28 ― don't poke the hawk.

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❝ decha and me? we're practically the dream team

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decha and me? we're practically the dream team.


Achara and Decha stood next to each other on the mat at Cobra Kai, listening to Kreese's speech. In front of them was a wooden log with a bonsai tree placed on top of it.

"Even if you think they're weaker than you, you always have to stay one step ahead of them," Kreese continued as he walked around the mat. "That's the only way to guarantee a victory. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

"Good. Now, let's see if you truly understand the lesson," Kreese told them, going to stand next to the tree. "I want you to kick this tree off the top. Red, you start."

A boy with red hair stepped up to the log, assuming a fighting position. He attempted to lift his leg high enough to kick the tree. As he tumbled to the mat, the fabric of his gi tore.

Kreese crossed his arms. "Pathetic. Rickenberger, show him."

Doug Rickenberger, one of the guys who had helped Hawk gang up on Demetri during the mall fight, stepped closer. He ran at the tree, jumping up and then trying to do a swing hook kick. He missed the tree, stumbling to the floor with a groan followed by a whimper.

"Stop your sniveling," Kreese said, unimpressed.

Achara stared at the log, moving her eyes up to the tree. She had an idea.

"I can do it, Sensei," Hawk volunteered before she had the chance.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kreese asked.

Hawk stepped directly in front of the log, looking up and down at it.

"Don't you want a running start?" Kreese questioned him.

"Don't need one," Hawk replied.

He kicked the log, sending it tumbling to the mat and sending the bonsai tree falling. The pot that held the tree clattered to the ground as dirt flew everywhere. Achara smiled. That's exactly what she was going to do. She just wished she had volunteered before Hawk and gotten the credit for it.

Kreese began to chuckle. "Not bad. Not bad at all."

"But he cheated," Rickenberger protested as Hawk stepped back in his place.

Kreese turned, side-eying him. "No, he didn't. Unlike you, he did exactly what I asked him to do. If your mind is agile, so are you. That's the best way to beat your enemy."

He started to walk around, in front of his students. "Not just with brute strength. But you have to fight smart. Do that, and you'll always come out on top."

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