47 ― the twins in the spider's web.

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❝ don't worry, i'm fine

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don't worry, i'm fine.


Instead of wearing their gis, Silver had asked them to wear the new Cobra Kai gear. Achara hated every single second that it took to put it on. Even more so, she hated wearing it and the fact that everywhere she looked, she was met with the awful snake prints and clashing colors.

And just because the universe seemed to want to add fuel to the already burning fire, Achara felt like she couldn't talk to Tory. She was constantly surrounded by a crowd of other students whether it be at the dojo or at school. Thinking that maybe they just needed to spend more time together without anyone else around, Achara tried to plan a date with Tory on multiple occasions. But it seemed like she always had an excuse.

It was always either that she was working, or she had too much homework. Achara even offered to help her with her assignments, but Tory had insisted that she could do it on her own. With every passing day, breaking up with Tory was starting to seem like more of a wise decision.

Achara even felt like she couldn't talk to Robby. When he first joined Cobra Kai and they had rekindled their friendship, Achara thought they'd be closer than they ever were before. That wasn't the case. Robby spent most of this time coaching and training with Kenny. He had also begun to let Cobra Kai get into his head and Achara felt like the only thing she could do was sit back and watch Robby he got pulled in deeper and deeper into the snake pit.

Achara sighed. The tournament couldn't come fast enough.

"Class, fall in," Kreese's voice rang out.

Achara stepped onto the mat, claiming her usual spot between Tory and Robby. She glanced at Tory, sending her a small smile. Tory smiled back at her for a brief second before directing her attention towards their senseis.

"Today we have a very important lesson, don't we, Sensei Silver?" Kreese asked.

"Yes, we do," Silver responded. "Weakness."

"Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible," Kreese started to explain.

"At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness," Silver continued. "And make no mistake, we all have one."

"Sensei Kreese doesn't," Tory spoke up.

Achara furrowed her brows. She knew that Tory and Kreese had a bond and that he had helped her through some tough times. Tory always spoke so highly of Kreese. She refused to see anything but the good in him. He had helped her so many times that it was as if she thought he could do nothing wrong.

Despite the positive affirmations and encouragement that Achara got from Kreese when it came to fighting and the tournament, she knew that when it came to Kreese, Tory would always come first.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now