10 ― parties and drinking and fights, oh my!

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❝ live in the moment, remember? ❞

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live in the moment, remember?


She wanted to text and call him, but her phone had shattered the night Miguel went to the skatepark. Her backpack hadn't been zipped up and it had fallen out, shattering on the ground. Achara never got Decha's text. Decha had been trying to contact Miguel that night to explain to him that Robby was just a friend. He didn't get the chance because when his parents got home that night, his phone was taken away for failing history and math.

The twins had no way of contacting anyone. They had no way of communicating with Miguel and trying to explain the situation. Achara had even gone by Miguel's house, but he wasn't there. Achara doesn't speak Spanish, so she had no idea what Miguel's Yaya was saying.

It wasn't until Decha snuck into his parents' room and found his phone in his mom's nightstand that he found out where Miguel was. Hawk had sent him a text saying that he, Demetri, Miguel, and Aisha were hanging out at the park.

When Decha told Achara where he was, he had to run to catch up with her to get in the car. Achara was speeding, and Decha was actually paranoid that they were going to get pulled over.

When they reached the park, Achara ran up to Miguel who was moping on the bench next to Demetri and Aisha. Decha ran behind her.

"Miguel!" Achara yelled.

"Achara?" Miguel asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you," Achara told him. "Listen, Robby's just a friend, okay? I've known him since elementary school. There's nothing between us."

"Why'd you have your head on his shoulder all romantic then?" Hawk asked.

"It wasn't like that," Achara responded. "I was upset, and he was comforting me."

"Really?" Miguel asked.

Achara nodded. "Yes, I swear."

"Why didn't you answer any of my texts?" Miguel asked.

"When I was going home, my phone fell out of my backpack and it shattered," Achara told him. "It's so bad it won't even turn on."

"Sounds a little too convenient," Hawk remarked.

"Shut up, Hawk," Miguel said to him. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. It's just...the way he was looking at you didn't seem friendly."

Achara shook her head. "I promise you, it's not like that at all."

"Okay," Miguel replied.

"Okay?" Achara repeated. "So does that mean we're good?"

Miguel nodded and smiled. "Yeah, we're good."

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