12 ― point, thirasawat!

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❝ you chose the wrong side

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you chose the wrong side .


"Welcome, everyone, to the 50th annual All Valley Under 18 Karate Championship!" the announcer spoke into the microphone. "You'll love the new mats!" He laughed. "All right, let's start by welcoming all the local dojos competing today."

Achara took a deep breath. She felt nervous and she couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Miguel. It was like a pressure that was weighing her down, filling her entire body into an intense feeling of stress. She just needed to talk to him. She needed to understand why it happened, but first, he needed to get ahold of herself and walk out there and fight.

She couldn't let what happened distract her from winning until she had the chance to talk to him.

"From Reseda, returning to the tournament, we have—"

"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" the Cobras, led by Miguel, chanted repeatedly as they emerged from the locker rooms.

"Now that's what I call an entrance!" the announcer said. "And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai.

Decha glanced around, looking for his parents. Instead, he found Demetri. Decha nodded in Demetri's direction, but he quickly turned away, ignoring him. Decha stared at him a few seconds longer before he faced forward. He didn't understand. He thought that everything was going well between them and that after they kissed, that maybe Demetri was starting to like him. But after he ran off so suddenly in panic, Decha wasn't sure what to think. Now, he couldn't even look at him.

"And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene!"

Achara's eyebrows knitted together. She turned to look at Decha who stood right beside her. He turned his head to face her, the same look of confusion mirrored her own. The twins watched as Robby ran past them, not even daring to look at them.

"All right, folks. Get ready," the announcer said. "It's karate time."

The audience clapped and cheered as he walked off the stage.

The fighting began.

Achara's first opponent was a guy from Yoshukai Karate. He took one look at her and chuckled to himself, looking her up and down as he took notice of her tiny frame. She couldn't wait to wipe that smug expression right off his face.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now