15 ― love, decha.

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❝ this isn't love, simon

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this isn't love, simon.


The two had been hanging out a lot—playing video games, watching movies, and practicing their karate skills. They even discovered that they both liked to play Dungeon Lord. Hawk was shocked to find out that Decha liked to play, pointing out that he has stopped playing because it was too nerdy. Decha managed to convince him that it wasn't. If a guy as cool as Decha thought that Dungeon Lord wasn't totally lame, then maybe Hawk didn't have to give it up. They spent nearly four hours playing together one afternoon.

When they weren't playing video games, they were showing each other their favorite movies. Decha liked one movie in particular though. In the past few weeks, Hawk had seen Labyrinth more times than he thought was possible. It didn't seem to matter how much Hawk tried to convince him to pick another movie to watch, most of the time, he insisted on Labyrinth. He had other favorites, but nothing else compared.

It had gotten to the point where Hawk could quote the entire movie without missing a word. He didn't complain about it though. He was just happy to be spending so much time with Decha.

He also learned more about him—things that went beyond the rumors that went around school about him. Hawk had always thought that Decha was just your average playboy who found himself in trouble ninety-five percent of the time, but he was slowly learning that there was more to him than that.

Decha was also having fun getting to know Hawk. He didn't think they would have so much in common.

As he sat at his computer, playing Dungeon Lord, he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Decha didn't look away from the computer screen as he told whoever it was to come in. He didn't even know it was Achara until she spoke.

"Is this how you're going to spend the day?" she asked him. "Playing your nerdy little game with your new boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Decha replied. "We're friends."

"Yeah, try telling him that," Achara responded.

"What do you want?" Decha asked, annoyed.

"A bunch of us are about to go to the beach—me, Miguel, Hawk, Moon and Bert," Achara told him. "And Demetri will be there."

Decha turned his head quickly. "Demetri will be there?"

"I knew that would get your attention," Achara laughed. "So, are you coming or not?"

Decha exited the game and closed down his laptop. "Just let me get changed."

Achara just continued to laugh. "Somebody's eager."

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