The Egghead island incident

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As the Thousand Sunny sailed the seas, with a new crew member in the form of Carrot, the Straw Hats were still concerned about Vivi due to the recent news about her father. Sanji: "How's Vivi?" Nami: "Still a little down, can't really blame her... I mean her father meant a lot to her..." Conis: "Yeah... Vivi told me a lot about how good a man he was... I wished I could have met him..." Brook: "Me too... such a real shame..." Franky: "Poor little sis... I feel so... not super right now..." Usopp: "Yeah... we gotta cheer her up somehow." Carrot: "Maybe some games could help?" Chopper: "I like that idea." Luffy: "Me too." Nami: "I don't think she's in the mood for games right now." said Nami, looking at Vivi, who was looking rather depressed. It wasn't long before Karoo and Su went to Vivi, rubbing their heads on Vivi's legs, which caused her to smile a little. Vivi: "Are you both trying to cheer me up?" Karoo: "Quack!" Su: "Suu~." Vivi: "Well... I guess knowing that I have you guys with me does make me feel a little better." hearing this made Karoo and Su look a little happy too, before they went to give her a hug, which she seemed to enjoyed. That was when Carrot, who was looking out with binoculars, sees an island close by. Carrot: "Hey guys!, there's an island up ahead!" Luffy: "Ooh!, really?" Carrot: "Yeah... but... there's something coming this way... they look like... big metal sea monsters!" Usopp: "What?!" Chopper: "Sea monsters?!, scary!" it wasn't long before the sea monsters came to the ship, ready to attack, but the Straw Hats proved to be too tough for them and taken the monsters down, which was when they discovered that the monsters were really machines. Jimbei: "Hmm... they're not real fish... or even real Sea Kings..." Franky: "Yeah, they're robots... wonder what their deal was?" Robin: "They're probably machines that had a job of guarding the island from intruders... like pirates or anyone who attempt to invade..." Usopp: "Why would anyone want to invade that island?, what could be there that's worth the trouble of building these robots?" Sanji: "Well there's one way to find out, go to the island and check it out." Luffy: "I'm up for it." Usopp: "Of course you would..." soon, the Straw Hats made it to the island, and already they were in awe, as they see that the island had a futuristic city, with technology far beyond anything else in the world. Nami: "Wow... the science here looks really amazing..." Franky: "Wow!, it looks super awesome!" Jimbei: "Hmm... I believe we're on Egghead island." Carrot: "Really?, why is called that?" Jimbei: "Well because the main lab of this island is huge and shape like an egg... and I heard rumors that this is where Dr Vegapunk himself does his work." Franky: "No way!, the Dr Vegapunk?!, the greatest scientist in the entire world?!" Luffy: "Huh?, is this Vegapunk guy really important?" Franky: "Are you kidding?!, he's the greatest scientist in the world." Robin: "And wasn't he the one who turned Kuma into a mindless machine?" Franky: "Oh yeah... that too... and also put a program to guard the Sunny while we were training in the passed 2 years." Carrot: "Really?, why would he do that?, I mean we never even met the guy, right?" Usopp: "Yeah... we knew Kuma was a member of the revolutionary army, which Luffy's dad is in charge of... but that doesn't explain why this Vegapunk guy would agree to the program of guarding the Sunny... it's a real mystery..." Conis: "Maybe we can ask Vegapunk ourselves, I mean Jimbei said that he's here." Jimbei: "I said there were rumors... I'm not entirely sure if he's here right now or not..." that was when a little girl, who was really Jewelry Bonney (voiced by Laura Wetsel), one of the 11 super novas that came to Sabaody 2 years ago, came to the scene. Bonney: "He's here alright, and I have a bone to pick with him." Luffy: "Why's that?" Robin: "Wait... you look a little Jewelry Bonney." Conis: "Who?" Vivi: "She's one of the 11 super novas, the super rookies with bounties over 100,000,000 berries, like Law or Kid for example... but this couldn't be her, she's too young." said Vivi, before Bonney changed back to her normal age, much to everyone's surprise. Bonney: "Hey!, who are you calling too young?" Usopp: "What the?!, I heard of people growing up so fast, but that's ridicules!" Bonney: "It's the powers of the Age Age fruit, which allows me to control the age of things and living things, either make them old or young, that includes myself." Luffy: "Wow... that's awesome!" suddenly, both the stomachs of Luffy and Bonney growled. Sanji: "Hmm... I guess lunch time has come sooner than I thought... this could be a chance to see what the food I could cook here..." said Sanji, before he finds a place that he could use to cook, which was when he begins to feed everyone, and Luffy and Bonney were the ones who were eating the most. Bonney: "If you think you're more hungry, then you're in for a rude awaking for I can more." Luffy: "No way!, I can eat more!" Bonney: "We'll see about that!" Zoro: "Unbelievable... never thought there would be someone with a stomach that can rival with Luffy's..." Chopper: "Me neither..." soon, when lunch was over, the group went to explore the place, before following Bonney to a room where she held up an old man who was in fact Dr Vegapunk (voiced by Charles Campbell) himself. Luffy: "Wait!, don't hurt him!" Bonney: "No can do, I have a score to settle with him for what he did to my father... Bartholomew Kuma!" All: "WHAT?!" Chopper: "Kuma... is your dad?!" Bonney: "He was... but no more as he lost his personality... thanks to Vegapunk here!" Vegapunk: "But Bonney... the truth is I never wanted to remove his personality... I was against the very thought... but he insisted me to remove them." Sanji: "What?" Zoro: "He actually wanted to be emotionless?, why?" Vegapunk: "Well... he had a really terrible life... and saw things no one was meant to see... that poor man... say... you're Straw Hat Luffy aren't you... it's a real honer to meet you." Luffy: "You know who I am?" Nami: "Of course he knows who you are, I mean you are one of the 4 emperors now." Vegapunk: "Yes... and my old friend, Dragon, has told me about you." Robin: "You're friends with the Revolutionary Dragon?" Vegapunk: "Yes... you could say that I'm a revolutionary myself." Usopp: "What?!, but why work for the Government then?" Vegapunk: "Well I need to finances to make my projects, and the government was the best place to get the money... the things I make don't come cheap after all." Robin: "Yes... that makes sense..." Vegapunk: "Yes, and with the powers of the Brain Brain fruit, it made my brain to keep growing noun stop, making me smarter everyday." Franky: "Oh... is that how you're so smart?" Vegapunk: "Yes, now tell me... I heard rumors of someone who had the same powers of Kaido." Nami: "You mean Momonosuke?, he got the power by eating a devil fruit from Punk Hazard." Vegapunk: "Ah yes... I made that devil fruit some time ago... but it was a failure... the colors didn't go right..." Carrot: "So what?, the power worked just fine, so the color of the form didn't really matter." Vegapunk: "Well... thank you for saying so... and another thing... I've heard about Luffy having the powers of the Gum Gum fruit... which I find it strange as I did some research... and the Gum Gum fruit... doesn't really exist." Luffy: "What are you talking about?" Vegapunk: "The thing is... the name of the fruit is false, just a cover to hide it's real name... the Human Human fruit, model Nika... a Sun God." All: "WHAT?!" Chopper: "Luffy's a Zoan like me?!, and he can turn into a God?!" Conis: "Whoa... so he's kind of like a god...?, could that be how he was able to beat Eneru 2 years ago...?" Franky: "Hold on, if that's the real name of the fruit, why would it be covered?" Vegapunk: "Well... I believe the government fears it... not to mention anyone finding out the truth of the void century... which is why they would stop at nothing to keep anyone from finding the truth, even murder... like what happened in Ohara for example... oh those poor people... they were friends of mine..." Robin: "You were friends with my people?" Vegapunk: "Yes... so was Dragon, and after what happened in Ohara... we met a giant that survived the attack, and he did his best to save the books and knowledge that the people of Ohara died to protect... and took them to Elbaf." Robin: "Wait... a giant... you mean... Saul survived?!" Vegapunk: "Yes, he was hoping you survived Nico Robin, and he's waiting for you at Elbaf even as we speak." hearing this made Robin shed some tears of joy, happy to know her friend from the past is still alive and waiting for her. Suddenly, the sound of cannon fire was heard, alerting everyone to look outside and see a fleet of marine ships surrounding the island. Vivi: "The marines?!" Vegapunk: "What's going on?!" that was when a figure came into the room, someone the Straw Hats have not seen since the Sabaody archipelago, which was Sentomaru himself. Sentomaru: "Grandpa!, we got a situation!" Luffy: "The Axe guy back at Sabaody?!" Vivi: "Grandpa?!" Vegapunk: "Oh yes, he's my grandson." Sentomaru: "Listen, the government knows you're researching the void century, now they're gonna kill you and destroy this island with a Buster Call!" Chopper: "What?!, a Buster Call?!" Sanji: "They want him dead that badly?!" Vivi: "How did they even knew about Vegapunk researching the void century?" suddenly, the group hear the sound of someone laughing, and then a puff of smoke appeared, and once the smoke cleared away, the Demon trio were in the scene. ScreamClaw: "That would be our doing." Luffy: "Hey I know you jerks!, you're the ones who tried to steal the souls of the mink kids!" Robin: "I take it that you three were spying on Vegapunk and informed the government about what he was doing?" ScreamClaw: "That's right, we can't let anyone know about the truth about the void century, and we don't want the public to know about our leader MegaTrog, king of the underworld and the World Government after all." said ScreamClaw, which made everyone paused in a moment of silence, while ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp gasped in shock and horror. ThunderSmacker: "You idiot!, you weren't supposed to tell them that!" ScreamClaw: "What do you mean?" SpaceWarp: "D-d-did you even heard yourself?, you just t-t-told them about MegaTrog being the king of the world G-g-government..." ScreamClaw: "... Huh?... WHAT?!, I SAID THAT PART OUT LOUD?!" yelped ScreamClaw, before he covered his mouth in shock and horror. Zoro: "Wow, you're a big mouth like Vivi here." Vivi: "HEY!" ThunderSmacker: "Say... isn't that the daughter of that fool Cobra?" Vivi: "You knew my father?" ScreamClaw: "We should, as he asked too many questions... and MegaTrog finished him off." Luffy: "So it was this MegaTrog guy who killed Vivi's dad..." ScreamClaw: "Indeed... and now we shall finish you and your crew here... especially Nefertari... D... Vivi." hearing this surprised Vivi, as well as the others. Chopper: "They put D in her name?" Robin: "So... she carries the Will of D as well?" ScreamClaw: "That's right, and as a carrier of the will of D, who are sworn enemies of the gods of this world, us and the Celestial Dragons... she must be eliminated, along with you all, including Dr Vegapunk here." Sanji: "Harm so much as one hair on her and I will kick you to the afterlife!" Nami: "Same with me, no way I will let you creeps harm her!" Chopper: "That's right!, Vivi's our friend!, don't you dare touch her!, do you hear me?!" Sentomaru: "You are not harming my grandfather either!" ScreamClaw: "Don't be a fool, if you oppose us, then we'll end you as well." Sentomaru: "I don't care, no job is more important than family, Straw Hats, if I help you escape, can you save my grandfather as well?" Luffy: "Sure thing, I like the old man." Vegapunk: "You mean it?" Luffy: "Sure, and you did kinda saved us by getting Kuma to guard the Sunny, so it's only fair we help you out too." ScreamClaw: "So that's why Kuma guarded the Sunny... should have known you pulled a fast one... CP0!, Seraphims!, attack!" ordered ScreamClaw, before some members of CP0, which included Luci and Kaku and a group of cyborgs that looked like kid versions of the 7 Warlords of the sea showed up. Usopp: "No way!, Rob Luci and Kaku of CP9 are here?!" Chopper: "This is bad... what are those things with them, Pacifistas?" Vegapunk: "Yes, a special group that have the DNA of the 7 Warlords of the sea, mixed with Lunarian DNA." Zoro: "Hey... they kind of remind me of King somehow..." Vegapunk: "That's no surprise, as King was a Lunarian himself, as we used his DNA to create those things... I would commend them to stop, but it seems the trio are higher authority somehow..." ScreamClaw: "Of course, if you knew the truth about us, then you should know how high we are..." Brook: "Hold on, if you're really high in the government, why would you work with the emperors like Kaido or Big Mom?" ScreamClaw: "Well we needed something to do other than just sit in Mariejois, and we needed a way to get the souls of those brats, but never mind that... boys... get them!" shouted ScreamClaw, before the cyborgs and CP0 went to attack the Straw Hats, who went to strike back. Carrot surprised everyone when she went to Sulong form when there was no full moon and it was the middle of the day. Chopper: "Carrot!, you're using the Rumble balls now?!, I haven't tested them yet!" Carrot: "Sorry bro, but if I don't go Sulong, then I won't be able to help." Vegapunk: "Vivi!, eat this!" said Vegapunk, before he force feeds Vivi what looked like a fruit, much to her disgust as it tasted really bad. Vivi: "Ugh!, what was that?!" Vegapunk: "Something that should give you a power up." said Vegapunk, before Vivi's hands turned into snow, much to her surprise. Vivi: "Wait... this is..." Vegapunk: "The power of the Snow Snow fruit, which originally belonged to Monet of Dolflamingo's crew, but after her passing, the fruit was reborn and I found it to do a little research, but I think you can put it to much better use." Vivi: "Well... I've been meaning to get stronger for some time now... let's hope it works... go Snow Snow Rabbit!" shouted Vivi, before a bunch of snowballs that looked like rabbit heads hit the trio, which made them scream in pain as steam came out of their bodies due to the melting snow. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, cursed those cold based Devil Fruits!" Luci: "It's sad to know that you're supposed to be high in authority and yet you can't handle mere water." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up and get those pirates and traitors!" Luci: "As you wish." said Luci, before he went to his awakened Zoan form, but it was then that Luffy goes into his Fifth Gear form, which proved to be too much for even Luci to handle. Kaku: "No way... even Luci can't beat him?... then again, Straw Hat is one of the 4 emperors now..." it was at that moment when the group made a retreat, heading back to the Sunny. As for Bonney, she went off to another ship that was trying to escape from the chaos going on at Egghead island, while Caribou, who finally managed to get out of his barrel and escape from the Straw Hats, only to be caught by the marines. ScreamClaw: "The Straw Hats are getting away!, stop them!" Kaku: "Easier said than done, with Luci down, and some of the Seraphim got damaged, the chances of getting them are a little low." ScreamClaw: "Nuts!" back with the Straw Hats, they made it to the Sunny, which was ready to pull a Coup Da Burst, allowing the Straw Hats, along with Dr Vegapunk to escape from Egghead island. It was then that the Buster Call came and destroyed the island, though the attack failed due to their main targets escaped already. As for Sentomaru, he sacrificed himself to allow the people of the island to escape safely, and to make sure that his grandfather would live. Speaking of Vegapunk, on the Sunny, the old scientist began to cry as he just lost his grandson's life, before Vivi came over to him and hugged him. Vivi: "I'm so sorry... I know how you feel... as I recently lost my father too..." Vegapunk: "Yeah... I guess we both lost our families by the government... but I vow that their sacrifices will not be in vain... the truth of the void century will be revealed to the world... and learn the secret of Laugh Tale!" Robin: "That's good to know, as we're on the way to Laugh Tale ourselves, we managed to get three of the red Poneglyphs, now we just need one more." Vegapunk: "Well... which ones did you get from?" Usopp: "Well... there was one in Zou, and we managed to get two of them from Big Mom and Kaido..." Vegapunk: "Well if that's the case, then I know where you can find the last one." Luffy: "Really?!, where?!" Vegapunk: "The same place where Saul is waiting for Robin... Elbaf." Robin: "Of course." said Robin with a smile. Usopp: "Alright!, finally we get to visit the island of the proud giant warriors!" Franky: "Wow!, that sounds super awesome!, we're almost there!" Jimbei: "Hmm... we're much closer to our destination than I thought..." Carrot: "Yeah... oh boy... am I tired..." Chopper: "Well yeah, you're still a little worn out after using the rumble ball to go Sulong without a full moon." Carrot: "Well I didn't had a choice... but at least we know now that it works." Chopper: "Yeah, that's true." Vegapunk: "Say... who's that with the raincoat?" asked Vegapunk, looking at the Sunny's Klabautermann. Sunny: "I'm the Thousand Sunny's Klabautermann." Vegapunk: "WHAT?!, those are real?!, no way!" Franky: "Yes way, believe me, we were surprised ourselves." Vegapunk: "Amazing... this ship is truly something else... hmm... you know... I think I have something in mind that could make this ship help you in the future." Franky: "Yeah?" Vegapunk: "Well... let's just say it can give this ship the power to fight big opponents like giants for example, I mean if you want." Sunny: "Sure, I want to help my crew in the best way I can, and if what you're planning can do that, then be my guest." Vegapunk: "Thank you." Luffy: "Alright, set sail to Elbaf, and then after that, we got straight to Laugh Tale!" All: "YEAH!" shouted the crew, as they sail off to the next island, where the last red Poneglyph rests.

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