Chaos after the Reverie

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During the battle at Wano, the Reverie at Mariejois was coming to an end, and the royal families have made a decision that would change a lot of things. Turns out that after what happened with Crocodile attempted takeover in Alabasta, Moria stealing shadows from innocent people as well as pirates at Thriller Bark and Dolflamingo's true colors revealed in Dressrosa, the royal families decided it was time to abolish the system of the 7 warlords of the sea, making them normal pirates again and be hunted down. As soon as it was time for the royal families to go, Cobra went to the empty throne room, where he can have a talk with the 5 elders of the World Government. Valkyrie: "King Cobra, what have you come to ask?" Cobra: "Well... I don't know if it's important... but it's something that's been puzzling me for a while now." Mars: "Go on..." Cobra: "Well... you know that the World Government was founded by 20 royal families over 800 years ago... and their descendents would become known as Celestial Dragons... however... one of the founders... Nefertari Lily, was one who did not become a celestial dragon and as a result, the Nefertari family continued to act as sovereigns..." Valkyrie: "What is your point?" Saturn: "Yes, what are you trying to say here?" Cobra: "Well... I looked all of the ancient text of Alabasta, she didn't make it back to Alabasta, so her younger brother had to take her place as ruler of Alabasta... do you have any record on what could have happened to her?" Saturn: "Well to be frank, we don't know ourselves... 800 years is a long time, I'm afraid that knowledge has been lost." Cobra: "I understand... but by any chance... what is the meaning of the Will of D?" Nusjuro: "Why do you ask?" Cobra: "In truth, a short letter pinned by the queen has been passed down from one generation to the next..." MegaTrog: "Really?, do tell..." said MegaTrog, who suddenly appeared to the throne, sitting on the empty throne. Mars: "MegaTrog!, my lord!, you can't be here!, King Cobra is still here!" MegaTrog: "I'm fully aware of that, but I am curious about what he was about to say..." Cobra: "Who... are you?" MegaTrog: "Oh yes... how rude of me... allow me to introduce myself... I am MegaTrog... king of the demon dragons... ruler of the underworld... and of the World Government... I am known by other names too... of course most would know me as... the Dragon Devil." Cobra: "The Dragon... Devil... I've heard stories about that name... he was one of the founders of the World Government... don't tell me... you're..." MegaTrog: "Indeed I am... now as for the meaning of the Will of D... simple really, those who carry the Will of D are an old enemy of my kind, and to the Celestial Dragons for they're the only ones who can stop us... yet they don't know the meaning of it nowadays... however... this irritation only endures due to Queen Lily's blunder 800 years ago." Cobra: "Blunder?" MegaTrog: "The same could be said for those scholars trying to investigate the void century... if it weren't for Lily's incompetence of scattering those Poneglyphs all over, there wouldn't have been pirates pursuing them for some treasure hunting... now I'm starting to wonder if it was really a mistake... or was it part of a larger plan...?, and another thing... you seemed curious of the Will of D so sudden... it has something to do with Queen Lily... what is it." Cobra: "... If I tell a lie... would I be speared?" Valkyrie: "Your fate was sealed the moment you laid your eyes on MegaTrog, so no." little did anyone knew at the time, Sabo was in the room, listening to the conversation. Cobra: "Very well... the letter was signed by the queen of Alabasta 800 years ago, and her name was... Nefertari... D... Lily." this made the elders gasped in shock, even MegaTrog, who then let out an angry growl. MegaTrog: "I see... that explains a lot..." said MegaTrog, before he swings his long tail to slash Cobra with the blade on the tail's tip. It was then when Sabo came and used a Fire Fist attack on the demon. Sabo: "You got some nerve on attacking a defenseless old man!" MegaTrog: "Ah... a member of the revolutionary army?, I guess it's no surprise that you would show up at this time in hopes to take down the Celestial Dragons... but foolish to think fire would harm a Demon Dragon such as myself..." Cobra: "You... oh... you're Sabo of the revolutionary army right?, and Straw Hat's older brother besides Fire Fist Ace?" Sabo: "Yeah, you know Luffy somehow?" Cobra: "Yes... he once saved my life and my kingdom..." Sabo: "Somehow that doesn't surprise me..." Cobra: "Listen... you must get out of here quick..." Sabo: "Not without you." Cobra: "No... leave me... I'm a goner already... you must deliver a message for me, to both Luffy and Vivi..." Sabo: "A message?" Cobra: "Yes... a message that Nefertari Lily signed to Alabasta so long ago... 'The Poneglyphs... must be protected... fly the flag of the Dawn against the World Government'... that's the message... you must give them that message!, I'm counting on you!" shouted Cobra, before he fell to the ground and passed away, much to Sabo's shock and horror. MegaTrog: "So... the dead king believes that you're his only hope to fulfill Lily's wishes?, how foolish... boys, get him." said MegaTrog, before the 5 elders transformed into Demon dragons themselves. Sabo: "So... you guys were never human?" MegaTrog: "That's right, and due to that, we've been ruling the world for many centuries... and we're not gonna let some pirates or members of the revolutionary army stop us from ruling now." said MegaTrog, before Sabo makes a run for it, trying to escape from the demon dragons. Elsewhere in Mariejois, as the royal families were beginning to leave, there were a few a scene happening, which were caused by Charloss, who still wanted Shirahoshi, but thanks to Mjosgard, Sai and Leo took down Charloss, freeing Shirahoshi again. Not only that, but Sai and Leo both proudly announced that they're part of the Straw Hat grand fleet, which left everybody stunned. While the Reverie came to a close, many of the royal families were on their way home, but Kohza was worried, he couldn't find Cobra anywhere, which was a really big concern for him and the guards of Alabasta. Igaram: "Where is King Cobra?!, where could he be?!" Kohza: "I don't know... but we have to find him fast... I don't know if I could ever show my face to Vivi again if something were to happen to him..." said Kohza, as he and the guards continued their search, but failed to find the king. A day later, news about the 7 warlords no longer needed by the World Government spread like wildfire, and the marines were busy trying to capture the former warlords. On an island in the New World, there was Buggy and his crew, who were surrounded by marines. Mr 3: "Oh this is bad... with the warlord system abolished, we're normal pirates again... meaning there's nothing to stop the marines from arresting us..." Cabaji: "What are we gonna do?" Moji: "Yeah, we're sitting ducks!" Alvida: "No joke, they got us surrounded..." Foxy: "They got us cornered... what's our next move?" Buggy: "I'm thinking... I'm thinking!" suddenly, many marine ships were taken down, much to the Buggy pirates surprise, and Buggy looked even more scared now as he can see the ones responsible for cutting down the marine ships. It was Crocodile, Mihawk and Daz Bones, who then came over to the scared clown. Crocodile: "Hey clown... it's been a while, hasn't it." Mihawk: "Tell us... where's our money?" Buggy: "Uh... well..." Moji: "Oh yeah, we owe these guys money..." Cabaji: "We are so dead..." Crocodile: "I'm pretty sure you owe us a lot of money by now... either you pay up or you'll lose that big nose of yours." this made Buggy snap and let out an angry growl. Buggy: "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE?!" shouted Buggy, before he touches Crocodile's torso, and made it chop up into pieces like he does with his own body, much to everyone's shock. Crocodile tried to move but he couldn't, and even his own Devil fruit powers weren't working, then Buggy went up to his face and glared with an evil smile. Buggy: "I thought I made it clear to you, Mihawk and everyone in the world, never make fun of my nose... or have you forgotten what happened to an island a year ago..." said Buggy, which made Crocodile turned blue and started to look scared for the first time in a while. Mihawk: "Hmm... I keep forgetting how scary that clown can be when he wants to be... then again he was a member of Roger's crew..." Crocodile: "Ugh... my apologies... but you still owe me money..." Buggy: "You're right... I do... and I seemed to have to strong connection with the Black market now that Dolflamingo is behind bars... and those blasted marines have made me a wanted man again... what a big mistake... if they like to make us wanted... then perhaps it's fair we do the same." Mihawk: "Hmm?, what are you talking about?" Buggy: "You'll see... say... if the warlord system is no more, then that means you're a normal pirate again too... you plan on joining a crew recently?" Mihawk: "Not really... well perhaps only to find some peace for a while, why did you ask?" Buggy: "Well... we share a common enemy with the navy and government now... what do you say we team up and make them suffer?" Crocodile: "You can't be serious, you honestly think I would take orders from you?" Buggy: "I don't think you have a choice... unless you wanna spend the rest of your life being a chopped up man." Crocodile: "Well... when you put it that way... and it's not like I got anywhere else to go..." Buggy: "Good... I can assure you that you won't regret this... and if you want treasure... I know the perfect place... Laugh Tale." Mihawk: "You mean the ONE PIECE?" Buggy: "That's right, for I too want to be king of the pirates, like Roger before me... and since Shanks and I never got to see it due to catching a fever, we stayed behind... but now, after all this time... I'm ready to find it... and make those who get in my way suffer... especially that pain in the butt Straw Hat!" said Buggy, before he begins to laugh in an evil way, unaware that a marine heard everything and makes a report. Soon, more news spread like wildfire, not to mention that an incident happened at Amazon Lily, where Hancock was almost taken by Blackbeard himself, but was saved when Rayleigh showed up and stopped Blackbeard. However the pirate managed to take Coby as a hostage, and took him to his island base, of course the young marine was rescued when Garp showed up and fight the pirates there. There was one member that really surprised Garp, which was Aokiji, who was now a member of Blackbeard's crew. After a mighty battle, Garp beats Aokiji and rescues Coby. On the Thousand Sunny in the present day, Luffy was locked up in a cage, with his face beaten up to a pulp, as a punishment that Nami gave him for the stunt at the Waterfall when leaving Wano. Luffy: "I said I was sorry..." Nami: "Sorry doesn't cut it!, of all the stupid stunts that nearly got us killed, that one takes the cake!, honestly!, are you trying to kill us all?!" Jimbei: "Now clam down Nami, you have to admit the free fall was pretty fun." Nami: "SHUT UP OR I'LL KILL YOU!" shouted Nami in anger, which let out an aura that scared Jimbei a lot. Jimbei: "What in... does she have the Conqueror's Haki...?" Usopp: "No... that's just Nami having an episode... best not to bother her right now..." Robin: "I must admit that I'm quite surprised that the Sunny didn't taken a lot of damage at all from the fall." Franky: "Well that's no surprise, as she was made from the world's super strongest wood after all." Brook: "How fortunate... hey look, there's a News Coo coming." said Brook, before the News Coo drops a news paper to Vivi, who reads it before gasping in shock... and started to fall down on her knees and cry, much to the crew's surprise. Nami: "Hmm?, Vivi?" Sanji: "What's wrong?" Vivi: "No... how could this happen... father..." Chopper: "Did something happen?" asked Chopper, before Nami went to the paper and gasped by what it said. Nami: "No way... it says that... King Cobra... ruler of Alabasta... was assassinated by Sabo when the Reverie ended..." All: "WHAT?!" Zoro: "What?!, Vivi's dad..." Sanji: "Is dead...?!" Chopper: "No... that can't be!" Conis: "Oh no..." Brook: "How terrible..." Robin: "Hold on... did you say that the one who killed Cobra was... Sabo?" Nami: "That's what the paper says..." Luffy: "That's a load of garbage!, Sabo would never do that!" Robin: "I agree with Luffy on this one... I spent 2 years with him while training, Sabo is not the murdering type..." Usopp: "But still... the fact that Vivi's dad is dead... dang..." Sanji: "Oh Vivi... I'm so sorry..." Vivi: "I can't believe this... father..." that was when Carrot the rabbit mink came and hugged the former princess from behind. Carrot: "It's okay Vivi, you still got us..." Vivi: "Thanks Carrot... I..." before Vivi could finish, she paused for a moment, before she and the other had their jaws dropped and eyes bugged out as they noticed that Carrot was with them. All: "HUH?!" Nami: "Carrot?!" Luffy: "What are you doing here on the ship?!" Chopper: "Little sis?!" Jimbei: "Carrot?, but why are you here?, and for that matter, how are you here?" Carrot: "Um... well I decided to tag along, as a member of the crew." All: "WHAT?!" Carrot: "Well... I was worried if you wouldn't have me... so I stowed away in one of the barrels you stored here from Wano... please don't send me back to Zou!, I wanna tag along and help you-Tia, just like how you helped me and my people!" Sanji: "Well... I wouldn't mind having you tag along Carrot, but can you defend yourself?" Nami: "Of course she can, she did saved us one time back at Whole Cake island after all." Chopper: "I would love to have her in the crew too, she's like a little sister to me." Robin: "Well the choice is up to Luffy, he's the captain after all." Luffy: "Hmm... well it's not like we can send her back now, we might as well have her tag along." Carrot: "Really?, thank you-Tia!, you won't regret this, anyway, Carrot the rabbit mink, the Straw Hat's lookout at your service." said Carrot as she did a salute to the crew. Zoro: "A lookout huh?, well I guess that's a good role for her." Sanji: "Hey... Carrot said that she stowed away here in a barrel right?, I guess that means we managed to get two stowaways on the ship." said Sanji, looking at the a barrel that was moving, due to having Caribou inside, who was being a prisoner to the Straw Hats again. Caribou: "Get me out of here!, come on you guys!, you wouldn't have won your battle in Wano if it weren't for me!" Sanji: "That might be true, but you're still a creep who attempted to kidnap Shirahoshi, not to mention you would have tried to kill us when you get the chance." Caribou: "Oh come on, you're still mad about that?!" that was when Luffy finally managed to get out of his cage and looks into the newspaper, and was surprised by the other news in it. Luffy: "Hey... it says that with Kaido and Big Mom no more, there are two pirates who have taken their place as emperors of the sea..." Carrot: "Really?, who?" Luffy: "Hmm... whoa!, it says that one of them is me!" Zoro: "No surprise there, you did took down Kaido." Conis: "Who's the other one?" Luffy: "Uh... huh?!, Buggy?!" yelped Luffy, as the paper shows and tells about Buggy being the other pirate who claimed the title as emperor after convincing both Crocodile and Mihawk to join his crew. Nami: "No way... that clown is an emperor now?" Usopp: "Hold on, Crocodile and Mihawk teamed up with him?" Zoro: "That can't be... Mihawk wouldn't just join a pirate crew, what about his title as warlord." Nami: "Funny thing... it says that the Reverie made a decision that abolished the warlord system... mean that they're normal pirates again." Robin: "No surprise, after what happened in Alabasta and Dressrosa... it's only natural that some royal families believed that the warlords were too dangerous to be free." Carrot: "Were the warlords really that bad?" Chopper: "Well not all of the warlords, I mean Jimbei was once one of the warlords before he quit, and there was also Hancock, as she helped Luffy when we got separated 2 years ago." Robin: "And let's not forget about Kuma, he was the one who saved us back at our first trip at Sabaody as well." Zoro: "Then there's Mihawk, he trained me to become a better swordsman in the passed 2 years... not sure why he would go work for Buggy though..." Usopp: "Yeah... but the other warlords were just really evil guys, like Crocodile who tried to take over Alabasta 2 years ago... Moria who steals shadows of not just shadows but innocent people as well... and don't even get me started on Dolflamingo who used strings to control and hurt other people in Dressrosa..." Robin: "Not to mention that Dolflamingo was the one helping Caesar making those SMILE fruit for Kaido and his crew." Carrot: "Oh yeah... Gidget told me about that..." Nami: "Hey.... It says here to Buggy has put bounties on some marines." Usopp: "What?!, you mean marines have bounty hunters coming after them now?" Nami: "Yeah... with Buggy's connection with the Black market, he's able to get the cash to put the bounties on them..." Chopper: "Wow... I never heard of marines being wanted before... guess they'll have to be on their guard now..." Luffy: "I still don't believe that Sabo would kill Vivi's dad, it's nothing but a lie!" Robin: "Hmm... if you ask me... I believe the Government were the true killers and put the blame on Sabo... probably to make the revolutionary army look bad..." Vivi: "But why would they kill him in the first place?, it makes no sense..." Usopp: "Maybe because you're one of us?" Robin: "I believe there's more to it... but what could it be... that's the real mystery..." Vivi: "Maybe... but one thing's for sure... the picture shows that my father is gone... forever..." said Vivi, as she begins to cry again, before Luffy went to place his hat on Vivi's head and hugged her. Luffy: "It's okay Vivi... we're here... and I can promise you this... whoever your dad's true killer is... he's gonna pay..." Vivi: "... Thank you..." Conis: "You're very welcome, we are crew mates after all, not to mention friends and a family." Nami: "She's right, we'll be with you no matter what." Franky: "Yeah, and if we find the one who took the life of our sis's dad, we'll give him the super butt kicking of a life time!" Brook: "That's for sure, we'll keep you safe as well." Karoo: "Quack!" Su: "Suu~!" Vivi: "... You guys... thank you..." said Vivi, as she began to shed some more tears, sad about her father's passing, and happy to know that her friends are here to help her.

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