33 ― it's just too little too late.

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❝ it's too late to beg

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it's too late to beg.


He pulled him down the hallway and to the side before he cornered him against the wall. Demetri gave him a confused look. He held out his hand and placed it on Decha's chest, pushing him away. Decha raised an eyebrow at him and stepped closer once again.

"So, you'll kiss me in private but not in public?" Decha asked, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.

"That was one time after you signed my cast and you drove me home," Demetri told him. "I wasn't thinking. It was impulsive and it'll never happen again. Not to mention, we're in school."

Decha gave him an upside down smile. "Never again, huh?"

Demetri nodded. "Never again, Hobbit."

Decha smiled and then bit his bottom lip. "You can't call me that and expect me to not want to kiss you."

"Any normal person would be turned off by being called a hobbit," Demetri replied. "But then again, when have you ever been known to be normal?"

Decha shrugged and then leaned in close to him. Demetri could feel his breath on his ear.

"Normal isn't in my vocabulary," Decha whispered in his ear.

Demetri gulped. "You know, I don't really think it was necessary to whisper that in my ear. You definitely could have said that out loud."

"Would you shut up and let me kiss you already?" Decha asked, moving his head so that he could look him in the eyes.

Demetri inhaled a breath. As he exhaled, he rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. But no more times after this, all right? Not until we're officially dating."

Decha furrowed his eyebrows. "Are we not?"

"You haven't asked me," Demetri responded. "I just assumed we had a friends with benefits situation going on...is that not what this is?"

Decha shook his head. "Definitely not."


"Go out with me?" Decha asked. "Like, officially?"

A small smile tugged at Demetri's lips as he nodded his head. Decha smiled back at him before tilting his head. Their lips finally met. Decha pushed Demetri back into the wall gently, making sure to be careful of his arm. Decha placed his hand on the back of Demetri's head as Demetri's hand rested on his shoulder.

The kiss became frenzied the more their lips moved together. Decha slowly snaked his other hand onto Demetri's hip, pulling him closer. The sound footsteps that echoed through the hallway and the chatter from the people passing them might as well have been nonexistent. The only sounds that played in Decha's ears were their lips smacking together and the faint sound of Demetri's breaths.

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