23 ― love is torture.

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❝ just breathe

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just breathe. in and out. ❞


She texted Decha, inviting him and Achara. She had never been anything but nice to them both, so when she asked if they wanted to come to her back to school bash, they couldn't say no. Decha was never one to pass up a good party. Achara and Decha drove to the party together.

When they arrived, they met up with the rest of Cobra Kai. Achara immediately walked up to Miguel and gave him a kiss. Decha did the same with Hawk. After hearing what Demetri had said the night of their birthday, Achara couldn't help but roll her eyes every time she saw Decha and Hawk be affectionate. She was happy for her brother, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Decha didn't actually like Hawk.

Achara turned away from the two boys and looked around for Tory, but she was met with the bright blue eyes of Samantha LaRusso instead. Behind her followed Robby and the rest of Miyagi-Do. Upon seeing her face drop, Decha turned to see what she was staring at. His eyes instantly landed on Demetri. He could feel Hawk tense up next to him. He tried placing his hand on his shoulder to help ease him, but it didn't seem to do any good. His birthday was over and now, it was back to thinking Demetri was the enemy.

Tory entered through the back door. She turned to see what everyone was looking at. She grabbed Achara's hand and dragged her away. "Let's go."

Miguel followed after them, glancing at Sam as he passed her.

Decha stayed with Hawk, taking a seat next to him on the couch. Hawk placed his arm around Decha's shoulder, still staring at Demetri. With a roll of his eyes, Demetri walked away. Decha watched him leave, carrying a board game. A small smile appeared on his face. That was such a Demetri thing to do.

He turned back to Hawk and smiled at him. "I'm gonna
go get a drink, okay?"

Hawk nodded. Decha stood up and walked in the direction of the kitchen. Several different bottles of alcohol were set out on the counter. There was also a keg off to the side. Decha grabbed a red cup and opted for the beer from the keg. He took a sip as he walked back into the living room.

When he took a seat next to Hawk, a dance battle was starting. Decha continued to drink as he watched the dancing. In just a few minutes, he was getting back up to refill his cup.


Achara stood outside with Miguel, cheering Tory on as she stood on a stool with one leg, playing a drinking game against a boy she didn't know. The boy started to stumble and then fell off the stool, making Tory the winner. Achara cheered Tory's name.

"Winner and still the champion!" Miguel cheered. "Tory!"

Tory laughed as the partygoers around her cheered and
hollered. "What do you say, Achara? You think you can beat me?"

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