11 ― we've got a tournament to win.

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❝ you don't just give up because you're heartbroken

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you don't just give up because you're heartbroken.


At the sight of her, he jumped up to his feet. Achara didn't cry. The last time he had seen so many tears and heard her sob, they were eleven and Achara had broken her arm when she fell off her skateboard. Even then, she hadn't cried as hard as she was in that moment.

Achara ran into Decha's arms, sobbing into his chest. Decha placed his hand on the back of her head to comfort her.

"What's wrong?" Decha asked calmly in a soothing voice. "Chara, tell me what's wrong."

Achara just shook her head and continued to sob violently, hyperventilating as her entire body shook. She couldn't catch her breath long enough to form words.

"Chara, it's okay," Decha tried to reassure her. "Whatever happened, you're okay."

"No..." Achara choked out, her voice sounding broken.

"Tell me what happened," Decha told her. "You have to tell me what happened so I can know how to help you."

Achara's spoke between staggered breaths, Decha wasn't able to catch every single word but he got the just of it. "Miguel...fought...Robby...pushed...him...Miguel...hit...me...accident..."

"Miguel started a fight with Robby and hit you on accident?" Decha asked.

Achara nodded. "He..."

"Shh, it's okay," Decha hugged her tighter. "You're okay. Let's go home, all right? Let's just go home."

Decha let go of her, but she clung to him. Decha managed to pull her off and he grabbed her hand as he walked towards Aisha.

"Oh my god," Aisha looked at Achara. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Can you drive us home, Aisha?" Decha asked her. "She can't drive...not in this state and I haven't gotten my license back yet. Please."

Aisha shook her head. "I—I've been drinking a lot. I really don't think I should. I—"

"There's not a single person standing on this beach who hasn't been drinking," Decha said as Achara continued to sob next to him.

"I can do it," Moon volunteered. "I've only had one drink. You just have to give me directions, okay?"

"Thank you, Moon," Decha replied.

"How're we getting home?" Hawk asked. "Achara was our driver..."

Moon turned to him. "Don't worry. I'll take Achara's van to drive them home and then I'll come back to pick you guys up. After I've dropped everyone off at home, I'll drive back to Achara and Decha's and call my mom to pick me up. Is that okay?

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now