, and Luffy was riding on his back. Soon they got to what looked like a big hole in the center of the sharp forest. Luffy: "Whoa... that's a deep hole..." Buggy: "That hole goes all the way to Level 2 of Impel Down, which is more terrifying than what's up here." Luffy: "Alright then... let's go!" said Luffy, before he grabs Buggy and both them began to fall into the hole, much to the clown's shock and dismay as he was now heading to a more dangerous place than Level 1 of Impel Down. Soon, the pair made a crash landing onto the floor, and find themselves in Level 2 of Impel Down. Buggy: "Are you crazy?!, you could have killed me!" Luffy: "What?, you gave your word that you'll help me if I give you the armband right?" Buggy: "Even so, you could have given me a warning before making me jump a drop like that!" Luffy: "So... this is Level 2?" Buggy: "That's right... it's supposed to be filled with large wild beasts that can eat you whole... which is much worse than we saw on Level 1..." Luffy: "Like how?" asked Luffy, before something came out of the shadows, which looked like a giant chicken with a snake face, which scared the heck out of both of the pirates. Buggy: "Oh nuts!, it's a monster known as a Basilisk!, a snake forged from a chicken egg!" Luffy: "That thing came out of a chicken?!" Buggy: "I said it was a monster!, these things shouldn't be allowed to live!, let alone roam free!, they eat people, so they ended up here where they can only eat the criminals!" Luffy: "Well I got no time to deal with this snake bird!, Third Gear..." said Luffy, before he makes his fist super huge and punches the Basilisk right into a wall, which had the security room of Level 2 on the other side, which made the prison lose all visual in that level at the moment. As for the clown, he had his jaw dropped to the ground and his eyes were as wide as dinner plates from what he just witnessed. Buggy: "Your fist... it was huge...!, wait... why are you so small?" Luffy: "Cause I used Third Gear, but don't worry, it doesn't last too long." said Luffy, before he went back to his normal size. That was when Buggy noticed something shining on the ground in the now busted security room, which turned out to be some keys, and an idea came into the clown's head. Buggy: "Hey Straw Hat, I got an idea, if we release these prisoners, they'll make enough chaos to keep the security off our tails, allowing us to get to Fire Fist quicker." Luffy: "If it helps saving Ace, than hurry." said Luffy, before Buggy went to pick up the keys and begins to release the prisoners of Level 2, including a certain man who gave Luffy some trouble before in the past back on Little Garden and Alabasta. It was Mr 3, and he was free again. Mr 3: "Well it's certainly been a while, Straw Hat." Luffy: "Uh... do I know you?, wait... that hair... oh yeah!, you're that 3 guy who tried to turn the giants into wax statues back on that dinosaur island!" Mr 3: "That's Mr 3, and yes that was me, but right now I'll help you escape if you help me on that too." Luffy: "Okay... but first I have to save my brother." Mr 3: "Your brother?" Buggy: "Yeah, Fire Fist Ace happens to be his older brother." Mr 3: "Really?!, I never knew!, wait... if Fire Fist Ace is here... then he would be all the way down to Level 5... you wanna go there?!" Luffy: "If that's where Ace is, then yeah, now I'm gonna rescue him no matter what!" suddenly, a big group of what looked like lions with human faces came to the scene and begins to chase the trio. Meanwhile at the warden's office, Hancock, Momonga and Hannyabal came and were waiting for the warden himself. Hannyabal: "Now try to keep your distance, he's a man who ate the Venom Venom fruit, so he's a poison man, so please by careful." said the Vice Warden, before the Warden, known as Magellan (voiced by Jeremy Inman), came to the scene, and he was suffering a little tummy ache. Magellan: "Oh... as always... it was a rough battle with the toilet..." Hannyabal: "Well that's what you get for having a soup that was poisonous for breakfast." Magellan: "Oh come on, I'm a poison man, and I love poison." said Magellan, before a transponder snail tried to make a report about level 2, but Hancock used her charm to distract Magellan, so he and ignore the report and get her to where Ace was locked up. Back with Luffy, he along with Buggy and Mr 3 were still being chased by the human faced lions. Luffy: "Those are some freaky looking lions!" Mr 3: "Yes, and ignore what they say, for since they have human faces, they can copy what they hear from other people, they have no idea what it means!" said Mr 3, before they ran into what looked like a much larger lion that scared off the other human faced lions. Buggy: "What the heck is that?!" Mr 3: "It's the guardian of this floor!, the Sphinx!" Luffy: "It's like... a lion... and a grandpa..." Sphinx: "Noodle..." Buggy: "Wha..." Mr 3: "Noodle?!" said Buggy and Mr 3, before the Sphinx begins to attack them and Luffy. Mr 3 then made some wax figures to fool the Sphinx, which while using it's paws to stomp on the ground, the floor under it began to break, causing the Sphinx, along with Luffy, Buggy and Mr 3 to fall down right to Level 3. meanwhile, in the level where Ace was locked up in, Boa Hancock, along with Vice Admiral Momonga, Magellan and Hannyabal came and the other prisoners there were going crazy by the sight of Hancock, and started to make insults at Magellan. This made the warden very angry and that was when his body started to be covered in poison and summoned what looked like a hydra made of poison to teach the prisoners a lesson. Unaware to the wardens or vice admiral, Hancock was secretly talking to Ace, telling him about Luffy coming to rescue him, much to the young man's shock. Once their chat was done, Magellan was done with punishing the prisoners, so he and the others didn't knew what Hancock was saying to Ace. Back with Luffy, he along with Buggy, Mr 3 and the Sphinx were on Level 3, which was like a desert. Buggy: "Straw Hat... if I have to keep falling into a more dangerous place by you, I'll lose my mind!" Luffy: "Speaking of place... where are we?, a desert?" Mr 3: "This is Level 3... and what appears to be sand... well it's not sand..." Buggy: "Huh?, than what is it?" Mr 3: "Chances are that we're standing on... are the remains of prisoners that have completely dried up... and if we stay in this place too long... well I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out..." Luffy: "Then let's get to Level 5 quick." Buggy: "Seriously?!" Mr 3: "That's crazy!, we need to go up!, not down!" Luffy: "But Ace is down, so that's where we need to go, you promised me that you'll help me if I give you the armband, remember?" Buggy: "Unfortunately... yeah..." Mr 3: "Wait... armband?" Buggy: "It's actually the secret map of Captain John himself." Mr 3: "Seriously?!, how did Straw Hat get a hold of that?!" Buggy: "No idea... but if I help Straw Hat... then I'll be a rich man." Mr 3: "Or a dead man... I prefer to stay alive than risk my life for treasure..." Buggy: "So you think you have a chance of escaping on your own?" Mr 3: "Well... when you put it that way..." suddenly, they heard the sound of someone singing a song, and it was a song that Mr 3 knew all too well that made him gasp in shock and fear. Buggy: "What's wrong?" Mr 3: "I know that song... and I know that voice..." Luffy: "Let's go see who it is." said Luffy, before he found some cells that had really hungry and tired prisoners, and there was one that caught the trio's attention. In one of the cells was Bon Clay, AKA Mr 2, which Luffy was thrilled to see. Bon Clay: "Straw boy?!" Luffy: "Bon Clay!, it's really you!, I thought you were dead!, boy am I happy to see you!" Buggy: "Wait... you know this strange creature?" Mr 3: "He should... they met before in Alabasta... in fact he and I used to work in the same organization." Bon Clay: "That's right, so what brings you here?" Luffy: "I came to rescue my brother, Ace, can you help me save him?" Bon Clay: "Of course, of course I need to be out of this cell first." Luffy: "Okay, 3, do your wax key thing." Mr 3: "It's Mr 3... but alright, I suppose the bigger our group, the better the chances we have on escaping..." said Mr 3, before he makes a wax key and freed Bon Clay from his cell. Bon Clay: "You know... I'm planning to free someone from Impel Down too." Luffy: "Really?, who?" Bon Clay: "The Queen of all Queens... Emporio Ivankov, the queen of Kamabakka kingdom, he's been my idol for a long time, and now I'll do whatever it takes to save him." meanwhile, outside of the prison, Hancock was leaving, and felt worried for Luffy's safety after learning about Magellan's fearful power. And speaking of the warden, he was getting a report of Straw Hat heading for Ace, and he was not happy at all. Magellan: "Why did I only find out about this now?!" Hannyabal: "Well... there was an earlier report about it... but you were going gaga over Hancock..." Magellan: "So were you!, never mind, I better stop them before they cause any more damage." said Magellan, before he heads down to the lower levels of the prison. Back with Luffy and his group, they were on a ledge that has Level 4 below, which was much hotter than Level 3, and there was fire and boiling blood in the center of the level. The group got into trouble when what looked like a cow man, which was one of the 4 demon guards, came to the scene and begins to chase them. Buggy: "Dang!, I'm gonna run straight into my grave if that thing keeps chasing us!... then I'll have to use my secret weapon." Mr 3: "What secret weapon?" Buggy: "Well... I have a special cannonball that lets out a powerful explosion, and I made a tiny version of it called a Muggy ball, and I happen to have them with me right now." Mr 3: "You do?, where?" Buggy: "Watch, special attack... come out Muggy ball!" shouted Buggy, before a tiny cannonball came out of his shoe, which hits and explodes in front of the cow man. Luffy: "Whoa!, that's awesome!" Bon Clay: "Nice shot!" that was when the demon guard fell to the ground, and the impact caused the part of the floor that the group were on started to break and they all started to fall, until they make a jump for it and were now in Level 4. Bon Clay: "Oh man!, it's so hot!" shouted Bon Clay as steam came out of his nose, and Mr 3 slapped him on the shoulder. Mr 3: "We're aware of that!" Buggy: "Uh... guys... I think we're in trouble..." Luffy: "Huh?, why?, and who's that guy?" asked Luffy, as he sees Magellan in front of the group. Bon Clay: "Ah!!!, it's Magellan!" Luffy: "Who?" Mr 3: "The Warden of Impel Down!" Bon Clay: "Be careful Straw boy!, he's a poison man!" Luffy: "Poison?" Magellan: "That's right, and I don't know how you got in here, but I will make you talk about it." Luffy: "No way... last time I answered someone about who help me... it ruined her life... I won't make that mistake again." Magellan: "No matter, I'll find out one way or another, and you won't be leaving here alive." Luffy: "Bon... you along with Buggy and 3 go on without me for now... I'll deal with this guy." Bon Clay: "Are you crazy?!, you can't fight him!, he'll kill you!" Buggy: "Man... he's must have a serious death wish..." Mr 3: "No kidding..." Luffy: "Just go!" Buggy: "Alright... it's your funeral." said Buggy, before he and Mr 3 make a run for it, while dragging Bon Clay with them. Luffy went to fight Magellan, which of course didn't last long and the warden was the winner, while Luffy was not only beaten but badly poisoned as well. Back with the others, they had a run in with Hannyabal, who would have beaten them if Bon Clay didn't used his Nami form to trick the vice warden and taken his face as well in hopes to help Luffy somehow. Bon Clay: "We got to help Straw boy... somehow." Buggy: "Look, I understand you wanna save him, but there's no way we can help." Mr 3: "He's right, no one can survive such a poisonous attack from Magellan, it would take a miracle." Bon Clay: "Huh?... a miracle?... oh yeah!, I forgot about him!, he's in Impel Down!, Emporio Ivankov!, also known as the Miracle worker, there's no doubt he should be able save Straw boy, we need to find out where he was taken." said Bon Clay, before he goes on as Hannyabal with Buggy and Mr 3 as his prisoners. They soon learned that Luffy was sent to Level 5, which was like a frozen wasteland, the polar opposite of Level 4. of course there was also a pack of very dangerous wolves that are much more dangerous than any of the beasts that were in Level 2. it wasn't long before they finally found the cell with Luffy inside, and the boy was looking very sick. Buggy: "Oh man... that looks bad..." Mr 3: "No kidding... it's surprising that he's even still alive... though I doubt he'll be for very long..." Bon Clay: "That's why we need to find Ivankov as soon as possible." said Bon, before he and the other two free Luffy, and now begin their search for Emporio Ivankov, in hopes to heal Luffy. Buggy: "Hey uh... you wouldn't happen to know where this Ivankov guy is right?" Bon Clay: "Well... I heard he was in Impel Down... but that's all I know..." Mr 3: "Oh great..." said Mr 3, before a pack of the wolves showed up and tried to harm the group, before Luffy got up... with what strength he had left, and shouted to the wolves to leave Bon and the others alone, before some aura blast came out of him, which knocked out the wolves. Buggy was the only one who realized what Luffy just did. Buggy: "No way... he just used... just like..." that was when a man came to the scene, his name was Inazuma (voiced by Christopher Wehkamp), and he was not wearing prison clothes like Luffy. Inazuma: "So... you're here to Ivankov?" Bon Clay: "Uh... yes, we need his help, well mostly for Straw boy here... can you take us to him?" Inazuma: "Of course, follow me." Buggy: "Should we?" Mr 3: "Well... either we do, or facing those wolves again..." Buggy: "Yeah... let's follow him..." and so they went to follow Inazuma, and the soon went to a hole that lead them to a secret floor that even the people of Impel Down didn't knew about, and there were a lot of people who were cross dressers like Bon Clay, and they were having fun like they were not in prison at all. Bon Clay: "Whoa... what is this place?" Buggy: "Never imagined a place like this would exist in a prison..." Mr 3: "And it's below the lowest level of Impel Down..." that was when the light dimmed and the stage started to show a man who was dressed like a woman with a crown on his head showed up, and everyone in the room was shouted the name Ivankov. Bon Clay: "That's him?!, the legendary miracle worker?!, Emporio Ivankov?!" shouted Bon Clay in shock, before Ivankov (voiced by Randy Pearlman), spoke up. Ivankov: "Oh my, so you heard of me?" Bon Clay: "Oh yes... you've been my idol for a long time... and we need your help, my friend Straw boy got poisoned by Magellan." Ivankov: "Hmm... well he did put on quite a show since he got here... so I guess helping him would be a good way to thank him for the entertainment." Mr 3: "Wait... how do you know what he was doing?" Ivankov: "Well we managed to steal a big visual transponder snail and used it to see what's going on outside of Level 5.5, and what Straw boy did was really something." Buggy: "Wait... Level 5.5?" Ivankov: "I would explain it later, but I think Straw boy needs treatment now." Bon Clay: "Oh right!, please hurry!" said Bon Clay, before Luffy was taken into a room and was wrapped in chains. Ivankov: "I should warn you, the treatment will take 10 years of your life, but that is a deadly poison." Luffy: "... Fine by me..." Ivankov: "Well... there's no guarantee that you'll survive, but you'll be dead if nothing is done, now here goes... Emporio Healing Hormone!" shouted Ivankov, before he jabs his nails into the sides of Luffy's body, which injected something into the boy's body, which seems to have a very painful result on him, causing him to scream in agony. Some time later, Ivankov begins to explain to Bon Clay, Buggy and Mr 3 about his powers and Level 5.5 as well. Buggy: "You ate a devil fruit that makes you a Hormone man?" Ivankov: "That's right, I can control the hormones of myself and anyone I see, and long ago, a prisoner tried to dig around below Level 5 and we used this place as a hideout, a paradise in this prison, which is between Level 5 and Level 6." Bon Clay: "Wait... Level 6?, I've never heard of it." Ivankov: "Well it's not common knowledge, but it's there... and it's where the true villains are locked up... like Shiryu for example... the former jail manager who was completely out of control, killing prisoners just for the fun of it, so Magellan lock him up to keep him on a tight leash... and he's not alone, like Catarina Devon, Vasco Shot, Avalo Pizarro, and San Juan Wolf, along with Crocodile for example." Mr 3: "You mean... Mr 0?!" Buggy: "Oh yeah... he was a former warlord before the incident in Alabasta." Ivankov: "Yes, and Straw boy came to rescue Ace boy... though he'll have to save himself first... and that would take time if he survives the treatment of course." Bon Clay: "You mean it would kill him?!" Ivankov: "Well it's not like I'm a real miracle worker, I can only give him something to help him, the rest is up to him." some time later, Bon Clay was in front of the door that has the room where Luffy was in behind, and the cross dresser was hearing Luffy's screaming, and that was when he began to cheer for Luffy, telling him that he has to live. It wasn't long before Ivankov and his followers began to join Bon Clay on the cheering, and that was when they no longer hear Luffy screaming, and that was when the Straw Hat wearing pirate shouted 'Meat', which meant that the treatment was already done somehow. Buggy: "Whoa... I think he's ready..." Ivankov: "That can't be right!, the hormone treatment hasn't even gone a whole day!" shouted Ivankov, before his followers began giving all the food they had to Luffy, and managed to feel much better. Luffy: "Alright!, all better!, and Bon... thank goodness you're okay." Bon Clay: "Huh?!, like I died?!, stop yanking my tail!, you're the one who made me worried!" Buggy: "That's Straw Hat for ya... never uses that tiny brain of his..." Luffy: "So... you're Ivankov... the one that Bon wanted to free from this prison... thanks." Ivankov: "You're welcome, but I can't leave here cause it's not my time to make my move, you see I'm waiting for my leader to give me the order... you may know him as Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary army." Luffy: "Oh... you're talking about my dad." Ivankov: "Yes that's right, I'm waiting for him to make his move, so if I escape now... I'll just end up on a sea of wanted lists... hmm?... d-d-d-d... DAD?!" all: "Dragon's your dad?!" Mr 3: "HUH?!" Buggy: "What the heck?!" that was when Ivankov jump back in surprise and crashed into a wall. Ivankov: "Don't be silly!, Dragon does not have any children!, that's crazy talk!" Luffy: "Oh... guess I shouldn't said that... oh well, grandpa didn't kept it a secret either, though I don't really know much about my dad, I never even seen his face before." Ivankov: "Your grandpa... who is he?, and where did you come from." Luffy: "Vice admiral Garp, and I'm from the East blue." this made Ivankov gasped, remembering that Dragon's father was Garp, and that the East blue was his home sea too. Ivankov: "I can't believe I never put it together till now... Straw hat boy, listen closely, you must not let anyone know that Dragon's your father, I'm his dear friend and one of his trusted commanders, which makes me a member of the revolution army, that's the reason I was arrested." Buggy: "I was wondering about why he's here in the first place..." Ivankov: "Alright everyone... this might be sudden, but the time to escape from Impel Down has finally come!, we must help Straw boy rescue Ace boy as fast as possible!" shouted Ivankov, before Luffy fell to the ground, and Ivankov realized that Luffy was a bit pooped out from the treatment he went through to survive the poison. So Ivankov used some energy hormones to give Luffy his energy back, but warned him that there will be side effects later on. Soon Ivankov, along with Inazuma, Luffy, Buggy, Mr 3 and Bon Clay continue to run down a secret passage to Level 6, which was a place full of cells that were full of prisoners. Buggy: "This is Level 6?, it doesn't seem that scary compared to the other levels..." Mr 3: "Um... I think what makes this place the most dangerous level... are the prisoners themselves..." Ivankov: "That's correct... the prisoners here are the most dangerous in the world... and the place where we'll find Ace boy." said Ivankov, before he and others got to the cell where Ace should be, but he wasn't there, instead there was a large blue fish-man named Jimbei (voiced by Daniel Baugh), who happens to be a member of the Seven Warlords of the sea. Jimbei: "Hey... you're Straw Hat, Ace's little brother, right?" Luffy: "Yeah." Jimbei: "I'm afraid you're a bit late, they already taken him away, and on the way to Navy HQ." Buggy: "You got to be kidding me!, we came all the way here for nothing?!" Mr 3: "Should have known we should have gone up instead..." Luffy: "In that case... I'm going to Navy HQ." Ivankov: "Don't be stupid!, a massive battle's about to happen between the marines, the warlords against Whitebeard and his crew!" Luffy: "But if I quit now... I'll regret it." Inazuma: "Even so, there's no way we can get out of this Level, look." said Inazuma, pointing at what looked like the elevator which was now destroyed. Buggy: "Oh nuts!, the Elevator's broken!" Mr 3: "They must have found out about us and cut off our only way out of here..." Inazuma: "And not only that, it would seem that our way back to Level 5.5 has been cut off too." said Inazuma, pointing at the former secret entrance to Level 5.5 being caved in. suddenly, they heard someone laughing, say that if they free him, he can help them. Luffy takes a closer look at the prisoner, and gasp in shock and anger as he knows who he is, which was in fact Crocodile himself. Luffy: "Crocodile... so you're here too...?" Crocodile: "Indeed, this is where I've been after our battle in Alabasta, but if you freed me, I can help you escape." Luffy: "As if!, you messed up Vivi's home!" Crocodile: "That was a long time ago." Ivankov: "I know he's a rotten scumbag, we still need his help." Crocodile: "Ivankov... so you're here..." Ivankov: "Yes, it's been a while." Luffy: "Wait, you two know each other?" Ivankov: "Just a passing acquaintance, I've met him when was still a rookie, he's a scoundrel, but one with a weakness I know." Crocodile: "Hey!, if you so much mention a word of it..." Ivankov: "Easy now, if you want your secret stay a secret, then I would advice you to behave, he haw!" that was when Jimbei spoke out. Jimbei: "Please!, set me free too!, I want to rescue Ace as well!, you see I was arrested because I refused to allow the Navy to execute Ace, I'll put my life on the line for him!" Luffy: "Hmm... okay, let him out too." Mr 3: "Uh... are you sure that's a good idea?, do you even know who that is?" Luffy: "He's Ace's friend, that's good enough for me." Ivankov: "Let him out, along with Crocodile too." said Ivankov, before Inazuma, who uses his power of the Snip Snip fruit, to turn his hand into giant scissors to unlock the cells, freeing both Jimbei and Crocodile. Soon the group made a bridge that leads to Level 5.5, and once they got there, they see that Ivankov's followers were picking up weapons. One of the followers gave Buggy a sword, saying he'll need it. Buggy: "Hmm... well I'm more into knives than swords, but I'm not complaining, as long as I have something to protect myself." soon, the group begin to run through Level 5 and their goal was to free as many prisoners as they can to cause enough chaos in order to keep the security from catching them. As they went up to Level 4, they freed many prisoners, including Mr 1, who was freed by Crocodile. Of course they were stopped when Hannyabal came and blocked the door that leads to Level 3. Luffy goes to fight him, until a mysterious dark force came and a figure jumped up and stomps Hannyabal on the ground, knocking him out cold. The figure in question was Teach in fact, and Luffy was surprised to see him. Luffy: "Hey... that's the guy I met just back at the Knock Up Stream..." Teach: "Well... didn't expect Straw Hat to show up." Jimbei: "Teach... what are you doing here?, or do you prefer to be called Blackbeard?" said Jimbei, which made Luffy gasped, realizing who the man really was. Luffy: "I see... so you're... Blackbeard!" Teach: "Oh, I guess I never gave you my name, did I?, well that's right, and I'm one of the Seven warlords now, thanks to the fact I caught Ace... you know I was supposed to catch you for the title, but your brother got in the way." Luffy: "Oh yeah... well try to catch me now!" shouted Luffy, before using his Second Gear on Blackbeard, which was really painful, but Teach used his Dark powers to pull Luffy into his hand and punch him. Jimbei tries to tell Luffy that fighting Teach is pointless now as rescuing Ace is more important now, and Luffy knew that Jimbei was right, so he went off with the others, while Teach and his crew went off to who knows where. While on the way to the upper levels, Buggy has discovered that the sword he has was actually the sword that ate the Elephant Elephant fruit, meaning it was really Funkfreed, Spandam's sword. Buggy: "I can't believe it... how can a weapon eat a devil fruit?!" Mr 3: "Well I remembered that Mr 4 had a gun that ate a Zoan Devil fruit, so I guess it's possible..." soon they got close to the entrance of the prison, while Warden Magellan, who was really mad, was chasing after them. They managed to get on a navy battleship and took it over, and now on the way to escape. Unfortunately, they were heading for the Gates of Justice, and it won't open for them. But for some reason, the gates began to open, as it turns out, Bon Clay stayed behind and pretend to be the Vice Warden to trick the security to open the gates of Justice. Luffy picked up a Transponder Snail, trying to call Bon Clay. Luffy: "Bon... please... answer me... I'm sorry it turned out like this... but I want you to know... I never would have gotten this far if you weren't there... so thank you!, and I promise I will never forget you!" shouted Luffy, before Bon finally answered with with tears in his eyes. on Clay: "Straw boy!, find Ace!, save him!, and don't look back!, I know you can do it!, and you have lots of friends to help you!" Luffy: "Bon!" shouted Luffy, before the gates were closed behind the ship, and every escaped prisoner began to cry for Bon Clay's sacrifice. Meanwhile, in the lowest level of Impel Down, Teach and his crew arrived to the cells and told them to have a good old fight to the death, and who ever is left alive will get to leave Impel Down as a member of his crew. Some time later, a few prisoners, including Shiryu (voiced by Matt Thurston), were left alive, and Teach was grinning in an evil way. Teach: "Well... welcome to our crew, I hope we make a great team." Shiryu: "I hope so too, you're exactly the kind of person I wanted to meet, for quite some time now." said Shiryu, before Teach begins to laugh in an evil way, as he and his crew start preparing for the next stage of their plan, which will take place in the upcoming war in Navy HQ itself.

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