52 ― it's karate time.

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❝ if we're going to fight, then we're going to do it right

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if we're going to fight, then we're going
to do it right.


That was the only word that came to mind as Achara and Decha waited for the tournament to begin. Achara chewed on the inside of her cheek, causing a brand new blister to form where her old one had just managed to heal. She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes. As she exhaled, she felt like she had a lump in her throat that was preventing her from being able to breathe properly.

All Decha could seem to do was shake. His hands were shaking, and his legs felt like they were going to give out at any second as he waited for Eagle Fang to be called. To make matters even worse, he had a splitting headache that wouldn't seem to go away no matter what he did. He knew he only had himself to blame for it. He was the one who decided to stay up half the night drinking in hopes that it would help take the edge off. It had not. He also hoped that it would help him get at least a little sleep. It did not.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Daryl's voice echoed through the arena as he spoke into the microphone, "...you've been waiting a long time, but we're finally here."

The twins could hear the audience cheering at clapping.

"Dojos from all across the Valley have been training for a year for their shot at glory," Daryl continued. "You ready to meet 'em?"

The crowd erupted into more cheers and claps.

"You? You?" Daryl pointed in the crowd and then chuckled before announcing the dojos. "All right. This dojo and sensei need no introduction. He took the All Valley by storm in 1984 and '85 and quickly became one of the greatest underdogs in the history of the sport. Last year, this dojo came out of nowhere and made it to the finals. They've got some new fighters, and they're teddy to show the world that they're the best around."

Daryl paused and then spoke again, "Give it up for Miyagi-Do Karate, led by two-time All Valley Champion, Daniel LaRusso!"

The crowd continued to cheer as Miyagi-Do ran out, taking their place on the mat.

"This next dojo took last year's title," Daryl began to announce. "But they're under new management. Can they reign supreme once more? And last year's runner up. He may be wearing a new gi, but one thing's for sure, Robby Keene and his team are ready to strike!"

Achara inhaled one last deep breath through nose, counting to ten before she slowly exhaled.

"Hailing from Reseda, defending champions, and still the most badass name for a dojo, here comes Cobra Kai!"

Achara straightened her posture as she walked out onto the mat with Robby by her side. She was behind Silver while he was behind Kreese. The other students followed behind them as they lined up on the mat, waiting for the other dojos to be announced.

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