The secret of Laugh Tale

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At sea, the Thousand Sunny was on it's way to the spot where all of the Red Poneglyphs point to, and it wasn't long before the ship finally made it. Luffy: "So... where's the island?" Robin: "I don't understand... this is where the Poneglyphs lead... so the island should be here..." Chopper: "But there's nothing here?" Usopp: "Yeah, nothing but sea and some pirate ships... wait... PIRATE SHIPS?!" yelped Usopp, as Carrot takes a look at the flags and showed the crew a drawing of them. Jimbei: "This is not good... all three of those flags... belong to the other members of the 4 emperors." Chopper: "WHAT?!" Usopp: "You don't mean..." Robin: "Blackbeard... Buggy... and Shanks..." Luffy: "No way!, Shanks is here?!, but I haven't even become king of the pirates just yet!" Vivi: "This is bad... Blackbeard is here?... then we could be in big trouble..." Jimbei: "Indeed..." said Jimbei, before Blackbeard himself, called out to the Straw Hats. Blackbeard: "Straw Hats... it's been a while, hasn't it?, tell me where I can find Laugh Tale?, for I know you have all four of the Poneglyphs!" Buggy: "Hey!, I was here first!, if anyone's gonna get the ONE PIECE, it's gonna be me!" Shanks: "So that's Luffy's ship... not bad kid..." said Shanks quietly with a smile, happy to know that Luffy came a long way, and looking forward to see him again. Usopp: "This is crazy!, we got the other emperors here all at once?!" Nami: "We're so dead..." Luffy: "Hold on, one of them is Shanks, and he's a friend of mine." Vivi: "Oh yeah, you did mention you got your hat from him... but he's still a rival to us... and he might be after the ONE PIECE too." Sanji: "Too bad we can't find the island, this is where it should be... right?" suddenly, the sea began to shake, a loud rumbling sound was heard. Usopp: "Hey... what's going on..." Nami: "Weird... the last time the sea did this was when... on no... we gotta get out of here!" Luffy: "Huh?, why?, we can fight them." Nami: "Taking on Kaido and Big Mom was one thing, but dealing with three emperors at once is another!, but that's not what I'm talking about!, there's about to be a huge Knock Up Stream here!" Luffy: "Huh?!" Zoro: "You mean like the one that took us to Skypiea?" Nami: "Yes, but this one's a hundred times bigger and stronger!" Usopp: "AHH!, we gotta out of here!" Carrot: "Wait a minute, what's a Knock Up Stream?!" Jimbei: "It's kind of like a large and powerful sea geyser, if a ship gets caught in it, they either get destroyed or be sent to the sky... before it falls back to the sea and be destroyed from the collision." Carrot: "What?!" Franky: "Wow!, don't worry, the Sunny can handle it, she is the best ship ever." Brook: "Maybe... but what about us?" Franky: "Um... good point... but we've been through worse... right?" Vegapunk: "Oh my... I never imagined that I would witness the events of a Knock Up Stream up close and personal..." Nami: "Brace yourselves!, here it comes!" shouted Nami, as the gigantic Knock Up Stream came and it sends all ships of the 4 emperors up beyond the sky, to space itself, before the ships ended up on the moon itself. Once the trip was over, the crews of the emperors looked around, seeing that they were no longer on earth. Buggy: "You have got to be kidding me... we're on the moon?!, this is insane!" Moji: "Captain, what are we gonna do?!, we're stuck up here!" Alvida: "Hold on... we're on the moon, right... how are we breathing?" Bugger: "Eh... now that you mention it... we are breathing... but how?" Cabaji: "Something's going on here..." back with the straw hats, they went to check around and they were surprised to see that they were on the moon now. Luffy: "Wow!, this is awesome!, we're really on the moon!" Chopper: "No way... the moon itself...?" suddenly, Carrot changed into her Sulong form, much to her surprise. Carrot: "What in..." Robin: "It must be the moon, seeing it's light here must have triggered your Sulong form." Jimbei: "Carrot, I think it would be wise if you cover your eyes until we get back to the planet." Carrot: "No way... it can't be... Pedro?!" said Carrot, who sees what looked like Pedro, and jumped off the ship to get a closer look. Nami: "Carrot wait!, there's nobody... wait... who's that... no... it can't be... Bellemere?!" gasped Nami, as she sees what looked like her passed away adopted mother close by. Usopp: "What's going on?" Chopper: "Guys... look over there... is that... it is!, Dr Hiluluk!" shouted Chopper in joy, as he jumped off the ship to see his old mentor. Luffy: "What's going on, I don't see anyone... who are they talking to?" that was when Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "You can't see them as they're linked to certain members of your crew only." Luffy: "Hey I know you, the old Demon dragon guy, what are you doing here?" Boney 10: "Well I want to congratulate you and crew for making your way here, the place that has not been visited since Roger and his crew over 20 years ago." Luffy: "You mean..." Boney 10: "Yes... you made it... this is Laugh Tale." hearing this made Luffy gasped in happy joy. Luffy: "Awesome!, we made it you guys!, this is Laugh Tale!" Usopp: "Huh?, Laugh Tale... is the moon itself?" Boney 10: "No, it's on the moon, when a Knock Up Stream sent it up here long ago, and only Roger and his crew were able to make it, the Poneglyphs you had were the clues to find the way to the last island, which was why no one was able to get to the island, because it wasn't even on the planet." Conis: "But what about the people some of the crew are seeing?" Boney 10: "Ah yes... that's part of the miracles of Laugh Tale... it allows us to reconnect with the spirits of the our beloved ones, like parents or friends and such." Vegapunk: "Hmm... to think such a place exist on the moon, and the reason how we're breathing?" Boney 10: "Well... I might have cast a spell here to help people breathe here, otherwise coming here alone will kill the travelers." Usopp: "So... this is like... Haven?" Boney 10: "Well... not really, but it's a place where people can see and talk to those you were connected with long ago... it's a wonderful treasure of those you loved." Usopp: "Wait... could this be... the ONE PIECE?" Boney 10: "Part of it... yes, but if you some some gold and jewelry... go do some exploring and find out." Luffy: "Sure thing." said Luffy, who runs off to find the rest of ONE PIECE, while Conis and Vivi see some people that meant to a lot to them. Vivi and Conis: "Father!" Cobra: "Hello Vivi... so good to see you again... though I wished in better circumstances..." Vivi: "It's alright... oh father... I'm so sorry... if I knew that going to the Reverie would put you in danger... I wouldn't..." Cobra: "It was my fault... turns out the World Government are not the people as the public sees them as..." that was when Pell came to Vivi. Pell: "Hello princess Vivi... it's a pleasure to see how much you have grown..." Vivi: "Pell... I take it that you did met your end..." Pell: "Yes... but I'm alive as well... in you, Laugh Tale just allows us to communicate and see each other." Pagaya: "He's right... and Conis my dear... you look absolutely breath taking." Conis: "Thank you father... I just wished... I could see you again... alive..." Pagaya: "But I am alive my dear... in your heart and memories, and the same would go with everyone else that your crew knew in the past." elsewhere on the moon, there were two other groups of pirates, which were Kid and Law, who managed to get sent up to the moon by the massive Knock Up Stream with the Emperors as well. Bepo: "So... the ONE PIECE has been on the moon the whole time... and only that giant Knock Up Stream, which can only be found by the Red Poneglyphs... can get people up here?" Law: "Seems like it... at least that's what Boney 10 said... and Laugh Tale is nearby." Kid: "To think that the ONE PIECE has in front of us the whole time and we didn't even realize it..." that was when they saw Luffy heading off to who knows where. Law: "Straw Hat!" Luffy: "Huh?, Traffy!, Jag guy!, what are you doing here?" Kid: "What do you think?, we're off to find the ONE PIECE, and I'm gonna be the first one." Luffy: "No way!, I'm gonna find it first!" Law: "Sorry, but it's gonna be me." suddenly, Blackbeard showed up, along with Buggy. Blackbeard: "Actually... it's gonna be me!" Buggy: "No way!, that treasure was my captain's!, so I should be the one to get it!" it wasn't long before the emperors, Kid and Law went to race one another, trying to get to Laugh Tale first, even though they had no idea where it could be on the moon. As for the rest of their crew, they began to have a battle with each other, to see who gets to Laugh Tale first, while Vegapunk does his best to hide himself due to not being a fighter like the others. Soon, the captains went to battle one another as well, and Kid went to battle Law, Buggy went to battle Shanks, and Luffy went to battle Blackbeard, which the Straw Hat pirate was looking forward to for a long time. But then the Blackbeard pirate showed a trick that really shocked Luffy, as he not only has the powers of the Dark Dark and Tremor Tremor fruits... but also a Zoan known as the Dog Dog fruit model Cerberus, which allowed Teach to have the other two Devil fruits. Blackbeard: "Straw Hat... my darkness will shallow you whole!" Luffy: "Yeah we'll see about that... I'm going to be the one who finds the ONE PIECE, and then I'll be the one... who'll be King of the Pirates!" shouted Luffy, as he and Blackbeard clashed with one another. The pirate emperor proved to be stronger than anyone that Luffy fought before, even compared to Kaido, but thanks to Fifth Gear, Luffy was able to beat Blackbeard, and that was when the Straw Hat pirate finds a piece of land that looked different compared to the rest of the moon, and decided to check it out. As he explores the area, he finds a cave and went in, before finding a huge cavern that was full of treasure, riches beyond his imagination. It wasn't long before the other Straw Hats, who managed to defeat their opponents, came to the scene and they were amazed. Nami: "Wow... in my wildest dreams... never have I thought to see so much gold and gems..." Chopper: "Wow... Hiluluk was right, this place is amazing..." Usopp: "No kidding... we went through so much, but it was worth it..." Conis: "So this is it... the ONE PIECE..." Franky: "Wow!, we finally made it!, now my ship has not only sailed across the world, but also beyond it!" Zoro: "Not only that, but I was able to finally defeat Mihawk... meaning I've earned the title as world's strongest swordsman..." Carrot: "Wow... Roger's treasure..." Sanji: "What about the All Blue?" Brook: "I'm sure we'll find it." Karoo: "Quack!" Su: "Suu..." Robin: "Look over there... there's a Poneglyph... this must be it... the final Poneglyph..." said Robin, before she went off to read it. Vivi: "What does it say?" Robin: "Well it says... that this world used to be a normal world before a race known as... the Demon dragons, came from the Underworld and brought many strange treasures, like the Devil fruits for example, and the 20 kingdoms of that time joined forces with a demon known as MegaTrog... to conquer a kingdom that was ruled by a man named Joy Boy... who promised Poseidon to bring her people to the surface... and Nefertari D Lily... joined forces with the kingdoms as to protect her kingdom from destruction, but later regretted as she was forced to betray Joy Boy... and those with the Will of D... so she made the Poneglyphs and spread them all over the world... in hopes to bring the true history of the void century to light..." Boney 10: "Indeed..." said Boney 10, who came to the scene. Luffy: "Old demon dragon guy..." Boney 10: "Yes, and I must say your timing on finding Laugh Tale couldn't be better... for the world is in terrible danger." Usopp: "What do you mean?" Boney 10: "After MegaTrog took over... he was making a device in the last 800 years that can transform the world into something that is like the Underworld... and now it's nearing completion... and close to being ready for use." Chopper: "Is that bad?" Boney 10: "Yes, for once the device changes the world, all life and the sea will be destroyed, and the people will be slaves to the demon dragons forever." Brook: "Oh no!" Franky: "Hold on!, destroy the sea?!" Conis: "But they can't do that!, we need the sea!" Boney 10: "You do... but the demons don't believe they do... which is why they're planning on destroying it, along with the islands..." Vivi: "This is awful... we can't let that happen..." Vegapunk: "I agree... those demons must be stopped." Boney 10: "And that's not all... they got Sabo not too long ago, and they're planning to execute him." Luffy: "What?!, no!, we gotta save Sabo!" Nami: "How are we gonna do that?, we're stuck here on the moon." Boney 10: "Fear not, for I have someone who can help you all with that." said Boney 10, before Gidget came to the scene. Gidget: "Hi everyone." Carrot: "Gidget!, what are you doing here?" Gidget: "Boney 10 brought me here to help you, and I was wondering where you went." Carrot: "Ha... sorry, but I had to keep a low profile to sail away." Gidget: "Yeah, anyway, I can use my psychic powers to teleport us back to the sea... I just hope we're not too late..." said Gidget, before she used teleport on everyone on the moon, and soon they were all back to the sea. Luffy: "Hang on Sabo... I'm on my way..." said Luffy with determination on saving his brother.

Luffy's ONE PIECE VoyageWhere stories live. Discover now