Nami and Buggy the Clown

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It was a sunny day at the East blue, when Luffy and Zoro were sailing on their little boat, with no way of knowing where they were going. Zoro: "How can you have no sense of direction?" Luffy: "Never studied it, and you?" Zoro: "Well... I went off at sea to find a certain someone, but couldn't find my way back, and while on the way, I hunt down pirates to make a living." Luffy: "So you have a knack on getting lost." Zoro: "Like you have room to talk!" Luffy: "Huh... look!, a bird!" said Luffy, noticing a bird flying in the sky." Zoro: "Yeah, so?" Luffy: "Simple, lunch is served!" said Luffy, before he stretched out his arms and grabbing the bird, before going up into the air, only to get himself having his head in the big bird's mouth, and flew away. Zoro: "Luffy you idiot!, you were not supposed to be the lunch!" shouted Zoro, as he rows after the bird and Luffy. At an island nearby, at Orange town, there was a girl with orange hair named Nami (voiced by Luci Christine), being chased by some pirates, wanting something that she has. Up above the town, the bird was still carrying Luffy, until the young pirate punched it in the eye, and dropped him. The pirate landed on the ground with a big crash, but because he was made of rubber, he was not harmed at all. The pirates went to charge towards Luffy, and even tried to touch the young pirate's hat, which made him very mad enough to beat the living pulp out of them in no time at all. Nami was amazed by this, and an idea came into her head. Nami: "Hey you, the one with the straw hat." Luffy: "Huh?, yeah?" Nami: "That was impressive on how you manage to take those guys down, my name's Nami, and I'm a thief who steals from pirates, wanna team up with me?" Luffy: "No thanks, I need to find my crew... and some meat cause I'm hungry." Nami: "Well there is a restaurant nearby, but it's abandoned now after the town was evacuated." Luffy: "Everyone left?, why?" Nami: "Because of the pirate, Buggy the Clown has come here." Luffy: "Buggy the clown?, never heard of him." Nami: "Really?, you've never heard of him?" Luffy: "Nope, not ringing any bells." Nami: "Well he'd rather be honking horns, Buggy is one of the most wanted pirates in the whole East blue, worth 15,000,000 berries." Luffy: "Really?" Nami: "Yeah... some say that he has special powers from a mysterious fruit." Luffy: "You mean a Devil fruit?" Nami: "Yeah... I guess that's what it was called... but I don't really believe in that, it's most likely just a story to scare folks, fruits that give people powers is just made up." Luffy: "Uh... actually those fruits are real." Nami: "Oh please, you would have to be an idiot to believe in that, anyway you said you're looking for your crew right?" Luffy: "Yeah, I'm forming a crew, and then I'll sail to the Grand line." Nami: "The Grand line?, that's a really dangerous sea or so I've heard, you happened to have a navigator, right?" Luffy: "Nope, just one crew member with me, and he uses swords." Nami: "You're kidding, you won't last long there if you don't know how to navigate the seas." Luffy: "Well it's not like I know any navigators." Nami: "Well I happened to be one, and someday, I'll draw a map of the whole world." Luffy: "Really?, then how about you join my pirate crew?" Nami: "What?!, are you saying you're a pirate?!" Luffy: "Yeah, but I'm gonna be the king of the pirates one day." said Luffy, before Nami pins him to a wall, looking a bit angry. Nami: "Listen good pirate... there's nothing I hate more than pirates, they're evil monsters that steal and hurt anyone who gets in their way... I only like money, navigating and tangerines, if you think I would join a pirate crew... then you're out of your mind..." Luffy: "Not all pirates are like that, I mean there's Shanks for example, he saved my life once when I was a kid." Nami: "A pirate... saved your life?" Luffy: "Yeah, and this straw hat used to be his before he gave it to me, and asked me to take care of it until we meet again, but only once I become a great pirate... in that case, be king of the pirates." Nami: "Hmm... well even if that's story's true, I won't join a pirate crew." suddenly, a little ball rolled up to the pair, and it unleashed some sort of sleeping gas that knocked them out cold. By the time they finally woke up, Luffy and Nami found themselves in a cage, surrounded by pirates. One of the pirates was the captain with a red clown nose that was actually real, who was in fact Buggy himself (voiced Mike McFarland). Buggy: "Well it's about time you two woke up, just in time to witness your own demise." Nami: "It's Buggy..." Luffy: "So that's him huh?, okay but why are we in a cage?" Nami: "We were knocked out when that little ball unleashed some sleeping gas, and the pirates put us in here while we were sleeping." Buggy: "Yes, but now tell me... where is my map of the Grand line?" Luffy: "There's a map of the Grand line?" Nami: "Yeah, but I won't tell where it is, for it has treasure I need." Buggy: "Well I want that treasure more than you'll ever will, so tell me where it is or I'll have to use my Buggy ball on you!" said Buggy, pointing his cannon at the pair. Suddenly, Zoro came to the scene and pointed his swords at the pirates, who were scared by the sight of him. Luffy: "Zoro!, you're here!" Zoro: "Yeah, but what's wrong with ya, first you got caught by that bird and now in a cage?, it's like you're trying to get yourself caught." Nami: "Wait... Zoro... as in the Pirate Hunter Zoro?, hold on... Luffy, is the crew member you mentioned earlier was actually Zoro?" Luffy: "Yeah, he can use 3 swords, isn't that cool?" Buggy: "Pirate Hunter Zoro?, did you came for my head?" Zoro: "Nah, just looking for my captain, besides I wouldn't waste my time hunting a clown like you." Clown: "Oh really?, well let me warn you that unlike the pirates you caught before, I'm a whole lot tougher, for my bounty is over 10 million after all." Zoro: "Really?, then the government must be fools to give such a bounty to a low class circus clown." Buggy: "Don't underestimate me!, let me show you how dangerous I can be!" said Buggy, as he charges towards Zoro with knives in his hands, before the pirate hunter used his own swords to slice the pirate into pieces. For some reason however, Buggy's crew just laugh, much to Zoro's confusion, before a floating hand stabbed the pirate hunter on the side of his back with a knife. Luffy: "Zoro!" Nami: "Look!" gasped Nami, before seeing the floating hand attaching itself to Buggy, who had himself put back together. Buggy: "You see Zoro, I have the powers of the Chop Chop fruit, which makes me a chopping man, in other words I can never be killed by a sword no matter how many times you slice or dice me!" said Buggy with an evil laugh. Nami: "No way... so the stories about him having powers were true...?" Luffy: "That was a cowardly move to stab someone in the back, you big nose!" shouted Luffy, which made Buggy very angry while the other pirates gasped in shock and fear. Buggy: "What... was... that... who's got a big nose?!" shouted Buggy, before he throws a knife ay Luffy, who managed to catch it with his teeth. Luffy: "Zoro!, the cannon!" Zoro: "Huh... gotcha..." said Zoro, trying to lift up the cannon barrel, despite his injury, and then lit it up so it would fire at the Buggy pirates, much to their shock and horror. Once the explosion from the Buggy ball was made, Zoro carries the cage with Luffy and Nami inside, away from the area and looking for a place to hide and recover a little. Luffy: "Zoro... are you okay?" Zoro: "Yeah... I'll be okay... but who's the girl next to ya?" Luffy: "Oh this is Nami, she's our new navigator." Nami: "I'm not joining your crew!, I already told you that!" Luffy: "Well I refuse." Nami: "You refuse what?" Luffy: "I refuse your refusal." Nami: "That's not how it works, you idiot!" Zoro: "Hey... what's with the dog?" asked Zoro, as he noticed a dog that seems to be guarding what looked like a pet food store. Nami: "Oh... I've heard of that dog... he was once owned by a man who used to run that pet food store... but that man passed away some time ago... and yet... that dog remained there as it sees the shop as it's treasure..." Luffy: "Really...?, sounds like that dog has strong loyalty..." suddenly, a big green lion with purple mane appeared, and on it's back was a man with white hair known as Beast tamer Mohji (voiced by Chuck Huber), Buggy's first mate. Mohji: "Well it looks like we found them Richie, now it's time to make a meal out of them, as payback for what they did with Captain Buggy's own cannon." Zoro: "He must be with that clown." Luffy: "Hey Zoro... can you get us out of here now?" Zoro: "How?, I don't have the keys." Luffy: "Then use your swords." Zoro: "I can't cut through iron bars!" Nami: "Well do something!, we're about to be cat food!" screamed Nami, before the lion used it's paw to crush the cage, but Luffy and Nami were able to avoid the impact, and with the cage broken, they were free again. Zoro tried to fight back, but it was a bit harder due to his injury. The lion then went to attack the pet food store, trying to eat the pet food there, but the dog was not allowing it to happen. The dog tried to stop the lion with what little effort it had, but only failed and the lion destroyed the store, making the dog howl in anger and sorrow. Luffy couldn't help but feel anger in his heart, knowing that the store meant so much to the dog, just like how the straw hat meant to him. When Mohji tried to call his lion to attack Luffy, the straw hat pirate threw a punch that sends the lion flying, and it crashed right into Mohji, knocking both the Buggy pirate first mate and lion out cold. Luffy then went to the destroyed store, and found a small dog food bag, and brought it to the dog. Luffy: "Sorry that I couldn't save the store... but at least this bag's okay..." said Luffy, petting the dog in hopes to comfort it. Nami was amazed, she realized that Luffy fought the lion for the little dog's sake. Suddenly, the Buggy pirates, along with their captain, has come to the scene on top of a building, with a cannon pointing at the trio on the ground. Luffy: "It's the big nose again!" shouted Luffy, which made the Buggy pirates to gasp in shock and horror, while the captain was filled with rage. Nami: "I don't think you should have said that..." Buggy: "Oh... that flashy idiot... no one makes fun of my nose and gets away with it... fire the Buggy ball!" shouted Buggy, before the cannon was fired. Luffy: "Gum Gum Balloon!" called out Luffy, before he blew up like a balloon, and bounced the Buggy ball back at the pirates, destroying the building they were standing on. Luffy: "Ha!, that should do it." Nami: "What the heck are you?!, no human can do that!, what was that you just did?" Luffy: "A Gum Gum Balloon of course." Nami: "I don't care what you called it!, just tell me how you did it!" that was when Buggy came out of the rubble, and he was mad. Buggy: "I see... you have Devil fruit powers too..." Luffy: "Yeah, I'm a rubber man." Nami: "A rubber man?" Zoro: "Yeah, it sure surprised me the first time too." soon, another man came out of the rubble, who was named Cabaji (voiced by Greg Ayres), the chief of staff of the Buggy pirates. Cabaji: "Leave Zoro to me sir, you can have the others." Buggy: "Fine with me, with that injury of his, it should be easy for you." Cabaji: "Indeed, this won't take long." Zoro: "Don't be so sure about that, I might have gotten myself stabbed, but that doesn't mean I can't fight." said Zoro, as he and Cabaji went to have a sword duel, which was tough for both sides as either from an injury or trying to stay balance on a unicycle. Buggy tried to interfere, but Luffy stopped him, before saying that if the captain wants to fight someone, it should be with another captain. At last, Zoro managed to beat Cabaji, much to Buggy's surprise, and Luffy tried to throw a punch, but missed due to Buggy separating his body parts before reattaching himself. Buggy then threw some knives at the straw hat, which damaged it and made Luffy very upset. Luffy: "How dare you did that to my treasure!" Buggy: "Your treasure?, ha!, treasure is gold and gems, and if you wanted to protect it, you should do a better job." Luffy: "It means a lot to me!, Shanks gave it to me, and I promised him that I would give it back someday!" Buggy: "What...?, it was Shanks' hat?, I thought it looked familiar... he always worn it back when we were both cabin boys..." Luffy: "Wait... you mean... you and Shanks were both apprentices of the same ship?" Buggy: "Yes, but even so, I despise that red haired man... because of him... I lost a great treasure..." said Buggy in anger, before he began telling his story about how he once found a map that leads to some treasure underwater, and tried to sell off a Devil fruit, which was the Chop Chop fruit. His plan for the treasures would have worked if Shanks, who went to tell him something what the captain said, didn't snuck up on him and made the clown ate the devil fruit by mistake, and lost the map at sea. Because of eating the Chop Chop fruit, Buggy lost the ability to swim, and would have drowned if Shanks didn't saved him in time. Back in the present, Buggy was still angry. Luffy: "Oh... so Shanks saved your life too?" Buggy: "That's not the point of the story!, the point was because of him, I lost my chance to get that treasure underwater, so now I have to get treasure on land, and with my Chop Chop power, I will make anyone who tries to steal it from me pay with their own lives!" shouted Buggy, before the upper half of his body floated up into the air and chases Nami, who was carrying a bag of the pirate's treasure. Nami: "Oh man!, he saw me!" shouted Nami, before Luffy got a hold of one of Buggy's feet, and started tickling it, pinching it and slamming into the ground, which was painful for the clown as although his body was separated, he can still feel what's happening to it. Buggy: "Dang it!, knock it off!" Luffy: "Then come over here and face me!" Buggy: "Alright!, I will!, Chop Chop resemble!" called out Buggy, before for some reason, only his head, hands and feet came to together, while his body was not seen. Nami: "Looking for this?" asked Nami, who had Buggy's body tied up in some rope. Buggy: "Ah!, my body!" Luffy: "See ya Buggy!, now Gum Gum Bazooka!" called out Luffy, before he stretched out his arms and threw them forward to slam Buggy and send him flying into the sky and out of the scene. Nami: "Huh... not bad..." Luffy: "You weren't so bad yourself, we made a good team after all, huh?" Nami: "Yeah... I guess we did." Luffy: "So does this mean you'll join my crew now." Nami: "Look Luffy, no matter what, I won't join your crew... but I guess that I'll hang out with you for a bit... at least until I achieve my goal on collect the right amount of money." Luffy: "Okay." Zoro: "So... she's in the crew now?" Luffy: "Yup." Nami: "No it doesn't!, I'm only sticking with ya for a while, got it?" Zoro: "Fine by me... as long as you can do your job right." Nami: "Oh please, when it comes to being a navigator, I'm number 1... oh and um... if you want... I can fix up your hat." Luffy: "Really?!, thanks!" Nami: "You're welcome, it's the least I can do to thank ya for saving my life." said Nami, before she along with Luffy and Zoro, went to the little boat and sailed off to the sea.

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