45 ― don't let cobra kai win.

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❝ you know, i can't believe you two let a boy come between you

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you know, i can't believe you two let a boy come between you.


Since Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do decided to go their separate ways, they had resorted to having practice in a smelly, old warehouse that had seen better days. Sensei Lawrence stood in front of his students; the Eagle Fang logo plastered on the wall behind him.

He was droning on and on about the news from the board members in charge of the All Valley. There was entirely new additions to the structure of the tournament, additions that Sensei Lawrence wasn't too happy about.

"This is the worst thing that could have happened to us," Sensei Lawrence said as he held a piece of paper up in the air. "Skills competition, bullshit. Kata isn't karate. It's dancing."

Johnny continued to pace back and forth. "What's this crap about a girls' division? Thought they were all about women's lib. They ought to man up and take a punch like the rest of us."

"Sensei, it sounds like we could use some female students," Miguel spoke up.

Sensei Lawrence sighed as he shrugged. "Fine. Do any of you know any girls?"

None of the boys made a sound. Decha knew plenty of girls, but girls who would be interested in karate? There weren't many options. He also didn't know very many girls who didn't hate his mere existence.

Sensei sighed in disappointment. "Of course you don't know any girls."

Bert raised his hand in the air. "There's this girl from the debate team."

"Debate team?" Sensei Lawrence questioned. "We need killers, not more nerds." He turned to Decha. "What about Achara?"

Decha shook his head. "She's giving us information on Cobra Kai, remember?"

Sensei Lawrence looked down at the ground. "Right...all right, go run some laps. Maybe it'll jog your memories. Try not to breathe too much. There's black mold in the corner."

As the rest of the boys took off jogging, Decha continued to stand next to Miguel.

"Look, Sensei, I-I know things got heated at Miyagi-Do," Miguel stepped closer to him, "but with these new changes, I think having Sam on our team would really help. So, maybe if you could talk to Mr. LaRusso—"

"I have nothing to say to him, all right?" Sensei Lawrence interrupted him. "We're better off without him. It's time for us to take care of our own business. We'll find a girl champ, don't worry. All right, now get running."

Miguel nodded. "Yeah."

He bowed at him before turning on his feet and starting to run away. Decha watched him run until he turned the corner. He turned his attention back to Johnny. He stared at him until he yelled at him to start running. Decha rolled his eyes before he slowly started to jog.

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