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❝ we all need to look ourselves in the mirror and realize who we really are

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we all need to look ourselves in the mirror and realize who we really are.


It wasn't a matter of if Robby would join Cobra Kai. It was a matter of when he would join. When seemed to be a few days after the LaRusso house fight. She hadn't been too surprised to see him standing in front of the wall containing the Cobra Kai motto, sporting a white Cobra Kai gi. She couldn't stop herself from smiling.

The rest of the Cobras on the other hand, hadn't shared her excitement to have him there.

"Get a load of this chump," Kyler was the first one to speak up. "What are you doing here?"

"Sensei Kreese isn't back yet, so I'm gonna get you guys warmed up," Robby explained.

"You've never been a part of this team and you think you're our sensei?" Kyler questioned him. "Get the hell out of here, man."

Achara rolled her eyes at him. "Shut the hell up, Kyler. You literally just joined Cobra Kai like ten minutes ago."

Kyler gave her an offended look, but Tory pitched in before he had the chance to respond. "Who says we even want you?"

Robby stared at them, thinking for a moment. "Okay, hit me. Any of you. If any of you can land a hit, I'll go."

"All right," Kyler said as he kicked his leg in Robby's direction.

Robby dodged out of the way and then kicked his legs out from under him. Kyler fell to the mat with a groan.

"Who's next?" Robby asked.

The next person went, not even getting the chance to swing a punch or land a kick before Robby shoved him to the ground with a kick to his abdomen. One after the other, the Cobra Kai students attempted to land a hit, but Robby's reflexes were too quick, beating every single one of them before they even came close.

Only Tory and Achara remained. They stood on the mat, watching as Robby kicked, punched, and threw their fellow students to the floor.

"You're just gonna watch?" Robby asked, looking directly at Tory.

She lunged her fist at him, but he dodged. When she swung a kick in his direction, aiming for his face, he moved swiftly out of the way. She tried to punch him again, but he blocked her fist and grabbed her arm, spinning her body around before shoving her forward. Tory was determined not to give up.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now